Ingeniería Eléctrica por Ciclos Propedéuticos

URI permanente para esta colección


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    Evaluación de la viabilidad técnico - económica de la autogeneración colectiva para el conjunto residencial Carmín en Picaleña, Ibagué
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Espinosa Zamora, Edison Andrés; Buriticá Arboleda, Clara Inés; Martínez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernán; Buriticá Arboleda, Clara Inés [0000-0003-4073-3471]
    The Carmín complex in Picaleña, Ibagué, being located in a warm area of the country with a stable climate and due to its limited economic resources, is an ideal place for the implementation of collective self-generation projects using different types of non-conventional renewable energy sources (FNCER), seeking independence from the conventional electricity grid and improving the economy of the residential complex by promoting the sale of surpluses to the local distribution system (SDL), which is beginning to be implemented throughout the national territory. This project addresses the study of both the technical and economic feasibility of installing a collective self-generation system using solar resources for the purpose of self-consumption and the sale or exchange of generation surpluses with Celsia S.A, subject to compliance with the requirements proposed by the grid operator (OR). These photovoltaic self-generation systems include the design and sizing of the system with equipment such as solar panels, inverter, batteries, transformers, energy surplus controllers and bidirectional meter, as well as support structures for the panels, wiring, pipes and accessories, in addition to the economic analysis related to the project costs and its useful life. This feasibility study is not only focused on the structuring of a photovoltaic system, it is also aimed at the community to promote knowledge and inform about the usefulness of the solar resource and renewable energy sources, impacting environmental sustainability, reducing the carbon footprint and improving the socioeconomic conditions of the sector.
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    Diseño cartográfico de una microrred eléctrica en isla para una comunidad energética en la Playa Caño Dulce y sus alrededores en el municipio de Tubará Atlántico
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Almanza Rodríguez, Andrés; Salazar Huertas, Yeison Wilmer; Buriticá Arboleda, Clara Inés; Martínez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernán; Buriticá Arboleda, Clara Inés [0000-0003-4073-3471]
    The community of Caño Dulce, located in Tubará, Atlántico, has embraced the implementation of sustainable and autonomous energy solutions through the development of an electric microgrid. This project is essential to improving the quality of life for residents and fostering socioeconomic development in this coastal region. Currently, the community faces significant challenges in terms of energy access and sustainability due to its reliance on conventional energy sources and the lack of adequate infrastructure, resulting in frequent service interruptions and high economic and environmental costs. The aim of this project is to develop a sustainable and autonomous energy system capable of operating independently from the national grid, ensuring a continuous and reliable supply of energy for local residents and economic activities. To achieve this, the cartographic design of an island-mode microgrid has been developed using GIS tools, integrating both cartographic and electrical data of the system. The microgrid’s cartographic design, created with QGIS software, includes the placement of solar panels in the area and the necessary components such as photovoltaic panels, inverters, and system balance elements, which cover mounting, wiring, and electrical accessories. Additionally, some systems incorporate batteries to store energy for use during periods of insufficient solar radiation. These components not only enhance the community's resilience and self-sufficiency but also optimize resource usage and promote the integration of renewable energy solutions, contributing to the sustainable and socioeconomic development of the region.
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    Comparación y análisis de resultados obtenidos a partir de tres softwares especializados (Homer pro, Archelios Pro y solar Pro) en un proyecto real de un sistema solar fotovoltaico para una ZNI del país.
    Enciso Pineda, Yuridia; Perdomo Ocampo, Diego Fernando; Avendaño Avendaño, Carlos Alberto; Avendaño Avendaño, Carlos Alberto [0000-0003-4237-2243]
    The project is initially based on the design of a solar photovoltaic system for a non-interconnected area of the country, where access to essential electrical energy for a home is practically nil or obtained from diesel engines, which contribute to global warming that is currently at alarming levels. This design has an additional feature, which is based on obtaining the best proposal from three specialized software for this type of simulation, in order to carry out a detailed analysis of the results achieved by each software to finally choose the one that most closely meets the needs required for the purpose of the project. These needs will be subject to, among other things, efficiency, economy and complexity. The project mentions the design, analysis and execution of the best photovoltaic system proposal, but in its scope it is focused on reaching the design and analysis; However, it is expected that at the end of the project there will be a solid basis for implementation in the short-term future.
