Tecnología Mecánica
URI permanente para esta colecciónhttp://hdl.handle.net/11349/1924
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Ítem DIseño del sistema de ventilación del edificio Lectus de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Sede TecnológicaRodriguez Ardila, Johan Alexander; Guzman Soler , Daniel Santiago; Muñoz Bello, Nicolás GabrielThe purpose of this degree project is to design a ventilation system for the Lectus building of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, specifically (Technological headquarters); This building does not have a ventilation system in most of the complex, therefore the implementation of a ventilation system is of utmost importance, since this building functions as a library for the same headquarters, where a constant flow of clean air must be established to guarantee the well-being of the people in this space, as well as the effectiveness of this system to reduce the humidity of the environment. What the project offers to the district university is the design of a ventilation system, where the Lectus building has constantly clean air that complies with what is established by the Ministry of Health and with the Colombian health regulations, and in turn the "ASHRAE 62.1" standard on which the Colombian ventilation regulations are based. To carry out this project, an investigation of the different ventilation systems will be carried out, the components to be used will also be analyzed to carry out an efficient system, where the different types of fans will be taken into account, also the pipe that best suits to avoid losses of efficiency and also the necessary motor, to obtain a great conservation of the available energy and that adapts to the needs of the project required by it; Design calculations will be taken into account to ensure good air quality inside the building. The plans for the building's ventilation system and the design of the ventilation system will also be drawn up. This will be done with the support of design software.Ítem Plan de Mantenimiento para el Torno Revolver Infersan del Taller de Soldadura de la Facultad Tecnológica(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rangel Lopez, Darien; González Colmenares , MauricioThis writing proposes the realization of a corrective and preventive maintenance plan for one of the machines present in the technological faculty of the francisco josé de caldas district university, the infersan turret lathe until recently was a dismantled asset in the welding workshop, which was not used and much less maintained, however, some students of technology in industrial mechanics proposed the tuning of the machine leaving the infersan turret lathe ready for the use of the students, however, as a consequence of the years without use and the longevity of the lathe in the faculty today there are no records or documents, such as manuals, guides or instructions that explain the operation of the lathe or the step by step for its repair or maintenance. Taking into account what has been described above, in this work you will find the corrective and preventive intervention manuals for a considerable number of faults that the equipment may present, in addition to the classification of said faults. At the same time, missing documents are proposed, such as: the asset life sheet, corrective intervention instructions and instructions for the maintenance of the equipment divided into 8 main systems.Ítem Diseño y fabricación de prensa hidráulica capacidad de 10 toneladasSaez Blandon, Mateo; Alvarado Moreno, AlexanderThe Francisco José de Caldas District University with different centers for the creation of knowledge, speci cally in the technological faculty of Ciudad Bolívar where the different manufacturing workshops, such as the welding workshop, make it necessary to have the impetus to produce a machine that can be used by the student community, especially in the Industrial Mechanics Technology and related careers, was often one of the main reasons why it was decided to create data collection and construction forms, buying plates or sheets or metallic material of smaller calibers the need arises to be able to give shapes or to be able to provide new functionalities to apply the generation of force in various ways, such as bending, straightening and/or pressing against some type of material or object, to change the nal result of its shape. By conducting eld research, he learned more about the design and construction of hydraulic presses, which resulted in a machine that could generate forces to change the initial shape of materialsÍtem Estudio de defectos de soldadura a partir de modelado tridimensional por escaneo láserAlvarado Prieto, Cristian David; Gómez Roncancio, Camilo Andrés; Gonzáles Colmenares, MauricioThis work presents the metrological analysis of the three-dimensional model obtained by laser scanning technology applied to a metal plate that has surface defects resulting from poor welding application. In this evaluation, defects such as splashes, over-coverage and excess material were taken into account. . melted, applying for this purpose standards such as API 1104 and ISO 5817, while for the study of welding defects, use is made of standards such as DIN 8524 and BPVC chapter 9, from which recommendations are obtained to improve said technique and procedures for the subsequent treatment of affected surfaces. Emphasis is also placed on the application of laser scanning technology and the possibility of extending its use in the evaluation of welding processes such as those indicated in ISO 17637 that involve methods ranging from visual inspection to non-destructive testing is proposed.