Especialización en Higiene, Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

URI permanente para esta colección


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  • Ítem
    Propuesta de mejora para un Espacio de Trabajo en un Laboratorio de Análisis de Medicamentos, teniendo en cuenta la Normatividad Vigente
    Suárez García, Andrés Felipe; Jimenez Parra, Jairo
    The main objective of this document is to present an improvement proposal for a physicochemical analysis laboratory. To achieve this, a risk analysis methodology will be used, allowing the identification and evaluation of possible chemical, mechanical and physical risks present in the workplace. Based on the evidence obtained, a work space will be proposed that complies with national and international regulations related to the dangers and risks to which workers are exposed.
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    Estudio de las condiciones de ruido e iluminación en la empresa Polimes S.A.S para generar un programa de prevención de riesgo físico
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Zabala Solano, Brayan Daniel; Toledo Bueno, Carlos Augusto
    In order to publicize the effects on the health of employees who are exposed to the noise produced by injection machines, mills and pneumatic machines; The aim is to determine the preventive measures that allow improving working conditions, seeking the well-being of the collaborators, for this it is essential that the organization acquires knowledge about the adverse effects that excessive noise can cause on the collaborators who are exposed, in order to to propose preventive measures to contribute to the well-being of workers, improving their safety and health, which contributes to greater productivity, in this way staff turnover and expenses derived from this process will be reduced, the commitment of the companies will be improved. people as compensation for the protection of their well-being, avoiding legal processes and compensation.
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    Análisis de las condiciones de los puestos de trabajo remoto generados a partir de la pandemia covid-19
    García Parra, Leydi Tatiana; Umaña Villamizar, Flor de María
    Initially we can determine that the pandemic was a sudden change in the lives of all Colombians, because we did not have sufficient facilities or procedures to face this public health calamity. In addition to this, there were moments of uncertainty because many companies began to lay off their staff after not finding a solution regarding the confinement measures that were taken at the beginning of this pandemic. Subsequently, some companies found a solution in teleworking or remote work, which allowed employees to carry out their daily tasks from their places of residence, which was implemented and to this day has been an excellent option for entrepreneurs. However, it is very important to highlight that the homes did not have adequate spaces to be able to work from home, since there were no comfortable conditions to guarantee a good work environment, such as adequate lighting, ergonomic chairs and desks, spaces free of stress and distractions, internet quality, deficiencies in communication, among others. For this reason, it is important to analyze the conditions of remote jobs in order to stipulate the changes that must be made to achieve a job in accordance with the needs of the collaborators, establish the consequences that may be generated from the decrease in the well-being of the workers, and the alterations in their specific routines derived from work. The above, in order to establish measures that contribute to the improvement of teleworking positions and prevent occupational diseases related to them.
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    Caracterización, evaluación y definición de controles para riesgos en seguridad vial para la empresa cts de acuerdo a la resolución 40595 del 2022
    Alvarado Vargas, Jessica Andrea; Saavedra Angulo, Heberto
    From the workplace, it is necessary for companies to demonstrate all possible diligence regarding the care of their workers, implementing risk prevention models to identify, assess and determine controls aimed at eliminating or mitigating risk, through the structuring of action plans, focused on the development of programs in favor of safety, the redesign of processes, the substitution of raw materials, the selection and appropriate use of personal protection elements and the promotion of a culture of self-care in the worker. In terms of road safety, organizations must be committed to defining policies and concrete actions to achieve the purposes of preventing road accidents, facilitating the implementation of the steps established in the methodology of the Strategic Road Safety Plans – PESV, documented in Resolution 40595 of 2022 and defining the processes involved. the responsible parties and their activities, the evaluation mechanisms and the monitoring. To contribute to this, this project is being developed, which consists of the characterization of road risk, in accordance with the activities of the Sisga Transversal Concession, its assessment and the definition of prioritized control activities and programs in accordance with what is defined in the identification and evaluation process. The procedure and the matrix presented are elaborated in order to provide elements for the Concession to make decisions, prioritize controls and modify its road culture, emphasizing knowledge and voluntary compliance with traffic rules, increasing the perception of risk when moving and co-responsibility by promoting a supportive and responsible use of public space. through awareness with road intelligence, additionally, contribute to compliance with current legislation on the subject.
