Privación de la libertad como privación del afecto familiar: Cambios en los procesos socioafectivos después de una condena intramural
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His document aims to analyze the effects of deprivation of liberty in prison on the socio affective processes of released people, strengthening of family ties, and human development. To achieve this objective, Atlas.ti was used to analyze the generative narrative of two relatives of people deprived of liberty (PPL), two relatives of released population and six released people, which made it possible to address the life history of ten participants in total; likewise, notes were taken of a family meeting held in a penitentiary and prison establishment, and of a proposal implemented for the understanding of socio affectiveness from relational nutrition, which implies affection, tenderness, recognition and protective and regulations of the social context from thinking, feeling and doing love. Thus, a methodological proposal was developed aimed at strengthening families of incarcerated and released population, understanding that an intramural measure can generate significant changes in people’s life history and their family environment, such as rupture of the imaginaries about “prison as a negative environment” and opening to the possibility of intramural measures as a process of protection, change and family unity. Despite this, the need arises to promote spaces for family interaction, which means to potentialize family level protection factors in the process of social reintegration of PPL, with the ultimate goal of reducing the risk of recidivism.