Maestría en Desarrollo Sustentable y Gestión Ambiental
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Ítem Identificación de los factores asociados al conflicto socio-ecológico en Buenaventura, ColombiaCórdoba, Adriana; Cantillo Higuera, Edgard ErnestoWithin the areas most affected by environmental conflicts, is the municipality of Buenaventura. The objective of this research is to characterize the factors associated with the socio-environmental conflict in this municipality during 2014, based on the knowledge of the actors who are immersed. An in-depth interview and the creation of focus groups were applied. After a qualitative analysis, it was determined that the characterization of environmental conflicts must be carried out around five axes: socio-economic problems, institutional problems, conflicts over extractive activities, armed conflict and environmental governance.Ítem Modelo de distribución del riesgo de Zika bajo escenarios de cambio climático para Cundinamarca (Colombia)Moreno Álvarez, Edna Jhinela; Alarcón Hincapié, Juan CarlosStarting from the approach that maintains that the climate and the exposure of the socioeconomic systems affect human health, a conceptual and methodological framework is proposed to identify the potential impact of possible future social and climatic conditions (climate change scenarios) on the distribution of the Zika virus in the department of Cundinamarca. From a bibliographic analysis, variables and factors were detected, with which the general model was elaborated. Subsequently, it was applied in a preliminary way, with climate information in the reference period 1950-2000 (threat) and data on the coverage of the aqueduct, sewerage, and population density (vulnerability) for 2018. With this, a spatial risk of the current distribution of the virus model was generated, which was validated by contrasting with the real cases identified up to epidemiological week 52 of 2018. Then, the climatic conditions were modified using the scenarios RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 of the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC for the year 2050, with the projection for the period between 2018-2050, which made it possible to deduce that climate change together with the conditions of vulnerability, project important transformations in relation to the spatial distribution of the Zika virus. Finally, in addition to demonstrating the capacity of climate change and vulnerabilities to generate transformations in the territory; and to raise awareness and information on the effects of this phenomenon in the medium term, a proposal for methodological guidelines was generated that will allow the application and validation of the model in future studies, which will provide a solid support for the comprehensive management of the risk due to Zika virus, institutionally.Ítem Análisis del conflicto de uso del suelo por el cultivo de palma de aceite en Villanueva-Casanare (1988-2017)Castañeda Fandiño, Jhon Jairo; Riaño Melo, OrlandoThe objective of this research is to perceive the conflict of land use by oil palm production in Villanueva Casanare through the use of geographic information systems, social cartography and semi-structured interviews that allow me to have a holistic view of the dynamics of the territory through the knowledge of the community, from different interest groups found in the territory both those who are in areas with areas planted with palm, areas sown without palm, urban area and in three time scales, past present and future. However, it is noteworthy that the satellite images obtained for the investigation are from 1988, 2003 and 2017. In the context in which we are living day to day with climate change, are recurrent phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña, as well as the scarcity of natural resources, this product of the different activities developed by man, focused in unbridled economic development with the excessive use of the resources provided by nature; in such a way that we live in an accelerated way every change to which we submit, we generate alternative solutions to the loss of environmental services for the benefit of society within an environmental economy pointing to the economic growth that bases its development with the production of hydrocarbons or substitutes . A clear example is oil, which in recent decades has decreased its production due to depletion of the sources where the hydrocarbon is, this resource is a primary source within our society, so that biofuels are seen as an alternative energy required for to be able to develop daily activities, in Colombia the insertion of the oil palm has been seen as one of the main sources of biofuel production, impacting our ecosystems, achieving a fragmentation and loss of biodiversity where this crop is implemented, it is required for production of large areas for planting and large amounts of water for growth, with the planting of palm oil has been displacing