Ingeniería Eléctrica
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Ítem Estudio de la integración de fuentes no convencionales en el mercado eléctrico colombiano considerando variaciones meteorológicas estacionalesQuevedo Aullón, Jonathan Andrey; Armijo Castillo, Luis Angel; Alarcón Villamil, Jorge Alexander; 0000-0002-8718-2542The transition towards renewable energy sources is a current topic in the world that seeks to reduce environmental impacts and achieve more sustainable energy generation in the long term. In Colombia, the inclusion of renewable energies in the electricity market is an issue that has gained relevance in recent years, given that the country has great potential for clean energy generation, such as solar, wind and hydroelectric. In this context, this research focuses on evaluating the impact of the inclusion of renewable energies in the Colombian electricity market, considering possible changes in the availability of natural resources, analyzing aspects such as the stock price, level of reserves of the plants water and stock market response to critical meteorological events. During development, an analysis of the composition of the electricity market is carried out in terms of energy matrix, offer prices, forecasts and economic dispatch. In addition, the possible changes that may occur in market behavior and the possible risk conditions that may arise due to climate changes are evaluated. To carry out this research, historical data on electricity generation and demand are used, as well as analysis of possible scenarios and mathematical simulation models of both statistical types and machine learning or artificial intelligence. Models created by machine learning, such as neural networks, allow the association of various input variables with objective output variables, detecting patterns that could not be expressed through conventional mathematical models, being capable of predicting volatile signals such as offer prices of hydro generation units. Artificial intelligence models play a fundamental role in this research, especially for the forecast of electric energy demand in the short and medium term, as well as for obtaining credible offer prices for the proposed case studies. Machine learning methods for time series forecasting can detect periodic behavior in a signal, even when the time series is partially fragmented or incomplete, which is an advantage they have over statistical models which are also capable of identifying seasonality, but necessarily continuous signals. Through simulation in specialized optimization software, the ideal dispatch of each case study was run, automatically carrying out the respective water resource planning. The results of the simulations showed the shortcomings in the present market model for the short-term energy market in Colombia, since it was demonstrated that energy losses through inefficiencies in the use of water resources (dumping) , does not necessarily represent an economic loss for the bidders who use said resource, and that the generators have too much freedom to choose their offer price, if it is taken into account that hydroelectric technology makes up almost 66% of the entire energy matrix available in the country, and only through the large-scale inclusion of renewable energies in the market can greater competitiveness be achieved. It was also observed that there is still a great dependence on thermal generation technologies for critical meteorological scenarios such as the El Niño phenomenon, and that even with a great integration of renewable energies, it could be insufficient to satisfy the reliability and availability needs of the WITHOUT in the coming years. By fulfilling the objectives of this investigation and with the help of all the information collected throughout 2023, which was an inflexible year for the generation market in the country, it is prudent and necessary to conclude that it is advisable to carry out a reform regulatory framework for the Colombian stock market, which contemplates both current and future problems to respond forcefully to the environmental phenomena that have affected the country with a direct consequence on the price of energy.Ítem Modelado, diseño y control de un sistema electrónico de potencia para la conexión de una turbina de baja potencia a un barraje de CCBenavides Mendoza, David Eduardo; Trujillo Rodríguez, César Leonardo; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; 0000-0002-0985-1472; 0000-0001-6051-4925The research focus is on integrating a low-power wind turbine into a home microgrid through an efficient electrical conversion system. The challenge lies in developing a system capable of connecting wind generation to the microgrid, guaranteeing energy efficiency, considering changing wind conditions. To address this problem, it was proposed to model the wind electrical conversion system using the SEPIC converter, detailing two control techniques (linear and non-linear) that operate with the P&O algorithm and the MPPT method under the variable speed strategy with fixed pitch. Both control techniques have demonstrated their effectiveness in improving energy use when the generation system is subjected to different operating situations. Furthermore, these techniques stand out for their ability to adapt to changes in wind speeds, which improves the reliability and efficiency of the wind generation system. On the one hand, the linear control technique involves more complex mathematical modeling, but presents a more agile design of its controllers; While nonlinear control is in the time domain, its