Una metodología para la captura y procesamiento de inventarios viales con mapeo móvil
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This document shows the activity and processes carried out during the development of the project, a methodology for capturing the processing of road inventories with mobile mapping, located on Calle 11 in the municipality of La Calera, Cundinamarca, also showing the conclusions and recommendations of the project. knowledge acquired during its development. Despite the fact that the institutions that manage the road zone, such as the IDU and the Road Maintenance Unit, whose objective is to periodically evaluate the road network, currently there is no system that contributes to collecting data efficiently and in the short term ( less than one year) with fines for carrying out maintenance and rehabilitation programs for road infrastructure elements; The actions carried out by these institutions must be done through contracts and this procedure requires longer periods for the structuring of maintenance plans and programs and therefore when the interventions are made, the pavements present greater deterioration, which increases the costs and returns of the interventions. The objective of the project is to propose a methodology for the capture and processing of data which will serve as input for the creation of road inventories with extensive mapping in the parameters of regulation and order of information, so that there is a larger updated database regarding road networks in Colombia, having as a reference the comparison of Mobile Mapping and the process in the field taking data through NTRIP; in this case connecting the equipment remotely to a private server that has a satellite connection, thus giving automatic corrections to the receivers connected to said server, resulting in a cloud of points with precise coordinates; Unlike this process, the data acquired by Mobile Mapping is analyzed in the office, which is handled in the Horus program, a software created for the development of mobile mapping showing real dimensions by the 360 image of the camera and the georeferencing system. of the project, it will finally result in a group of raster data which, once processed, will be data of the vector type. As a final object, we have the data of the 11th street road, located in the municipality of La Calera, being of third order, with a length of 0.95128 km and a road width of approximately 4.75 m, concluding that when handling the The Horus software allows you to work quickly and easily since it is not necessary to go more than once to a field to corroborate information or take measurements.