Maestría en Desarrollo Humano y Educación Socioafectiva
URI permanente para esta colección
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Ítem Titeracción: exploración emocional y expresión artística con títeres y marionetas desde una perspectiva nietzscheana del eterno retorno(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Huertas Roa, Paola Andrea; Ramos Cuncanchún, Francisco; Ramos Cuncanchun Francisco [0000-0002-9039-6496}This research-creation project explores the concept of the eternal return, developed by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, through an artistic proposal using puppets and marionettes as expressive media. The research reflects on the figure of the Übermensch or superman through the creation and animation of these characters, focusing on how they can visually and symbolically represent the eternal return, which poses the infinite repetition of life events and the acceptance of this cycle as a path for human development. The use of puppets allows the creation of a narrative that reflects a process of transformation of the human being, turning the project into a metaphor for the search for freedom and the challenge of embracing the difficulties of life, as suggested by Nietzsche in his philosophy of the superman.Ítem "No te puedes cansar": el rendimiento laboral docente en el sector privado desde las voces de maestros en Bogotá(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Pineda Ortiz , Luisa Fernanda; Novoa Patiño, José BenedictoThis research analyzes how teacher work performance is configured in Bogotá's private education sector through the life and work experiences of five Social Sciences teachers. A qualitative approach with phenomenological-hermeneutical design was implemented through in-depth interviews, which helped identify and problematize the characteristics of teaching practice within the private school aparatus. The theoretical framework draws on concepts of biopolitics proposed by Foucault (1975), psychopolitics developed by Han (2014), and Performance and rationalization by Martínez (2003), to understand the discourses of normalization and discipline alongside the mechanization of self-exploitation and performance in private sector teaching work. The results analysis suggests that work performance is shaped by multiple factors including precarious working conditions, work intensification, permanent surveillance, non-academic obligations, and continuous evaluation without feedback based on standardized results and parent satisfaction. Evidence shows that the transformation of education into a service within neoliberal logic has generated significant impacts on the physical, emotional, and mental stability of interviewed teachers, manifested in exhaustion, depersonalization, negative emotions associated with work, and loss of professional autonomy. The conclusions reveal that the private school aparatus reproduces social inequalities while operating under contradictory discourses that legitimize labor exploitation through narratives of vocation and self-effort that invisibilize state responsibility in protecting teachers' labor rights in the private sector. The study establishes the need for effective regulation that guarantees dignified conditions for the profession, enabling teachers' well-being and capability development on equal terms with the public education sector.Ítem El ritual: una experiencia kaleidoscopica(Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas) Mantilla Pabón, Luisa Fernanda; Ramos Cuncanchún, Francisco; Ramos Cuncanchún Francisco [0000-0002-9039-6496}This creative research work is called “The ritual: A kaleidoscopic experience” which was developed under the line of research into sensibilities and artistic expressions of the Master's Degree in Human Development and Socio-affective Education. Which aims to reflect on the author's individual experiences and knowledge to understand through a graphic representation the linking relationship that exists between the subject and the object, understanding that the subject is self-referenced and the object is nature, as a tool for self-observation and selfacceptance of emotions as a construction of the evolutionary identity that constantly emerges and questions in a cognitive and spiritual way the daily actions of the researcher. This research exercise collects personal, spiritual, and alchemical experiences, incorporating diverse artistic languages and ancestral knowledge in the construction of a methodological design that enables a route of self-recognition called the “Tetrad of Balance” that articulates in a balanced and harmonious way thinking, communicating, feeling and doing, allowing ritualize daily practices that promote emotional well-being in human development through affective and compassionate processes. Thus demystifying the school as responsible and the only bearer of knowledge and allowing the intercultural dialogue of our popular and community traditions. Positioning the academy as a manager of social transformation, facing the affective sensitivity of the constant and unfinished social task on human development and socio-affective education.Ítem Tejiendo redes de historias, tejiendo redes de apoyo: promoción de la salud mental en comunidad(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bautista Ramírez, Ingrid Katherine; Novoa Patiño, José BenedictoCurrently, there is a variety of therapeutic strategies, including art therapy and storytelling therapy, to support individuals with mental health diagnoses in their recovery process. However, it is essential to take actions to promote community mental health, especially during childhood. Storytelling therapy, for instance, emerges as a valuable tool for children to foster emotional expression and to develop socio-emotional skills through the creation of their own stories. This research developed a program combining reading and reflection workshops with the creation of children's stories as a methodological strategy to facilitate the expression of participants' experiences and learning. Both the workshops and the stories underwent a systematization process to gain an in-depth understanding of children's experiences, identify the contributions of the intervention, and generate knowledge about promoting community mental health in childhood. The results show that recognizing emotions as an integral part of the human experience fosters greater acceptance and understanding of one's own emotions and those of others. Additionally, they highlight the importance of emotions in establishing healthy and meaningful social relationships that promote empathy, solidarity, compassion, and mutual support. Likewise, the study emphasizes the role of communities as support networks for emotional well-being.