Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Educación Artística
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Ítem Investigacion-creacion del documental fib wa – montañas del viento, vida y memoria de cerro secoRamirez Castro, Michael Steven; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]Fib Wa- Montañas del Viento is an author's documentary that was created under the Research Creation methodology which tells the story of the popular struggle of Cerro Seco against the capitalist world system that preys on Andean Subxerophytia and the relationships that the communities have woven with this ecosystem, this fight occurs from memory, social organization and mobilization, popular, sensitive and artistic education.Ítem Informe final de pasantía festival escolar de las artes Secretaría de Educación del Distrito (SED), Secretaría de Cultura Recreación y Deporte (SCRD).Villarraga Estupiñan, Sofia; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]From a critical and constructive perspective, the artistic-pedagogical processes linked to the II School Festival of the Arts are monitored and supported in order to strengthen and consolidate these samples based on their originality and creativity.Ítem La educación artística desde las artes plásticas y musicales, una propuesta de aprendizaje contextualizado para estudiantes de preescolar en el Colegio Indoamericano (Bogotá, D. C.)Vargas Cardona, Alexander; López Vega, AlfonsoThis report addresses the teaching and learning dynamics related to the applied artistic education to preschool grade at the Gimnasio Indoamericano preschool facility in Bogota, Colombia. The proposal includes theorical and practical strategies to assess interest, motivation, and enthusiasm of students in contact with artistic practice, namely through musical exploration and plastic arts as vectors of knowledge acquisition and comprehensive development tools for children. One of the main general objectives is to provide relevant information on processes of applied artistic education as a contribution for the development of future proposals on artistic practice.Ítem El punk que hace konvixion de Bogotà como medio alternativo de educaciònSierra Saenz, Camilo Andres; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesus; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesùs [0000-0001-5015-5172]In this document you will have the opportunity to demonstrate how an artistic project how the Punk Konvixión band can influence in diverse and unconventional ways to transform the thinking and motivate the emotions of the people to whom its message reaches. This is done through artistic products and interventions in public and virtual settings, which consolidated and enriched their proposal, based on their artistic interventions and the learning experiences acquired that took as a basis the various creation practices enjoyed during the academic process. or training for the Bachelor's degree in artistic education at the District University. At first we can highlight a global contrast between the revolutionary and artistic theory of the last 100 years as initial elements of analysis and the existing relationship with the Punk movement, based on the research exercise: action, participation, added to the alternative medium that The band is proposed as an educational and social transformation proposal. In a second moment and as a bridge between educational theory and alternative media, the research is outlined as qualitative and transversal, making use of the deductive method and the relationship of experiences, a tool that allows weaving the conclusions raised in the last part of the document, the latter Observations arise from discussions and analysis of: self-training spaces and workshops, concerts with social and educational impact, processes of creating visual material, avant-garde narratives and musical production, exercises to strengthen community support networks, all of this has been carried out with the spirit of giving back to the community and its individuals, from practices and discourses, to influence, build and promote one's own thinking, generating alternative responses and making the creative exercise a divergent proposal for the development of human well-being.Ítem Caracterización de los recursos disponibles y su uso para aproximar a la literatura a estudiantes con requerimientos visuales especiales en el aula regular (Curso 1102, Colegio República de China IED, Bogotá, Colombia)Osorio Herrera, Yipsy Tatiana; López Vega, Segundo AlfonsoThis monograph examines the resources used for teaching literature to visually impaired students in the regular classroom, with the aim of identifying the tools, personnel, and strategies employed in course 1102 at the Colegio República de China IED. The study evaluates how these resources facilitate the teaching and learning process in Spanish classes. It compares the most common resources from other institutions with those used at this educational institution, describing their implementation and usage. Additionally, it includes participatory observation in the classroom and interviews with teachers and students to explore the processes, the relationship with the resources, as well as to gather suggestions and insights on roles and challenges faced. This analysis seeks to gain a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics and perceptions of all participants involved in the educational process.