traditional crops in the different municipalities where this biofuel is implemented, generating food shortages for the community surrounding the crops , loss in soil nutrients, however, they see it as a source of employment and a species that sequesters carbon, as it is a young crop with high carbon dioxide needs for its growth. In 1978 begins the production of palm oil in Villanueva-Casanare, favored by its geographical, climatic conditions and adaptation of the foreign species, the palm sector as one of the main productive activities of this territory, have 19,483 Ha., Where They stand out with 59.48% in area planted for palm and 36.03% in planted area for rice cultivation (Fedepalma, 2014), which in turn is the crop with the largest planted area (11,588 ha) with respect to other products agricultural, which has caused that this is constituted as one of the main employment generating activities in the municipality, also at the departmental level is positioned as the first place in the production and transformation of oil palm (Municipal Agreement No. 004, Municipal Development Plan 2012 - 2015). The development of this project seeks to analyze the conflict of land use generated by the production of the oil palm in the municipality of Villanueva, all the consequences that the insertion of this species brings within some pre-established ecosystems, the decrease in safety of the affected community, all with the use of methodologies that integrate the satellite images, the mathematical part (Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), perpendicular vegetation index (PVI)) with the geographic information systems, and the perception of the community with the development of interviews and social cartography in order to interpret their view in the face of the economic, social and environmental dimensions that surround them. The document is structured as follows: Chapter I Problem statement. The context of agrofuels in Colombia is specifically related to Villanueva-Casanare. In this chapter, the research question is posed. Chapter II justification. The relevance of this work is related to the analysis of oil palm production and land use conflicts in Villanueva-Casanare, taking into account the socio-economic perception of the population involved. Chapter III objectives. The general objective of the investigation is related to the specific objectives to comply with the general; likewise, the scope of the investigation and the hypothesis are related. Chapter IV Theoretical framework. Where the land use conflict is related in Villanueva-Casanare addressing them from geographic information systems, with a view from social and environmental conflicts, taking into account the socio-economic perception of the population under study. In the same way, the techniques and methods used, the national experiences are related. Chapter V Materials and methods. Each phase is established for the development of the project, the information collection system and finally the analysis of the information. Chapter VI Results and Discussion, there are presented all the results of the research carried out, a discussion taking into account the theory exposed in previous chapters and finally the conclusions are made known.Ítem Evaluación de la gestión del riesgo por remoción en masa en Rafael Uribe UribeMerchán Fajardo, Claudia Liliana; Espinosa García, HelmutThe research proposal was born out of concern to contribute to urban development through the performance of evaluation of local institutional performance for risk management in the Rafael Uribe Uribe locality, considering in particular the mass removal based on the approach of urban environmental management and through consultations with local actors, the characterization of risk and the construction of indicators. The result of the institutional performance indicators allow to determine that the last three governments have a compliance over 70% of the development plans, increased the investment of resources per capita for risk management, decreased by 5.3% the migration by risk, but through Vester's matrix it is evident that despite all the institutional efforts made, the areas of risk for mass removal remain in the locality and that the characteristics of the territory do not have timely attention to emergencies.Ítem SUSTENTABILIDAD DE ÁREAS CONURBADAS, Estudio de caso Municipios de Mosquera, Funza y Madrid Cundinamarca.Estupiñan Forero, Sonia Constanza; Hernadez Peña, YolandaThis document was intended to develop and carry out a research in order to evaluate the sustainability of Conurbation processes through the study of case of the following Municipalities, Funza, Madrid and Mosquera Cundinamarca by applying a tool to establish the dynamics and changes of conurbation processes, developed in the framework of the dimensions of sustainability, environmental, social, economic, institutional and geographical location of the phenomena of urban sprawl and land use planning in the peri-urban by analyzing inter temporary variables that demonstrate the local development trends and explain the process of conurbation experienced.