Tecnología en Sistematización de Datos
URI permanente para esta colecciónhttp://hdl.handle.net/11349/1914
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Ítem Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para apoyar el aprendizaje de la notación musical. (NOTENBLATT)Duarte Polo, Gian Franco; Tejero Gómez, María Fernanda; Rodríguez Guerrero, Rocío; 0000-0002-2956-9650This document presents the mobile application NOTENBLATT, designed to support the learning of musical notation, which will be available for mobile devices with Android 8.0 ("Oreo") operating system. The project development will be guided by the SCRUM methodology. The objective is to provide students and/or individuals interested in learning this system up to a basic level, allowing users to acquire the relevant skills to interpret a musical score. The NOTENBLATT application has the following functions: • Register users who wish to enter the application. • Allow access to users previously registered in the application. • View and modify user information. • View available achievements. • Display the user's progress according to their advancement within the application, as well as their responses to quizzes. • Access lessons to consult their information. • Access quizzes to validate the learning developed in each lesson. • Implement notifications to make navigation within the application more enjoyable, providing an explanation of the available functions on each window to the user.Ítem Aplicacion movil para la generación de alertas frente a situaciones de acosoRios Matta, David Santiago; Ayala Clavijo, Nicol Estefanny; Vanegas, Carlos AlbertoThe application was developed with the aim of helping entities manage the safety of their employees or students in cases of harassment or emergency in real time. It allows entities to create or grant control of the app to the area they consider relevant. This application allows users to send an alert with a single touch, thus sharing the real-time location with the entity and allowing it to take the necessary measures instantly. It has functionalities such as the panic button, which allows the user to send the alert. In addition, user management includes secure Firebase authentication, thus differentiating roles between users and entities. The incident history allows viewing of incidents reported to the entity with the username. Real-time notifications ensure a timely response. This solution offers a preventive approach and a better response to dangerous situations.Ítem Aplicación web para la administración de recursos empresariales en la empresa Crazy BarberyMoreno Ruiz, Deybid Santiago; Vanegas, Carlos AlbertoIn this internship, the creation of a web application for the management of business resources in the Crazy Barbery company was proposed. Through the different modules of the application, the necessary operations for the company could be incorporated, resulting in a web application with user validations. complete navigability and functionality. Thus helping the Crazy Barbery company to improve its operation from IT.Ítem Aplicación web para la gestión de inventario y comercialización de productos con una arquitectura orientada a servicios en los puntos de venta informales de la facultad tecnológica de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Mateus Rodriguez, Andres; Cadena Cadena, Andres Felipe; Zabala Alvarez, Jhon Fredy; Zabala Alvarez, Jhon Fredy [0000-0001-7795-6471]For several years the informal sales spaces also known as "puntos de venta informales" within the spaces of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas have been increasing, this due to the need for students seeking to have an economic livelihood and / or a place where they can buy food quickly and at an affordable price, this together with the absence of a specific diffusion space for this type of places or activities generates the development of an information system in order to facilitate the knowledge and scope of information as well as the optimization of processes, search and management of these places. Due to this, the web application Distripuntos de venta informales was developed taking into account the needs of students who are both owners of the puntos de venta informales and others who belong to the university field, this offers the possibility of optimizing processes when making sales and purchases by students and other members of the university environment, as well as facilitating the management of resources and distribution of information by all. The development of this project was made possible thanks to the use of free software tools and the collaboration of the owners of the puntos de venta informales.Ítem Aplicación web de préstamo de espacios para bicicletas en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Facultad Tecnológica(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Sanchez Chicuasuque, Juan Sebastian; Lozano Vivas, Jarol Alveiro; Zabala Alvarez, John FredyIn the modern era, sustainable and environmentally friendly mobility has become an essential objective for educational institutions and organizations around the world. The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas facultad tecnológica, aware of its commitment to sustainability and improving the quality of life of its members, has recognized the importance of promoting the use of bicycles. In line with this commitment, we are pleased to present a project that seeks to improve the experience of users who wish to use the bicycle parking lot of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas facultad tecnológica. This initiative translates into the development of an intuitive and efficient web application designed for the reservation and delivery of spaces in the bicycle parking lot of our prestigious institution. The main objective of this application is to provide our students with a simple and reliable means to reserve a space in the bicycle parking lot in advance, thus avoiding situations of overcapacity and ensuring that each cyclist has a guaranteed space when arriving on campus.