Ítem Fenomenología del cuerpo como escenario de curación(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Salgado Soto, Sandy Tatiana; Ramos Cuncanchún, Francisco; Ramos Cuncanchun, Francisco [0000-0002-9039-6496}This is a research-creation project focused on the collection of the sensitive and perceptive experience of the body as a field of language and as container of psychological expressions. It is based on the experience of the researcher's obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It aims to collect the phenomenological experience of the body through different narratives and artistic languages. Therefore, the body becomes the primary narrator of the experience, becoming an “object” that studies itself, and also becomes the method, accounting for latent and unconscious contents that remain embodied.Ítem Comprendiendo mi mundo interior. Estrategias lúdicas para entenderme, aceptarme y amarme(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Garzón Fandiño, Natalia; Novoa Patiño, José BenedictoThis project is part of a research-creation proposal. With the development and implementation of playful strategies in the classroom, it aims to address topics related to adolescent emotional management. The plan was to design six dynamic class sessions that involve the use of playful activities, considering the contextual realities of the students in 10th and 11th grades at San José de Calasanz School, located in Suba Rincón. These strategies are mainly focused on three elements: (a) recognition, (b) naming, and (c) emotional management. In each session, an activity is proposed to help and facilitate young people in addressing each topic through games and playful activities, encouraging students to internalize the importance of understanding their emotional worlds and to apply what they have learned to their everyday lives, through personal and group reflections on the topics discussed. This study included a pilot application of the playful activities, framed within the thematic axis of human relations and peace education, in the Calasanz lecture classes at the school.Ítem Creación de un laboratorio de experimentación artística y emocional para el desarrollo de la empatía en estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Sierra Rodríguez, Ana Karina; Ramos Cuncanchún, Francisco; Ramos Cuncanchún Francisco [0000-0002-9039-6496]This research develops an artistic and emotional experimentation laboratory based on phenomenological techniques to strengthen empathy in undergraduate students involved in pedagogical processes due to issues of coexistence and discrimination at Universidad del Rosario. Grounded in the embodied cognition approach and the 4E model, the laboratory employs art as a means of emotional exploration and awareness, fostering reflection on prejudices and the understanding of intersectionality in experiences of discrimination. Through an iterative process based on Design Thinking, activities are designed and evaluated to promote emotional expression and the development of socio-emotional skills in educational contexts.Ítem Estrategias de afrontamiento frente al dolor social en mujeres: una recuperación del legado familiar(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Manosalva Flórez, Laura Daniela; Morales López, PedroThe aim of this research was to analyze the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral coping strategies developed by eight women from the Serrano family, who experienced social rejection during childhood, in response to social pain. Using a holistic approach and the biographical-narrative method, data were collected through life stories, biograms, interviews, and the creation of paintings, supplemented by the Coping Responses Inventory (CRI). The results show that coping strategies vary according to individual and contextual factors, with emotional mechanisms such as repression and avoidance, which increase distress in the long term. Cognitively, some women perpetuated the pain, while others managed to reframe their experiences, developing resilience. Behaviorally, the creation of support networks was crucial for more adaptive coping. The conclusions indicate that childhood rejection profoundly affects interpersonal relationships and emotional management in adulthood, generating generational imprints, while also highlighting the fundamental role of families in shaping healthy coping strategies.Ítem Fotografía híbrida como práctica para el autoconocimiento(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Fonseca González, Marwill Estephany; Ramos Cuncanchún, Francisco; Ramos Cuncanchún Francisco [0000-0002-9039-6496]This research-creation brings together the work of a group of women who found in hybrid photography a form of expression and connection. This artistic modality involves experimentation with the image that combines plastic and verbal techniques to create disruptive visual narratives. Through the written and spoken word, we explore three fundamental territories for self-knowledge: the family, inhabited spaces and the face. These territories served as a creative basis for collective experimentation, which also involved the implementation of methodological practices such as artography, the pedagogy of autonomy and the circle of the word. The final result was consolidated in the exhibition "I feel and then I exist" and in the digital and printed publication "Reflection of Yes", which compiles the creations made by each of the women from a poetic and introspective sense.