Doctorado en Ingeniería
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Ítem Análisis CFD de turbina eólica con generadores de vórtice bio-inspirados y sus efectos en la producción energética y ruido estructuralParra Peñuela, Hector Guillermo; Gaona Garcia, Elvis Eduardo; Gómez Rivera, William; Gaona Garcia, Elvis Eduardo [0000-0001-5431-8776]In this document are deposited the results of vibration studies by spectral analysis and energy production for a wind turbine or horizontal axis wind turbine, due to its high rotational speed this generates mechanical wear in its parts, for this reason we sought inspiration in nature and especially in the peregrine falcon, this bird developed special feathers on its back that help compensate for the vibration suffered by its turbulent wake self-generated in flight at speeds close to 350 km/h. The main purpose is focused on replicating the operation of these feathers in wind turbines and thus help rotational stability or noise reduction and contribute to increased energy production of high velocity turbines or horizontal axis, these feathers, their shape and behaviour were studied by using wind tunnel and machine vision generating a mechanical device known as vortex generator, once designed based on the dimensions of the bird these bio-inspired vortex generators are incorporated in the form of linear array to a wind turbine blade achieving a Turbine with Bio-inspired and active Vortex Generators, Once the Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations were performed through the construction of a simulation server, results of energy reduction were observed in the turbulent wake of the turbine in 3D when it has vortex generators at a fixed angle, but torque reduction was observed, so it was decided to perform vibration tests with a blade in a subsonic wind tunnel, observing vibration reductions at tunnel wind velocities of 10 to 15 m/s. In order to evaluate if the bio-inspired turbine or wind turbine presents improvements in energy production, this document also describes the construction of the bio-inspired turbine and a monitoring station of energy production with measurement of meteorological variables through IoT and AWS, and thus observe more clearly whether or not there is improvement in production by comparing the signals of the bio-inspired turbine with a turbine with normal blades, The result shows that the turbine with vortex generators can outperform the normal turbine if the wind velocities are usually higher than 7 m/s, but for velocities lower than 7 m/s the normal turbine has a lower rotational inertia so it rotates faster and delivers higher stresses, It also showed that the wind turbine with bio-inspired turbine is not as sensitive to changes in wind direction, so that in some cases it tends to generate higher peak stress values at wind velocities greater than 7 m/s than the normal turbine, which due to its sensitivity enters in loss of velocity. Finally, the results described in this document show a technological integration and convergence of knowledge mainly from Electronic, Mechanical, Aeronautical, and Data Science Engineering, as well as an international inter-institutional cooperation network with the support of the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada and the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas by developing the whole monitoring station in Colombia as well as the monitoring Web platform, managing to build a flexible wind turbine evaluation tool, contributing a great step to the research in the line of renewable energies and for future works of the associated research groups.Ítem Propuesta de un modelo para la predicción de ruido por tráfico rodado a partir de aprendizaje automático que ofrezca información potencialmente útil en los procesos de gestión ambiental del ruido en entornos urbanos de BogotáAcosta Agudelo, Óscar Esneider; Montenegro Marín, Carlos EnrriqueThis research proposed a model based on machine learning for predicting road traffic noise for the city of Bogota. The model considers conditions typical of vehicular traffic in the city. The input variables of the model were: vehicle capacity, speed, type of flow and number of lanes. Measurement campaigns involving audio and video recordings were carried out to obtain the input data. The audio recordings allowed the calculation of the noise levels through software processing, since they were taken with a measuring microphone calibrated at a height of 4 meters. On the other hand, the video data were used to count and classify the number of vehicles in four categories: motorcycles, light, medium and heavy vehicles. This process was done using a classifier trained with images of vehicles taken in the field and from free databases. Similarly, a processing algorithm based on an image classifier was used to estimate the speed of the vehicles from the video data. Then, the analysis of the measurements was carried out for some measuring points characterizing the noise emission of vehicle categories, arterial and secondary roads, traffic situations and pavements. Then, through exploratory data analysis, correlations were found, and a regression study was performed between noise levels and predictor variables. To determine the machine learning algorithm to be used, five models were compared, configured with their respective hyperparameters obtained through mesh search. The results showed that the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) regression had the best fit with MAE = 0,86 dB for the test dataset. Finally, the proposed MLP regressor was compared with classical statistical models for traffic noise prediction. In conclusion, the MLP regressor obtained the best error and fit indicators with respect to statistical models.