modeling is simpler, although the design of its controllers requires different methodologies than classical theories. However, despite the greater need for sensors and the characteristics described previously, the nonlinear control approach presents smoother behavior and greater speed to reach stability, allowing precise monitoring of the references imposed by the MPPT without subjecting the turbine to excessive mechanical stress. The work has successfully proposed a methodology for the design of the wind conversion system. The versatility and adaptability of the control techniques subject to the strategy used, together with the inherent characteristics of the SEPIC converter, have proven to be ideal for managing wind energy in variable wind conditions. The validation of the system confirms its ability to efficiently reach the maximum power points, thus ensuring good performance in the home microgrid.Ítem Estimación paramétrica en transformadores monofásicos considerando medidas de tensión y corriente a través del método de optimización de distribución generalizadaCamelo Daza, Juan David; Betancourt Alonso, Diego Noel; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; Gómez Vargas, Ernesto; 0000-0001-6051-4925This research addresses, from a perspective of metaheuristic optimization, the problem regarding parametric estimation in single-phase transformers while considering voltage and current measures at the transformer terminals and weighing linear loads. Transformer parametric estimation is modeled as a nonlinear problem in order to minimize the mean square error between the calculated voltage and current variables and the measurements taken. The nonlinearities are associated with Kirchhoff’s first and second laws applied to the equivalent electrical circuit of the single-phase transformer. The nonlinear optimiza tion problem is solved by applying a metaheuristic optimization algorithm known as the generalized normal distribution optimizer (GNDO), which uses evolution rules that allow exploring and exploiting the solution space via the classical probability function based on normal distributions. Numerical results in three test transfomers of 20, 45, and 112,5 kVA demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed GNDO approach when com pared to other optimizers reported in the literature, such as the crow search algorithm, the coyote optimization algorithm, and the exact solution of the nonlinear optimization model using the fmincon solver of the MATLAB software. All numerical simulations con firm the potential of the GNDO approach to deal with complex optimization problems in engineering and science with promising results and low computational effort.Ítem Compensación dinámica de potencia activa y reactiva en sistemas de distribución empleando PV-STATCOMsCombita Murcia, Juan David; Romero Salcedo, Camilo Andrés; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; 0000-0001-6051-4925The following document presents a heuristic methodology to address the operation problem of PV-STATCOMs for the dynamic compensation of active and reactive power, with the purpose of minimizing daily energy losses and the cost associated with the purchase of energy in networks. of distribution. This methodology is developed through a master-slave approach, where the master stage provides potential solutions using an optimization algorithm based on the salp swarm, and then the slave stage evaluates these solutions using the approximation power flow method. successive. The methodology was evaluated on two IEEE test systems, with 33 and 69 nodes, respectively, varying the power factor of each PV-STATCOM. As a result, it was possible to reduce both energy losses in the network and the cost of purchasing energy in the substation and the efficiency of the salp swarm algorithm for solving the problem was verified.Ítem Estimación de parámetros en máquinas y dispositivos eléctricos minimizando el error de estimación entre las variables eléctricas medidas y calculadas mediante un modelo de programación no linealLeon Ballesteros, Nicolas Javier; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; 0000-0001-6051-4925This investigation focuses on the development of parametric estimation models applied to three devices in electrical engineering: transformers, reactors, and solar cells. The objective is determine the fundamental parameters of these devices through the implementation of these models in Julia software. The results revealed a notable similarity between the estimated parameters and the values reported in the literature, confirming the effectiveness of the optimization models employed. Particularly, the obtained values for magnetization resistance, magnetization reactance, series resistance, and series reactance in transformers closely aligned with the reference values in the literature. Additionally, the employed software accurately estimated the current and voltage in transformers, demonstrating its effectiveness. For reactors, the research showed that the proposed mathematical model allows for adequate estimation of parameters such as resistance, reactance, series resistance, series reactance, current, and voltage, once again showing reasonable agreement with reference values in the literature. In the case of solar cells, the estimation of critical parameters such as reverse saturation current and photocurrent were practically identical to those reported in the literature, suggesting their utility in the parametric estimation of these devices. Another result of this work is the processing time employed by the optimization tool for nonlinear programming problems available for Julia, which turned out to be significantly lower compared to the processing times reported in previous research. This indicates the efficiency of the proposed models and their feasibility for implementation in real-world applications. In summary, this investigation proposed the use of nonlinear programming tools in Julia software for parametric estimation in transformers, reactors, and solar cells, validated through comparisons with reference values in the literature. These electrical models implemented in Julia promise to enhance the characterization and efficiency of these devices in various electrical applications.