Ítem Desarrollo de habilidades socioafectivas para mejorar la convivencia escolar entre estudiantes de grado segundo del Colegio De La Salle de Bogotá(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Poloche Penagos , Diana Lucero; Morales López, PedroThis research project analyzes how the implementation of ludic-pedagogical strategies based on neuroeducation contributes to the development of socio-affective skills and the improvement of school coexistence in second-grade students at the Colegio De La Salle of Bogotá. Conflicts, understood as an inherent part of the social interaction process, represent significant challenges for children aged 7 to 8 years, who are still developing their capacity for self-control, emotional regulation, and socialization skills. From a comprehensive-phenomenological approach, group dynamics and individual behaviors were observed through techniques such as document review, observation, surveys, workshops, and games. The methodological path included diagnostic, theoretical design, and practical application phases of strategies, focusing on structured games, guided pedagogical activities, and emotional regulation workshops. The results show gradual progress in school coexistence, reflected in a decrease in conflict incidents, an increase in cooperation, and more assertive communication among students. This change, although moderate, indicates a positive trend towards strengthening social relationships within the classroom. The study concludes by highlighting that the development of socio-affective skills is an ongoing process that requires teacher intervention to guide the social, emotional, and affective development of students, as well as a comprehensive approach involving both the school and families. This study emphasizes the relevance of neuroeducation as a conceptual framework for transforming school coexistence through innovative pedagogical practices that integrate socio-affective learning into the educational experience. The findings provide practical guidance for designing inclusive and dynamic methodologies that address the current challenges in education in similar school contexts.Ítem “Saboreando el saber” proyecto pedagógico – gastronómico realizado en el colegio parroquial Adveniat de la ciudad de Bogotá – Colombia(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Beltrán Ortiz, Gisell Estefanía; Ramos Cuncanchún, Francisco; Ramos Cuncanchún, Francisco [0000-0002-9039-6496}"This investigative work of systematization of experiences studies the pedagogical recipe book, which compiles the activities carried out from 2020 to the present at Colegio Parroquial Adveniat, an institution that belongs to the educational system of the Archdiocese of Bogotá (SEAB). These activities have focused on the transformation of food by carrying out gastronomic activities that energize the teaching of the basic standards of learning in social sciences in third, fourth, and fifth grades of elementary school and sixth grade of high school. The recipes have been worked on, modified, and studied to create a meaningful experience within the classroom and focusing on a differential approach to motivate research and inquiry in the aforementioned grades. The following document uses an instructional text in the form of a recipe book as a discursive resource to illustrate the educational approach of meaningful learning, the educational sense, the capacities from human development, proposing the connection of new concepts with previous knowledge, linking affectivity and motivation, highlighting the relevance of active methodologies, the construction of meanings, and emotional integration to improve the cognitive and personal development of students. Subsequently, it returns to the artistic sensitivity given by emotion and introspection of the processes. Within this investigation, art is proposed from a non-technical perspective, but as a deep expression of what one wants to convey from their feeling and what is transmitted through their creation. This interaction with their work generates an experience that involves both feelings and imagination, connecting the viewers of each recipe through empathy and sensory perception. All of the above taking into account conceptual references such as Mandoki, Collingwood, Dussel, Nussbaum, Amartya Senn, among others."Ítem Autorregulación emocional y desarrollo psicosocial en adolescentes. Una experiencia con estudiantes de secundaria del Liceo Hermano Miguel La Salle de Bogotá, DC.(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) García Cano , Karen Stephany; Morales López , PedroIn an increasingly demanding world, emotional intelligence has become an essential skill for daily life. That is why the present research applied to the emotional experiences of a group of sixth and seventh grade adolescent students from the Hermano Miguel La Salle High School, explores how the ability to recognize, understand and manage emotions influences their social and personal development; analyzing the role of emotional self-regulation in the development of skills such as frustration tolerance and decision-making. Regarding this, the research contributes with the creation of a booklet, On Board of Myself, which provides students with bases for both the development, identification and recognition of those emotions that approach them at different moments of their daily life, as well as tools to understand the behavior that their emotionality leads them to assume and the respective physiological changes that occur when facing stressful situations and decision-making; Likewise, a group of twelve self-regulation strategies are developed that allow students to manage their emotions. The information was collected through interviews in the form of talks, biograms, self-reflection writings and the TMMS-24 test that allowed three key concepts to be identified: attention, clarity and repair in the face of their emotions. With this, it was found that some students have difficulties in identifying and recognizing their emotions, leading them to have a low tolerance for frustration and poor decision-making.