Ítem Propuesta de modelo de planificación turística apoyado en tecnología para la anticipación de impactos socioculturales en comunidades étnicasLara Silva, Marcia Ivonne; Rincón Rojas, Edgar Jacinto; Rodríguez Rojas, Luz Andrea; Rodríguez Rojas, Luz Andrea [0000-0003-0312-1177]A smart destination requires both planning focused on attracting tourists - to generate economic growth and positioning of the destination - and preserving all the elements that compose it, including the community that inhabits it. In this sense, tourism planning approaches have been developed and implemented within the framework of growth in demand, specialization of supply, changes in travelers' behaviour patterns, economic development of the place, and community participation through its productive units. Transformations and advances have been directed toward market elements. Still, none of them have identified aspects of identity and social valuation, such as the well-being or quality of life of the hosts, especially the ethnic, indigenous, and black communities. It is necessary to understand how the host communities, particularly the ethnic ones, have been affected by the development of the activity, since there has been evidence of negative impacts due to displacement, deculturation, and affectation of their dignity, among others, actions that go against the main objectives of tourism. Having said this, the starting premise of this research project is the construction of a tourism planning model that involves the identification of the possible negative impacts on the inhabitant population as a result of the development of tourism activities. To achieve this, a documentary review of tourism planning models, the negative impacts on communities at the case study level, and international policies framed in tourism, which include a code of ethics, was carried out. Similarly, legislation on the protection of intangible cultural heritage was analyzed as a tool for the protection and conservation of cultural assets that are part of the cosmovision of the different peoples that inhabit tourist destinations. As a result of the review, all those elements that provide information for the analysis of negative impacts on the host community were identified, characterized, and arranged in criteria, dimensions, and valuations. With this purpose, it was possible to complement the tourism supply system and the conformation of a new system within the traditional tourism planning model, the host community system. Finally, a tourism destination approach is provided that focuses on the well-being and quality of life of the host community.Ítem Estimación y localización de fugas en sistemas de distribución de agua a través de algoritmos de optimización combinatoria(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ladino Moreno, Edgar Orlando; García Ubaque, César Augusto; García Ubaque, César Augusto [0000-0002-6959-6610]The K-BiLSTM-MC model developed for the detection and localization of leaks in water supply systems proved to be effective, achieving an accuracy of 93.08% in validation and 87.11% in real-world implementation. The approach integrated advanced techniques, such as Hamiltonian equations and IoT, and was validated in a hydraulic sector in Bogotá, Colombia. The results revealed consistent pressure patterns, the presence of weak chaos in the signals, and precise leak detection, improving prediction and reducing uncertainty in hydraulic systems.Ítem El modelo Integra-Ciudad: la gestión del tráfico vial apoyado por la gestión del conocimientoRomero Villalobos, Oswaldo Alberto; Rincón Rojas, Edgar Jacinto; Romero Villalobos, Oswaldo Alberto [0000-0001-8308-3128]; Rincón Rojas, Edgar Jacinto [0000-0002-2997-8075]This document presents a research proposal to enable the construction of a model based on knowledge management that supports road traffic management in a city, taking the city of Bogotá as a case study, to understand the interactions between the city, the citizens and mobility that cause the problem of road congestion and have as a consequence problems of an economic, social and environmental nature. The structure developed provides as a starting point a review of the criteria to identify the problem and a justification is provided. Afterwards, some antecedents around the subject of transit and transport are considered, as well as the implication of technology in the mobility of cities to later propose how knowledge management could contribute to the management of vehicular traffic. Finally, we will use the Internet of Things (IoT) and its interrelation with Smartcities as a general theoretical framework and describe some general knowledge management models where we will frame the central theme of the research with documentary analysis to identify the relevant factors and thus build the indicators of knowledge management activities to create a generalized model.