Maestría en Ingeniería Civil
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Ítem Influencia de la adición de la cal viva en concretos elaborados con agregados reciclados de concreto(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Landeros Barrera , Juan Carlos; Mena Serna, Milton; Mena Serna, Milton [0000-0002-7377-2787]The present document analyses the performance of recycled concrete with the use of RCA by product of the crushing of RCD in concrete elements. The research is based on the replacement of 20%, 35% and 50% of the natural coarse aggregate with recycled coarse aggregate (RCA). Likewise, this research proposes the use of calcium oxide or quicklime, as a complementary material for the reduction of cement, which allows the reduction of permeability or porosity in recycled concrete mixtures, thus achieving an increase in durability compared to a control mix. Having said the above, a substitution of 2% and 5% of calcium oxide (CaO) as a cementitious material will be carried out to study the influence that this material has on concrete with recycled aggregates to later compare the results in the hardened state in reference to the resistance to compression, flexure and electrical resistivity for specimens in concrete cylinders and beams at different ages of evolution (7, 14, 28, 56, and 90 days). Finally, perform a qualitative analysis through SEM microscopy testing on three (3) particular concrete mixtures. “Mix #1; 0% RCA – 0% CaO”, “Mixture #9; 50% RCA – 0% CaO” & “Mixture #11; 50% RCA – 5% CaO”.Ítem Evaluación de los parámetros de resistencia al corte de un material granular a partir de la inclusión de escorias negras de horno de arco eléctrico(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Quintero Escobar, Robert Alexander; Torres Mesa, Carlos Orlando; Felizzola Contreras, RodolfoThe present research aims to determine the influence of the physical characteristics of a granular material on its mechanical behavior. For this purpose, two materials were chosen: a non-plastic granular base MP and electric arc furnace black slag ENHAE. Based on physical characterization tests, Cu, Gs, emáx., and ρd. results were obtained for each material and their combinations, determining how the strength parameters are affected by the direct shear test under drained conditions. The experimental setup consists of fifteen (15) tests on standard samples and their respective inclusions, applying confinement stresses of 50 kPa, 100 kPa, and 200 kPa, with a cutting speed of 0.03 mm/min. Thus, a direct relationship was determined between the physical values of relative density (ρr) and the parameters of maximum shear strength (τ máx.), friction angle (φ´), and cohesion (C). To meet the objectives, the two materials were molded in their natural state in the laboratory; the first titled as the standard sample (MP) corresponds to a non-plastic granular material, the second being Electric Arc Furnace Black Slag (ENHAE) used as an addition. With the previously characterized materials, three mixes named MA, MB, and MC were prepared, replacing the granular material (MP) with ENHAE in proportions of 40%, 50%, and 60% of the retained weight in each sieve from No. 4 to pass 200. Both MP and ENHAE are well-graded non-plastic sands, type (SW) according to the USCS soil classification. The material for the standard sample (MP) was obtained from the Dromos Pavimentos S.A. quarry, located in the Los Puentes neighborhood in the municipality of Mosquera Cundinamarca, while ENHAE comes from the National Steel Company "Sidenal" located in the city of Sogamoso Boyacá. The base materials (MP and ENHAE) and their mixes (MA, MB, and MC) are compacted granular materials under optimal moisture, whose mechanical behavior depends on the fabric, characterized by the distribution of pore size PSD (Pore Size Distribution) and its suction component, which corresponds to a primary stress state variable to determine the stress-strain characteristics of a soil. Through the theory of partially saturated soils developed by (Bishop, 1959), (Fredlund, Rahardjo, & Fredlund, 2012), which relates matric suction and water content in the soil defined by the Soil Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC), the influence was determined to obtain the friction angle (φ'), cohesion (C), and dilatancy (φ) as resistance parameters. The samples of MP, ENHAE, and their mixes MA, MB, and MC were molded under the compaction energy of the Modified Proctor Test Method "A" (INV. E 142-13), aiming to determine the relationship between optimal moisture and maximum dry density. Additionally, tests were conducted using filter papers (INV. E-159-13) to determine the matric suction potential of partially saturated soil and obtain SWCC curves to establish stresses present in the soil mass. The results reveal that low air entry values "AEV" in the soil mass reduce the contribution of matric suction to shear strength parameters, friction angle (Φ'), and cohesion (C). Therefore, shear strength develops at the level of interparticle contacts generated during compaction under optimal moisture content and maximum density.