Tecnología en Saneamiento Ambiental
URI permanente para esta colecciónhttp://hdl.handle.net/11349/2020
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Ítem Formulación de acciones de mejora para la operación de la ptar del terminal de transporte el salitrePrada Montañez, Andrea Julieth; Rodríguez Miranda, Juan PabloThis plant is responsible for treating wastewater from the buses that discharge at the terminal. Although the plant has the necessary structure and system to perform its function, it has lacked efficient and consistent operation, preventing the treated water from meeting the requirements of Resolution 0631/2015, which sets the conditions and maximum permissible values for discharges into surface water bodies and sewage systems. During the internship, actions were proposed to improve the operation and advance the stabilization of the WWTP. Results were achieved in two main areas: operationally, a guide was developed for the environmental component with instructions on waste disposal within the WWTP laboratory; and in stabilization, information was gathered on a microorganism with adaptive characteristics that could be an excellent option for a microbial consortium.Ítem Evaluación del insecticida del extracto de caléndula (Calendula officinalis) sobre larvas de mosquitos Aedes aegyptiDíaz Donoso, Leidy Lorena; Aguilar Barragán, Daniela; Corradine Mora, Diego TomásThe Aedes aegypti, better known as the yellow fever mosquito, is the vector with the highest incidence in Colombia, has been increasing in urban areas and represents a major risk to public health, where more than half of the population is affected nationally; in addition, this species has an advantage in terms of adaptability over other species, which indicates that they are a highly invasive species, because their eggs are resistant to hostile environments, also the means of transport of these are humans which facilitates their reproduction and expansion. For this reason in this project we are looking for an ecological and sustainable alternative for the larvae elimination by evaluating the effect of caléndula (Calendula officinalis) as an insecticide, since this plant contains medicinal properties and belongs to a plant group with highly effective insecticidal activity on pests. This product would be of great innovation in biological agents of organisms of public health interest reducing the chemical impact in some ecosystems where Aedes aegypti inhabits and lays its eggs. The Extract show lethality effect directly proportional to the extract concentration from 33% until 99% over four stage larvae after 48 hours, with ascendent concentration from 250 until 1250 ppm. CL50 it was 318ppm and CL90 was 983ppm.Ítem Evaluación del efecto larvicida de extracto de guama (inga vera) sobre larvas de estadio iv aedes aegypti (en condiciones de laboratorio)Rodríguez Virguez, Victoria Zulay; Vega Guevara, Paula Andrea; Corradine Mora, Diego TómasThe incidence of the Aedes aegypti mosquito on public health has affected various areas of the country and also a large part of the world population, bringing with it diseases such as Dengue, which mainly affects rural areas, these being the most vulnerable due to various socioeconomic factors. In order to control the negative incidence of this vector on public health, it is proposed to take advantage of the seed of the Inga vera species, which is mainly used as a shade tree for plantations such as coffee. Therefore, the larvicidal effect of the ethanolic extract of the Inga vera seed (Guama) was evaluated for the botanical control of fourth-stage larvae of Aedes aegypti under laboratory conditions. Five bioassays were conducted under concentrations of 300, 350, 400, 450, and 500 ppm with four replicates each, totaling 100 larvae for each treatment. The results showed that the Inga vera extract is a favorable alternative since all bioassays showed mortality after 12 hours of exposure, with the concentration of 500 ppm obtaining the highest mortality rate at 97% after 48 hours of exposure, in addition to an LT50 of 21.3 hours and an LT90 of 36.1 hours of exposure. By performing the Probit statistical analysis, it was found that to reach the LC50 concentration of the Inga vera for Aedes aegypti, 418 ppm is required, and for the LC90 concentration, individuals must be subjected to 479 ppm, in order to achieve the effectiveness of the ethanolic extract of Inga vera as a larvicide.Ítem Presencia de huevos de parásitos en excremento de caninos y su riesgo real en la salud pública en áreas zonales del barrio Molinos II.Muñoz Torres, Evelin; Corradine Mora, Diego Tomás; Corradine Mora Diego Tomás [0000-0002-5840-6957]The close relationship that humans have established with animals is undeniable, especially with domesticated animals, mainly dogs, which can affect public health by having parasites in their feces, which can be easily transmitted to humans. For this reason, the present research project had the general objective of demonstrating the presence of parasite eggs in dog feces in the zonal areas of the Molinos II neighborhood, for which the research question focuses on determining if it is possible to determine the presence of parasite eggs in parasites in canine excrement that may be harmful to public health in the Molinos II neighborhood through samples and microscopic tests. In order to resolve what was previously questioned, the present work was developed in the zonal areas of the Molinos II neighborhood, located in the Rafael Uribe Uribe locality in the city of Bogotá D.C., Colombia; 82 samples were taken at different points in two zonal parks located in the Molinos II neighborhood and were taken to the ecology and zoonosis laboratory of the Bosa Porvenir University Citadel. In addition, a survey was applied to the inhabitants to find out the habits that pet owners have in terms of deworming, feces collection, among other aspects. Parasite eggs were found in 34 (41.46%) of the 82 samples processed, with more than one endoparasite found in three of the fecal samples. The most frequent parasitic agent was T. canis present in 24 (29.27%) of the total samples, followed by D. caninum found in 7 (8.54%), T. vulpis with 2 (2.54%). , S. stercoralis with 1 (1.22%) and A. lumbricoides with 1 (1.22%).