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    Identificación de peligros, evaluación, valoración de riesgos laborales y estimación de controles en el taller automotriz T.S. bajo la metodología OiRA
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Verdecia, Lina; Sanchez, Wendy; Saavedra, Heberto
    The present work was carried out in the T.S Automotive Workshop, located within the city of Bogotá, in the town of Barrios Unidos, its objective is the identification of hazards, evaluation and assessment of occupational risks and the estimation of controls. Currently, the Workshop does not have an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST), so this research will serve as a starting point for the design of the SG-SST. The implemented methodology began with an analysis of the current conditions of the Workshop, carrying out an inspection at the workplace and a survey of collaborators. This diagnosis showed that the Workshop has some prevention measures for risk situations that may arise, however, they still need to implement control measures. The project continues with the identification of hazards, evaluation and risk assessment through the OiRA methodology, which is an EU-OSHA platform that adapts to small companies and different economic sectors. The work concludes by establishing the mechanisms for the prevention of occupational risks and the correction of processes in the workers dedicated to the brasswork, mechanics, painting and administration activities of the T.S. Automotive Workshop, this will be of great importance for the Workshop which will benefit in the reduction of work accidents and the possible absenteeism that would be generated by collaborators, increasing the productivity and profits of the Workshop. Finally, a cost-benefit analysis was carried out to justify the implementation of these measures and determine the importance of keeping track of the dangers and risks found.
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    Programa de prevención y protección contra caídas de trabajo en alturas de valor S.A.
    Celi Hernandez, Anayibe Andrea; León Castillo, Karen Jacqueline; Rojas Mendez, Jeimmy Elvira
    The objective of the present project of a degree has been the structuring of the main administrative control of the risks of the fall of people and objects to a different level, "The Program of Prevention and Protection against Falls" for the construction company VALOR SA. It started from the contextualization about the construction sector, the construction methods used by the company and the on-site diagnosis of the needs in the matter of safety conditions for work at heights, permitting to identify risks to achieve prevention and protection measures to construction of buildings, safe work procedures, the matrix of equipment, the analysis of the costs of the accident associated with the elaboration of communicative pieces to guarantee a future disclosure and implementation of the program.
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    Propuesta de programa de promoción de la salud y prevención de patología vocal en los docentes de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
    Rozo Parra , Sahra Alejandra; Rodríguez Castillo , Sandra
    University professors tend to have long workdays, during which few take active breaks focused on vocal health and hygiene. This is why the voice plays a fundamental role in the occupational performance of teachers, as it is considered their main work tool. The voice, for its part, can be influenced by different factors ranging from environmental aspects to personal habits, which can have effects on vocal health. This research project is carried out from a qualitative, quantitative, and descriptive approach that aims to generate a proposal for a preventive epidemiological surveillance program to raise awareness among teachers about vocal habits and especially the early identification of symptoms related to vocal pathologies. Teachers, when they present a vocal pathology such as dysphonia, tend to continue their activities as normal if it is not considered "serious". By doing this, they do not take into account the impact it has on vocal health and how it can influence the development of activities. The acquisition of these pathologies is mostly preventable, which means that with early detection it is possible to reduce indicators of absenteeism and even loss of work capacity. To this end, an analysis of vocal conditions will be generated with an acoustic analysis of the voice, in order to provide a program of healthy vocal habits that will have evaluation and intervention criteria. Based on the analysis of the information, it was found that on the GIRBAS scale, 80% of the participants have a mild degree due to the presence of roughness and breathiness. On the other hand, dry mouth, laryngeal hydration, and vocal rest are the most relevant habits in the study, since between 60% and 80% of the population report having these habits.
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    Evaluación en la manipulación de carga en la empresa CCC LOGISTICOL SAS mediante la ecuación NIOSH
    Villa González, Angie Lorena; Lombana Charfuelan, Jenny Margoth; Ochoa Rodriguez, Julio Fernando; 0000-0002-2904-5961
    In this work, the level of ergonomic risk with musculoskeletal disorders present in manual lifting of loads in the C.C.C company is analyzed. LOGISTICOL S.A.S. through the evaluation of the risk associated with the task of loading and unloading merchandise in the Cota-Funza warehouse with a total of 45 workers at risk of very high exposure to biomechanical risks. For this, 3 objectives were developed; First, the difficulty in manually lifting loads was estimated through assessment of the physical load following the NTP 177 guide and it was concluded that the thermal load has a total value of 373 Kcal/hour, which shows that the unloading of merchandise in the undertaking may be considered a heavy physically demanding job; Second, the assessment of the risk of thermal stress was carried out: WBGT index in the loading and unloading area, which resulted in 16.79°C. Based on this value and according to NTP 322, it is concluded that there is no thermal stress, on the contrary, there is thermal discomfort and finally the level of ergonomic risk was determined according to the NIOSH equation, for which the analysis was carried out. with the highest frequency and weight products; The factors of height, asymmetry, frequency and grip were determined. Based on the above, it was determined that among the factors that most affect the health of workers is the 45° turn with the trunk that they perform repetitively to carry a significant weight, the low recovery times between tasks, adding to a poor grip factor due to the poor design of the boxes since it does not have perforated handles or handles for greater grip and not all products come with optimal designs and in some cases they are bulky. In general, it is advisable to study the job and make modifications. The work ends with some recommendations that the company can put into practice, among which the elimination of horizontal distances, the reduction of load sizes, improvements in the arrangement of the load at a height that avoids discharges above the of the shoulders and lifts close to the ground, using load management techniques that allow the use of the leg muscles more than the back muscles. This requires joint work between the workers and the management of the company since a training process, modification of tasks, work times and frequencies, as well as job rotation, periodic medical evaluation and improvements to the training program will be necessary. Epidemiological surveillance against musculoskeletal disorders, to follow up on all cases that occur. Given that the company has several offices in the country, it is proposed that the study be carried out on all platforms to provide a broader scope with activities in favor of the worker.