Ítem Análisis comparativo de las diferentes metodologías para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad de edificaciones ante asentamientos no previstos.Álvarez Sepulveda, Erika Yudith; Rodríguez Aguirre, Juan Diego; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Jorge Arturo Pineda Jaimes [0000-0002-1825-0097]In Colombia, uncontrolled population growth has been observed in urban areas. The expansion of cities allows the execution of new infrastructure projects, with vertical constructions being of great importance for the urban, social and economic development of the population. This has led to an increase in the construction of taller buildings, which in turn involves deep excavations that can cause induced settlements or displacements affecting nearby structures. Therefore, it is a relevant topic, since many projects do not perform this type of studies. This degree work deals with a comparative analysis of the different methodologies used to evaluate the effects of unplanned settlements. Technical and objective criteria are established to evaluate the vulnerability of buildings to settlement during excavation, construction and use. A methodology is developed to predict damage and determine its impact on structural behavior in terms of vulnerability to settlement. Various methodologies for vulnerability assessment were identified under three main groups: empirical, analytical and numerical, and their advantages and limitations were highlighted. With this information, processes were carried out for three case studies in the city of Bogota. In each of them, a finite element numerical simulation was carried out to obtain and determine the settlements. These results were later used to define damage patterns in buildings and structures near the zones of influence of these settlements. This made it possible to evaluate their vulnerability, an aspect little studied in our environment despite the cases that have occurred in the country in recent years due to the construction of excavations and other works. In the development of this work, soil-structure interaction models were analyzed, which allowed the evaluation of the vulnerability of buildings due to unplanned settlements. The stresses that could occur in the foundation soil and their influence were identified, the excavation was simulated in each study, the unplanned settlements obtained in each case were compared with the maximum settlements allowed by the current seismic resistant standard NSR-10, described in chapter H of this standard, where the types of settlements and the values assigned to each one are described, from the operation of these results. The evaluation of the settlements is compared with the evidence collected in the field and the study of pathologies, of these injuries recorded in the pathological files helped us to determine the state of conservation and the extent of the damage to the structure. By relating these findings with the vulnerability assessment, the category of damage can be precisely established through the fragility curve in each case analyzed. Once the damage has been determined, a methodological proposal is presented for the assessment of the vulnerability of buildings to unforeseen settlements, together with its advantages and recommendations.Ítem Estimación geodésica de la subsidencia del terreno y sus posibles relaciones con la cobertura del suelo: Estudio piloto en la provincia Sabana Occidente, Cundinamarca, ColombiaHurtado Jaimes, Juan David; Calderón Larrañaga, Yolanda; Calderón Larrañaga Yolanda [0000-0002-5062-604X]Subsidence is a geological phenomenon that is manifested by the differential descent of the topographic surface due to the combination of different natural and / or anthropic factors that originate it. The ground cover is an important factor in the geodetic analysis of the deformations of the ground because it conditions the spatial patterns of the observed subsidence rates. This pilot project consists of determining the possible uncertainties between the deformations of the terrain and the soil cover in the “Sabana Occidente” province, Cundinamarca, Colombia for the period (2017-2020); through the application of geodetic and geomatic processes in a statistical experimental model, due to the lack of precise data in this geographic context that allow to correlate these two variables.