Ítem Plan de saneamiento básico para el expendio de frutas y verduras DAFOVAAlonso Hernandez, Wilson Manuel; Polanco Audor, Harold Mauricio; Corradime Mora, Diego Tomás; Corradime Mora, Diego Tomás [0000-0002-5840-6957]This monograph addresses the proposal of a Basic Sanitation Plan for the establishment of DAFOVA FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, based on current regulations for the year 2022, taking as a starting point the Sanitary Inspection Report conducted on February 14, 2022, by the District Health Department, which identified a compliance rate of 42.5%. The objective of the Basic Sanitation Plan is to "control, prevent, and eliminate potential contaminants such as microorganisms, chemicals, or physical agents present in the personnel, facilities, equipment, and utensils involved in the process of food preparation, storage, and sale" (Romero Cruz & Zarate Cancelado, 2017). Therefore, the implementation of this plan will improve the sanitary conditions for the sale of food, thus avoiding possible contamination.Ítem Asentamientos precarios en el enclave subxerofítico de la vereda Panamá, Soacha: Un caso de injusticia ambientalSánchez Joya, Margarita Irma; Martínez Abello, Jairo MiguelThis document describes the situation of slums settlements on the outskirts of Soacha, over the subxerophytic enclave. Soacha is a municipality that presents a pattern of urban growth in the peripheries of the urban core lacking planning or legal control that contemplates the needs of the vulnerable population, and in many occasions these marginalized realities go unnoticed by the rest of society. Since 2015, informal settlements have been detected by satellite in the coverage of the subxerophytic enclave of the Panama Village, and consequently this important ecosystem has been deteriorating over the years due to the anthropic activity of impoverished communities that have had to solve their housing needs through informal settlements. Through a systematic review of the literature, semi-structured interviews, structured observation and a search for information in the field, the main sanitary characteristics of the territory are determined in order to contrast this information with the concepts of environmental justice as a point of enunciation of the analysis. The analysis explains the socio-sanitary phenomena through the concepts of environmental justice. It is determined that there is environmental injustice in the territory where large-scale mining is present, there is state abandonment and no projection of policies towards the social crisis experienced in the cordon of misery.Ítem Identificación y caracterización de conflictos ambientales en la localidad de Barrios Unidos y Puente Aranda, Bogotá, D.C.Camargo Marín, Diego Fernando; Martínez Abello, Jairo MiguelIdentification and characterization of the main environmental conflicts in the town of Barrios Unidos and Puente Aranda, Bogotá, D.C. Taking the main ecological structure of each locality as the epicenter of conflicts.Ítem Evaluación del falso pimiento (Schinus Molle), como posible insecticida en el control biológico de larvas del mosquito Aedes aegypti, en condiciones de laboratorioPoveda Fajardo, Jeison Mauricio; Serrano Rodríguez, Jonathan Alejandro; Corradine Mora, Diego Tomás; Corradine Mora Diego Tomás [0000-0002-5840-6957]Dengue is a viral disease transmitted mainly by female mosquitoes of the Aedes aegypti species and, in lesser cases, of the Aedes albopictus species. These mosquitoes, known as vectors of transmission, have been the focus of multiple efforts to minimize cases of severe Dengue in the country, causing at least 41,365 confirmed cases of a Dengue serotype. Most of the current efforts against the Dengue vector are focused on eradicating the vector by means of fumigation with chemical agents such as insecticides or larvicides. Although these chemical means have an effect as vector eradicators, they also have associated environmental problems, mainly because the chemical agent does not discriminate between the vector and other organisms present in the environment. Therefore, and based on previous studies, the objective of this research and innovation project was to establish whether the oily extract of the false bell pepper (Schinus molle) has properties as a toxic agent in the larval activity of the A. aegypti mosquito. The results of this research indicate that the oily extract of False Pepper has an inhibitory effect on larval activity, since, in the bioassays, a mortality higher than 90% was obtained at a concentration of 1500 ppm, after 48 hours.