Ítem Actualización de la base de datos del potencial metrológico de la Facultad Tecnológica de la Universidad Distrital - Francisco José de CaldasTriana Velandia , Laura Alejandra; Forero Casallas , John AlejandroThis report details the activities carried out during the internship at the DISING research group, aimed at updating the database of the metrological potential of the Technological Faculty of the Universidad Distrital – Francisco José de Caldas. Through a thorough review of the physical and human resources of the laboratories and their corresponding existing documentation, along with the collection of new information, an updated and reliable database was built. This database includes detailed information about the measuring equipment, its technical specifications, and photographs. Additionally, the corresponding annexes are attached, including the letters sent to the various Laboratory Coordinators of the Faculty to request access to the facilities. This updated database serves as a fundamental tool for the efficient management of the metrological resources of the Technological Faculty.Ítem Montaje y puesta a punto de sistema de agricultura de precisión CHCNAV NX510(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) García Montañez , Julián Felipe; González Colmenares , MauricioAssembly of an agricultural automation equipment designed in essence for any tractor, providing high pressure, easy assembly, low cost and technical support with a specialist in the area.Ítem Diseño de un portaconos adapble a máquinas de coser caseras marca Singer modelos 4423, 4411, 4432 y 6335MDelgado Forero, Juan Felipe; Rocha Clavijo, Gabriel Mauricio; Muñoz Bello , Nicolás GabrielThis document shows the development of a functional cone holder design adaptable to the range of Singer brand home sewing machines using the original factory cone holder. This design aims to solve the problem present in this type of machines corresponding to the impossibility of implementing a large cone in the sewing operation, this is because the accessories available on the market are not compatible with this type of machines or with this type of cones. The development of cone holder is based on the implementation of a QFD matrix (Quality Function Deployment), whose information was collected through a survey to users; the 3D printing and testing stages are also shown, going through the design and calculation stages necessary to reach the satisfactory functional results obtained.Ítem Diseño de maquina de embotellamiento para línea pasteurizadora de lecheMurillo Páez, Juan Sebastián; Alvarado Moreno , AlexanderThis project seeks to design and build the prototype of a milk bottling machine in order to facilitate the processes that are carried out in an artisanal way in rural areas of the country; therefore the prototype is designed for small quantities, having the main parameter for the prototype it is necessary to establish a selection parameter through matrices since this will allow us to select the appropriate conceptual design to continue with the calculations related to the design of axes, structures, and material resistance. Obtaining the necessary data to proceed with the selection of materials, these being previously investigated and generating again a selection matrix which allows us to compare their different characteristics, costs and also determine the material to be used. Subsequently, the manufacturing process begins where the different materials will be subjected to their respective processes starting with cutting, followed by turning the axes and screws, drilling, welding and threading, as the design requires and specifies; likewise with starting the assembly of the prototype and the performance of tests with their respective correction. The prototype work area consists of a table with space for wiring with dimensions of 0.50*0.90m where on its surface it has the central axis of operation, the circular base attached to the central axis which will receive the empty glasses and by its rotation, it will stop in the filling, capping, threading areas and its respective exit to a conveyor belt which will take the full glasses to the next station. As an auxiliary structure, it has supports around the base which support worm screws that move the capping and threading systems. In addition to the above, the creation of detailed documentation is required to complement and support the behavior of the prototype materials, construction plans, selection matrices and prototype description.Ítem Diseñó y puesta en práctica de procedimiento de instalación y revisión periódica de puntos de anclaje fijos para el trabajo en alturas, bajo la resolución 4272 del 2021 emitida por el Ministerio de trabajo(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cortes Ortiz , Miguel Ángel; González Colmenares , MauricioThis manual provides a detailed and complete guide for the correct installation of fixed anchor points, designed to provide a safe and reliable work environment at heights. At PRL SAS, we are committed to offering products and services of the highest quality, backed by years of experience in the industry and a focus on the safety and well-being of our customers. This manual covers everything from safety basics to specific installation procedures, ensuring that each step is clear and easy to follow for all professionals involved in the process. With a focus on precision, efficiency and compliance with the most demanding regulations and safety standards, this manual is an invaluable tool for those looking to install fixed anchor points with maximum confidence and peace of mind. At PRL SAS, we are committed to your safety at heights, and this manual is an extension of that commitment, providing the knowledge and resources necessary to ensure a safe and secure work environment for everyone.Ítem Sistema de lecho fluidizado para transporte de material en la HAS-200(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Delgado Saldaña, David Santiago; Torres Aldana, Michael Stiven; Forero Casallas, John AlejandroThis project addressed the need to optimize the transport of colored beads within the cell HAS-200 of the Technological Faculty of the Universidad Distrital – Francisco José de Caldas. The justification is based on the importance of improving efficiency and productivity in environments industrial, as well as the opportunity to innovate in the design of transportation systems specific.