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    Localización óptima de unidades de medición fasorial para la ubicación de fallas en redes de distribución
    Barbosa Franco, Andrés Felipe; Giral Ramírez, Diego Armando
    This document presents an investigation on the location of phasor measurement units (PMU) for the detection of faults in distribution networks, through consultations in various bibliographic sources. Different techniques and algorithms used in PMUs are identified, based on conventional, heuristic and metaheuristic methods. A bibliometric analysis of the progress of research at PMU over the years to the present is also reflected, highlighting the most involved countries, academies and leading journals in this field. The study includes pseudocodes that validate various structures, functions and operations implemented for the representation and solution of algorithms in different PMU optimization and localization strategies for fault detection in distribution networks.
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    Determinación del portafolio de proyectos de generación hibrida más adecuado para satisfacer la demanda eléctrica de la Institución Educativa Agustín Codazzi en el Departamento del Cesar
    Torres Chala, Jonathan Erick; Sierra Holguín, Víctor José; Buriticá Arboleda, Clara Inés
    The general population of the municipality of Agustín Codazzi in the Cesar region is suffering from serious problems with electricity supply, mainly due to constant interruptions in the electrical service, deficiencies in energy quality, high costs associated with a rising trend, and the economic constraints of the population, which often forces them to go into debt to access this basic service. Considering the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), there is a significant opportunity to improve the conditions of the members of the Agustín Codazzi National Educational Institution (IENAC), which is located in the municipality of Agustín Codazzi and is affected by the aforementioned issues. This project proposes a solution to the described problems for the educational institution.
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    Mejoramiento de la eficiencia operativa del sistema de aprovechamiento de agua lluvia en una vivienda urbana de la localidad de Suba en Bogotá
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Riveros Morales , Omar Alexander; Ocampo Casallas , Edson Joan; Buriticá Arboleda, Clara Inés; Buriticá Arboleda, Clara Inés [0000-0003-4073-3471]
    The use of rainwater is a practice of efficient use and saving of water, which is of special interest considering the growth trend in the demand for drinking water in the country and the critical conditions generated by climate change that, for example, have to many regions of Colombia in rationing of this vital liquid. Rainwater is one of the most abundant and most wasted resources, especially in cities like Bogotá, where there is a cold humid climate and high level of precipitation. Rainwater use systems that begin with the collection or also called “harvesting” of rainwater, is a strategy that is presented as a sustainable solution for the replacement of drinking water in uses that do not require it; However, efficiency in the operation of these systems is essential to maximize the use of water resources. Therefore, in this research work, the improvement of the operational efficiency of the rainwater use system in an urban home in the town of Suba in Bogotá is proposed. The proposed methodology is to establish the reference line of the parameters and variables of the current operation of the rainwater use system (SCALL) in the home; identifying problems, deficiencies and failures that affect its proper functioning, and then proposing alternatives to improve the overall operational efficiency of said system. The main result achieved is the determination of the alternative with the greatest technical and economic feasibility for improving the overall operational efficiency of the SCALL of urban housing in the Suba sector in Bogotá, which consists of improving the use of stored rainwater (reserves) in the different levels or cascades of the system and in reducing or eliminating failure events in said system. The implementation of this alternative represents an improvement in the overall operational efficiency of the SCALL, which increases on average from 2% to 10.57%, with its respective economic savings due to the replacement of drinking water.