Ítem Pasantía-Escuela de mediación Galería Santa Fe – IDARTESRojas Ruiz, Aledxa Tatiana; Santoyo Rendón, Julio ErnestoThis report details each of the activities carried out and accompanied as a mediator of the mediation school Red Galéria Santa fe (RGSF) of the District Institute of the Arts (IDARTES) for the development of the internship entitled "INTERNSHIP- MEDIATION SCHOOL GALERÍA SANTA FE - IDARTES" from the line of training applied by the intern where three components are related (public summons, room mediation and laboratories) that apply to her professional, pedagogical and investigative profile of the the undergraduate career in progress Bachelor's Degree in Basic Education with Emphasis in Education Artistic (LEA) of the Francisco José de Caldas District UniversityÍtem Informe final de pasantía festival escolar de las artes Secretaría de Educación del Distrito, sed Secretaría de Cultura Recreación y Deporte (scrd)Garnica Triviño, German Alejandro; Ferrer Franco, Yury; Ferrer Franco, Yury [0000-0001-5015-5172]This report details the internship proceso in the Segundo Festival Escolar de las Artes (FEA) and its contribution to the artistic education field. It focuses on analyzing the artistic education’s impact on participant-student’s cognitive and emotional development, underlying their perspective and specialization diversity on artistic education through interacting with other interns and artistic educators. The findings emphasize on Artistic Education relevance, its pedagogic impact, the cooperation and continuous learning, just as the non-stop commitment towards artistic education. The recommendations highlight the investment necessity in upcoming teachers’ future generations , constructive feedback promotion, fostering cooperation, supporting research on Artistic Education, and maintaining a sustainable commitment towards it.Ítem Informe final de pasantía Festival Escolar de las ArtesRubiano Fonseca, Katherine Isabela; Urrego Barreto, Juan Harvey; Ferrer Franco, YuryThis work, is the pedagogical and personal synthesis of the experience lived during the internship presented with the School Arts Festival. In accordance with this, the following report collects the experience from both, a personal and theoretical perspective of our role as interns, which consisted of accompanying, supervising, recording and auditing the artistic-pedagogical processes that frame the development of the festival. The development of this synthesis occurred by carefully selecting and filtering the content, from the option offered by the Francisco José de Caldas University to carry out an internship in agreement with the School Festival of the Arts as a degree modality, through the analysis and the collection of merely specific and technical information about the festival (record of the festival, previous internships, audiovisuals, organization according to schedules, stages, evaluation criteria and parameters, meetings, etc.) to our personal experience as interns, where we share a vision from our perspective on the experiences and experiences acquired during the development of the festival, as well as a detailed visual register of the moments with the greatest emotional and symbolic charge of this process.Ítem Taller de cocina: convivencia y cuidadoReyes Luna, Yudy Dayana; Borja Alarcón, Isabel; Borja Alarcón, Isabel [0009-0007-2065-043X]This research is a systematization from a personal perspective, it is the memory of the pedagogical and community project "Cooking Workshop" carried out at the Biblioteca Comunitaria Raíz de Barro, between 2018 and 2022, with boys and girls living in the locality 18 Rafael Uribe Uribe in Bogotá. This document describes the origin, intention, development and achievements of a pedagogical project that promotes participation, coexistence, the fabric of affections and care practices from popular education.Ítem Pasantía: Programa Estado Joven - Ministerio de Educación Nacional 2023-1Martinez Ardila, Paola Andrea; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]In this degree work in internship modality, my experience being part of the “Estado Joven” program is recorded, which allows me to do a work practice for 5 months and thus exercise my degree as a support in the area of Artistic and Cultural Education within the Ministry of National Education (MEN), participating in activities such as the elaboration of communicative pieces, management and documentary part and archive and in the generation of pedagogical strategies in the processes of transversal areas. Here is described part of the history and processes carried out within the MEN, the objectives to be met and the results, conclusions and recommendations obtained from it.