Ítem El biocomercio como estrategia de gestión de la biodiversidad en ColombiaCarranza Ibagón, Angie Marjorie; Moreno Gutiérrez, Jaime AlbertoBiodiversity and ecosystem services are not only exclusive of ecology and natural sciences, it gives way to a management link social responsibility, to encourage participation, recognizing biodiversity and ecosystem services as a public benefit and, thus, for their use; and also that the actions are aimed to increase sustainability, protect and maintain the natural and cultural wealth we possess. In practice, use and management of biodiversity, bio has been constituting an important source of sustainability; this reflects some intersectoral actors recognize the increase in productivity and competitiveness, when biodiversity is included in some systems of extraction or exploitation.Ítem Diseño de un modelo de desarrollo local sustentable en territorios urbano rurales una aproximación desde el estudio de caso de la vereda Los Soches (Bogotá)Castillo Cadena, Hugo Andrés; Hernández Peña, Yolanda TeresaThrough this research, the author designs a Sustainable Local Development Model for Urban-Rural Territories (MDLS-TUR) that strengthens its relationship with the environment, based on the case study of Agroparque los Soches, in Bogotá. For this, the author was identified that the main endogenous factors that strengthen local development in rural urban territories, taking as reference the case study of Agroparque los Soches, a methodological proposal was constructed to design a model that fostered Sustainable Local Development.(DLS) in an urban-rural territory and its relationship with the environment and finally the components of the Sustainable Local Development Model (MDLS) for urban-rural territories were defined. The Sustainable Local Development Model for Urban-Rural Territories (MDLS-TUR) is based on five components: 1) socio-territorial identity, 2) territorial research and innovation, 3) community participation and empowerment, 4) consolidation of networks and entrepreneurship in the territory, and 5) knowledge management.Ítem Evaluación de esquemas de pagos por servicios ambientales asociados a áreas estratégicas del río Magdalena, mercantilismo de emocionesVargas Rodríguez, Diana Yaneth; Cortés Pineda, Fabián AndrésThree cases of Payment for Environmental Services-PES schemes were evaluated, one in Huila, the Colombian mountains and the birth of the Magdalena River, associated with the mechanism of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation -REDD; another in the Guarinó River basin, tributary of the middle basin of the Magdalena River, with an initial PSA scheme but with the possibility of adding economic incentives in carbon bonds; and the third, a modification of PSA, which started in the basins of the Negro and Nare rivers, but which has been extended to several jurisdictions of Environmental Authorities. The evaluation of the three PES schemes was carried out using the previously defined criteria of Wunder (Wunder, 2006) and Blanco (Blanco, sf), with respect to their formulation, structuring and valuation assumptions of ecosystem goods and services, also a legal analysis was carried out on the origin of trading with common goods and finally market criteria were evaluated, in a prioritization or decision matrix (Vilar et al., 2010) to establish differentials that affect the success of each case as economic and sustainable mechanisms and the reasons why they have higher levels of acceptance in society.Ítem Identificación De Los Posibles Impactos Del Cambio Climático Sobre Las Áreas Óptimas de Los Principales Productos De La Canasta Básica Alimentaria En El Departamento De CundinamarcaCortés Cortés, Yolanda; Alarcón Hincapié, Juan CarlosAgriculture is one of sector most vulnerable to climate change impacts, due to it would hope changes in conditions of precipitation and temperature for Cundinamarca, affecting the crops development, therefore, it is necessary to identify the changes over areas of food production most important for food security under climate change scenarios which will allow the implementation of opportune adaptation measures for most affected municipalities. There were interpolate data for each crop according their optimum ranges of precipitation and temperature, and with the preposition of these variables it was determined the current area and spacialization of crops, as well as the projections for the periods 2011 – 2040 and 2070 – 2100 under A2 y B2 climate change scenarios. The results showed that under new climatic conditions, the potato and vetch crops tend to disappear, while for rice crop, it would hope an increase on optimum areas of production. For A2 2011 - 2040 and B2 2011 - 2040 sceneries there will be presented a reduction near to 74% of cultivable area for all nine crops, against to A2 2070 - 2100 and B2 2070 – 2100 scenarios which indicate a rise of optimum area close to 5% respect the current.