Ítem ¿Ha sido correctamente cobrada la valorización en Bogotá en los últimos 20 años? análisis del beneficio (mayor valor del predio) realmente adquirido por los predios beneficiados y su aplicabilidad a futuros modelos de cobroBallen Herrera, Wilmer Ferney; Melo Martínez, Carlos Eduardo; Melo Martínez Carlos Eduardo [0000-0002-5598-1913]The objective of this study is to establish whether in the last 20 years in the city of Bogotá, there has been an increase in the value of properties that have benefited from the works built around them and charged by using geostatistics tools such as Regression. Geographically Weighted (GWR) and thus be able to suggest a better future charging methodology in the city. With the above, we seek to find clarity in the implementation of this tool that allows the financing of public works for citizens, since when they manage to see the economic benefit that gives greater value to their property and assets, with a minimum percentage contribution of that “profit” in which the administration intervenes, will be a collection that is easy to collect. Finally, it is important to highlight that, to apply the aforementioned methodology, it was necessary to execute three (3) phases, the first consisted of obtaining the necessary graphic and alphanumeric information, in the second a normalization of the data obtained was carried out and Finally, in the third phase, I created the GWR model, the variables were defined and the model was run.Ítem Estudio de morteros adicionados con Dióxido de Titanio frente al ataque de sulfatosCubillos Bernal, Fabian Camilo; López Palomino, Paulo MarceloAn investigation is presented with the purpose of evaluating the behavior of mortars added with titanium dioxide against the attack of chemical agents and in this particular case that generated by sodium sulfate. The preparation of mortar mixtures added with TiO2 in the rutile phase was carried out, in percentages of 0%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and 6% with relation to the weight of cement. The components of the mortar were characterized, in addition, properties such as fluidity, compression resistance, change in length and expansion, absorption rate, unit mass, porosity, variation in volume and weight, determination of pH and study by means of a microscope were evaluated. electronic sweep. The addition of titanium dioxide increased the fluidity of the mixtures by up to 16%. Additions in percentages less than 5% met the design compressive strength, however, it was not superior to the mixture without addition. Under conditions of chemical aggression, the mixture with the addition of 2% recorded the smallest decrease in resistance. For the addition of By 2%, the secondary absorption rate and porosity were decreased and there was less variation in volume and weight. All test specimens were highly affected after 13 weeks of sulfate exposure. The SEM exploration allowed us to observe the formation of ettringite, gypsum and thaumasite products without evidencing a significant contribution of titanium dioxide to the sulfate attack.Ítem Métodos de decisión multicriterio para el análisis y aplicación de la gestión integral del agua en edificaciones.Pretelt García, Julián Andrei; Estupiñan Cruz, María Alejandra; De Plaza, Juan Sebastián; De Plaza, Juan Sebastián [0000-0003-4005-4700]The integral management of water in buildings arises from the need for the efficient use of this resource, which is why in the present investigation the implicit variables are evaluated for the selection of technologies and alternatives that are aimed at mitigating the impact on depletion of this resource. As a result of the above, given the variety of investigations, technologies and alternatives for the efficient use of water, in this investigation, it is observed that, in many cases, the selection of alternatives does not contemplate all possible scenarios for construction. under study, for which reason for the selection of alternatives, the environmental, social, technical and economic dimensions that are relevant for the selection of a solution for the treatment of wastewater, treatment or use of rainwater or efficient use of water are analyzed. Thus, for this reason, in this document the approach of a research project is carried out that is directed to the application of the MACBETH and TOPSIS decision methods for the selection of alternatives for the integral management of water in buildings, for the analysis and the selection of the best solution according to the need of the building.