Ítem “Cuerpos Diversos” Rotoscopia como un proceso de reconocimiento del cuerpo a través del dibujo del movimientoNopia Murcia, Bryam Esteban; López Benítez, Deisy Patricia“Diverse bodies” was an audiovisual laboratory of creation which used its body exploration as an artistic agent in the dancing and drawing fields. Therefore, it was about an experience of recognition in which the participants assumed the task of deconstructing their corporal image using the production of an animated danced short film. This project talks about the body and the issues of the corporal image, same as dance and rotoscoping as tools for the deconstruction and the strengthening of the body perception. Thus, it is presented a creation experience based on the intimate idea, pointing to provide with a new meaning the participants' body.Ítem Entre arte y memoriaRodríguez Beltrán, Karen Lorena; López Vega, Segundo AlfonsoThis degree work is an internship report that accounts for the systematization of experiences as an intern of the Línea Arte y Memoria Sin Fronteras of the Subdirección de Artes- Idartes in the second period of 2023. During the internship, the completed two scholarships from the district incentive program: Festivales artísticos por la juntanza, la convivencia y la paz and Festivales artísticos rurales por la juntanza, la convivencia y la paz. This document aims to systematize and analyze the experiences, learning and challenges that are developed within the framework of festivals, raising knowledge about the dynamics, intentions, development and results of these artistic and cultural events that contribute to generating a reflective vision towards memory history associated with armed conflicts, and promote spaces for social resistance, demands for social justice, human rights and restoration of the quality of life of victims and marginal populations. This document is based on the collection and systematization of qualitative and quantitative information, as well as the relationship and comparison of the actions with the initial objectives of each of the festivals. The purpose is to prepare a report that accounts for the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of these processes, as well as the lessons learned and recommendations for their improvement and sustainability.Ítem Informe final de pasantía festival escolar de las artes Secretaría de Educación del Distrito, SED Secretaría de Cultura Recreación y Deporte (SCRD)Garzón Urrego, Laura Katerin; Alarcón Castiblanco, Michel Abel; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]The internship process is a degree modality approved by the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in which two entities make an agreement to exchange work and knowledge. In this case, the interns of the Bachelor's Degree in Art Education are summoned to accompany a public entity being in this occasion the District Secretary of Education (SED) and the Secretary of Culture, Recreation and Sports (SCRD) in the framework of the II School Festival of the Arts in the role of observers of this process, the samples and other required accompaniment. This festival brings together children and young people from the city of Bogota. During this process, several lessons were learned through the experiences lived in the accompaniment of this festival, collecting and systematizing the presentations and samples proposed by the participants. In this document, you will find narratives of the process, lessons learned, recommendations, official information and other particularities to understand the work that takes place in this event.Ítem Informe final de pasantía festival escolar de las artesArias Moreno, Jeniffer Stefhania; Ferrer Franco, Yury; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]The School Festival of Arts is the largest student event in the country, where "girls, boys and young people from public and private schools in Bogotá, accompanied by their teachers, are invited to take over the city to demonstrate their artistic creativity". Our work as observers and participants of the festival is organized according to the stages established by the festival, this work consists in the accompaniment and supervision of the artistic samples of the schools, observing if each sample meets the criteria previously expressed by the festival for each artistic language. Each intern or trainee will have the objective of accompanying/observing approximately fifteen artistic samples, making use of their skills in the field of art education and their knowledge of the subject to fill out a form created by the logistics of the festival in conjunction with the teachers of the different institutions.Ítem Calle Axé, un podcast educativo sobre las batucadas en BogotáMejía Bernal, William Alberto; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]The current degree work presents an educational podcast where the batucadas in Bogota are made visible through a format of interviews to the participants of the groups. Here, questions about their conformation, teaching methodologies for the creation or reproduction of Afro-Brazilian rhythms are addressed, as well as identity and community building. This podcast aims to reach people belonging to the groups and anyone who wants to know more about this cultural movement that has been developing for some years. This podcast was born from the need for information about the batucadas in Bogota and in the academic field, since these groups consciously address areas and disciplines of art education, which form artists for the scene. Therefore, they should be considered and taken into account as a non-formal context where young people learn and build conceptions in the artistic field.