Tecnología en Topografía

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttp://hdl.handle.net/11349/2024


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  • Ítem
    Evaluación del estado de la malla vial entre la calle 50D Sur 5C y la transversal 5C Sur en la UPZ Diana Turbay (55) Localidad de Rafael Uribe Uribe de Bogotá
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Peña Marroquín, Franklin Estiben; Niño Niño, Ediberto; Niño Niño, Edilberto [0000-0003-0452-5827]
    The following research project will reveal the state of the road network between 50D south 5C street and 5C south transversal street, using the PCI pavement evaluation method, as well as a perception survey and a mobile mapping of the site, which will obtain data, which, using the necessary methodology, will be analyzed and generate results, which will be presented at the end of the document.
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    Apoyo en la ejecución de actividades topográficas para la construcción del parque "Aguaviva" en la localidad de Puente Aranda
    Guerra Martinez, Giovany Alexis; Patiño Silva, Omar Francisco
    We are experiencing an environmental revolution, never before has so much attention been paid to our natural environment and its integration with our daily lives, from the generation of sustainable food, through industry, to construction; Many cities join the global guideline of greening their spaces and Bogotá is no exception. That is why this work will focus on topographical support as an intern in the IDRD “Parque Aguaviva” project, developed by the CCA Zonas Libres consortium, resulting in the transformation of the property on which the former operational headquarters of the Road Maintenance Unit of the city of Bogotá D.C, a place that is located in the middle of a mostly residential agglomeration such as the Veraguas neighborhood in the town of Puente Aranda. Therefore, this project is focused on generating a long-term sustainable space that replaces a lifeless and polluting place in a family and recreational welcome area for people and animals not only in the town of Puente Aranda. The activities carried out from the topographic component for the development and advancement of the work will be presented, being necessary the application of topographic surveys, layouts, leveling, office work among others, foundations that will highlight the importance of topography for a project of this type in order to obtain a final result concerning the designs prepared for its realization.
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    Propuesta diseño geométrico de glorieta de Av. Bosa con Av. Ciudad de Cali por implementación de calzada de Transmilenio
    Herrera Colmenares, Oscar Vicenre; Patiño Silva, Omar Francisco; 0000-0002-2318-2498
    The geometric design considered for the new BRT and the mixed roads to be implemented by the project, did not take into account the joints that had to be made with the existing avenues, which is why a design proposal is considered that implements the arrivals of the neighboring roads that could be affected, from the topographic surveys to be carried out and with the help of the Civil 3D program, the best geometric solution is sought for each of the roads that connect in this sector and thus homogenize and harmonize the elements. Topography being the basic element to carry out any road infrastructure project, having modern tools that allow us to obtain acceptable precisions in the early stages of the project, without the need to perform conventional topographic procedures.
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    Una metodología para la captura y procesamiento de inventarios viales con mapeo móvil
    Uribe Betancourt, Luisa Fernanda; Salazar González, Johan Felipe; Dario Fernandez, Wilmar; Wilmar Dario Fernandez [0000-0001-6339-8050]
    This document shows the activity and processes carried out during the development of the project, a methodology for capturing the processing of road inventories with mobile mapping, located on Calle 11 in the municipality of La Calera, Cundinamarca, also showing the conclusions and recommendations of the project. knowledge acquired during its development. Despite the fact that the institutions that manage the road zone, such as the IDU and the Road Maintenance Unit, whose objective is to periodically evaluate the road network, currently there is no system that contributes to collecting data efficiently and in the short term ( less than one year) with fines for carrying out maintenance and rehabilitation programs for road infrastructure elements; The actions carried out by these institutions must be done through contracts and this procedure requires longer periods for the structuring of maintenance plans and programs and therefore when the interventions are made, the pavements present greater deterioration, which increases the costs and returns of the interventions. The objective of the project is to propose a methodology for the capture and processing of data which will serve as input for the creation of road inventories with extensive mapping in the parameters of regulation and order of information, so that there is a larger updated database regarding road networks in Colombia, having as a reference the comparison of Mobile Mapping and the process in the field taking data through NTRIP; in this case connecting the equipment remotely to a private server that has a satellite connection, thus giving automatic corrections to the receivers connected to said server, resulting in a cloud of points with precise coordinates; Unlike this process, the data acquired by Mobile Mapping is analyzed in the office, which is handled in the Horus program, a software created for the development of mobile mapping showing real dimensions by the 360 image of the camera and the georeferencing system. of the project, it will finally result in a group of raster data which, once processed, will be data of the vector type. As a final object, we have the data of the 11th street road, located in the municipality of La Calera, being of third order, with a length of 0.95128 km and a road width of approximately 4.75 m, concluding that when handling the The Horus software allows you to work quickly and easily since it is not necessary to go more than once to a field to corroborate information or take measurements.