Ítem Mantenimiento Overhaul del torno revólver infersan del taller de soldadura de la Facultad Tecnológica(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rodríguez Gómez , Nicolas; Buitrago Matamoros , Cristian Alberto; González Colmenares , MauricioWithin the Francisco José de Caldas District University, Technological Campus, there are spaces where various tools or machinery can be used to reinforce and apply the knowledge acquired during classes. In many of these spaces, the equipment suffers damage or breakdowns, and in the worst cases, they are stored away and replaced. As a result, the opportunity arises to recover one of these machines. This project aims to carry out the restoration and overhaul maintenance on one of these pieces of equipment (Infersan Revolver Lathe), with the goal of putting it back into operation. To achieve this, a preliminary analysis of the asset and its components will be conducted at the beginning of the process. At the end, a detailed record will be kept, documenting both the result obtained and the restoration and manufacturing of missing or damaged parts, as well as the assembly phase of each component. The outcome will be the optimal functioning of the Revolver Lathe, making it suitable for the production of mechanical parts through the application of semi-automatic processes. Additionally, it will become an extra machine available to both students and other staff at the university who have access to these tools.Ítem Caracterización y clasificación del hierro gris producido por la empresa Industrias Murillo SAS bajo la norma ASTM A48Marin Henao, Wendy Natalia; Torres Corredor, Samuel; Muñoz Bello, Nicolas GabrielIn Colombia almost all sectors of the industry go through the same problem, the poor implementation of technology in the production and control processes, which makes the national industry not very competent at the time of supplying the demand of the national and international market. This is why companies such as Industrias Murillo Rodríguez SAS need to technify their processes and classify their products and services according to national and international standards. In the realization of this project, the characterization of the gray iron cast iron produced in the above mentioned company was carried out under the ASTM A48 standard, additionally the microstructure of the material was analyzed under the ASTM A247 standard, its hardness following the ASTM E18 standard and its chemical composition by means of the chill method governed by the ASTM A357 standard.Ítem Apoyo en la organización y sistematización del plan de mantenimiento para las maquinas en el área de producción de la empresa Proquinal S.A.S.Guerrero Rivera, Erick Jusseph; Alvarado Moreno, AlexanderThe maintenance plan with lubrication routes developed in this The internship modality was carried out in a general way, based on the study of failures, strategies, planning for the organization of maintenance, as well as such as the design of formats and construction of these. where they intervene professionals, technicians who contribute their knowledge, according to their training, to be able to carry out this project. People who have been part of a company and have interaction or have interacted in some type of machine, they know how important and necessary it is maintain good lubrication, as well as good maintenance. This in order to provide irreparable failures, unexpected stops and minimize Repair costs since the useful life of equipment and machinery is long. This project seeks to support the company Proquinal S.A.S to improve its maintenance plan, lubrication, following the set objectives Design, implement and create a maintenance plan and maintenance route. Lubrication that will help technicians and engineers maintain more efficient.Ítem Modelamiento y análisis de esfuerzos en una unión soldada con defectologia para un tanque de almacenamiento de crudo en acero A-36 con método SMAW en una junta horizontal a tope en VBulla Oñoro, James Daniel; Cabrera Romero, Anji Paola; Alvarado Moreno, AlexanderThe following thesis focused on a finite element simulation of a welding process using the SMAW method in a V-butt joint of A-36 steel applied to a crude oil storage tank using ANSYS software, where the aim was to predict the thermal behavior of the weld, the consequences of the process and the structural behavior of the model with its design factors. Initial calculations were performed to define parameters such as the thickness of the rings for the location of the joint, the working pressure and the projected diameter of the tank; some theoretical stresses present in the tank were calculated. Then, the two welded joints were modeled using the SolidWorks CAD software, made in order to have a conformity and non-conformity according to the international API 650 standard. These models were exported to the ANSYS software in its Workbench section. In the first stage of the simulation, the transient thermal process was executed, a stage in which the welding was replicated in its SMAW method and where the thermal behavior of the joints was obtained in an interval of 120 seconds. The second stage of the simulation consisted of the structural section, where conditions such as hydrostatic pressure, the force of the tank weight, among others, were considered. With this, deformation and stress results were obtained, influenced by the previous thermal development in the model. With the results of the simulation, several detail nodes were set at certain distances from the weld bead, at these points the thermal behavior was obtained and, based on the CCT diagram of the material, the cooling rates of each point were determined. Once the velocities were obtained, the phases present in the material and their respective percentage at each point in both the rejection and acceptance joints were calculated. In the structural part, points in the porosities of both joints were also determined, and the stresses and strains present in these nodes were analyzed. Finally, the thermal and structural results in the nodes of both joints were compared to evaluate which of the two models presents a better performance and efficiency under the conditions established for the storage tank. Once the development was completed, the respective analysis was carried out, in which it was emphasized that the value of the stresses and strains is influenced by the amount of porosities and their diameter, as well as the possible problems that this may mean over time for the possible application in reality.