Análisis del conflicto de uso del suelo por el cultivo de palma de aceite en Villanueva-Casanare (1988-2017)
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The objective of this research is to perceive the conflict of land use by oil palm production in Villanueva Casanare through the use of geographic information systems, social cartography and semi-structured interviews that allow me to have a holistic view of the dynamics of the territory through the knowledge of the community, from different interest groups found in the territory both those who are in areas with areas planted with palm, areas sown without palm, urban area and in three time scales, past present and future. However, it is noteworthy that the satellite images obtained for the investigation are from 1988, 2003 and 2017. In the context in which we are living day to day with climate change, are recurrent phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña, as well as the scarcity of natural resources, this product of the different activities developed by man, focused in unbridled economic development with the excessive use of the resources provided by nature; in such a way that we live in an accelerated way every change to which we submit, we generate alternative solutions to the loss of environmental services for the benefit of society within an environmental economy pointing to the economic growth that bases its development with the production of hydrocarbons or substitutes . A clear example is oil, which in recent decades has decreased its production due to depletion of the sources where the hydrocarbon is, this resource is a primary source within our society, so that biofuels are seen as an alternative energy required for to be able to develop daily activities, in Colombia the insertion of the oil palm has been seen as one of the main sources of biofuel production, impacting our ecosystems, achieving a fragmentation and loss of biodiversity where this crop is implemented, it is required for production of large areas for planting and large amounts of water for growth, with the planting of palm oil has been displacing traditional crops in the different municipalities where this biofuel is implemented, generating food shortages for the community surrounding the crops , loss in soil nutrients, however, they see it as a source of employment and a species that sequesters carbon, as it is a young crop with high carbon dioxide needs for its growth. In 1978 begins the production of palm oil in Villanueva-Casanare, favored by its geographical, climatic conditions and adaptation of the foreign species, the palm sector as one of the main productive activities of this territory, have 19,483 Ha., Where They stand out with 59.48% in area planted for palm and 36.03% in planted area for rice cultivation (Fedepalma, 2014), which in turn is the crop with the largest planted area (11,588 ha) with respect to other products agricultural, which has caused that this is constituted as one of the main employment generating activities in the municipality, also at the departmental level is positioned as the first place in the production and transformation of oil palm (Municipal Agreement No. 004, Municipal Development Plan 2012 - 2015). The development of this project seeks to analyze the conflict of land use generated by the production of the oil palm in the municipality of Villanueva, all the consequences that the insertion of this species brings within some pre-established ecosystems, the decrease in safety of the affected community, all with the use of methodologies that integrate the satellite images, the mathematical part (Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), perpendicular vegetation index (PVI)) with the geographic information systems, and the perception of the community with the development of interviews and social cartography in order to interpret their view in the face of the economic, social and environmental dimensions that surround them. The document is structured as follows: Chapter I Problem statement. The context of agrofuels in Colombia is specifically related to Villanueva-Casanare. In this chapter, the research question is posed. Chapter II justification. The relevance of this work is related to the analysis of oil palm production and land use conflicts in Villanueva-Casanare, taking into account the socio-economic perception of the population involved. Chapter III objectives. The general objective of the investigation is related to the specific objectives to comply with the general; likewise, the scope of the investigation and the hypothesis are related. Chapter IV Theoretical framework. Where the land use conflict is related in Villanueva-Casanare addressing them from geographic information systems, with a view from social and environmental conflicts, taking into account the socio-economic perception of the population under study. In the same way, the techniques and methods used, the national experiences are related. Chapter V Materials and methods. Each phase is established for the development of the project, the information collection system and finally the analysis of the information. Chapter VI Results and Discussion, there are presented all the results of the research carried out, a discussion taking into account the theory exposed in previous chapters and finally the conclusions are made known.