Ítem Estrategias psicopedagógicas para el desarrollo de habilidades socioemocionales en el trastorno espectro autista atípico o trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad. Una mirada desde el estudio de caso(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bustos Rodríguez, Edy Jhorley; Morales López, PedroThe present degree work, the result of research, aims to analyze the socio-emotional skills based on psycho-pedagogical strategies in a student from the Montessori School of Soacha with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Through a comprehensive-phenomenological approach and the case study, psychopedagogical strategies were implemented and evaluated to strengthen their social interaction, emotional management and self-knowledge in an inclusive context. In conclusion, the results highlight the positive impact of the psycho-pedagogical strategies implemented, promoting school inclusion and the emotional well-being of the student, with effective collaboration between the school and the family. In addition, the importance of inclusive and personalized educational planning is highlighted, involving teachers, parents and professionals. However, areas for improvement were identified, including strengthening teacher training and available resources. The research highlights the relevance of psychopedagogical strategies for the development of socio-emotional skills in students with ASD and ADHD and proposes replicable models for other research carried out in educational institutions, contributing to the advancement of inclusive education in the country.Ítem Sombras sujetas corazones liberados violencia basada en género y capacidades humanas en mujeres víctimas de violencia de pareja(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Sánchez Otero, Adriana Marcela; Núñez Camacho, VladimirGender-based violence is a public health problem, and an impairment of the exercise of freedom. It is related to the intention to sustain and maintain control over another person. It tends to escalate and compromise different vital areas. Even leading victims to feel that there is no way out of their situation, which perpetuates various dependencies, undervaluation and submission, and directly affects their human development. Promoting human capabilities such as autonomy, self-determination and self-dependence can strengthen agency in women, which, added to multidimensional self-care practices, leads to improving their self-esteem and self-love, exponentially boosting their desire for change, satisfaction of needs and elevation of consciousness. Developing self-knowledge and self-care in women is essential in preventing violence, releasing limiting beliefs, and building peaceful environments and healthier and more meaningful relationships. Knowing that they are sufficient, useful, capable and valuable makes them more sensitive to the detection of risks and enables them to see themselves as agents of change in their reality and reverse situations of detriment.Ítem Concepciones acerca de la muerte: Narrativas experienciales de 10 adultos mayores entre los 60 y los 83 años de edad(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bernal Melo, Yeimy Vanesa; Ferrer Franco, Yury de JesúsThe present investigation - creation, seeks to make visible the perception that 20 elderly people have regarding the subject of death, and thus be able to represent the narratives in a tangible way through a book of illustrated stories. The perspectives of each older person will be taken into account from different points of view such as beliefs and customs, cultural practices, symbols and the environment where they live; the aforementioned based on a thanatological approach, and everything that implies the link that one has with death and old age. As a result, the accompaniment of the narratives and images will be seen, in the creation of the book, whose purpose is to make one of the most vulnerable populations visible, and to generate understanding of the community in general from the dignity, respect and awareness of that natural process of life.Ítem Privación de la libertad como privación del afecto familiar: Cambios en los procesos socioafectivos después de una condena intramuralGonzález, Nathaly; Ferrer Franco, Yury de JesúsHis document aims to analyze the effects of deprivation of liberty in prison on the socio affective processes of released people, strengthening of family ties, and human development. To achieve this objective, Atlas.ti was used to analyze the generative narrative of two relatives of people deprived of liberty (PPL), two relatives of released population and six released people, which made it possible to address the life history of ten participants in total; likewise, notes were taken of a family meeting held in a penitentiary and prison establishment, and of a proposal implemented for the understanding of socio affectiveness from relational nutrition, which implies affection, tenderness, recognition and protective and regulations of the social context from thinking, feeling and doing love. Thus, a methodological proposal was developed aimed at strengthening families of incarcerated and released population, understanding that an intramural measure can generate significant changes in people’s life history and their family environment, such as rupture of the imaginaries about “prison as a negative environment” and opening to the possibility of intramural measures as a process of protection, change and family unity. Despite this, the need arises to promote spaces for family interaction, which means to potentialize family level protection factors in the process of social reintegration of PPL, with the ultimate goal of reducing the risk of recidivism.