Ítem Propuesta de una metodología para el desarrollo sostenible de las actividades económicas en los territorios rurales de Colombia a partir de modelos de inteligenciaSuárez Roldán, Carolina; Méndez Giraldo, Germán AndrésOver time, it has been noted that the conditions for the development of rural areas have not been equivalent to the resources allocated to urban and/or intermediate spaces, being one of the reasons that explains the current lag in rural development. That is to say, rural areas face enduring challenges related to limited employment opportunities, low coverage of basic services, poor internet connectivity, limited income, among other aspects. These are developmental conditions that do not favor the rural population. Therefore, there has been an increase in rural population migration towards cities in search of new job opportunities and stability for their families. Therefore, rural population migration to cities in search of new job opportunities and stability for their families has increased in recent years. Consequently, urban areas present an imbalance because these spaces do not have the infrastructure and resources to cover these new demands. Rural territories have a crucial function that consists of supplying food, providing inputs to the secondary sectors of the economy, and especially preserving natural resources that are essential for the survival of living beings. Therefore, the potential that rural territories have in activating the development of nations is recognized, and generating a balance between rural, intermediate and urban areas. Consequently, the priority of contributing to the sustainable development of economic activities in rural territories is recognized. Based on the above, it is proposed to design a methodology that guides decision-making in the sustainable development of economic activities in rural territories of Colombia. This methodology is applied to a case study conducted in a rural territory in the Tolima department. In the methodology, a series of development phases is designed to enable the recognition of functions, variables, relationships, components, and elements that must be considered in decisions regarding which economic activities to undertake in these geographic areas. The main result of the doctoral thesis is the design of a methodology based on intelligence models. This methodology guides decision-making around the selection of the best activities that contribute to the sustainable development of rural territories. Consequently, this methodology contributes to the design of rural development programs that are more efficient and effective for the development of the regions.Ítem Modelo de un sistema de administración de energía autónomo operado desde la nube para optimizar la gestión de un grupo de microrredesRosero Bernal, David Gustavo; Diaz Aldana, Nelson Leonardo; Trujillo Rodríguez, Cesar; Diaz Aldana, Nelson Leonardo [0000-0003-0202-0489]; Trujillo Rodríguez, Cesar [0000-0002-0985-1472]Organizing the generation, storage, and management of electrical energy from the perspective of renewable energies, as well as the parameterization of the energy consumption characteristics of communities with limited access to the interconnected electricity supply, has taken more relevance in recent years due the demands that define the social welfare of this century. Complementary to the demand increase, other factors require the improvement and updating of the utility grid infrastructure and its opening to other technologies that meet the needs of end users. The interest in renewable energy sources, the evolution of energy storage technologies, the continuous research in microgrid management systems, and the massification of technologies and tools available in cloud computing, machine learning, big data, and the internet of things environment motivated the development of this doctoral research. This doctoral research focuses on three tasks linked to the operation of a cluster of microgrids. The first task is the fluctuating integration of heterogeneous energy generation devices and objects whose mobility and distribution characteristics are particular over various geographical areas. The second is the need for real-time operation and extensive information processing and storage capabilities. Finally, the third task considers the conservation factors for critical applications linked to advanced optimization techniques, especially the operational cost and the battery's lifespan. An autonomous and scalable energy management model that follows the hierarchical control structure and bases its operation on cloud computing, the internet of things, machine learning, and big data solves the aforementioned tasks. This research defines the elements considered by the real-time autonomous and scalable energy management system framework in a cluster of microgrids. For this, it is necessary to emulate the behavior of a group of interconnected microgrids and test the framework under real scenarios with the assistance of power-hardware-in-the-loop platforms connected to a cloud server. The server programming must include the implementation of the framework management protocol that exploits the optimization algorithm and state of charge equalization. Also, the framework takes advantage of machine learning and big data tools available in a cloud computing environment, ensuring the scalability of the framework's operation based on the fluctuation of the available resources in a microgrid or extending its operation to a cluster microgrids in a transparent way by the incorporation of IoT sensors or other tools. This doctoral thesis summarizes the framework research results and the published evidence released in one book, two journal papers, two international conferences, and one national conference.