Modelo de enrutamiento basado en biclustering para redes de sensores inalámbricas en el internet de las cosas.
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Many routing schemes and models based on clustering in wireless sensor networks have been proposed in the literature. The model proposed in this work allows us to conceive a systematic design of routing algorithms based on clustering schemes to attend in a timely manner the grouping techniques and strategies based on the problems present in wireless sensor networks. The proposed model focuses on a two-hop routing approach, with the intervention of a cluster head node election mechanism, whose strategy is aimed at reducing computation and communication costs. A wide variety of clustering techniques and strategies have been developed today, and as science and engineering advance, new data analytics techniques have been developed, such is the case of Bioinformatics, where strong advances have been made. in the study of the human genome, in part, through gene expression analysis, which has had a strong development in applications with clustering tunics in large volumes of data. That is why, in this work, the identification and characterization of the homomorphisms found in the analysis of gene expression data with the routing processes in WSN, specifically through biclustering algorithms, which, throughout the literature explored, have been carried out. Few aspects have been contemplated in wireless sensor networks and in the paradigm of the Internet of Things. The proposed model contemplates a series of alternatives in approaches to problems and their quantification with performance metrics, therefore, this work presents a model for the design of routing protocols that apply different clustering schemes, among which there are biclustering due to the overlapping capacity that is not contemplated in traditional clustering algorithms. The proposed model was developed with two algorithms, the first with the kdtree algorithm based on a traditional clustering approach and the second with a Cheng and Church biclustering algorithm, which allows having biclusters that differ in the ability of overlap between groups. of data, a characteristic that is not contemplated in traditional clustering. These two approaches are treated in this work and allowed the development of two hierarchical routing protocols (H-kdtree and H-BCC).