Ítem Aplicación web scraping para la búsqueda de información de instituciones y carreras universitarias(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Gómez Bohórquez, David Esteban; Pinzón Núñez, Sonia Alexandra; Pinzón Núñez, Sonia Alexandra [0000-0003-0746-0598]This project aims to create a web application that allows users to find and explore detailed information about careers in higher education institutions and careers in Bogotá, as well as create a personalized vocational profile through an interactive form. Using web scraping and artificial intelligence techniques, the application will categorize the available careers to offer personalized recommendations based on the interests and skills of each user. In addition, the platform will include higher education news sections and user cases, encouraging interaction and information exchange among the educational community. The proposed application seeks to provide users with a comprehensive and easy-to-use tool to explore educational and professional options in Bogotá, thus facilitating vocational decision making and significantly optimizing online search time. The application not only provides access to up-to-date and relevant information on professional careers, but also offers personalized recommendations based on each user's vocational profile, allowing them to make informed decisions about their academic and professional future. Also, by implementing news sections and users' own cases, a collaborative space is created where experiences and information can be shared, thus enriching the educational and vocational experience of the community.Ítem Sistema de gestión de actas para el proyecto curricular de Sistematización de Datos(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Baquero Orozco, Miguel Angel; Wanumen Silva, Luis Felipe; Wanumen Silva, Luis Felipe [0000-0002-8877-5681]The curriculum project for the Data Systematization Technology program faces a series of significant challenges in administration when dealing with curricular cases involving students and faculty, which have affected the efficiency and quality of administrative responses. The lack of a comprehensive minutes management system has resulted in inefficient processes, poor organization, and limited capacity to systematize data effectively. This deficiency has led to notable consequences, such as delays in decision-making, loss of critical information, and a somewhat unsettling and frustrating experience for both students and faculty.Ítem Infostock sistema de información para la gestión de inventarios de recursos informáticosRaquel Largo, Brenda Raquel; Cortes Rojas, Juan Esteban; Pinzon Nuñez, Sonia Alexandra; Pinzon Nuñez, Sonia Alexandra [0000-0003-0746-0598]In this project, the problem evidenced in the learning portals coordinated by the local mayor's office of Ciudad Bolivar, in relation to the management of information for the management and monitoring of the inventory of computer equipment and its maintenance in each of the portals, is raised. Therefore, it is proposed to develop a web information system for inventory management and maintenance of computer equipment in the portals, which will solve the main problem related to inventory management, since it will improve the accuracy and reliability of the information and simplify the processes of equipment repair and inventory reporting. It will ensure that equipment information is active and up to date, showing the good condition of the equipment and that it is available when needed. The proposed alternative will implement an application from the use of open source technologies, based on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, such as Angular and additionally with Firebase database management.Ítem Aplicación móvil multiplataforma para notificación de incidentes en ciclorutasSuarez Contreras, Juan Sebastian; Wanumen Silva, Luis Felipe; Wanumen Silva, Luis Felipe [0000-0002-8877-5681]The essential purpose of this project is to provide users of the bike paths in Bogotá with a specialized software tool for collecting and distributing relevant information about three specific types of events that may arise in this environment. Simultaneously, it offers them the ability to document incidents as they occur during their rides, enabling them to efficiently share this information with other community users to whom the information is relevant through a single posting event in the system. This document comprehensively addresses the development of the software product, detailing both its concept and its planning and development, as well as the results obtained. Throughout this process, we have encountered a series of challenges, including organizational and technical issues in the various phases of development. Nevertheless, we have successfully overcome these obstacles, resulting in a functional cross-platform mobile system that is ready for production implementation. The prototype has undergone rigorous data and performance testing, verifying the precise and correct operation of the system. These positive results assure us that the actual implementation phase will not be an obstacle, but rather the next logical step in the evolution of this product. It is essential to emphasize that this product not only represents a technological alternative but also a means to contribute to the improvement of safety and the overall experience of users of the bike paths in Bogotá.Ítem Sistema de información para la gestión de ganado de cría y levante(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Orjuela Leiva, Aylin Camila; Cuellar Florez, Juan Pablo; Guevara Bolaños, Juan Carlos; Guevara Bolaños, Juan Carlos [0000-0001-9580-0374]The main objective of this work is to address the importance of systematization in livestock farms, providing more effective management and offering a clear view of the losses and gains associated with livestock activities. The systematization of farms allows farmers to have technological tools and structured processes that facilitate the administration of their livestock and optimize economic outcomes. This is focused on livestock for breeding or raising purposes. The raising phase concentrates on the growth and development of livestock from birth to the pre-fattening stage. On the other hand, breeding involves the reproduction and management of animals to maintain and improve quality. Both stages are fundamental in the livestock production chain and require proper management to ensure efficiency and profitability.