Ítem Evaluación de la sustentabilidad agroecológica en el corredor vial Cano - Mojarras, departamentos del Cauca y Nariño, ColombiaOrozco Morales, María Camila; Beltrán Vargas, Julio EduardoThe evaluation of agroecological sustainability in the Cano - Mojarras road map, is based on the development of three objectives that are: define the ecological and conservation status of the area through the multi - temporal analysis of land cover and land use in the last 11 years at a scale of 1: 25000, characterize the ecological sustainability of the road section based on current land cover and evaluate the agroecological sustainability index of the Cano - Mojarras corridor. Throwing as results that the area has a persistence index of 78% which implies that there is no significant pressure from the community in the territory and regarding ecological sustainability is the coverage is 1.65 for the entire road corridor , while the agroecological one yields a value of 1.75, being unsustainable for both cases, these results are tools that allow analisys with regard to the decision making by the institutions, besides supporting the implementation of management strategies Of the territory.Ítem Páramo ¿conservación sin conversación? análisis del conflicto socio-ecológico asociado a la declaración del área protegida Reserva Forestal Protectora del Páramo de Guargua y Laguna VerdeMaldonado Ladino, Mayra Daniela; Rosso Londoño, Juan ManuelThe creation of protected areas has been one of the strategies most used by environmental authorities for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, when these statements are made ignoring and excluding the interests and perceptions of the people who inhabit them, conflicts between the institutions and the communities are generated. This study aims to analyze the socio-ecological conflict of the declaration process of the Protected Forest Reserve of the Paramo de Guargua y Laguna Verde in the municipality of Tausa, Colombia. This was done within the framework of the case study, making a temporary analysis of the development of the conflict and an evaluation of the social impact through the IRR model. The temporal analysis allowed the identification of different moments of conflict development, where the years 2009 and 2014 being the most critical for the communities due to the declaration of the protected area and the prohibition of agricultural and livestock activities, respectively. The IRR Model allowed the identification of displacement as one of the impacts that generated the greatest detriment in the communities, triggering other negative impacts such as food insecurity, marginalization or morbidity. The analysis of the conflict allowed us to recognize the need to move towards processes that allow a fair conservation, where institutions harmoniously articulate with the communities in order to achieve the sustainability of protected areas.Ítem Propuesta de un marco de evaluación del grado de sustentabilidad de un sistema de riego. Caso de regantes comunitarios en FómequeNivia Nivia, Rocio Liliana; Gutiérrez Malaxechebarría, Álvaro MartínThe sustainability of the Land Adequation Districts (DAT, in Spanish) must be guaranteed through the management of appropriate and strengthened resources, guaranteeing true and key information in the planning and development of the infrastructure that allows to consolidate the management of the hydric resource and its multipurpose use, therefore the empowerment of the associations of users (particularly in small and medium scale) must be consolidated for the operation and institutional maintenance on the formulation of integral projects, such projects as well as the search of financial incentives must optimize the indicators of productivity and competitiveness to assure the sustainability of the irrigation infrastructure. It is essential to initiate adaptation and forecasting measures that are both tangible and intangible and that focus on improving the planning and administration of natural resources through flexible instruments that can be integrated at the local, regional and national levels for their management, thereby promoting decision-making for rural development. Since water is one of the main resources under pressure, this study seeks to interpret from multiple dimensions (technical, economical, environmental, social and institutional) the sustainable evaluation of the small-scale irrigation districts with the purpose to support in the constant improvement of the rural producers in subjects related to poverty reduction, the improvement of the quality of life, food safety guarantee, and the socioeconomic improvement of the associative aspect and the participatory management of the irrigation. The research initially defined a collection of indicators used in different studies to measure the conditions of agricultural irrigation in different parts of the world, then it gathered the valuation of the indicators and established some components to be evaluated that considered the analyzed indicators to integrate the proposed evaluation framework.