Ítem Medición y evaluación de la calidad del aire indoor en las áreas de la sede Ciudadela Porvenir de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José De CaldasHernández Guaqueta, Camilo Andrés; Tellez Méndez, Manuel Fernando; Murad Pedraza, José Alejandro; Murad Pedraza,José Alejandro [0000-0003-4211-2601]An air quality study was conducted at the Universidad Distrital Ciudadela Porvenir, focusing on the measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2), particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), and formaldehyde (CH2O) in various academic areas. The objectives of the study included identifying critical areas for monitoring, installing sensors for real-time contaminant measurement, and evaluating the collected data. Regarding the findings, variable levels of contaminants were observed in different locations. CO2 and particulate matter were identified as the most common contaminants. The study recommended implementing active breaks to restore air quality in classrooms and laboratories, along with improvements in ventilation systems. Additionally, conducting longer monitoring sessions in some places was suggested.Ítem Contextualización bibliográfica de la obesidad, sus mayores consecuencias y como un etiquetado frontal busca disminuir esta epidemia mundialBurgos Cardozo, Asly Lizeth; Acero Bonilla, Leidy Yohanna; Melo Brito, Nadenka Beatriz; Melo Brito, Nadenka Beatriz [0000-0002-4255-8470]The steady increase in ultra-processed foods with high levels of sodium, sugars, calories and saturated fats has contributed to an increase in chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cancer, kidney disease. To mitigate these risk factors, different nations have implemented measures; front-of-package warning labels on foods have become an effective and economical tool to help consumers make more informed and healthy choices. This monograph focused on the review of documents to know the impact of front labeling in Latin America, additionally a survey was conducted with students of the Universidad Distrital to know their perception on this topic. The findings suggest that front labeling can be an effective tool to promote healthy eating habits and nutrition education, especially in a country like Colombia where these problems are frequent. This paper provides valuable information on the potential benefits of front-of-pack labeling and could serve as a basis for future studies in the field of nutrition and public health in Colombia.Ítem Evaluación técnica de las lagunas de estabilización del municipio de Zipaquirá (Cundinamarca)Restrepo Capera, Ingrid Lorena; García Díaz, Yubrasky Betzabeth; Rodríguez Miranda, Juan Pablo; Rodríguez Miranda, Juan Pablo [0000-0002-3761-8221]Years ago, stabilization ponds were nothing more than a pioneering technique for the treatment of domestic wastewater, insomuch as they had a low construction cost and great ease of handling, which made this system the most common designing municipal wastewater treatment systems. But as time has passed, some municipalities due to lack of monitoring and control have manifested various problems, we know that water is an important resource in the daily life of human beings, likewise the availability of this resource is reduced compared to the total water in the world, so the importance of its good use and preservation becomes a necessity for the future. An economic way to treat wastewater is through the construction and systematization of stabilization ponds, which allow us to reuse water for different purposes, such as crop irrigation or energy use. The treatment of wastewater through physical-chemical or biological processes is necessary to minimize the impacts of wastewater discharges and to favor the recovery of water bodies. In order to carry out the monograph, it is proposed to carry out a bibliographical review of documents and articles that contain related information, as well as to investigate and consult technical information on the design of the lagoons in order to later make a comparison of the information obtained from the consultation and the technical visit to the lagoons. stabilization of Zipaquirá.Ítem Análisis bibliográfico de los sistemas de remoción de cloruros en aguas residuales desde el año 2010 hasta la actualidadNúñez Galeano, Angie Lorena; Guerra Rodríguez, JayerthThis monograph focuses on the bibliographic analysis of chloride treatment systems in wastewater, in order to identify the most effective and viable systems for the elimination of these compounds and to improve water quality, in compliance with environmental and public health standards. To achieve this general objective, three specific objectives were proposed: to describe the types of chloride removal treatment, to identify the parameters that influence the efficiency of the treatment systems, and to establish which is the most adequate system for the removal of chlorides in wastewater. The methodology used consisted of a bibliographic review of scientific and technical articles published from 2010 to the present, using search engines specialized in the subject. The results obtained made it possible to describe the different chloride treatment systems, their characteristics and efficiency, identify the parameters that influence their performance and compare the different systems to establish which is the most appropriate according to the application context. It is concluded that there are several chloride treatment systems that can be effective in the elimination of these compounds in wastewater, but the choice of the most appropriate system will depend on the specific conditions of each situation, so during the development of this work these different systems are grouped into physical, chemical, biological, and special treatments, in order to present their main characteristics, efficiency, and other important factors for their development.