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    Implementación del módulo etapPy de ETAP para realizar el estudio de flujo de carga y cortocircuito en un sistema eléctrico de potencia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rondon Matallana, Diego Fernando; Pinilla Poveda, Nicole Kimberly; Giral Ramírez, Diego Armando; Giral Ramírez, Diego Armando [0000-0001-9983-4555]
    This academic project is focused on the application of the etapPy module of the ETAP software to perform load flow and short-circuit studies in electrical power systems. As a result, a series of audiovisual material was created as a tutorial, published on the YouTube channel belonging to the Power Electrical Systems Research Group of the Universidad Distrital (GISPUD), to facilitate the understanding and use of the module. The development of the material was the result of a continuous process of research and practical interaction with the software. The project covered the use of several libraries, the implementation of the ETAP API and advanced aspects such as remote connection, data graphing, electrical parameters adjustment and extraction of electrical variables during the execution of the studies, all of the above using Python as the main programming language. The methodology employed allowed a comprehensive understanding of the etapPy module and its capabilities, demonstrating its effectiveness in the analysis of electrical power systems. The tools provided by the software developers were mainly used, structuring topics and examples that illustrated in detail the use of the module. The resulting video tutorials present and explain these examples, facilitating access and understanding for both students of the institution and others interested in the application of this specialized software.
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    Diseño de red de comunicación basada en un estándar OPC UA que permita la comunicación entre PLC´S y SCADA en el laboratorio de máquinas eléctricas de Facultad Tecnológica de la Universidad Distrital FJC
    Navas Soria, Edwin Andres; Bautista Rodríguez, Gloria Marina; Martínez Santa, Fernando; Martínez Santa, Fernando [0000-0003-2895-3084]
    Con la implementación de este proyecto se busca solucionar tres problemas, el primero de ellos es la comunicación entre dispositivos de diferentes marcas, ya que cada marca suele contar su propio protocolo claramente diferentes, el segundo es añadir parámetros de escalabilidad, seguridad, compatibilidad e inter-operatividad para la conexión de dispositivos encaminados al control supervisión y mantenimiento de procesos industriales y el ultimo, reducir la brecha entre la producción y la TI (Tecnologías de la información), aportando a la Industria 4.0 que promueve el Ministerio de la TIC’s de nuestro país. El primero de los problemas planteados se solventará utilizando el estándar OPC UA, ya que esta es una tecnología de comunicación industrial multiplataforma, abierta, que elimina las diferentes restricciones que se puedan presentar al intentar comunicar dispositivos de diferentes marcas, el segundo problema se solventa mediante la facilidad de la plataforma Ignition, ya que al ser una multiplataforma tiene un protocolo que logra establecer un sistema que cuenta con parámetros de escalabilidad, seguridad, compatibilidad e interoperatividad y el último de los problemas planteados se solventa diseñando este tipo de iniciativas las cuales pueden ser implementadas en la Universidad Distrital y pueden ser de utilidad aplicadas en otros escenarios.
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    Inclusión al proyecto Aixt de los microcontroladores CH573F y CH582F para la transcompilación de su código fuente desde un lenguaje basado en V a lenguaje C.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Garzón Gonzalez, Cristian Camilo; Martínez Santa, Fernando
    Microcontroller programming presents challenges ranging from the cost and availability of suitable tools to resource efficiency. The Aixt project emerges as a response to these limitations, based on a new programming language inspired by V, complemented by a transcompiler to C and a standardized API. This solution will enable efficient and cost-effective programming for the CH573F and CH582F microcontrollers, facilitating the migration of applications and the creation of new projects in areas such as home automation, robotics, and control systems. This project represents an opportunity to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills in Electrical Engineering, contributing innovative solutions to the current technological market.