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    Apoyo técnico para el mejoramiento de las redes sanitarias y pluviales en ciudadela Sucre-Soacha
    Castellanos Forero, Fabian Camilo; Pardo Pinzón, Janneth
    The following document exposes the techniques used during the execution of the Ciudadela Sucre Consortium project, from the topographical part for the installation and control of the sanitary and pluvial piping, evidence of the calculations made in the field with their respective detailed formulas will be shown. The process of building wells from scratch will also be shown and finally the control of pipes of the neighborhood homes will be found
  • Ítem
    Levantamientos topográficos en la empresa Topdigital EU
    Caceres Suarez, Sebastian; Rabelly Bastidas, Jorge Daniel; Osorio Baquero, Ismael
    In the internship, three topographic surveys were carried out for three different projects, the first was an uprising of the Valle del Cafam neighborhood in the town of Usme, called the "Milan Project", which consisted of a survey which included the inspection of wells in the area. of interest. A similar topographic survey called the "Don Bosco School" was also carried out, located on 26th Street and Rojas Avenue. This also included the removal of all the trees inside the school, for a study of possible extra construction within the school. The third survey in career 30 with 26th Street, where the survey and survey of wells was taken as a priority, this project was called "Project Museum of Memory", these surveys were georeferenced with GPS positioning and planimetric and altimetric control.
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    Metodología topográfica para la instalación de tuberías de poliéster reforzada con fibra de vidrio – GRP en el canal Cauquita de la ciudad de Cali
    Castellanos Sanchez, Yenny Marsela; Rodriguez Rojas, Carlos Alfredo
    The methodology used in the installation of GRP-FIBERGLASS REINFORCED POLYESTER is presented, in the CAUQUITA CHANNEL, located in the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón neighborhood of the city of Cali - Vale del Cauca, with the purpose of establishing technical parameters in all its stages from georeferencing, topographic survey, trench opening with slope, assembly, insertion methods, coupling and alignment of the pipes. Subsequently, the filling and compaction control is carried out. The contract that was executed consists of the installation of pipes of different diameters manufactured with GRP technology with a length of 923.62 m, through which the rainwater and wastewater from the Marroquin II and Alfonso Bonilla Aragón neighborhoods drain. The project begins at transversal 103 with diagonal 26 p18 and ends by draining in the secondary channel in race 26 O. The project began activities on May 3, 2018 with the materialization of landmarks, georeferencing of GPS points attached to certified plates. by IGAC and the initial topographic survey and activities end on June 30, 2019. During the construction process, the topographic inspection and control of alignments, slope control and verification of pipe deflections is carried out.
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    Guía para levantamiento de redes hidráulicas, eléctricas y telefónicas con técnicas geo espaciales
    Bautista Castillo, Brayan Alexander; Pinzón, Andrés; 0000-0002-6463-8383
    The present project was developed in the city of Bogotá, CAN sector with a single section that goes between Carrera 60, to El Dorado Avenue to the north; located in Teusaquillo, the purpose of this project is to make a guide for a survey of hydraulic, electrical and telephone networks using geospatial methodologies, to know the status and connection of the networks in this area through inspection since there is no updated information. of the existing networks in this area. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out this project, which includes data collection in the field and the organization and processing of data in the office, along with the preparation of maps, orthomosaics, and correlating the data and results in order to make this type of information available to entities or whoever is interested. The development of this project was based on a topographic survey, beginning with the positioning of the control points with a GPS, and carrying out photogrammetric flights over the area to be worked on to optimize time in the field and office, the positioning of the data. It was carried out using the NTRIP methodology, which, being a technology that automatically adjusts the points when taken in the field, saves time in processing data in the office.