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    Evaluación de las condiciones de iluminación en la jornada nocturna durante el alistamiento de vehículos para el servicio del sistema integrado de tansporte público masivo de pasajeros en la ciudad de bogotá
    Rincón Moreno, Jorge Alexandro; Angie Jeanette, Roa Vargas; Sosa Montaño, Cristiam Alejandro; Ochoa Rodríguez, Julio Fernando; Julio Fernando Ochoa Rodríguez [0000-0002-2904-5961]
    This project contains the methodological application, to study the lighting conditions at night during the vehicle fleet enlistment activities of the SITP massive passenger transport system in the southeastern zone in Bogotá city, the amount of light projected on the work area in vehicle preparation activities (includes tanking, washing, maintenance and parking processes) and is contrasted with the applicable regulatory standard, conclusions and improvement plans are established in accordance with the verification of parameters Ideal for study areas. The execution of the project includes the measurement of the lighting conditions in the staging areas where deficiencies were identified for the development of work activities, then the lighting requirements are documented in accordance with the norms and standards, focused on seeking precision in tasks and lighting comfort; Finally, the measurements (assessed conditions) were contrasted with the requirements to obtain the parameters that allow defining the night work conditions in the evaluated industrial safety component.
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    Diseño de un plan de acción para el manejo de manifestaciones, para garantizar la seguridad de los trabajadores, estudiantes y visitantes de la universidad distrital Francisco José de Caldas
    Suárez Valencia, Leady Angélica; Saavedra, Heberto
    Design and document a set of organized actions with the purpose of having a scheme or procedure to give an immediate response to the occurrence of emergency situations that may be followed by the demonstrations of the students of all the campuses of the Francisco José de District University. Caldas, with the main purpose of guaranteeing the safety of workers, students and their visitors; In addition to this, verify the scope of the procedures currently established in the emergency action plan of the Francisco José de Caldas District University.
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    Análisis de las causas de siniestralidad de la empresa Cesmadi Motors entre los años 2022 y 2023
    Rodríguez Rintá, Juan Sebastián; Saavedra Angulo, Heberto
    During the year 2023, the Cesmadi Motors company, located in Villavicencio, Meta, experienced an alarming increase in work accidents, with four incidents reported, in contrast to two in 2022 and none in 2021. This unusual increase, considering the size and economic activity of the company, raises significant concern regarding the job security of its 23 employees. This study seeks to understand the causes behind these accidents, as well as the consequences at an economic and human and operational resource level, to propose effective measures that prevent their recurrence, minimizing the probability of risks materializing and reducing possible economic losses. From the analysis of the unique reporting formats for work accidents, the structuring of causality trees, the analysis of direct or indirect costs and the prevention and control measures implemented, it is possible to conclude that work accidents that occurred in The analyzed period presents a wide variety of immediate causes that derive from different types of basic causes, from psychosocial factors present in the worker at the time of the accident, to lack of investment of economic resources and incentives by the management and administrative area. to promote employee participation in Occupational Health and Safety training. The costs derived from the six work accidents reach values ​​of approximately COP $26,000,000, of which the direct costs slightly exceed the indirect costs. It is for this reason that it is necessary to implement corrective and preventive measures that intervene in critical areas and processes, to reduce the probability of risk materialization and minimize loss.