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    Diseño de iluminación búnker de la Fiscalía General de la Nación bajo certificación leadership in energy and environmental design-LEED y reglamento técnico de iluminación y alumbrado público- RETILAP
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Hernandez Ruiz, Manuel Alejandro; Rubiano Cruz, Jonathan Jair
    The final result of the internship is the complete design of the interior lighting planned for the new bunker of the Attorney General's Office in the city of Cali, which complies with each regulatory standards contemplated in section 210.2 design process. lighting established by technical regulations for lighting and public lighting RETILAP and LEED Consulting and Commissioning according to the visual demands of spaces present in the project such as semi-basements, basements, floors 01 to 03.
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    Estudio sobre factibilidad de la producción y utilización del hidrógeno verde en Colombia
    Hernández González, Hernán Darío; Calderón Rincón, John Freddy; Noguera Vega, Luis Antonio; Noguera Vega, Luis Antonio [0000-0002-4659-4727]
    An internship was carried out with the power systems research group Gispud – SISEI, focused on the 'study on thefeasibility of green hydrogen production and utilization in colombia as part of our electrical engineering degree project. The main goal of this internship is the development of a research article that deeply explores the aforementioned topic, thereby contributing to the academic and professional field.
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    Approach to design of a PID controller for an AVR system and stability analysis through co-simulation using MATLAB and DIgSILENT PowerFactory
    Castro Bejarano, Nestor Javier; Martínez Santa, Fernando
    Nowadays we are observing day by day the exponential growth of the power network and the different subsystems that this involves, therefore, it is necessary to model or simulate those systems trying to emulate their actual behavior accurately, some of these systems require modeling physical, mechanical, or electrical variables at the same time; considering this, a multidomain analysis is necessary. There is specialized software according to those domains or the specific task required like MATLAB / Simulink, which is a great tool for analyzing control systems, as well as DIgSILENT PowerFactory for modeling electrical power systems. That is why it is intended to get the best from both application software in a co-simulation to accomplish the objectives of this study. This document presents the design and tuning of a PID controller for the excitation system AVR using the Control System Designer toolbox from MATLAB; this system is subsequently tested under load with the synchronous machine running online with the power system, this is done through a co-simulation, interfacing MATLAB and DIgSILENT PowerFactory. Then we analyze the behavior of the system when is subjected to small signal disturbances to evaluate the performance of the controller and the voltage stability behavior of the power system. Finally,the reached Co-Simulation study proves to be a useful and powerful methodology to study the dynamics of the power system in this case, and it is presented as a possible solution for the simulation of future energy systems that integrate multiple domains. For the full-length paper go to
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    Análisis de eficiencia energética en la sede tecnológica en iluminación y equipos de computo
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Rayo Castro, Wilmer Alexander; Tole Pedraza, Fredy Alberto; Giral Ramírez , Diego Armando; Uribe, Edison; Giral Ramírez, Diego Armando [0000-0001-9983-4555]
    This internship is oriented to carry out a technical and normative analysis of the use of electrical energy in the technological faculty of the Francisco José de Caldas District University and to analyze the consumption that faculty makes through the characterization of equipment and devices. that are installed, with the required hours of use in each of the spaces or zones. In addition, recommendations are made that can improve the use of energy and reduce its consumption, which through the analysis identify the significant areas that have the highest consumption of electrical energy. The methodology implemented during the development of the internship consists of 4 stages, review of the regulatory framework (stage 1), analysis of the energy efficiency management plan at the Francisco José de Caldas District University and the technological faculty (stage 2), characterization of the load in the technological faculty (stage 3) and analysis of results, conclusions, and recommendations (stage 4). All the information that must be implemented to create an energy efficiency management system focused on lighting and computer equipment of the technological faculty is described.