Ítem Aplicativo web para el seguimiento de estudiantes y comunicacion con acudientes de los centros educativos de la UPZ 69 Ismael Perdomo de la localidad de Ciudad Bolivar de Bogotá(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Aguirre Viasus, Cristian Camilo; Silva Garzón, Farid Santiago; Pinzón Núñez, Sonia Alexandra; Pinzón Núñez,Sonia Alexandra [0000-0003-0746-0598]Many process that doing nowaday by the educational institutions is realize to hand maneer. In addition to that, the send of information is continue realized through of the students, that know to the all activities to develop at the intitutions, as like of the anotations that they have at the moment, registered grades in physical forms and the observations about academic performance that the teachers can realize. The communication between parents and teachers is the most important factor during academic life of the students, from the participation in meet and academic activities, the citations made by teachers for the need of warn to the parents about the performance of their children, the notification about convivence observations and finally the delivery of reports every period. Each one of before activities are important and would to be treat to the best form to find dinamics that affetc in possitive way the students performance. Therefore, along of this document will showing the development of an application that improve the communication between attendants and teachers, systematizing the processes formerly mentioned, next to the necesary documentation for that is understadable, with the explanation of the reasons for that how is necesary investigate in the theme and propose a solution throw a web aplication.Ítem APLICATIVO WEB PARA EL PROCESO DE INSCRIPCIÓN DE LOS NIÑOS Y NIÑAS A LA ESCUELA DE NATACIÓN DEL COMPLEJO ACUÁTICO SIMÓN BOLÍVAR - IDRDCarabali García, YiselThe Swimming School of the Aquatic Complex is a program attached to the District Institute of Recreation and Sports - IDRD, which has been developed since 2006 and has benefited a large number of boys and girls in Bogota, where formative teaching processes are carried out in the sport of swimming, the objectives of the program range from adaptation to the environment to the teaching of classical swimming styles. The program is focused on boys and girls between 5 and 12 years old.Ítem Desarrollo de un gestor de bicicletas parqueadero de la Facultad Tecnológica de la Universidad Distrital F.J.C.(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Pedraza Montenegro, Fredy Esteban; Fúquene Ardila, Héctor Julio; Fúquene Ardila,Héctor Julio [0009-0005-3946-8190]This project focuses on developing an application to streamline access to the bicycle parking facilities for students, administrative staff, workers, and faculty who use bicycles as their mode of transport at Facultad Tecnológica de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. The application was developed using C# programming language in conjunction with a MySQL database. The development approach followed the principles of Extreme Programming (XP), which improved the implementation of key modules such as login, administration, student and bicycle registration, bicycle status tracking, staff registration, and bicycle parking status. In conclusion, the project increases the successful creation of the application through pre-registration, registration, and continuous database monitoring, highlighting the importance of systematizing bicycle parking facilities. It is recommended that replication of a similar application at another campus or university should consider the specific context of the system's users and the physical space it serves.Ítem Sistema informativo para el recordatorio de pagos de las matrículas de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Facultad TecnológicaGiraldo Alzate, Sergio Alejandro; Gómez Galvis, Julián Andrés; Wanumen Silva, Luis Felipe; Wanumen Silva, Luis Felipe [0000-0002-8877-5681]The purpose of this monograph is to provide assistance to the university with regard to the delivery of information focused on the dates of payment of tuition, both ordinary and extraordinary. In addition, it is intended to provide payment reminders to those students who are due to receive such reminders, as well as payment confirmations to each relevant student.To support portability and improve the fact that students do not usually access the student platform, a mobile app is created in which they can check the status of payment dates, closure, extraordinary closure, whether they have paid or not and other data that the student provides to the university, for this we talk with the coordinator of the career about the scope of the information provided by the university and a relevant solution is proposed to start a process of improvements in information systems within the institution. This is why the present project is developed, to begin to propose results that solve these problems that in one way or another, affect the flow of processes within the university, in such a way, the long-term objective is that the system can be implemented and improved over time, for the benefit of students and administrators.Ítem Desarrollo de un dashboard para la consulta de integraciones y despliegues continuos en la plataforma de Azure DevopsEscobar Alzate, Jonatan Stiben; García Caro, Jhon Alexander; Rodríguez Guerrero, RocíoIn this work you will find the process of design and development of an application that will serve as the basis for an integration of different results of compilations of business projects, in which applying specialized methodologies a technological solution that provides an improvement to the process of monitoring or surveillance in the different states of the integrations and deployments of Microsoft Azure DevOps as a service present in the life cycle of the software is proposed.