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    Levantamiento topografico del barrio Villas del Diamante de la Localidad de Suba # 11 de Bogota D.C., con destino a la Secretaria Distrital del Habitat
    Ovalle Cadena, Miguel Angel; Aramendiz Zarate, Farid; Patiño Silva, Omar Francisco
    This document is made at the request of the Community Action Board of the Villas del Diamante neighborhood of the town of Suba, to the District University to carry out the topographic survey of the neighborhood. To carry out a topographic survey, specialized equipment is used to collect data, such as a total station, tripod, cane, prism, and plumb line. Carrying out topographic projects is important for updating cadastral data, positioning points for future improvement projects, construction and remodeling of roads and civil works. The occupation of land inside and outside the city of Bogotá D.C. is a problem that has been increasing over the years. This activity is carried out by low-income people, mostly from rural areas, who are displaced. due to the war, seeking new job opportunities, etc., which is why they decide to form illegal settlements of a subnormal type without the necessary urban planning. For the different public entities, the topographic plan is very important when starting any process regarding the subject of works since it is the basis for the legal part before the corresponding authorities.
  • Ítem
    Aplicación de AutoCAD civil 3d en actividades propias de la topografía
    Sánchez Villabón, Elkin; Patiño Silva, Omar Francisco
    This monograph, although it has required effort and a lot of dedication, its completion would not have been possible without the selfless cooperation of each and every one of the people who accompanied me in the laborious journey of this work and many of whom have been a support very strong in moments of anguish and despair, first and foremost, thank God, for being with me in every step I take, for strengthening my heart and enlightening my mind and for having put in my path those people who have been my support and company throughout the study period, Cilore, who motivated me to undertake the completion of this cycle. To the Francisco José de Caldas District University that gave me a second chance to complete my studies, to my family and friends who, thanks to their moral support, allowed me to remain with determination, dedication and affection, to all those who contributed a grain of sand to successfully complete the proposed goal.
  • Ítem
    Levantamiento topográfico para la actualización de las bases de datos correspondientes a la malla vial urbana existente en el municipio de Gachancipa
    Mendoza Hurtado, Michael Marlon; Rodríguez Largo, Luis Francisco; Bonilla Romero, Julio Hernán; 0009-0009-0797-3829; Bonilla Romero, Julio Hernán [0009-0009-0797-3829]
    In the municipality of Gachancipá it is necessary for the municipality to update the information on its road network to improve the quality of life of this population, much in a correct planning. The updating of the database is the main tool for planning in the municipality of Gachancipa, given that the population in recent years has grown rapidly due to the labor supply as a consequence of the Industrial Zone and the quality of life of the municipality. In this degree work, a topographic survey was prepared, which is used to update the database of the urban road system of Gachancipá. The conventional topography method was simple radiation, based on 2 points materialized in the field whose positions will be needed by means of static positioning with GNSS and the analysis of the results shown in a spreadsheet which describes physical and geometric aspects of the urban roads of the municipality.
  • Ítem
    Topografía de vías para el mejoramiento geométrico en la intersección de la Avenida Calle 17 con Carrera 128
    Moreno Salamanca, Andrea; Bonilla Romero, Julio Hernán; 0009-0009-0797-3829; Bonilla Romero, Julio Hernán [0009-0009-0797-3829]
    In the city of Bogotá on the western vehicular entrance is Avenida Calle 13. This road receives all the vehicles from the nearby municipalities of Funza, Mosquera and other cities in that sector of the city, the traffic of vehicles is affected in Regarding mobility due to the lack of signposting of the permitted turns and the number of vehicles of different sizes that circulate such as bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, buses of the public transport service of Bogotá, intermunicipal buses and tractor-trailers, in addition to the pedestrian crossing by the different traffic lights. This project proposes geometric road design solutions for better mobility.