Ítem Evaluación del larvicida de extracto de Cannabis Sativa sobre larvas de cuarto estadio de mosquito Aedes Aegypti en condiciones de laboratorioAlfonso Mendoza, Mónica Stephannie; Turriago MartíneZ, Lizeth Melissa; Corradine Mora, Diego Tomás; Corradine Mora, Diego Tomás [0000-0002-5840-6957]Currently, one of the most serious problems in public health is the increase in the distribution of Aedes aegypti in America, since to date, it is the only transmitter of the dengue virus, this and other diseases are produced by the bite of this mosquito, due to its easy adaptation to the environment for its reproduction. Therefore, a larvicide based on Cannabis Sativa was developed to control the proliferation of this vector. The main objective is to determine the optimum concentration of Cannabis sativa extract for the mortality of Aedes aegypti larvae. For this purpose, they evaluated and tested 7 concentrations of Cannabis Sativa extract obtained by means of the Soxhlet extractor and then the rotoevaporator. The results showed that for the biological control of A. aegypti IV stage larvae in laboratory conditions, the optimum concentration is 600 ppm, since it achieved 100% lethality of thelarvae after 12 hours of exposure to the extract, while at a concentration of 1ppm, 63% lethality of the individuals exposed to the extract was achieved after 48 hours. The analysis by means of linear regression showed that the exact concentration to reachthe LC50 of the sample in A. aegypti is 0.2 ppm of the extract and to achieve the LC90 the individuals must be subjected to a concentration of 544 ppm, to achieve the effectiveness of the extract of C. sativa as a larvicide.Ítem Análisis de la generación y composición física de los residuos sólidos en los cluster comerciales en la localidad de Kennedy, Bogotá.González Cortes, Johana Andrea; Orozco Gutiérrez, Carlos JaimeThis report presents the results of the study carried out by the field operational technicians and other professionals of the Special Administrative Unit of Public Services (UAESP). During a period of two months, operational tasks were carried out to identify the critical points of waste generation in the town of Kennedy, in Bogotá. In addition, information on the location of the containers was provided. The report also includes graphs that illustrate the composition of the waste and its behavior at different points, as well as the potential for using solid waste from commercial clusters in the same location. In addition, effective alternatives for the degradation of this waste are explored, such as composting and vermiculture, which allow efficient use of organic matter.Ítem Análisis de la generación y composición física de los residuos sólidos del clúster comercial de la localidad Engativá Bogotá D.CSarmiento Parra, Paula Andrea; Rojas Bolaños, Erika Dahianna; Rodríguez Miranda, Juan PabloThe composition of this document is based on the results that were obtained as a result of the work that was carried out in the field by technical operators of the Special Administrative Unit of Public Services (UAESP). Therefore, it is possible to show the points of waste generation, in the different separations of the containers; the composition of the waste that shows graphs of how the type of material behaves in front of the different points and the potential use of solid waste in the business cluster in the town of Engativa, Bogotá, subscriber to this, recommendations are provided use for different types of materials.Ítem Asistencia técnica en el aprovechamiento de los residuos sólidos generados por el Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra- IEDRozo Beltrán, Laura Alejandra; Ballesteros Sánchez, Cristhian Camilo; Corradine Mora, Diego TomásThis internship was held at the Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra I.E.D. both in the monitoring and disposal of solid waste, and in raising awareness of the student community in the proper handling of these and the different methods of which are generated within the institution. Activities were carried out separation, characterization and weighing of waste generated, together with educational work towards tenth grade students. Through this project it was sought that the institution and especially the teachers who make up the School Environmental Project, know the amount of waste that is generated and also the methods and places for exploiting them, as well as creating awareness raising links between the students and their environment, thus reinforcing respect for nature, acquiring a role of responsibility and awareness. This internship enabled the institution to gain first-hand knowledge of the methods of separation and disposal of waste, and thus benefit from something so common in society as is the generation of solid waste.