Ítem Estimación de la eficiencia de grupos de pilotes en arcillas de Bogotá a partir de simulaciones numéricasJean Baptiste, Claudy; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge ArturoThis paper presents the mechanical response of pile groups in a representative average geotechnical profile of the clayey soils of the Bogotá savannahs. The structure-soil interaction analyzes were performed using 3D finite element method in the Midas GTS NX software, a computer resource recently acquired by the Research Group on Disaster Attention and Prevention, Risks and Resilience (GIDPAD), within which this work was carried out. For the numerical simulations of the pile groups, the following parameters were used: group configurations, pile spacings, pile diameters and pile lengths. The stratigraphic profile used for the simulations was determined using information from field and laboratory tests from more than one hundred geotechnical studies, including in-situ tests such as the standard penetration test (SPT) and the piezocone (CPTU), carried out for the First Line of the Bogotá Metro and for other public and private investment projects, from which a database of geomechanical parameters for the clayey soils of the city's lake deposit was consolidated. In the analyses, the pile groups were subjected to gravity loads, lateral loads and, in some cases, to a combination of both. Between the load states and the study parameters, 567 combinations were generated. The results of this work are, on the one hand, the efficiency of pile groups under gravity loads, deformations and bending moments in piles obtained from finite element method analysis. Then, results of influence of the parameters on the results of efficiency, deformations and stresses of pile groups are presented.Ítem Propuesta metodológica para la determinación del riesgo causado por excavaciones profundas y túneles de baja cobertura sobre elementos urbanosReyes Salas, Luis; Pérez González, Diego René; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge ArturoThis paper proposes a methodology for determining the geotechnical risk caused by deep excavations and tunnels with low coverage on urban elements, which was applied as a case study to 4 particular areas associated with the layout of the first line of the Bogotá metro, in the that the Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá (EAAB), will transfer networks through the use of trenchless micro-tunneling technology.Ítem Estudio de caso del proyecto constructivo de la Sede Bosa el Porvenir de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Situaciones económicas, administrativas y técnicasSalamanca Moreno, Víctor Manuel; Gómez Gil, Gerson Augusto; García Ubaque, César AugustoThe project of the Bosa El Porvenir headquarters of the Francisco José de Caldas District University is contextualized in general, emphasis is made on economic, legal and technical aspects that were presented in the course of the development of the work and it is described how they were approached and What was the constructive solution that was carried out in order to materialize and put into operation this new headquarters, which has a positive impact on the social aspect of the city-region, offering a possibility of quality higher education.Ítem Propuesta para evaluación de indicadores de sostenibilidad urbana en barrios formales de Bogotá: barrio El EnsueñoPiñeros Barreto, David Alberto; Torres Parra, Camilo AlbertoThis document presents a proposal to execute a project about to systematization, categorization and evaluation of urban sustainability indicators for formal neighborhoods in the city of Bogota, using as a case study the neighborhood El Ensueño, UPZ Arborizadora, locality 19 Ciudad Bolivar. For this purpose, criteria and documentary bases, both theoretical and conceptual, are presented to contextualize the reader on the subject in question, where mainly actions associated with urban sustainability and their evaluation mechanisms are presented, together with the tendency to carry out these exercises at the neighborhood and non-urban level. After the introductory information, justification and formulation of problem are included, which show the need to execute the mentioned proposal, being this the lack of research on urban sustainability indicators or ISU in the Colombian capital, specifically from its categorization and relevance to the goals of the district action plan; being this especially relevant, since according to the previous bibliographic review, these present an important dependence on the place where they are to be used. Finally, this project includes frame of reference, objectives, methodology, resources, schedule, limitations and bibliographic references pertinent to the topic being worked on.