Ítem Impacto ambiental generado por la minería aurífera mecanizada a partir del análisis de las percepciones de habitantes del corregimiento Boca de Bebará, Medio Atrato, Chocó, Colombia.Salas Pérez, Jhon Jairo; Hernández Pérez, Yolanda TeresaIn the development of studies on mining in Chocó, it is recurrent that the impacts of the activity on the ecosystems are addressed, the approach to the influence of these practices on the socio-cultural dimensions and the perception of the population is limited. The objective of the research is to analyze the perceptions about the phenomenon of mechanized gold mining in inhabitants of the Boca de Bebará district, Medio Atrato, Chocó. A mixed methodology was implemented, with a focus on qualitative and ethnographic methods, for data collection the semi-structured interview, participant observation and community narratives were used. It is evident that mining in Boca de Bebará works outside the regulations, artisanal mining is on the way to disappear and there are impacts on the biophysical and political component with risk in food security, population health, increase in violence, loss of territory and deterioration in traditional activities such as fishing and agriculture, in addition, forced displacement and violation of environmental rights.Ítem Síntomas de estrés asociados a la percepción de ruido ambiental en la población de cinco zonas de la localidad de Kennedy, Bogotá 2012.Quiroz Arcentales, Jorge Leonardo; Calderón, FernandoA cross-section epidemiological study was made in a sample of 820 persons residing at 5 zones of the locality of Kennedy in Bogotá, defined as highly polluted by noise, the objective was to determine the prevalence of symptoms of stress and its association with the perception of noise generated by nearby sources to dwellings. The 55% reported that ambient noise is always perceived, 33% perceived noise pollution sometimes, 12% never perceived it. Headache was the most common symptom in those who always perceived noise (P = 74%), 62% reported irritability, 40% anxiety and 54% physical exhaustion, difficulty in concentration was reported by 54%,insomnia was reported by 60%. The disorganized process of occupation of the territories is identified as an important driving force related to noise pollution, as well as the use of polluting methods to carry out productive activities, the individualist consumption without solidarity and without respect to regulations, and the institutional weakness for inspection, monitoring and control.Ítem Efecto del cambio climático sobre el ciclo de vida de tres secciones de pavimentos flexibles.Casas Pérez, Diego Fernando; Fernandez-Gomez, WilmarHigh intensity climatic phenomena alter the life cycle of flexible pavements, accelerate their deterioration and affect their performance, which increases the associated environmental impacts and generates economic and social repercussions. The effects of climate on flexible pavements have been extensively studied, yet in-depth studies have not been carried out where climate change is incorporated into the life cycle analysis and flexible pavements. The foregoing generates the need to determine the effects of climate change on the life cycle of flexible pavements, to achieve this the compilation of models becomes a low-cost technical tool that will support decision-making at the moment. to design the infrastructure with a focus on sustainability.Ítem Desarrollo de un Índice de justicia ambiental asociado a la calidad del aire en la ciudad de BogotáPatiño Sánchez, Angie Catherine; Patiño Silva, Omar FranciscoThis research presents the measurement of Environmental Justice through the relationship between economic, demographic, transportation, health, education, geographic and meteorological variables with respect to the presence of particulate matter in the air; In this sense, an Environmental Justice Index is developed, which allows identifying this condition in the city of Bogotá, for the points associated with the city's Air Quality Monitoring Network.Ítem Efecto del cultivo de palma africana sobre la fauna y sus servicios ecosistémicos en la Orinoquía colombianaSánchez, Diana Carolina; Cantillo, Edgar ErnestoThe objective of the present investigation is to know the impacts generated by African palm crops in the fauna of the Orinoquía region and its ecosystem services. Initially, a bibliographic review of fauna species registered in different vegetation coverings of the Colombian Orinoquía was carried out, being tabulated by tables with presences (1) and absences (0), becoming a great approach for the country of the fauna richness (birds, herpes, mammals and insects) of the Orinoquía in each cover and in contrast to that of the palm crops to understand the impact they generate. Initially, the information gaps were recognized and then the data collection was processed to reflect the true state of the region on the fauna issue.