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    Manual de bioseguridad del Hospedaje El Terruño
    Matta Monroy, Nelly Amparo; Fernádez, Laura Paola
    The present research work consists of the design of a Biosafety Manual for biological irrigation at Hospedaje El Terruño, located in Pasca Cundinamarca. The The need arises from the lack of good work practices associated with cleaning and disinfection of spaces such as bedrooms, bathrooms and laundry: which together become a biological risk hazard, when legal indications and procedures for its use. The research is of a mixed nature with elements of qualitative analysis and quantitative that collected information based on three instruments: stock survey carried out at the hotel, answered by the administrator; photographic records of the rooms, bathrooms, use of elements to collect and separate waste, laundry and area washing toiletries; The third instrument was the identification matrix and risk assessment proposed by the Colombian Technical Guide GTC 45 of 2012, second update and provides the necessary tools to establish action plans relevant. Finally, after carrying out the analysis of results, the Operations Manual is designed. Biosecurity adjusted to the needs of the accommodation, has the guidelines for each worker, the personal protection elements that each one must have, the way to carry out cleaning and disinfection actions of physical spaces according to the standard, the adequate management of the health route and an annual action plan to maintain monitoring permanent implementation of good biosafety practices. After it was done, the Socialization of the manual with the work team and consensus was reached on its use
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    Diagnóstico y evaluación de riesgo osteomuscular en los cargos de auxiliar de producción y auxiliar de acondicionamiento en la planta de producción y acondicionamiento de la empresa Vitalis S.A.C.I. ubicada en el municipio de Sopo Cundinamarca
    Perez Cortez, Karina; Piñeros Martinez, Karol Nicole; Saavedra Angulo, Heberto
    Currently, ergonomics is a discipline that has gained increasing significance in organizations over time, given its impact on the health of collaborators. This is because the existence and development of musculoskeletal disorders associated with ergonomic risk in workplaces have been demonstrated. As a branch of Occupational Health and Safety, this discipline currently allows for the proposal of alternatives aimed at improving workplace conditions that impact the health of workers. This is due to the various methodologies available for the evaluation of musculoskeletal risk based on the nature of activities performed, such as forced work postures, repetitive movements, dimensions of workplaces, and manual handling of loads, among others. These methodologies enable organizations to identify the root cause of musculoskeletal problems in their workers and, consequently, achieve their subsequent mitigation or elimination. On the other hand, it is essential to mention the involvement of regulatory entities through constant monitoring of organizations regarding compliance with established laws, direction, and resolution of disputes that may arise among social security entities, workers, and employers. Similarly, academic entities have expanded this knowledge through research, document compilation, application of methodologies, among other activities, creating an ergonomic landscape in multiple economic activities. In line with the above, this work will gather relevant information for the diagnosis and evaluation of musculoskeletal risk in the positions of production assistant and conditioning assistant at the production and conditioning plant of the company Vitalis S.A.C.I., located in the municipality of Sopó, Cundinamarca. This will be done through the application of the Nordic Questionnaire and OCRA Checklist methodologies using ErgoSoft software. The focus will be on repetitive movements of the upper limbs due to activities related to the production and conditioning of pharmaceutical products, such as machine feeding, optical control, product washing, packaging, labeling, and product unlabeling. This will be in accordance with the documentary review of health condition reports from the last two years, literature review on ergonomic evaluation methods and their application, and data collection in the field at each stage of the process. Simultaneously identifying related problems and risks will allow for the proposal of action measures to prevent, reduce, and eliminate musculoskeletal risk.
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    Aplicación del diagnóstico del plan estratégico de seguridad vial y definición del plan de mejoramiento alineado a los criterios del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo de VIMARCO Ltda
    Abril Mora, José Joaquín; Saavedra Angulo, Heberto
    This project was based on the execution of a diagnosis, hazard identification and risk assessment in terms of road safety, in accordance with those established in Resolution 20223040040595 of July 12, 2022 and adjusted with the William T. Fine methodology, to finally , generate a work plan that allows aligning the Strategic Road Safety Plan with the criteria of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System at VIMARCO LTDA, a company in the private security sector with its headquarters in the city of Cartagena, Bolívar ; and whose business model uses the role of drivers, mainly motorcyclists, for its commercial operations. In this way, VIMARCO LTDA will have a roadmap that allows knowing in greater detail its possible opportunities for improvement and allows it to gradually align with the needs of the current legal framework for road safety in a manner consistent with the Management System in the matter. Safety and Health at Work, giving scope to the characterization and adequate management of the risk of a road accident. This is because its Strategic Road Safety Plan was being developed to comply with the provisions of Resolution 1565 of 2014, but before it was completed Resolution 20223040040595 of July 12, 2022 was sanctioned by the Ministry of Transportation. , changes its structure, orienting it to the secure system approach proposed by the UN General Assembly, with resolution 74/299.