Ítem Influencia de los cambios del contenido de agua en la resistencia al corte de un material granular intermedio compactadoPardo Moreno, Oscar Javier; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge ArturoThis graduated project is focused on the study of the influence of changes in water content on the shear strength of an intermediate, compacted granular material from the Guadalupe Formation, in an outcrop site located south of the city, from Bogotá D. C. Compacted granular materials are partially saturated soils whose mechanical behavior depends both on their structure, characterized by the pore size distribution PSD (Pores Size Distribution), and on their suction component that corresponds to a variable of the fundamental stress state to describe the stress-deformation characteristics of the soil. Through the theory of partially saturated soils developed by (Bishop, 1959), (Fredlund, Rahardjo, & Fredlund, 2012) and its existing relationship between the matric suction and the water content by using the Soil - Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC Soil Water Characteristic Curve), the influence of different net confining conditions on shear strength (that is, c 'and φ') was determined. different stages of drying controlled in the laboratory. The intermediate soil samples were compacted according to the compaction energy of the normal or standard test (INV E-141-13). Method "A" was used to determine the relationship of moisture with the unit weight of the fine fraction for which the material was passed through sieve No. 4 (4.75 mm sieve) seeking to remove the oversizes of the coarse fraction. To explain the mechanical behavior of the material in the direct-shear testing, microstructure observation via Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS) were performed, in addition to the index, classification and mechanical properties found in the laboratory. Additionally, partially saturated parameters of the SWCC were established by using filter paper technique. The results obtained explained the importance of understanding the wetting and drying cycles in the shear strenght through the relationship between the matric suction and its moisture content, which is represented by the Soil - Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC), showing that any variation in the water content of the soil mass (increase or decrease in matric suction) produces a change in the internal structure of the soil. For the compacted samples in the “dry side”, lower air entry values are presented compared to the compacted samples in the “wet side” associated with more open structures and low densities until reaching the maximum dry density. It is immediately reflected in the geotechnical parameters of strength, in the same way, the results allowed to understand the importance of environmental conditions in the shear strength behavior of the soil.Ítem Metodología para la organización operacional del bicitaxismo en Bogotá: caso de estudio Upz 44 AméricasNiño García, John Alexander; Vargas Vargas, Wilson ErnestoOver time, urban mobility has presented challenges to provide a better quality of transportation to users. The city of Bogotá presents a variety of mass and individual transportation systems where in the last decade the focus has been on improving bicycle transportation, including bicycle taxis. This document presents the operational problems of bicycle taxis through a case study of the UPZ 44 Americas. This means of transport is informal, however, it is very popular in different cities, thus solving mobility problems for the first and last mile of densified sectors and peripheral areas due to lack of urban transport. A strict literature review is carried out in order to identify its operability in other parts of the world and thus be able to establish and focus the problem to be studied. The methodology, the field results, the analysis of the parameters of the methodology, the application of these parameters to the route assignment model within the UPZ 44 Americas and the discussion of the results are presented.Ítem Propuesta metodológica para determinar la viabilidad económica para la implementación de un sistema de semaforización inteligente (Ssi) en otra Capital Colombiana basado en la experiencia del contrato de semaforización inteligente en BogotáHerrera Ganem, Ricardo Antonio; Lozano Espinoza, EdgarThis work presents a formulation of a methodological proposal to determine the economic viability for the implementation of an Intelligent Traffic Light System (SSI) in another Colombian capital (district or capital of a special category department with a population of more than 500,000 inhabitants according to article 153 of Decree 2106 of 2019) based on the smart traffic light contract in Bogotá, as a fundamental tool to help the decision-making of territorial entities and other entities (such as planning) to adopt an SSI in their cities, as an important solution in the mitigation of the serious mobility problem that afflicts the vast majority of Colombian cities, and even international ones; especially due to the limitation of financial resources suffered by most of the capitals and districts of the country to adopt or implement an Intelligent Traffic Light System (SSI) that is offset by the great benefits that this system entails, with the corresponding quantification and assessment of some benefits, with some important final conclusions and recommendations, as an aid to their rulers in DECISION MAKING as a tool for the implementation of