Ítem Aplicación del algoritmo de optimización por senos y cosenos al problema de estimación paramétrica en motores de inducción trifásicosNiño Callejas, Santos Daniel; Palombi Gómez, Juan Camilo; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo [0000-0001-6051-4925]The steady-state analysis of electrical machines requires a detailed characterization of the equivalente electrical circuit, which adequately represents the interaction and transformation between electrical energy and mechanical energy within them. This research aims to characterize the equivalent circuit of triphasic induction motors by minimizing the mean square error between the measured and calculated toque variables. These torques are obtained from data provided by the manufacturer, including starting, peak, and full-load torques. A metaheuristic optimization technique is applied to solve the resulting nonlinear programming model based on the interactions between the sine and cosine functions. The numerical results obtained with this algorithm demonstrate its efficiency in terms of response quality, reaching objective functions with values less than 1 × 10−8 regarding the measured and calculated variables. The simulación results in two test systems allow us to conclude that the parametric estimation problem in three-phase induction motors is part of the multimodal optimization problems. This implies a potentially infinite set of solutions that minimize the root mean square error and adequately represent the behavior of the motores output torque under various probable operating conditions.Ítem Diseño de un sistema fotovoltaico de autoconsumo conectado a la red e iluminación fotovoltaica perimetral de IE plaza logísticaEscobar Benavides, Juan Camilo; Rodríguez Patarroyo, Diego JuliánWith the objective of the ministry of education and the district mayor's office of carrying out a pilot plan to implement solar energy in schools, IE plaza logística located in the locality of Bosa in the city of Bogota was selected to be one of the first two initial schools for the implementation of a self-consumption solar system with grid injection of 50 kva and, in addition to this, a self-sustaining perimeter lighting, that is to say, it will not be connected to any other device other than itself. Thus, converting the ie plaza logística school into one of the two schools in the entire colombian territory with the highest installed load of solar energy, supplying part of its electricity consumption. Inectel s.a.s as a specialist in medium, low voltage and solar energy networks and as a contractor of the ministry of education will be in charge of carrying out the design, supply, construction and start-up of self-consumption photovoltaic system connected to the grid and self-sustainable perimeter photovoltaic lighting of IE plaza logística located in the locality of bosa in the city of Bogota.Ítem Planificación energética de un proceso productivo para una petroquímica de hidrocarburos aromáticos, según la norma ISO 50001: Caso de estudioRomero Lozada, Laura Juliana; García Suárez , Julio César; García Suárez Julio César [0000-0003-0917-312X]The work intends to carry out the energy planning of the production process in a petrochemical plant, using the ISO 50001 standard. For this purpose we analyze antecedents of similar experiences in other industrial facilities in general and in petrochemical plants in particular. The work presents strategies that can contribute to the improvement of energy management and even evaluates one of these options economically, finding that it is feasible to improve the current rates of energy consumption thanks to the methodology indicated by that standard and with only the option evaluated. The work is organized in seven chapters; in the first one the problem of study, including the formulation of the objectives, is delimited. The second chapter contains the frame of reference that underpins the process of analysis, and includes the state of the art, the regulation related to ISO 50001 and its application in petrochemical processes. The third chapter is used to define the baseline of the installation, while chapter four presents the performance indicators, giving continuity to the fifth where the strategies are presented for the improvement of energy management and finally chapter six the economic analysis of the investment is made. The conclusions of the work are the object of the seventh chapterÍtem Elaboración de protocolos de pruebas funcionales, energización y manual de operaciones de la subestación Gualanday 115 KvDelgado Parra, José Manuel; Castro Olaya, Jorge Fernando; Hernández Mora, Johann AlexanderIn the present work a guide will be found to carry out a protocol of functional tests, of energization and the manual of operation for a substation of high tension, which are demanded by the regulating entities for the energization and commissioning of a