Ítem Modelo de gestión de alertas tempranas para la predicción de riesgos en el contexto de Smart City para la Ciudad de Bogotá D.C.Aguirre Buenaventura, Edgar Alirio; Ferro Escobar, Roberto; Ferro Escobar, Roberto [0000-0002-8978-538X]Risk management is made up of three elements: the first is risk awareness, the second is risk reduction, and the third is disaster management. This research focused on the component of risk knowledge and on proposing a model for the management of early warnings in the context of Smart City that allows contributing to the prediction and mitigation of risks in the city of Bogotá DC, for which a risk knowledge model was designed and a business architecture based on TOGAF was proposed that allows understanding, from a business scenario, what the objectives, goals and processes of this component are, as well as allowing the identification of the business focuses to which an organization is dedicated. risk awareness, ten experiments were carried out to test different components of the architectures, where information, modeling, artificial intelligence, and hardware components were tested, so the results show the potential of the model not only for events such as floods and mass movement, but they are also applicable in scenarios of climate change and agricultural risks, expanding the context of applications to different types of events.Ítem Modelo algorítmico para alta disponibilidad en transporte de volúmenes crecientes de tráfico variable en redes ópticasAguirre Moreno, Diego Fernando; BARON VELANDIA, JULIOThe Internet has shown exponential growth in the last decade, generating that users demand solutions to the requirements instantly. These requirements constitute the main problem related to the performance and characterization of the access and aggregation network infrastructure. Among the promising technologies are optical networks, their characteristics in capacity, quality of service and performance allow to support the traffic generated by future applications and technologies such as high-definition video, 5G networks and ultra-definition transmissions. Today, the implementation of all-optical networks presents several challenges such as: device maturity, optical storage buffers, optical packet switching, lack of effective network administration and management methods, and high costs. These limitations have delayed the development of fully optical networks, promoting research into elastic optical networks (EON), which dynamically adjust their resources according to the requirements of each demand. This research addresses the benefits in the use of elastic optical networks as support in the transport of the increasing volume of traffic, supported with machine learning techniques to face the problems of routing, spectrum allocation, modulation format and core selection. Providing a technological vision for the exploitation of the infrastructure that ensures completely optical switching and routing processes, optimizing resources based on demands.Ítem Modelo de enrutamiento basado en biclustering para redes de sensores inalámbricas en el internet de las cosas.Anzola Anzola, John Petearson; Tarazona, GiovannyMany routing schemes and models based on clustering in wireless sensor networks have been proposed in the literature. The model proposed in this work allows us to conceive a systematic design of routing algorithms based on clustering schemes to attend in a timely manner the grouping techniques and strategies based on the problems present in wireless sensor networks. The proposed model focuses on a two-hop routing approach, with the intervention of a cluster head node election mechanism, whose strategy is aimed at reducing computation and communication costs. A wide variety of clustering techniques and strategies have been developed today, and as science and engineering advance, new data analytics techniques have been developed, such is the case of Bioinformatics, where strong advances have been made. in the study of the human genome, in part, through gene expression analysis, which has had a strong development in applications with clustering tunics in large volumes of data. That is why, in this work, the identification and characterization of the homomorphisms found in the analysis of gene expression data with the routing processes in WSN, specifically through biclustering algorithms, which, throughout the literature explored, have been carried out. Few aspects have been contemplated in wireless sensor networks and in the paradigm of the Internet of Things. The proposed model contemplates a series of alternatives in approaches to problems and their quantification with performance metrics, therefore, this work presents a model for the design of routing protocols that apply different clustering schemes, among which there are biclustering due to the overlapping capacity that is not contemplated in traditional clustering algorithms. The proposed model was developed with two algorithms, the first with the kdtree algorithm based on a traditional clustering approach and the second with a Cheng and Church biclustering algorithm, which allows having biclusters that differ in the ability of overlap between groups. of data, a characteristic that is not contemplated in traditional clustering. These two approaches are treated in this work and allowed the development of two hierarchical routing protocols (H-kdtree and H-BCC).