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    Caracterización de un segmento vial terciario. Caso estudio Municipio de Chipaque – Cundinamarca
    Alarcón Bejarano, Yeison Ricardo; Rodríguez Mosquera, Josept Steven; Pardo Pinzón, Janneth
    The more important deficiencies in the development of tertiary road infrastructure in Colombia is the lack of a road inventory, which creates uncertainty for the states and the number of roads that require intervention. As one of the strategies to mitigate this effect, the National Integrated Road Information System (SINC) was created by Law No. 1228 of 2008. SINC is a public information system that has among its objectives the updating of road information of the cities of the country, intends to maintain information on categories, locations, technical specifications, status and new projects among others. In this order of ideas, the municipality of Chipaque Cundinamarca is focusing its efforts on maintaining, in accordance with Law 1228 of 2008, an information system for its tertiary roads. With the development of the degree work, it is intended to join efforts to collaborate with the municipal road inventory, therefore, it is intended to develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) that allows the maintenance of updated information. The incorporation of the information will start from the topographic surveys in accordance with the technical specifications of Resolution 0412 of February 26, 2020, road geometric design manual 2008, USAID practical guide for roda inventories.
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    Metodología para determinar el control de calidad de levantamientos topográficos de control terrestre y clasificación de campo, etapa IB
    Mosquera Torres, Kevin Steven; Bogoya Rojas, Edwin Stiven; Niño Niño, Edilberto
    The Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC) as Colombia's maximum cadastral entity is in charge of producing the official map and basic cartography of the nation. Therefore, it carries out updating processes in order to keep the geographical information up to date. One of the functions of IGAC is to prioritize quality control in planimetric and topographic surveys carried out by the institution and public or private entities (requesting a review or carrying out related work with IGAC). Because there is no standardization of field and office processes in topographic work in Colombia to date, IGAC resolutions should be resorted to. As for example, in Circular Letter 100 you will find resolution 193 of 2014 which stipulates "Technical specifications for planimetric and/or topographical surveys of the perimeter". Where it assigns the Subdirectorate of Geography, Cartography and Cadastre, as the office that stipulates and complies with the specifications to be taken into account when carrying out a topographic survey. In the internship work specifically in the IB case, the digital structure of topographic surveys carried out by the Colombian Institute for Rural Development (INCODER) was verified, whether as a state entity it may require IGAC services to contribute to the validity process. Among the INCODER's management addresses are: that of productive planning where they are in charge of developing strategies that contribute to the construction of sustainable rural development; that of agrarian processes that are in charge of recovering unduly occupied lands, so that they may be occupied for the following purposes
  • Ítem
    Estudio de caso-proyecto doble calzada Bogotá - Girardot - Trayecto 4 Te del Salto Km 16 + 924 Alto de las Rosas Km 24 + 744,37 en Cundinamarca
    Torres Achury, Yenny Paola; Bello Arévalo, Miller Anatolio; Barragan Zaque, William
    This document proposes a methodology to identify the criteria on land management processes for the acquisition of land affected by the road works at the stages of construction projects, rehabilitation, improvement and maintenance during operation of highways national, departmental and local. In order to set a standard in the processes that are made for the acquisition of land be linked to the methodology optimization surveying, determining quality of land areas, weaknesses in this process are analyzed and defined specifications techniques that must be documented. The result is the development of each of the processes that lead to perform land management in the best conditions of quality and identifying errors in the process and the approach of the challenges for continuous improvement in the acquisition process premises.
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    Identificación de métodos topográficos que ayudan a mejorar el desempeño de la maquinaria utilizada en obras civiles
    Hurtado Nieto, Camilo Alfonso; Jaramillo Pineda, Edgar Mauricio; Barragan Zaque, William
    In the project Identification of topographic methods that help to improve the Performance of Machinery Used in Civil Works, are presented techniques that a surveyor can use to improve the efficiency of machines most necessary in the construction process of a road. These techniques, which are based on the combination of topographic equipment technology with a series of references made with them, allow the topographer delegate control of wax to his auxiliaries to take better advantage of his time within the project. At the end of this investigation, it was determined that identified methods generate control lines and allow more control to be the work done by the machinery, but the with surveying equipment is performed at predetermined distances.