Ítem Flotando: la transformación alquímica del miedo.Bermúdez Bermúdez, Christian Camilo; Martínez Uzeta, Carolina; Martínez Uzeta Carolina [0009-0000-9859-3315]This research-creation work proposes the creation and development of a picture book from the perspective of fear as a transformative force, drawing on the theories of psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. It establishes a dialogue between analytical psychology, emotional education, and human development. Thus, the picture book is presented as a didactic and playful tool to explore fears, promoting emotional development and the ability to face difficult situations. The proposal is based on the premise that fear is not a negative emotion in itself but can be transformed into a motivating and transformative force if approached appropriately.Ítem Recetario de procedimientos pictóricos al agua. Una cartilla para el aprendizaje de artes plásticasPinto Arenas, Maria Alejandra; López Vega, Segundo AlfonsoThis research-creation project involves the creation as a total, as a physical and subjective level, focusing on the history of water-based pictorial procedures, authors who have worked on this field, the importance of gesture and individual artistic expression, previous knowledge, the first steps in the creative process. As an object of creation, a digital booklet was designed by containing a recipe for each of the procedures (acrylic paint, watercolors, gouaches, egg tempera and natural), it is intended to bring young people and adults the elaboration of water pictorial procedures in a non-formal education, even so, it can be used by teachers as an educational tool in the classroom.Ítem Cuerpo-Tambor en acción. Memoria ancestralSánchez Naranjo, Sergio Alejandro; Fajardo Campo, Andrea Catalina; Villa Macias, ClemenciaThis research-creation work presents four rhythmic-bodily compositions at different levels of complexity, inspired by rhythmic cells of Currulao and Arrullo, which are representative of the South Pacific Region of Colombia. The purpose of this project is to contribute to the rhythmic work in music education by utilizing the body as an instrument and exploring its variety of timbral possibilities. The process of composition and creation was developed based on rhythm as a fundamental element of musical language. We drew on recognized authors in the field of musical pedagogy, such as Emile Dalcroze and Carl Orff, who incorporated percussive sonorities of the body and its motor possibilities into their learning methodologies. This didactic-pedagogical proposal allowed us to reflect on and question the application of new methodologies in music education in our country, finding inspiration in the music of the Colombian Pacific Region for our creative work. Thus, this research and creation project is grounded in the musical-cultural expressions of the Afro-Pacific Colombian context, which is shaped by the geography, population density, history, and characteristics of the musical-cultural practices in the region.Ítem Melodic Battle, juego de mesa como método de enseñanza básica musicalGrisales Galindo, Juan Felipe; Villa Macías, ClemenciaMelodic Battle, a board game, is a didactic proposal for teaching the basic elements of music understood as a didactic resource focused on the musical education class. It responds to the need to invent or reinvent methodologies in the musical-pedagogical everyday practice; in that way, it is based on the importance of game and on the relevance that the ludic environment provides to the pedagogical act in general. In this context, Melodic Battle-board game, a product of a research-creation process, makes possible the learning of basic musical theory for students and/or users of any age; that is to say, from children to adults whether on an academic environment with the guidance of a professor or on socialization spaces favoring self-regulation and self-knowledge.Ítem Propuesta de talleres de educación artística articulada a la expresión de emociones, dirigida a estudiantes de 8° y 9°del Gimnasio Campestre los Alpes (Bogotá, Colombia)Gómez Ávila, Yaritza; Leal Gómez, Laura Vanessa; López Vega, Segundo AlfonsoThe present work exposes a series of processes and theoretical-practical investigations carried out by the authors at the Gimnasio Campestre Los Alpes school located in the municipality of La Calera to eighth and ninth grade students. The proposal of the practitioners was raised in order to contribute to the emotional development of students by addressing teaching-learning strategies through dance and music to manage their emotions, taking into account sensitivity, the development of abilities and work, both individually and collectively, favoring the expression, self-esteem and development of different human competences with the help of directed workshops, activities, methodologies, reflections, didactics and ideas.