Ítem Diseño de un marco de referencia para una ciudad inteligente basado en gestión del conocimientoGonzález Bustamante, Ricardo Aliro; Ferro Escobar, RobertoThis document proposes a Framework the Bogota's governance, with which the city is sought to become an intelligent city. For this, the main characteristics of Smart Cities throughout the world were analysed and evaluating each of the elements implemented, their pros and cons and based on that. The most important pillars on which the attention of this research, these are: Big Data management, Information Security and Artificial Intelligence linked by Knowledge Management. But for this it was necessary to carry out a study of what governance has been like in Bogotá in the last 30 years, in areas it has been made and what strategies have been implemented, to start from already established bases and be able to carry out the technological implementation projects needed to turn the district into a smart cityÍtem Resource management model for radio access networks through a centralized controller applying Fuzzy SystemsAlbarracin Sánchez, Luis Felipe; Puerto Leguizamón, Gustavo AdolfoDoctoral degree thesis, which illustrates the use of fuzzy systems in mobile telecommunications, and creates three applications through SDR platforms.Ítem Diseño de un modelo para la representación de la dinámica espaciotemporal de objetos geográficos de tipo región mediante trayectorias semánticas en bases de datosOrtiz Dávila, Alvaro Enrique; Medina Daza, Rubén JavierThe wide uses of spatial information, which goes from personal to industrial areas, has allowed to present an abstraction of the real world into a digital environment, that we use to represent, interpret, analyse and understand a great part of the object and/or the geographical phenomena that had influenced people’s lives and, in general, society. Geographic information systems were the pioneers in realizing apps for representation and analysis of spatial information with geographic characteristics, they were followed by spatial data bases as an answer to the efficient administration of that information. It has been included a temporal dimension associated to the spatial information, being this the origin of spatiotemporal database, achieving to represent not only the form and location of geographic objects, but also the time associated to that object, being able to change its position and/or shape for another instant. This representation of time is discrete in the way that the object is stored in specific instants of time. As the changes associated to the geographic objects are continuous in time, their representation on space-time data bases has the limitation of being discrete. It is considered a limitation, since the representation of the object itself doesn’t corresponds completely to reality, restricting a complete and exact interpretation of the object and/or phenomenon on time intervals. As an answer to this problem, moving objects databases emerged, which pretend to represent the shape and location changes in a continuous way, managing till the moment that representation for the moving points by change of position trajectories, generating a line of the path in time intervals. In the case of moving regions trajectories, which its representation includes shape and position changes, their generation is more complex by far, to the point that at the moment a bibliographical reference of data base of an applied model that works on a moving objects that could generate it doesn’t exist, and less use the for consulting and analysis. This doctoral thesis designs a spatiotemporal database model that generates position and shape changes trajectories of moving regions, extending the model by adding semantics to the final trajectory with the intention of characterizing and enrich that trajectory on its environmental context, and other semantic generated by the movement that is represented. As a study case for experimentation and application of the model mentioned, the geographical phenomenon of urban growth of Bogotá city is chosen, region’s trajectories are generated, these represent the urban area, and a semantic would be associated to the city growth trajectory that complement the information for enriching the crude generated trajectories. In the same way a second study case would be taken, this one will show the thaw of Santa Marta’s Sierra Nevada. The source of information will be a map sequence and satellite images in a time period, of where the information about the geographical phenomenon would be extracted by classification techniques and the results will be saved on a space-time data base, where the process for making the generation of trajectories will continue with their respective representation on the space data base. As a result of the implementation of the models proposed, is demonstrated that these models allow the representation of semantic trajectories on space data base using the study cases mentioned, it also demonstrates that consults and operations can be realized with the trajectories, in addition of their visual representation and connection with other geographical information systems.