Ítem Diseño y análisis para la construcción de una bancada de una maquina de precisiónBernal Amortegui, Miguel Angel; Castro Pasives, Sebastian; Guasca Gonzalez, Andrés GuillermoThe project focused on designing a machine bench for a precision machine with the objective of improving precision at microscale. Various materials were analyzed in terms of their damping, stiffness and thermal dissipation, selecting the most suitable ones. Stability and reliability were prioritized for high precision work, addressing vibration mitigation and temperature fluctuations. Natural materials, homopolymers and polymer blends were evaluated to find a balance between performance and cost. The proposed design was adapted to a CNC micro CNC lathe prototype, ensuring stability and meeting the minimum damping, stiffness and thermal dissipation requirements needed for a high precision machine tool.Ítem Actualizar y complementar el plan de mantenimiento de la empresa fenicia.Soler Rodriguez, Andres Felipe; Gonzáles Colmenares, MauricioThis project is an update to the maintenance plan of the company CRISTALERIA FENICIA, which is a company dedicated to the manufacture of glass bottles both nationally and internationally. The document collects information on preventive and corrective maintenance for the equipment of the VOELLER MIXER, RIDGID THREADING MACHINE and LAND THERMOGRAPHIC CAMERA, in order to draft a series of tables with information regarding the equipment and the maintenance activities carried out with their required times. With this information, an update to the maintenance plan that was being carried out was proposed in order to improve the operating conditions of the equipment, avoiding loss of time and production.Ítem Restauración y puesta en marcha del banco de pruebas para bombas de desplazamiento positivo de la Facultad TecnológicaAcevedo Rodríguez, Oscar Santiago; Moreno Acosta, HenryHydraulic test benches are a very useful tool in the industry, because they can simulate working conditions and be able to certify that a pump, cylinder, hydraulic motor, among other hydraulic machines, are suitable for the work required of them in the companies thus giving reliability of their operation and at the same time safeguarding the safety of the personnel close to the machines being tested. Test benches have the capacity to take a hydraulic machine to its limit of both operation and resistance in its materials, that is that is, above the efforts at which they will operate in the field.Ítem Estudio del comportamiento a fatiga de dedos de prótesis de mano con juntas flexibles elaborados mediante manufactura aditivaZubieta Cortes, William; Mora Lozano, Edicson Miguel; Velasco Peña, Marco AntonioLosing a limb or part of the body is an event that is not only painful, but even traumatic, depending on how and why, the patient must be treated in certain ways so that he can continue with his life in the best possible way; prostheses are aids that somehow manage to meet the need not only functionally, but aesthetically to lead a daily life not the same, but in a bearable way. In this sense, finding not only materials, but also designs that allow to make a functional and visually attractive prosthetic tool has a rigorous and long procedure that will allow to determine which is the best way to reach a quality prosthesis. This work intends to determine a material, a design and to analyze the deformation of these when these prostheses elaborated with flexible joints by using additive manufacturing are subjected to fatigue stresses. Resulting in recommendations on the design and tests performed.Ítem Elaboración de un plan de mantenimiento para motocicletas AKT NKD 125Ruiz, Brayan Javier; Velasco, Marco AntonioIn this work, five AKT motorcycles of the brand AKT of reference NKD 125 were sampled. reference NKD 125, which were maintained between 2019 and 2020. For this analysis, motorcycles with different uses were taken, such as personal transportation, home personal transportation, home and heavy work. By reviewing the maintenance data the systems that presented more interventions due to failures were determined and and by means of Pareto diagrams, it was identified that the most critical systems were most critical systems are: Power system, Transmission system and Suspension system. suspension system. The most critical components of each system were determined through a criticality analysis. criticality analysis; additionally, MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and MTTR (Mean Time Between MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) and MTTR (Mean Time To Repair) were also determined. With all the data grouped together and with different analyses, a maintenance plan based on RCM (Maintenance Centered Maintenance) was proposed. based on RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) to extend the life of the motorcycle prolong the life of the motorcycle, its performance and number of stoppages.Ítem Elaboración de manuales de operación y mantenimiento preventivo para las máquinas del proceso de empaque en la Empresa Vidriería Fenicia.Grimaldo Quintero, Daniel Felipe; González Colmenares, MauricioThis project seeks to optimize the operation of the packaging machines in the Vidriería Fenicia factory through the creation of operation and maintenance manuals. The causes of forced stoppages, constant failures and mismanagement have been analyzed in order to develop a specific operation manual for each of the machines. In addition, a preventive maintenance plan is proposed based on the recommendations of suppliers and the experiences of the area's technicians, which will be available on the company's SAP platform.