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    Potencial energético de la generación de la Región Central
    Mateus Ramírez, Jaime Adrián
    The description of the conceptual map in the conceptual map - structure of the Generation Chapter will analyze the electric generation process in two states: current panorama and projection and progress; an additional part: environmental impacts. In the current panorama, the installed power capacity and the implemented technologies of the generation resource will be described: solar, hydraulic, thermal, biomass; thermal generation also has 6 different generation methods and biomass has 3 methods. In the projection and progress section, the registered potential capacity of the projects that are being executed or will be executed is further described, in addition they are organized according to the technology implemented to take advantage of the generation resource in development: hydraulic, thermal, biomass, solar, PCH (Small Hydraulic Power Plants) and wind, taking into account that thermal generation has 9 classes and biomass generation, 7 classes. The progress of the projects is detailed grouped by the type of generation technology: phase 1, 2, 3 and in process. All of this has been identified at the national level, in the RAP-E region and in the subregions that comprise it: Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Tolima, Meta, and Bogotá D.C. The actors involved in the compilation of this information are identified: EMGESA, ISAGEN S.A, UPME and XM. Finally, the environmental impacts related to the most common generation technologies in the country and the region are considered: hydroelectric and thermoelectric plants.
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    Diseño y configuración de una red de comunicación para control y supervisión industrial con equipos del laboratorio de tecnología en electricidad de la Universidad Distrital
    Doncel Díaz, Cesar Andrés; Rojas Ortiz, Didier Fauricio
    The design, configuration and implementation of an industrial communication network for the electrical technology laboratory of the Universidad Distrital (LTE) is proposed. The development of the project began with the identification of the set of equipment with which the laboratory is equipped and which have a communication port and protocol; then, the technical information of equipment and programming software was obtained. From this, the architecture of the industrial communication network was proposed, managing to select the architecture that guarantees compatibility between the different equipment available in the electrical technology curricular project of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (PTEUD), which was reached after carrying out several tests with the equipment. As a result of the experience carried out, it was possible to elaborate two products: a guide of procedures for the good use and preservation of the LTE equipment, in which the brands and the various technical specifications of all the equipment in the network are differentiated; a guide for the configuration and implementation of an industrial communication network for the same laboratory was also designed, in which it is intended to visualize and control several pieces of equipment from a single one.
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    Un enfoque basado en E2ED para la navegación y localización de robots personalizados
    Moreno Niño, Andrés; Páez Cepeda, Daniel Fernando; Martínez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernán; Martínez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernán [0000-0002-7258-3909]
    Simultaneous mapping and localization or SLAM is a basic strategy used with robots and autonomous vehicles to identify unknown environments. It is of great attention in robotics due to its importance in the development of motion planning schemes in unknown and dynamic environments, which approximate the real cases of application of a robot. This is why, in parallel to research, they are also important in specialized robotics training processes. However, access to robotic platforms and laboratories is often complex and costly, with high demands on time and resources, especially for small research centers. A more efficient and affordable approach to working with autonomous algorithms and motion planning schemes is often the use of the ROS-Gazebo simulator, which allows high integration with customized non-commercial robots and the possibility of an end-to-end design (E2ED) solution. This research addresses this approach as a training and research strategy with our ARMOS TurtleBot robotic platform, creating an environment to work with navigation algorithms, in localization, mapping and path planning tasks. This article shows the integration of ROS into the ARMOS TurtleBot project and the design of several ROS-based subsystems to improve interaction in the development of service robot tasks. The source code of the project is available to the research community).
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    HVDC e integración de Energía Eólica en la ejecución de proyectos en Latinoamérica
    Garnica Murcia, Yenny Andrea; Galvis López, Claudia Mayerli; Hernández Suarez, Cesar Augusto
    HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) transmission lines have gained significant importance due to the growing use of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar photovoltaic power. This is because the energy generated from these sources is in direct current, making the transportation of energy via DC theoretically more feasible. In recent decades, technological advancements have enabled the low-cost transmission of DC energy through overhead, underground, and submarine lines, providing a viable solution to global energy supply challenges. In Latin America, only a few countries have adopted this transmission method. Consequently, there is a need to assess the feasibility of new projects in other regions to integrate the energy interconnected system with wind power using HVDC lines.
