Maestría en Educación y Gestión Ambiental
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Ítem Propuesta de evaluación cualitativa para los Proyectos Ambientales Escolares (PRAE) en los colegios públicos de la localidad cuarta San Cristóbal de Bogotá, D.C.González Forero, Edgar Eliécer; Quitián Bernal, Sandra PatriciaResearch Work Report whose purpose is focused on the evaluation of School Environmental Projects (PRAE) in District Education Institutions of the town of San Cristóbal in Bogotá, D.C., where a qualitative evaluation under a socio-critical approach is proposed. The need for a reflective and critical environmental education that fosters attitudes of environmental assessment is highlighted. Qualitative evaluation is presented as a tool to improve environmental education processes; it seeks to transform individual and collective thinking and behavior. The general objective is to design a proposal for a qualitative evaluation of the PRAE under a socio-critical approach to strengthen critical training in environmental education. The methodology is based on the qualitative socio-critical evaluation paradigm and the methodological design of the Grounded Theory. Interviews and analysis of PRAE documents were implemented, the ATLAS.ti. 23 program was used for the analysis of the information. The evaluation proposal highlights student empowerment, community participation and connection with external entities, in which the socio-critical approach in environmental education and socio-critical evaluation are integrated to generate substantial changes in environmental education training.Ítem Diseño de una estrategia de formación en educación ambiental mediada por el blog educativo en el Colegio Simón Bolívar IEDGómez Anzola, Adriana Stella; Quitián Bernal, Sandra PatriciaThe present research work was directed towards the design of a training strategy in environmental education that seeks to promote changes and transformations in the educational community of the Simón Bolívar IED School, in the city of Bogotá D.C, allowing it to actively participate and consider the learning these topics as something interesting, as well as seeking to occur in a motivating environment and in this way training processes in environmental education are favored. This research initiative was developed under the qualitative action research model and under the process described in the following stages: Diagnosis, planning, action and feedback. As a product of this process, a teaching method was designed in environmental education processes, using an educational blog as a pedagogical complement as a tool. The strategy included the VIVE Blog: “LIFE AND GREEN” linked as a pedagogical mediator, in which the perceptions of the subjects that make up the educational community are taken into account, as well as the identified deficiencies of the training processes in this topic, all of this with the intention of promoting the development of elements of social transformation through the analysis of socio-environmental poems.Ítem El sentido del lugar urbano en la investigación en educación ambiental en Bogotá D.C., ColombiaSolorza-Bejarano, Jairo Hernán; Zamudio Rodríguez, Carmen; Zamudio Rodríguez, Carmen [0000-0003-4575-3359]The urban context is configured by a mosaic of places, the result of social construction and multiple territorialities. The relationships that people establish with places are determined by attributes of dependence, attachment and identity, which together are expressed through the sense of place. Environmental education, as a social field, approaches environmental understanding from conative, affective and cognitive aspects. The conceptual bridge between sense of place and environmental education offers, from an integral and complex approach, a way to understand and act on the socio-environmental problems of the city. Sense of place is represented by dependence, attachment and identity to place. In this qualitative approach study, we sought to interpret the sense of place and its relationship with environmental education, in research processes developed in non-school contexts and in the urban environment of Bogotá D.C., through the technique of content analysis of post-graduate theses. The socio-environmental context represents a city with a territorial structure that integrates ecological elements, around which environmental education research is developed with multi-scale spatial references. The participating population finds itself in territorial contexts in which tensions, interests and conflicts arise, in the midst of community and institutional participatory initiatives for the management of environmental processes and projects. Dependence on the place is expressed through the activities, practices or actions, contacts and interactions, stays and desires for permanence of the social actors. Attachment to place is expressed through the perceptions generated by people's needs, emotions, stimuli and motivations, as well as by the links derived from feelings and values. Identity for place is expressed through participation, cultural expressions and socio-spatial representations constructed individually and collectively. Finally, from environmental education emerge expressions that are directly related to dependence, attachment and identity to place, in a close synergetic relationship for the understanding of the socio-environmental context, from an integral and complex vision.