substation, taking as an example the experience obtained in the internship at the company EPC Ingeniería SAS In which a work was carried out on the protocols of functional tests, of energization and the manual of operation, for the substation of 115 kV of Gualanday Tolima. The experience gained in this work is based on a substation of two 115 kV line bays, one 115 / 34.5 kV transformation bay, and two 34.5 kV circuits. The substation has a single bar configuration, it has auxiliary services AC and DC, the control voltage level is 125 VDC, it has a main battery charger and a backup battery, it has a diesel combustion emergency plant, a 115 kV protection and control board per bay and a communications board. It describes the fundamental requirements that must be taken into account for the realization of functional test protocols, energization protocols and the operation manual. It begins with a chapter on the engineering review, which specifies the design documents that must be reviewed and what information is relevant and important to become familiar with and know the operation of the particular substation. The design to be revised covers the single-line diagrams, the principle diagrams, the control and protection planes at the different voltage levels, the design of the auxiliary services.Ítem Plan de Negocios para un Prototipo de Medición de Indicadores de Calidad del Servicio de Energía Eléctrica (DES Y FES)López Solano, Manuel Ricardo; Jaramillo Matta, Adolfo Andrés; Jaramillo Matta, Adolfo Andrés [0000-0002-9743-5638]The document includes a business plan for a prototype measuring the quality indicators of the electricity service (DES and FES), structured as a feasibility study with their respective market, technical, socio-economic, environmental and financial analysis. From the above it was deduced an objective market for the development of the company, an administrative framework, resources and different financial scenarios. Finally, conclusions are made that are related to the development and future of the project.Ítem Herramienta computacional en Python para la aplicación de modelos matemáticos de suelos no-homogéneos y/o de múltiples capasPacheco Mejía, Cristian Jair; Sarmiento Castro, Cristian Gonzalo; Rojas Cubides, Herbert Enrique; Rojas Cubides, Herbert Enrique [0000-0003-1253-6964]In this degree work, we propose the development of a computational tool in Python that will facilitate the analysis and modeling of single and multilayer soils. This tool will include conventional and advanced mathematical models, provide results based on real measurements, provide detailed explanations of the underlying theory, allow comparison between different models and generate a report in spreadsheet format.Ítem Intercambio eficiente de polos en redes de distribución de CC bipolares con cargas asimétricas empleando el algoritmo de búsqueda de vórticesTovar García, Gabriel Felipe; Chila Cruz, Wilmer Orlando; Montoya Giraldo, Óscar Danilo; Montoya Giraldo, Óscar Danilo [0000-0001-6051-4925]The following paper presents a metaheuristic methodology to address the challenge of efficient pole swapping in bipolar DC distribution networks with asymmetric loads. This methodology is based on the use of a vortex search algorithm, whose purpose is to determine and evaluate various configurations for the connection of load in the positive and negative nodes until the optimal solution is reached. Obtaining this solution is achieved by evaluating the triangular power flow, seeking to achieve the minimum value of active power losses. To validate its effectiveness, this methodology was applied to two IEEE test systems, one composed of 21 nodes and the other of 85 nodes, and the results were compared with previous research.Ítem Modelo de programación cónica de segundo orden para la operación óptima de baterías y fuentes de generación renovable en redes de distribución de CC considerando indicadores técnicos y ambientalesAlvarado Rodríguez, Juan Felipe; Martínez Reyes, Daniela; Montoya Giraldo, Óscar Danilo; Alvarado Rodríguez, Juan Felipe [0009-0002-8978-6734]; Martínez Reyes, Daniela [0009-0004-7306-1338]; Montoya Giraldo, Óscar Danilo [0000-0001-6051-4925]This document presents a method of efficient energy management (EMS) aimed at optimizing the use of distributed energy resources (DER) in direct current distribution networks (DC). This strategy is based on a second-order conic approach, designed to address and resolve the non-linear equations that arise in this type of system. In addition, this methodology includes the integration of energy storage systems through battery banks (BESS), with the aim of significantly reducing energy losses in the networks and, at the same time, mitigating the emission of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). The objective of the research and development of this methodology is to provide practical and effective solutions to the current challenges faced by the management of energy resources distributed in CC networks. To validate its effectiveness and robustness, tests are carried out on an IEEE system composed of 33 nodes. The results obtained are compared with previous research in the field, which allows the evaluation and demonstration of the added value of the proposed methodology. The comparison with previous studies allows us to contribute to the sustainability and efficiency of direct current distribution networks.