Ítem Propuesta para la mitigación del ruido aperiódico de un sistema de comunicaciones por líneas eléctricas PLC de tipo residencialRozo García, Pablo Emilio; Hernández Mora, Johann AlexanderDue to the exponential increase in Domotics and IoT applications that seek, improve the quality of life within households, power line communications have become a relevant area of study since they are a technological alternative in data transmission that can minimize communication costs by using the infrastructure of the electric system and offer access everywhere. The setback of this technology lies in the noise involved in the process, whether it comes from the environment or the intrinsic nature of the media. The type of noises seen in these communication means are background noise, narrow-band noise and impulsive noise, which is subdivided into periodic noise (synchronous and asynchronous noises derived from the power grid) and the aperiodic noise which is the most detrimental. This doctoral work focuses on aperiodic or asynchronous impulsive noise since it is the most critical one of all five types of noises. This noise comes from the commutation of electric equipment with high spectral density in each load that is connected, operated and disconnected within a residential power grid. The purpose of this work is to propose a solution to mitigate the incidence of the aperiodic noise caused by home appliances, when the electric grid is used as a communication means. This improves the efficiency in the channel and thus becomes a convenient alternative for data transmission. To minimize the incidence of impulsive noise, the following process was carried out where noise was detected in the first phase under different conditions and with different loads. Some parameters were obtained in said phase to identify its characteristics and the conditions in which it presents itself. A second phase consisted on characterizing the noise based on its parameters and some statistical processes such as Poisson and Gauss. In the third phase, the aperiodic noise was modeled using the Middleton model as a basis, by combining the advantages of the Bernoulli-Gauss and Poisson-Gauss models. This modeling process led to propose mitigation devices and choose the simplest and most affordable one to be implemented for all users. The final phase was the implementation of a PLC communications system through a CORINEX system. Some tests were carried out in the vacuum with linear and non-linear loads with and without the proposed device under the same characteristics. The results delivered an improvement of over 95% with certain loads and 75% for other loads. In other cases, the system remained stable and for a few loads, the incidence of noise was increased. It was concluded that the proposal meets the performance expectations and improves the overall efficiency in this communications environment.Ítem Metamodelo para vinculación de recursos educativos abiertos mediante especificaciones LOD y basado en principios de confianzaHerrera Cubides, Jhon Francined; Gaona García, Paulo AlonsoAt present, it is shown high availability of educational resources on the Web; a large majority of those are posted with copyright. It allows that the siting, access, query, and retrieval of those which are open and tailored to the users’ requirements, will come under an increasing need. This need is to be found when these resources, along with the virtual learning environments, become key elements and strategies at the moment of addressing issues such as the one experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, in the knowledge domain of Open Educational Resources (OER) and the querying and retrieving processes, different challenges -associated with scarce description of their features, special needs of those organizations that post, among others- are presented. Besides, the OER descriptions unveil diverse data quality issues, their data models are not openly available, and finally, those descriptions do not offer semantic enrichment that contributes to providing more context to the users in the consulting and retrieving processes of the resources, situations that have restricted availability and reuse of OER. Arisen from the problems mentioned previously, the need to provide an improved and enriched description of OER that addresses quality data elements from the abstraction and setting stages of the features, as first steps of open and enhanced data life cycle was identified. Taking into account the aforementioned need and the structure of various theoretical components that render restrictions and standards for its implementation, the present thesis aims at designing a metamodel that articulates an OER description with improvements through the execution of data quality dimensions, along with the semantic enhancement endowed by linked data. This metamodel allows to build a model to describe Open Educational Resources which is mapped in two formats: Dublin Core, as the simplest and most widely used metadata schema; and RDF, as standard of data interchange to develop the interconnected data process. This improved model, to describe OER and their mapping, contribute to enabling the availability and reuse of OER, also, provides a wider set of characteristics that permits and facilitates searching and retrieving processes of resources from users. Moreover, it allows a greater interoperability level with other models when having a larger number of features, as criteria upgrading in searching and retrieving processes of educational resources for other applications.