  • Ítem
    Topografía en la obra civil
    Castiblanco Pinilla, Yina Fernanda; Valbuena Leguizamo, Humberto
    This document presents the activities and processes during the development of the internship as well as the conclusions and recommendations of the knowledge acquired during the development of the internship. The different tasks carried out in the field and the office are described below, with the purpose of describing the incursion, the importance and the intervention of the topography in the civil work. It began with a contextualization of the work carried out through the theoretical framework and clarification of key themes and concepts developed in the report, which are fundamental to understand the activities of which he became part of the internship; Then the positioning work with the GPS is described for the obtaining of real coordinates in any type of topographic survey, as well as the step a detailed step of the necessary post-process in the office to obtain coordinated schemes, through the organization and The obtaining Files necessary, until the transfer of time of the coordinates obtained during the post-process. There are also activities during the execution of the civil work in the field, of which they became part during the internship, such as location of axes, piloting of piles, control of settlement and control of verticality. These documents in a practical way and carried out in the same way in office, for the subsequent analysis of the data obtained.
  • Ítem
    Análisis histórico del crecimiento perimetral de la zona urbana consolidada de Bogotá
    Montes Gutierrez, Laura Vannessa; Bedoya Gaona, Brenda Yoliana; Niño Niño, Edilberto; 0000-0003-0452-5827; Niño Niño, Edilberto [0000-0003-0452-5827]
    Within the topography we can find the geographic information systems which work as a database that contains information from some place through alphanumeric data, this being the process where we can observe all the data obtained from a cartography and be able to relate the phenomena that need to be studied using topographic maps. This project shows the results of an investigation on the perimeter growth of the consolidated area of Bogotá with different maps of the city. This in order to observe how government entities, developers, companies for the construction of buildings and the sale of land have helped to increase the consolidated areas in the city.
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    Vuelo en área montañosa con vehículo aéreo no tripulado equipado con GNSS L1: análisis de la precisión fotogramétrica
    Blanco Suárez, Miguel Alfonso; Bonilla Romero, Julio Hernán
    This monographic research aims to demonstrate that photogrammetric flights can be carried out using remotely unmanned aerial systems (UAS) equipped with a non-metric camera and GNSS L1 sensor over mountainous areas or with high slope contrasts and obtain comparable results in terms of positional accuracy with respect to those carried out in flat areas and on which the scientific literature has shown that they meet the standards of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. The flight made in January 2021 was developed in the urban and peri-urban area of the town of Güicán de la Sierra in Boyacá, a municipality located at 2,850 m.a.s.l. The covered area is 103 hectares, of which 90% have slopes greater than 12%, which means from strongly inclined to strongly steep. It was made one flight and 13 different configurations were made for photogrammetric processing and based on 34 points surveyed with double-frequency GNSS methods, it is shown that two or three points configured as control points (GCP) and the rest like check points are enough to have topographic precision at the highest quality, complying with the IGAC standards (Resolution 471 of 2020) and the Colombian technical standard NTC 6271-2018.
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    Evaluación del estado del pavimento y levantamiento de los activos viales de la ciclorruta Calle 86A y Calle 80
    Blanco Herrera, Jessica Natali; Niño Garnica, Yhoncy Matthaus; Fernández Gómez, Wilmar Darío
    Within the city of Bogota the bicycle has taken a greater relevance for mobility within what would be the daily life of the capital, since over time the bicycle has gone from being used as a means for sport or recreation to be an alternative means of transportation, in fact, the use of bicycles has advantages in both health and the environment. The massive use of bicycles and this transformation that has taken place little by little since the 1970s, the network of bicycle routes has been growing and has contributed to the connection of the city for the use of this alternative means of transportation. The purpose of this project is to achieve the inventory of the road assets of the bike path from Calle 86A to Calle 80 using mobile mapping technology to be located within a plan and also to estimate the physical condition of the bike path using the Methodology guide for the calculation of the surface condition of the bike paths that was approved in 2010 by the Urban Development Institute (IDU). The data collection was carried out using Horus software; part of the information collected was entered into the ArcGIS Geographic Information System and a graphic output was obtained with the mobile inventory of the cycle route. On the other hand, the pavement condition information was collected in formats, where samples were taken every 150 m2 and their respective classification was made depending on the damages found.