Ítem Análisis de la transformación y nivel de sostenibilidad del territorio, por la producción del cultivo de la caña panelera en la Vereda Chapaima del municipio de Villeta CundinamarcaSarmiento Moreno, Ada Yeimy; Espinosa García, HelmutWithin approaches to sustainable territorial development, transformation processes of the territory as a result of the production should be analyzed with a focus on sustainability, in order to overcome the problems confronting rural development. The project included addressing the interpretation, discussion and analysis of its transformations from the assessment of a case study: Vereda Chapaima municipality of Villeta, regarding sugarcane agricultural production systems typical of traditional type in the department of Cundinamarca. In this regard, the analysis of the territory as a discussion of sustainability, was based on the implementation of the evaluation of the functions of production, ecological and economic partner, through structural analysis and time / space and territory Biograma, tools and methodologies that allowed analyzing the territorial sustainability as part of the productive activity of sugarcane cultivation. The land cover and landscape were analyzed by applying Geographic Information System (GIS) to identify changes in coverage area and land use in areas of panela production; production efficiency was evaluated by the production function and hence the sustainability of the system from Biograma whose dimensionality valued corresponded to the economic / productive. In turn, the information was validated by consulting producers and farmers participatory form of contrasting to identify the transformation processes of the territory and development of their society. The evaluation contrasting production processes with sustainability, territorial sustainability is limited in its production systems from the effects of fractionation of natural hedges, whose productive environmental function is reduced by not ensuring mooring conditions soil fertility circulation, accumulation of organic matter and moisture retention and increasing erosion. In turn, the production function evidence the low productive potential of soils in the path, and hence the particular need of the peasants to occupy larger areas for efficiency and meet production demand, affecting the natural capital of the territory.Ítem Propuesta De Desarrollo Sustentable A Partir De La Sustitución Del Combustible Bagazo Por Las Llantas De Desecho Y Leña En Hornos De Trapiches Paneleros”. Estudio De Caso: Hornilla Cimpa.Luna González, Janika Jineth; Sánchez Sánchez, FernandoThe Panela production process has generated negative impact on some natural resources such as water, air and human resources, for this it has been taken into account impacts research in the region by the Research Center Corpoica Cimpa located on the ancient Via km2 Cite-Santander, especially research environmental assessment of a system of fuel alcohol production and small-scale production of brown sugar from sugar cane in the Suarez river Hoya made in Corpoica- agreement by Colciencias. The proposal sustainable development presented in this paper aims to describe the panela production system and the current state of environmental components, analyze panela processing activities for environmental project components without the use of different fuels from the burner matrix EIA improved Leopold, statistically analyze the results of each of the variables measured in each treatment, improvement scenarios projecting from the SWOT matrix and propose technical specifications from a vision of sustainable development in the productive system this tool will allow panela community to use to make improvements in the production process while minimizing the negative impacts that may be caused to the environment.Ítem Formulación de un modelo a partir del método de minería de datos para analizar el impacto del comportamiento organizacional sobre el desempeño ambiental de las empresas de la Industria gráfica del barrio Ricaurte de la ciudad de BogotáRodríguez Useche, Iván Wladimir; Gamboa Castellanos, Miguel ÁngelThis paper analyzes the implications that organizational behavior variables may have on the values achieved in companies in terms of consumption of resources, waste generation, use of water and energy based on the definition of categories of analysis in two dimensions: organizational behavior and the environmental performance in companies of graphic industry. This method based on Knowlegde Discovering in Databases methodology expose the statistical and mathematical algorithms to explain the possible causes and effects of certain environmental behaviors performed by employees or stakeholders into the companies; and finally, described the results of mathematical processing and the approach of different prospective scenarios.