Ítem Sistema de información para apoyar la ejecución y seguimiento de los trabajos de gradoCortés Ramírez, David Alejandro; Pastrana Gutiérrez, Javier Giovanni; Guevara Bolaños, Juan Carlos;This project aims to design a web platform for the Group METIS to manage and monitor undergraduate theses from topic selection to final presentation. Challenges such as lack of specific guidance for students, tutor workload, and difficulty in tracking due to topic diversity are identified. The SCRUM methodology and TAM are employed for development and validation, respectively, with favorable preliminary results. The goal is to enhance resource management and the experience of both students and tutors, fostering a collaborative environment. The implementation of the digital platform reflects the growing importance of technology in academia, with agile practices and a focus on user satisfaction. The document structure facilitates comprehension and navigation, beginning with the introduction, followed by the project's objectives and scope, the proposed model, development and validation processes, team biographies, and relevant supplementary information in the appendices.Ítem Página web de adopción de mascotasNavarrete Monroy, Cristian Eduardo; Wanumen Silva, Luis Felipe; Wanumen Silva,Luis Felipe[0000-0002-8877-5681]The problem of abandoned animals is a global problem that affects many cities in the world, including the city of Santa Cruz located in the country of Bolivia. These animals often do not have access to food, water, care. . medical and human affection, which can lead to health and behavioral problems in addition to other social problems such as the overpopulation of these animals and on the other hand, on the part of human beings, the lack of education of people. Taking into account the above, and as the main idea of the project, emphasis will be placed on the implementation of a technological solution, which is the development and creation of a pet adoption website for the city of Santa Cruz, for the development of The website is taken as the Metric V3 methodology, a methodology that is made up of the following 4 phases. Project planning: The objectives and scope of the project will be established, and the resources necessary to carry it out will be determined. Analysis: The system requirements will be defined and the functionalities that the pet adoption website must have will be established. Design: The system architecture is established and the pet adoption website will be designed. Construction and testing: The pet adoption website was built and the necessary tests were carried out to guarantee its correct functioning.Ítem Aplicación móvil agenda recordatorio para la gestión de toma de medicamentos (Medicaretrack)Cortes Tobon, Santiago; León Saza, Omar Leonardo; RodrÍguez Guerrero, RocioThe main objective of this project has been the development of an application for mobile devices with Android 8.0("Oreo") operating system. The application that was developed in this project was named "Medicaretrack", Medicaretrack is an application for scheduling medications, its target population are the elderly because this population is diagnosed as the most prone to present polypharmacy. Polypharmacy is the simultaneous or excessive use of several medications, for example, many drugs or an excessive dose (4). The Medicaretrack application has 8 main functionalities, which are: • Register users who want to use the application. • Allow the entry of users previously registered in the application. • Display and update the user's information. • Allows the user to add one or multiple medications to the application, and organizes this information in a simple and intuitive way to facilitate the use of the application by the target population. • Displays and allows updating the user's medication information. • Implement scheduled notifications in order to provide the option of activating reminders for the medications selected by the user. • Gives the option to send an e-mail to a guardian to validate the information provided by the user. • The application allows the user to modify the font size of the components.Ítem Aplicación para la gestión y administración de tiendas de víveresVega Oñate, Andrés Felipe; Pinzón Núñez, Sonia Alexandra; Pinzón Núñez,Sonia Alexandra [0000-0003-0746-0598]During the rapid growth of digitization and technology, the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the adoption of digital tools in everyday life. While many aspects of society have adapted to this new reality, such as online shopping and app-based communication, small neighborhood stores, mostly owned by owners in their 40s and 60s, face challenges in the transition to more modern management methods. Despite the growing demand for technology solutions in store management, many store owners still rely on traditional methods, such as manual record keeping, to keep track of their transactions and accounting. This resistance to change has led to the need to develop an application that simplifies and automates the management of grocery stores, handling both accounting and sales records. This project proposes to create an application designed specifically to meet the needs of these stores, using technologies and tools such as Android Studio, FIREBASE and databases. The implementation of this application aims to facilitate the adaptation of neighborhood stores to the digital era, allowing them to optimize their operations, increase efficiency and remain competitive in the digital era, a field that is constantly changing.Ítem Software de esteganografía para la seguridad de la información en imágenes aplicado a la inteligencia del Ejército NacionalRodríguez Alzate, Jose Vicente; Camacho Pineda, Jeisson Javier; Novoa Torres, Norberto; Novoa Torres Norberto [0000-0003-3374-7760]The objective of this degree work was to develop a software that uses steganography referred to the least significant bit to ensure the security of information in images and apply it to the intelligence weapon of the National Army. Accordingly, Visual Studio Code, Python programming language, OpenCV Framework and libraries OpenCV, CustomTKinter, OS, TKinter, Image and Numpy were used as development engine. The results showed that, although the implemented technique is efficient and fulfills its main objective, it has weaknesses, since there are tools capable of detecting alterations within the images, however, if the alteration is detected in the image this is not enough to extract the information hidden therein, since this process must be performed by a person specialized in the subject.