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    Diseño de protocolos de seguridad para el riesgo químico mediante las metodologías del SGA y la GTC 45 para la empresa Pinta Pintor
    Torres Cárdenas, Paula Andrea; Gómez Fernández, María Angélica; Jiménez Parra, Jairo
    This work is carried out in order to design safety protocols for chemical risk using the SGA and GTC 45 methodologies, which allows defining the most appropriate intervention measures to prevent, mitigate, or eliminate the identified risk factors. the Pinta Pintor company. This was carried out using the methodologies of the EMS and the Colombian Technical Guide (GTC) 45 of 2012. As a result, an EMS matrix and a hazard identification matrix, completed risk evaluation and assessment, and proposals for intervention measures were obtained. For each of the risks, a cost-benefit analysis was additionally carried out to justify their implementation. Finally, the analysis of results and conclusions pertinent to the research work carried out were carried out.
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    Diagnóstico de la morbilidad sentida a la exposición de factores de riesgo biológico de los recicladores que trabajan en los barrios Ciudadela Colsubsidio y Cortijo – Bogotá -2013-2015
    Delgado Gómez, Dina Lucia; Sandoval Medina, Carlos Eduardo; Guzmán, Miguel Ángel
    The first link in the recycling chain in the District of Bogotá environment is the environmental recovery; For this reason, this graduate work identifies factors of exposure to biological risk, the conditions and time of storage of the waste in the multifamily unit where recyclers object of this study work. All the above by means of a survey of felt morbidity directed to biological risk, from where the data were tabulated and then tabulated and analyzed statistically to prevent conclusions and recommendations.
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    Una aproximación al estado del arte sobre los estudios de las radiaciones ultravioleta solar en Colombia y sus efectos en la salud ocupacional
    Colmenares Flórez, Jeisson Alexander; Benítez Forero, Jaime Antonio; Rodríguez Patarroyo, Diego Julian
    A research study is carried out on works developed in the subject of the effects on the health of the worker in Colombia due to exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation during the last years. From the bibliographic review of sources, data sheets and databases were prepared to systematize the information of the documents found in the DIAM libraries, the National University of Colombia, the Cancer Institute, the Federico Lleras Acosta Dermatological Institute, the Santander Industrial University, Sanitas, the Santa Foundation Faith, among others. Four studies considered important in which indicators of skin cancer are established with important data for future research are highlighted.
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    Manual de bioseguridad para los trabajadores encargados de la limpieza, desinfección y disposición de los residuos de baños portátiles en la ciudad de Bogotá
    Lizcano Rico, Jessica Jhoana; Herón Cadavid, María Fernanda; Henao de Arias, Hilda
    A biosecurity manual was developed as a preventive measure that portable toilets companies must implement to preserve, conserve and improve the health of their workers and also control the harmful agents for health in the workplaces and users of those toilets. For this it is of vital importance that the companies that employ personnel for the cleaning and disinfection of bathrooms, fulfill their responsibility of prevention and protection of their workers, to prevent occupational diseases and to preserve the health of the people.
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    La seguridad y salud en el trabajo como un derecho para los privados de la libertad en el trabajo penitenciario en Bogotá
    García Cortes, Yazmin Liliana; Barrera Cruz, Yenny Alexandra; Saavedra Angulo, Heberto
    This monograph aims to analyze whether those deprived of their liberty who are carrying out work-type activities as part of their sentence redemption have the same guarantees established in the substantive labor code in terms of safety and health at work. For the above, the regulatory framework has been issued by the legislator in this particular case where those deprived of liberty are in a condition of special subjection to the state, if the regulatory framework is being implemented in said entities, who would be the regulatory entity and if it was is carrying out inspection and surveillance work on the implementation of said regulations in force in the prisons that are the object of this investigation. In order to fulfill the proposed objectives, it was necessary to carry out an exploratory investigation where both national and international regulations regarding safety and health at work for those deprived of liberty were consulted, as well as investigations carried out on prison work since as such a front to the research topic of this project, there is very little information
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    Estudio técnico para la determinación de carga combustible, riesgo de incendio y carga ocupacional de la planta y sede administrativa de productos El Tomatico S.A.S
    Cristancho Morales, Wilmar Bernardo; Correa Pulido, Jorge Eliécer
    By ensuring the protection of the worker and the institution, industrial safety is equipped with various materials that will safeguard the health of the worker; understood as the latter, as any state of physical, mental and social well-being, according to the international labor organization. The present project includes some of those tools that will be useful with regard to safety at the Fábrica Produtos el Tomatico S.A.S. Such tools are aimed at determining the cost of accidents, indicators, fuel load, occupancy load, evacuation time and elements of protection against emergencies such as sprinkler, firebox and portable fire extinguishers among others.