Ítem Agente integrador de recursos energéticos distribuidos en el nivel de distribución del sistema eléctrico colombianoArias Barragan, Luis Alejandro; Rivas Trujillo, EdwinThe integration of distributed energy resources (DER) in distribution networks presents a dispersion with a low appropriation of them in the management of energy resources by the OR (Niknam, T., Ranjbar AM, Shirani AR 2005) (Bouffard and Kirschen 2008) (Levin and Thomas 2016). Likewise, an incipient development of the mechanisms of integration of DER is observed, which are basically focused on self-generation solutions and generally linked to isolated projects, characterized by low sustainability and by occasionally offering some auxiliary services to electricity networks (Ilic, Black & Prica 2007, Yano et al., 2012; Faria et al., 2014; Dietrich et al., 2015; Yang, Zhang & Xiao 2015). The present doctoral thesis has focused on proposing an integrating agent of DER in the level of distribution of the electrical system, allowing an economic and technological integration of them, through their participation as suppliers of surplus energy and services for the network. Methodologically, the design of the structure and functionality of the DER integrative agent was proposed through modeling tools such as the UML (Universal Modeling Language). The mathematical modeling for the costs of the energy products that the integrating agent can offer to the network: power disconnection services and sale of surplus energy has been made from the configuration of optimization problems of the integer-mixed type, having take into account the normative aspects in force at national and international level. Regarding the stochastic behavior of some DER resources, Weibull probability distribution functions and the Adisson-Dassler criteria have been used. Finally, aspects linked to the automatic control of processes over DER were simulated with automation software: Fluid Simm 3.6, Matlab 2016 and Gxdeveloper 3.2. Verification was carried out with the help of DIGSILENT 15.1, DSS-SIMM 2012 and Power Word 2007. As products or results of the doctoral thesis is the design of the integrating agent, of an access platform in the cloud computing space and mathematical formulations and optimization problems have been proposed for the sale of surplus energy from GD and for the sale of power disconnection services with RD that are offered to the OR. In the same way, different forms of user participation have been designed with their DER in the supply of energy products to the network.The integration of the DER through the proposed integrating agent has shown the viability of their active participation in concrete tasks of flattening the demand curve, the response to peak demand and the improvement of the voltage profiles in the network. As a general conclusion, the doctoral thesis has designed an integrating agent of DER that will be incorporated into the electricity network as an actor within the management carried out at the level of distribution and commercialization jointly with the operator of the network and providing services to this. Said integrating the agent will initially be assigned to the marketer but may be managed in the form of an independent entity if it becomes necessary in the near future.Ítem An attitude control system for cubesat satellites using an adaptive L1 norm control methodCastellanos García, César Alberto; Suárez Fajardo, Carlos ArturoAfter modeling the satellite attitude dynamics as a rigid body system and applying to it the L1 norm control method, simulation software was developed and corresponding results were obtained. As these results were not considered a good tracking of reference command signals, contradicting authors of reference [Cao 2015], a variant within the frame of L1 adaptive method was employed to solve the satellite attitude control problem (SACP). This variant has not been employed in the literature for SACP. Even though reference command tracking was still unsatisfactory. Other similar systems were tested, verifying simulation software and L1 norm adaptive control implementation against reported simulations in the literature [Kharysov, et al, 2010], [Lavretsky et al, 2008], reproducing their results [Castellanos et al, 2017]. Although L1 filters design and specification for unmatched nonlinearities remains and open question, good tracking depends on L1 filtering, and general conclusions for different systems and the type of systems like satellite attitude has been obtained. General modifications to L1 adaptive control algorithm are explored in this thesis in chapter XIX, and corresponding simulation software is developed. A general conclusion balance is expressed in chapter XX.Ítem Development of an alternative method for multispectral image segmentation based on cartesian complexes and its associated oriented matroidsValero Medina, José Antonio; Lizarazo Salcedo, Iván AlbertoIn digital image analysis, a strategy used to address spatial and topological properties is to define image objects, as they are known in the remote sensing community, grouping pixels as coarser geometric space elements or super pixels. This process is known as image segmentation. In this process it is common to group near pixels based on (a, b)-connected graphs as neighborhood definitions. Such an approach, however, cannot meet some topological axioms needed to ensure a correct representation of connectedness relationships. Super pixel boundaries may present ambiguities because one-dimensional contours are represented by pixels, which are 2-dimensional. The inherent complexity of segmentation algorithms along with the high volume of data of the high resolution images, demand considerable computing resources. Because of the above, geometric algorithms traditionally used for image segmentation work on 2-dimensional entities (i.e., there are neither 0-dimensional nor 1-dimensional entities to build boundaries on) and, therefore, take decisions based on topological relationships ambiguously represented. This research managed to conceptually design and computationally implement an alternative method for multispectral image segmentation based on axiomatic locally finite spaces (ALFS) provided by cartesian