this system in their citiesÍtem Gestión del riesgo por movimientos en masa en área urbana, estudio de caso, sector denominado Altos de la Estancia Localidad Ciudad Bolívar en la Ciudad de Bogotá.Cobos Romero, Johanna Carolina; Salamanca Pira, William Andrés; Villota Posso, Hernando AntonioThe existence of potentially dangerous active processes in terms of mass movements led to the formulation and constant geotechnical monitoring, as well as to implement structural and non-structural measures to monitor the progress of soil conditions in terms of management and reduction of conditions. risk in the sector called Altos de la Estancia in Ciudad Bolívar de Bogotá, that is why this case study was carried out in order to know, understand and evaluate the particularities of each intervention from 1998 to 2020 and at the same time they were analyzed more than 25 articles on the subject to compare the methodologies used with those applied in the study area.Ítem Influencia del cambio del uso del suelo y la expansión urbana sobre escorrentía superficial del Municipio de Madrid durante el periodo 1977 - 2020Culma Tamara, María Fernanda; García Ubaque, César AugustoThe use of Landsat 5 satellite images was used for the classification of land cover and land use, SRTM 1 Arc Second Global digital elevation model from USGS, shapefile of soil data from IGAC and precipitation information obtained from IDEAM. With the aim of analyzing the influence of land use change and urban expansion on surface runoff in the Municipality of Madrid during the period 1977-2020Ítem Análisis de la compacidad relativa en la construcción de muestras de arena usando técnicas experimentales de pluviación y modelamientos con el método de elementos discretos (DEM)Carmona Álvarez, July Estefany; Ruge Cárdenas, Juan CarlosThis research aims to analyze the relationship between the computer resources that simulate physical phenomena and the behavior of the material in the experimentation of the construction of sand specimens for laboratories of soil mechanics. One of the construction techniques for sand specimens, which naturally simulates the deposition of particulate matter, consists of the pluvial technique, which is based on the phenomenon of free fall. By being able to reconstruct the sand specimens naturally, it is possible to predict the compaction capacity of a granular soil; that is, the relative compactness (Cr).Ítem Implementación de bentonita tratada térmicamente como llenante mineral en una mezcla asfáltica MDC-19Velandia Castelblanco, Michael Yesid; Rondón Quintana, Hugo AlexanderThe production of mineral filler affects the environment because of the high energy consumption required to obtain it, reflected in the crushing of rocks and stone aggregates from quarries or rivers, causing deforestation, contamination of water sources, among other human impacts.The above supports the importance of this study, in which the future use of highly plasticized clay (considered a waste product in the excavations), thermal treatment as a substitute for mineral filler or hot mix asphalt, is intended. In the research, an industrial bentonite-type clay was used, characterized by X-ray diffractometry and X-ray fluorescence. This material was subjected to thermal treatments, process in which it was sought to eliminate undesirable engineering properties such as plasticity and the potential for swelling, to be subsequently used as a mineral filler in an hot mix asphalt (HMA). Marshall tests, indirect tensile strength test, resilient modulus, permanent deformation, fatigue test and evaluation of abrasion resistance (Cantabro test) were carried out on a dense hot mix asphalt (HMA-19), which used as mineral fillers, one of natural origin and bentonite (with and without heat treatment). The estimation of the significance in the results was obtained through an analysis of variance ANOVA with a 95% confidence level. The results of the present study were published in a Q1Ítem Consideraciones de sostenibilidad de los aspectos técnicos en el proyecto tipo VISR promovido por el Banco Agrario de ColombiaMeneses Roa, Jessica Brigeth; Mena Serna, MiltonThe purpose of this project is to establish the necessary technical elements for the articulation of a proposal for Sustainable Rural Social Interest Housing (VISRS), based on the technical analysis of the type project of Rural Social Interest Housing (VISR) promoted by Banco Agrario de Colombia, through the approach of different modifications, the implementation of construction systems and materials homologous to the traditional ones used in the VISR type project; in such a way, that they allow access to all the basic public services and decent housing to the inhabitants in the most dispersed condition of the regions of the country, where the housing subsidy fails to arrive due to geographical conditions of difficult access.