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Ítem Exploración del modelo Word2Vec: Bag-of-Words y Skip-gram, en el marco del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.Casas Peñarete , Cristian Camilo; Masmela Caita, Luis Alejandro; Masmela Caita,Luis Alejandro [0000-0003-3882-4980]Our objective is to understand the functioning of the two neural networks that are part of the Word2Vec model, presented by Mikolov et al. To achieve this, we will provide a brief introduction to the concept of neural networks and their training process. Then, we will offer a brief contextualization of natural language processing, and finally, delve into the details of how the Word2Vec models work. This analysis will include notions of why these models are effective, supported by illustrative examples.Ítem Teoría cualitativa de los sistemas dinámicos no lineales y el modelo de FitzHugh-Nagumo(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) López Moreno, Julián Andrés; Bolaños Rivera, Yudy MarcelaThe present work is divided into two parts. First, it examines the fundamental concepts of qualitative theory for analyzing nonlinear dynamic systems, including the theorems of Hartman-Grobman, Lyapunov, and the Bendixon's criterion. Subsequently, these theoretical elements are applied to the analysis of the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model. Special attention is given to the local analysis of the system, represented by the following set of equations: x' = y + x - x³/3 + I and y' = -x + a - by where x' and y' denote the temporal derivatives of x and y respectively, a, b, and I are real parameters (Murray, 2002). A variety of different behaviors are identified, ranging from hyperbolic and non-hyperbolic points to spirals, nodes, saddles, and cycles.Ítem Continuidad y compacidad de operadores de composición con pesos actuando en espacios de sucesionesLuque Casallas, Miguel Santiago; Ramos Fernández, Julio CésarIn this work, we utilize and demonstrate properties of the distribution function and the decreasing rearrangement, leveraging the definition of Lorentz sequence spaces ℓ(p, q) to explore the continuity of the weighted composition operator 𝑊𝑢,𝜑 in ℓ(p, q) and the compactness of the multiplication operator 𝑀𝑢 and the composition operator 𝐶𝜑 in this space. We present several examples, properties, and relationships.Ítem Apoyo financiero y administrativo para la obtención de recursos de crédito externo en la Subdirección de Financiamiento con Organismos Multilaterales y Gobiernos del Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público.Hinestroza Perea, Josselyn Jelissa; Villarraga Poveda, Luis FernandoThis report on the internship at the Subdirection of Financing with Multilateral Organizations and Governments is focused on the comprehension of the financial and administrative requirements for obtaining external credit resources from multilateral and bilateral sources for Government Institutions.Ítem Informe final de pasantía empresa bsns méxico s.avaron dueñas, Jennifer Natalya; Villaraga Poveda, Luis FernandoOne of the most relevant applications of state-of-the-art mathematics is in the sophisticated and globalized world of financial markets. These are the target of the professional profile of mathematics for finance in advanced and professional mathematics; upon obtaining my degree as a mathematician I wish to go to an intensive graduate program for the formation of high-level professionals in mathematics of financial markets. BSNS MEXICO required an intern for the administration and finance area, this intern should have the ability to support the processes related to financial, legal and administrative issues, necessary for the successful operation of the organization. In this report I compile my experience as an intern in the company BSNS MEXICO, it includes activities of the internship, which are justified, since it is a way in which you can compare and apply the knowledge acquired during the cycle of the career of mathematics in the work area.Ítem Integrales de Henstock-Kurzweil, espacios de Sobolev y algunas aplicacionesBlanco Cano, Sebastian Camilo; Ramos Fernández, Julio CésarIn this paper a study of the most relevant properties of the HK integral and of the HK-Sobolev spaces defined in the recent paper by Pérez-Becerra et al. It is shown that the definite integral for functions in these spaces fulfills the same characteristics as Riemann-integrable functions, such as, for example, a fundamental theorem of calculus and a formula for integration by parts. Then, the existence and uniqueness of solutions for a boundary value problem in these spaces is proved.Ítem Superficies mínimasBogotá Mora, Maicol Stiven; Sanjuan Cuellar, Alvaro ArturoIn the present work, we will study some basic properties of the minimum surfaces in R^3, through concepts of geometry, variational calculus, and complex variables among others. In this way, we will make a brief introduction to the classical theory of minimal surfaces, in particular, what is related to the Enneper-Weierstrass Representation Theorem and the Bjorling problem.Ítem Un problema de demografía modelado por una ecuación de Mckendrick - Von FoersterLeón Hernández, Manuel Andrey; Nieto Huertas, Danna Katherine; Sanjuán Cuellar, Álvaro Arturo; Sanjuán Cuellar, Álvaro Arturo [0000-0002-0309-8299]In this monograph we will study an age-structured model of poblational dynamic that arises in the papers of McKendrick retaken by Von Foester. In this model we have a function of age distribution, the mortality rate and the offspring rate of the population. The most interesting thing about this model is its boundary condition because it's depending on the unknown solution. Under certain conditions the model could be solved through the method of the characteristics. This will take us to consider the border condition as a Non-homogenous Volterra integral equation called renewal equation. We will show that Volterra integral equation has an only solution and we will study it throughout approaches using Neumman series, to apply it and obtain the age structure for the population according to the renewal equation.Ítem Construcción funcional de SadowskyRíos Cristancho, José David; Ovalle Velandia, María Valentina; Sanjuan Cuellar, Alvaro ArturoIn this work we will study that thin rectangular strips defined as configurations that minimize the energy of the Sadowsky functional for narrow elastic strips that are developable, are prone to build spherical shapes. in the sense that the forceless solutions lie on a sphere. This has implications for ribbon-shaped objects. We also address the relationship that the Sadowsky functional has with the principal curvatureÍtem Implementación de algunos modelos analíticos y estadísticos para la validación del correcto reporte de información en cuentas maestrasSánchez Rodríguez, Natalia; Villarraga Poveda, Luis FernandoThis degree work will focus on the illustration of the internship developed during the period 2022 − 1, in the Master Accounts team belonging to group 028 of the Subdirectorate of Support for territorial fiscal consolidation of the General Directorate of Fiscal Support (DAF) of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. Where the focus was oriented towards the structuring of the new banking information reporting system for Master Accounts and Master Paying Accounts; and also to the review of reprocessing documents of Master Paying Accounts.Ítem Modelos de mezclas Gaussianas como clasificadores en el contexto de machine learningMartinez Castillo, Daniel Stiven; Másmela Caita, Luis AlejandroIn this document I study of Gaussian mixture models. Specifically, an analysis of its mathematical structure, its interpretation and a classic method of estimating its parameters, the Expectation-Maximization algorithm known in the literature by its acronym as EM algorithm. The theory presented is illustrated through the use of the data set "Rice_MSC_Dataset", for this, the "mclust" package is implemented in the R software.