Ítem Diseño y formulación de la planificación de un SGA, bajo la norma NTC ISO 14001:2015 en la Empresa PPC Temkin Flexible Packaging Colombia S.A.SBello Tafur, Laura Dayana; Bonilla Sánchez, Natalia Andrea; Martínez Abello, Jairo MiguelThe PPC Temkin company does not have environmental standards, the objective of this work is to design and formulate the planning phase of an SGA, under the NTC ISO 14001: 2015 standard. Four phases were carried out: the RAI, strategic, managerial and operational planning. In the RAI, a survey was carried out identifying the current state of the company; in the strategic planning it is proposed to the company to develop a proposal regarding compliance with environmental policies. For the planning, the matrix of Environmental Aspects and Impacts, the matrix of legal requirements, the matrix of internal and external parties with their needs and expectations were made. Finally, in the operational planning phase, design mitigation mechanisms and operational controls for the company. The results showed four affected resources: energy, water, air quality and hazardous waste. On the other hand, processes such as; domestic discharges with discharge to the sewage, electricity consumption and the generation of polluting gases by fixed sources are processes where the company must include programs with environmental goals and objectives so that these processes do not affect the environment. In conclusion, the company must implement management programs to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and improve the current condition of the company with the planet, mainly benefiting from the efficient use of energy, water, air and environmental education resources to achieve the scope of the ISO 14001:2015 standard.Ítem Diseño e implementación de estrategias sanitarias y ambientales para el fortalecimiento de los diferentes programas desarrollados en el marco del proyecto de inversión 7846 de la Subdirección de Abastecimiento Alimentario.Mora Casallas, Jhonnan; Mojica Hernández, Martha LuciaThe District Secretariat for Economic Development (SDDE) is associated with processes related to the formulation, management and execution of policies related to economic development which are aimed at strengthening competitiveness, business development, the rural economy, employment and food supply, through the implementation of strategies that lead to continuous improvement and generation of income for people or companies, seeking in this way, the progress and improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of the city of Bogotá. In this internship, accompaniment was carried out in some of the programs corresponding to the Subdirectorate of food supply developed in the framework of the investment project 7846, related to the sustainability of the supply and distribution of food in the Capital District, where the peasant markets and the district market squares, it was possible to demonstrate the different problems that our city faces in terms of waste management solids, losses and waste of food thanks to sensitization and other strategies carried out in some of the parties involved, consumers and producers. In addition, support activities were carried out in external programs in collaboration with local mayors, specifically in the Classroom program Environmental within Schools of the district.Ítem Apoyo en la construcción del estudio de línea base de los estilos de vida sostenible de la población de Bogotá D.CDiaz Chávez, Catalina; Martínez Abello, Jairo Miguel; Bello Herreño, TatyanaThis document contains information collected from a period of time from 2016 to 2022 from district and national entities, aimed at Sustainable Lifestyles related to the five areas recognized by the Environment Program of the United Nations, which are, mobility, leisure, housing, food and consumption of goods and services, obtaining these data sought to establish what was the relevant information for each area and identify the missing information at the district level, also recommendations were given on what kind of data is missing in each area and how each of these could be improved.Ítem Soporte en actividades técnicas y financieras relacionadas con el saneamiento básico y el agua potable, pertenecientes a la línea del recurso hídrico en la Empresa R&R Knowledge, Engineering & LAB S.A.SDiaz Infante, Gysell Stefanya; Rodríguez Miranda, Juan PabloKELAB S.A.S, is a company that has more than 8 years of experience in the hydrocarbon, pharmaceutical, food and industrial sectors, which focuses on strategic and innovative environmental management, offering comprehensive services in; basic sanitation plans, comprehensive solid waste management plans, container and packaging management plan, environmental awareness programs, design and construction of water treatment systems, wastewater discharge permits, soil and body modeling services of water, water reuse systems, bioremediation, maintenance and design of grease traps and water concession permit processing, procedures and services that are provided by qualified professionals who carry out technical and economic analyzes to define the most viable option in the which there is an optimization of resources. Due to the lines of work that the company manages, such as water resources management, solid waste management, knowledge management and basic sanitation, qualified personnel are required to develop market studies that can expand the company's connection with different allies that develop within the different fields mentioned above. The activities to be carried out as an Environmental Sanitation Technology intern within the company will be: Follow-up and management of the services of the water resource line focused on the design, construction and implementation of treatment systems and grease traps, Concession permits for water, water reuse permits, sanitary installations, discharge procedures and water characterization, preparation of purchase requests, service orders and budgets.