complexes, which take into account topological and geometric properties. This alternative representation model provides a geometric space that complies with the T 0 digital topology free of topological ambiguities, on which a novel way for segmenting imagery data is built. Proposed model is developed and implemented in such a way that the required subset of geometrical characteristics are transformed into combinatorial structures encoding topological and geometric features present in combinatorial half spaces using its oriented matroid. The proposed approach uses a layered architecture going from a physical level, going next through the logical geospatial abstraction level and then through the cartesian complex logical level. Additionally, there is a layer oforiented matroids composed of conceptual elements in terms of combinatorics for encoding relevant features to multispectral image segmentation. First, it is conducted an edge detection task using a multi-scale texture analysis and oriented gradient calculation, next a spectral affinity analysis, including oriented derivative filter appliance to finally obtain a probability contour map using a cartesian complex space rather than the pixel conventional image representation. Therefore, a computational framework by which it is possible the representation of a multispectral digital image in a way that explicitly takes into account topological properties in order to better conduct image segmentation was produced. Accuracy assessment of boundaries produced by proposing approach was carried out through two validation strategies: (1) segment scale generalization to the scale of the available segmentation ground truth and (2) proposed approach versus conventional pixel boundary detection benchmarking. The results show that, by departing from the conventional pixel representation, it is possible to segment an image based on a topologically correct digital space, while simultaneously taking advantage of combinatorial features of their associated oriented matroids. Even though the precision produced from cartesian complexes still does not exceed that obtained from the conventional approach based on pixels, the approach here proposed does achieve a better recall and average precision. This permits to affirm that the model proposed and implemented as part of the research here presented constitutes a reliable alternative for the segmentation of multispectral images. It was possible to confirm that the usage of axiomatic locally finite spaces and their associated matroids enables image topological-geometric segmentation.Ítem Modelo descentralizado de navegación para sistemas robóticos multi-agente cooperativosJiménez Álvarez, Andrés Camilo; Bolaños Castro, Sandro JavierThe autonomous multi-agent robotic systems (MARS) are modeled and developed to work in processes dedicated to navigation in stochastic environments, especially in localization, planning, and mapping. These processes make use of design models in centralized systems that generate dependence of a central unit, being this a constraint for the autonomy of the robotic agents. This is why the decentralization of a robotic multi-agent system has been an area of research in recent years since it allows the control and allocation of distributed tasks in an asynchronous and robust manner since it does not have the dependence on a central unit. However, there are areas in which the communication process in the network generated by the robotic agents is not contemplated, creating dependency on a permanent connection to the neighboring units to realize the proposed objectives. In this research project, a decentralized model is described, which allows interaction not only between the robotic agents that make up the system, but also, with external agents such asmonitoring units or sensors, in a decentralized manner, basing its operating architecture on the emerging technology of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)Ítem Sistema experto híbrido para la programación de tareas en sistemas de serviciosLópez Santana, Eduyn Ramiro; Méndez Giraldo, Germán ÁndresThis doctoral thesis studies the decision-making problem known as scheduling on service systems, which has a scope of the operational level where the decision must be made in the short term. Thus, we need methods to understand how a person approaches the problem. The process starts when a person must identify a scheduling problem, next to a performance measure and later a solution technique. In addition, given the complexity of programming problems, which is a combinatorial problem, it adds to the characteristics of service systems such as intangibility, heterogeneity, co-production and variability, which makes it difficult to classify and identify problems. In the same way, it is often found that this process does not use computer tools, professional staff and the knowledge of this process is not organized, so they do not have an adequate knowledge management of this operational function. To solve this problem, we propose a hybrid expert system that consists of two subsystems. The first one determines the type of service and its main features, according to a sector (primary, manufacturing, or service), a section, and a division of ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification). The second one takes the output of the first subsystem, and a set of additional variables to determine the type of scheduling problem, its performance measure and a suggest solution technique, using a three rule-based system in a waterfall way.