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    Estructura y plan de negocios para la creación de empresa enfocada en el mantenimiento y supervisión de redes con drones
    Parra Parra, Gustavo Andrés; Centeno Ramirez, Héctor Julio; Martínez Camargo, Dora Marcela
    Inspections of electrical networks is the review that is carried out to identify defects, damages, deterioration or affectation in any electrical network or equipment. All network components are reviewed in order to find an electrical risk. During these inspections, qualified personnel are in charge of identifying damage or defects and seeking to determine the greatest number of potential failures. Electrical inspections are essential to maintain the safety of the facilities and it is the first step to develop preventive or predictive maintenance. The inspection of electrical networks with Drones is an innovative technology service that uses Drones to audit and inspect equipment or networks located in areas of difficult access, achieving the reduction of electrical risks and accidents. These inspections optimize time and work, providing a possible solution to all the needs or problems presented in the different equipment or networks. The low operating costs compared to currently used methods and the presentation of environmentally friendly technology make this type of service an important implementation option. In addition to this, the safe entry to areas of difficult access or high risk and the delivery of photographic and video material in HD quality and the collection and delivery of detailed information in high quality and less time allows for more accurate and faster planning of activities.
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    Estudio de luminotecnia para la sección de ensamble de skid, shelter y switchgear de la nueva sede de GIM Ingeniería Eléctrica
    Ramírez Acero, Jairo Eduardo; Barragán Ruiz, Kevin Santiago; Martínez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernán; Martínez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernán [0000-0002-7258-3909]
    This document corresponds to the final report of the internship carried out at the company GIM INGENIERIA ELECTRICA LTDA, as a modality for the degree project to obtain the title of electrical engineer. GIM is a company dedicated to the commercialization, design, manufacturing, commissioning, modernization, and maintenance of MV (Medium Voltage), LV (Low Voltage), control, protection, and measurement electrical rooms. All these activities are carried out in compliance with the requirements of acquired international standards and applicable national regulations by the relevant parties. This work arises in response to the current company's expansion process, where it is necessary to relocate and set up various equipment and machines directly related to the manufacturing of electrical solutions such as Shelters, Skids, booths, and electrical panels at their new headquarters located in the Celta Trade Park industrial park. The objective of the project is to conduct a lighting study for the assembly section of Skids, Shelters, and Switchgear at the new headquarters, identifying the final location of the lamps that will be installed in this part of the warehouse, with the purpose of providing a safe environment for workers to carry out the various activities required throughout the process.
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    Estudio de factibilidad de un sistema de cogeneración aplicada en la industria de alimentos para mascotas
    Fagua Suspes, Juan Pablo; Garzón Rodríguez, Yaqueline
    The high consumption of electrical energy in the industrial sector, which is necessary for many of the processes involved in this sector to function, raises the following question: Why not implement a system that meets the demand for electrical energy required for your needs and also be energy efficient ?. In response to the above, the technical and economic evaluation of one of the Non-Conventional Sources of Energy (FNCE), cogeneration, is suggested, which compared to others (solar, wind, etc.), is less implemented or generalized as a solution. Cogeneration in Colombia is low, since there are very few plants of this type implemented locally and nationally (according to XM it represents around 0.7% of the net effective generation capacity), in terms of the industry, the sugar industry stands out. It is followed by food, glass, paper, among others; some of them use systems that work with fuels such as coal, natural gas, diesel, etc.). Due to the scarce knowledge of this technology in the industry, the company IPCE Ingeniería SAS, sees the possibility of creating a new line of business to include it within its portfolio of services and thus be able to provide advice to clients who are interested in implementing a plant of cogeneration in its facilities. As a contribution to the development of this business idea, a feasibility study of a cogeneration plant in a pet food industry is carried out, based on the registered energy consumption (electricity and steam) of the productive sector under study. The procedure for the selection of equipment, which make up the proposed system and which supplies the energy needs required in this case, is disclosed. In another vein, this document is intended to be an initial guide for the technical-economic evaluation of future projects, where this technology can be applied.