Ítem Grandes héroes. emociones para la convivencia y la construcción ciudadana(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Suárez Méndez, Laura Jimena; Trujillo López, Jenny Rocio; Nuñez Camacho , VladimirOur pedagogical strategy called “Great Heroes. Emotions for Coexistence and Citizen Construction", aims to formulate a traveling backpack as a pedagogical strategy of emotional training for coexistence and conflict resolution at the Liceo Ernesto Cardenal Institution in the town of Bosa, for the development of social skills, emotional, personal and citizenship skills in students. The creation of an educational resource “Traveling Backpack” is proposed that will include tools designed to help students understand and appreciate their own emotions in conflict prevention. Additionally, this tool will allow us to delve deeper into the analysis of the student community and have a more significant impact on the conflict prevention process; our approach goes beyond simply promoting dialogue and communication. The central core of this initiative is based on recognizing and addressing the emotions that influence a conflict. This represents an innovative approach that promotes the construction of citizenship with a focus on human development.Ítem El desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional en la educación inicial desde la implementación del método Hervat en busca de estrategias educativas para el desarrollo humano integral(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Castañeda Puentes, Claudia Inés; Ferrer Franco, Yury de JesúsIn early education the child embarks on a new path towards their formation as an individual, therefore, this research work refers how from the educational field is built and strengthened from the artistic languages, supported by neuroscience with the neuro-educational program HERVAT (Hydration, Balance, Breathing, Vision, Hearing and Touch) its socio-affective dimension. You will find an educational tool based on sensorimotor exercises such as hydration, balance and breathing in conjunction with visual, auditory and touch multisensory stimulation, this method gives its contribution to the processes of socio-affective and emotional development of children of the transition grade 004 of the district educational institution La Aurora, allowing them to recognize and consciously understand their actions in the different situations given within their school context, generating assertive spaces with learning, meaningful experiences and emphasizing their development as human beings.Ítem Emociones, cuerpo y movimiento: influencia en el comportamiento de la persona en condición de discapacidad frente al trabajo(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Castiblanco Roldán, Ayda del Pilar; Ferrer Franco, Yury de JesúsThe relationship of the person with a disability in work contexts leads us to look at the current panorama of inclusion, from the socio-affective aspect in the work context. This implies taking into account various dimensions from the social, emotional and human development that in a comprehensive way PWD can generate through the experiences of the body and movement influence the behavior of this population in the context of their work. Based on the qualitative method with a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach, a documentary search was carried out that related the topic of interest to the research hypothesis: in what way do emotions and socio-affectiveness condition the body and movement of a person with a disability, in the development of their daily work in the context of work? Likewise, a semi-structured interview was carried out with a person with a disability acquired due to work-related causes. As results, the documentary review and the interview provided information that allowed us to generate a reflective position, regarding aspects such as tax facilities for various economic sectors that promote the labor inclusion of PWD, showing the importance of gaining autonomy and capabilities in a social aspect. and economic that allows the improvement of the quality of life and human development of the population with disabilities. The body and movement have a socio-affective influence based on corporality that promotes the self-esteem and identity of the PWD. The semi-structured interview strengthened the comprehensiveness of the documentary search results, giving voice and identity from the experience of a PWD, providing the importance of family support and leaders within the same companies, creating spaces for professional growth and new learning that enhances conditions of human development.Ítem Cartilla didáctica: Equipaje de mano, recursos indispensables para el viaje de la vidaRodríguez Rojas, Nidia Yolima; Núñez Camacho, VladimirThe present research – creation, seeks to make visible the perception that 14 people who currently work at the Champagnat school in Bogotá have in terms of their contribution to the training of boys, girls and adolescents, as well. To contribute significantly to the construction of community through their work, but more importantly through their interaction as people with a story to tell and who, for various reasons, including self-perception and the organization itself, become invisible, however; Through a pilot therapeutic intervention they discovered their human composition and ventured to believe that they can improve, that they can contribute and that they are an important part in the construction of society. As a result, a booklet called: Carry-on luggage: Essential resources for the journey of life will be presented, where the workshops that were designed one by one will be recorded taking into account the progress, contribution and evaluation of the population chosen to know, develop and strengthen ten of the life skills proposed by the OMS.