Ítem Herramienta computacional en Python para la caracterización y evaluación de perturbaciones de calidad de potenciaGómez Tapias, Carlos Alberto; Cuevas Murcia, Andryu Alejandro; Rojas Cubides, Herbert Enrique; Rojas Cubides Herbert Enrique [0000-0003-1253-6964]At present, the software used for the processing, analysis and evaluation of electromagnetic disturbances are developed by manufacturers of measurement equipment, whose access is restricted, and its use requires a high economic investment (class A and class S equipment). These technologies are mostly available at the business and industrial level, so it is necessary to propose a low-investment alternative that is capable of processing and analyzing the data obtained by class S measurement equipment, and in turn is affordable to any type of user.Ítem Aplicación del optimizador metaheurístico basado en gradientes para resolver el problema de selección óptima de conductores en redes de distribución asimétrica trifásicaPradilla Rozo, Julián David; Vega Forero, Julián Alejandro; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; Montoya Giraldo Oscar Danilo [0000-0001-6051-4925]This study addresses the problem of selecting the conductor sizes for medium-voltage distribution networks with radial configurations. The optimization model that represents this problem is part of the mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) models, in which a power flow must be solved for each possible combination of conductor sizes. The main objective of this optimization problem is to find the best set of conductor sizes that minimize an economic objective function composed of the total costs of conducting materials added with the expected annual costs of the energy losses by proposing a new hybrid optimization methodology from the family of combinatorial optimization methods. To solve the MINLP model, a master–slave optimization method based on the modified version of the gradient-based metaheuristic optimizer (MGbMO) combined with the successive approximation power flow method for unbalanced distribution networks is presented. The MGbMO defines the set of conductor sizes assignable for each distribution line using an integer codification. The slave stage (three-phase power flow) quantifies the total power losses and their expected annual operating costs. Numerical results in the IEEE 8-, 27-, and 85-bus grids demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed master–slave optimizer when compared with multiple combinatorial optimization methods (vortex search algorithm, the Newton-metaheuristic optimizer, the traditional and Chu and Beasley genetic algorithms, and the tabu search approaches). Two scenarios regarding the demand behavior were analyzed for the IEEE 8- and 27-bus grids: a peak load operation was considered, and, for the IEEE 85-bus grid, the daily demand behavior, including the presence of renewable generators, was considered. The 85-bus grid allowed showing that the most realistic operative scenario for selecting conductors is the case where a demand curve is implemented since reductions over 40% in the annual investment and operating costs were found when compared to the peak load operating condition. All numerical validations were performed in MATLAB software.Ítem Diseño y elaboración de estudios de iluminación, red de baja tensión y sistema fotovoltaico asociado para proyecto de la estación de servicio Texaco CasablancaRubio Molina, Yeimer Antonio; Zapata Mateus, Diego Fernando; Florez Cediel, Oscar David; Florez Cediel, Oscar David [0000-0002-0653-0577]In recent decades the world has experienced the development of different technological advances that have been strongly marked by the trend in society to acquire products and services that go beyond the primary needs of people, these advances bring great improvements in the quality of life, but they have had an impact on the environment to such an extent that the planet has been put in "check" due to excessive consumerism, mass production and misuse of resources. Given that the demand and supply of electrical energy is strongly linked to the development of society, this has also contributed to the affectation of the planet and its natural resources, since until a few years ago the primary energy sources that were developed in the world They were fossil fuels. According to the United Nations report, among the outstanding data worldwide is that: 1) 13% of the world population still does not have access to electrical energy services; 2) Around 3 billion people depend on wood, coal, charcoal or animal waste to cook and heat their food. 4) Energy is the main contributor to climate change, accounting for about 60% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. 5) Air pollution in closed premises due to the use of fuels for domestic energy caused 4.3 million deaths in 2012, 6 out of 10 of these were women and girls[1]. Due to the negative impacts on the environment that have occurred due to the use of conventional energy sources (oil, coal, natural gas), the world considered carrying out an energy transition as one of the objectives in order to achieve sustainable development. This is why the generation of energy through the use of clean and unconventional energies have gained great strength, since it brings with it climatic, economic, and public health benefits, among others.[2]. At the national level, different activities have also been developed to increasingly venture into the use of non-conventional energies, this in order to diversify the energy matrix and contribute to obtaining sustainable and environmentally friendly development. One of the main non-conventional sources of electricity generation used around the world is from solar light radiation, which is based on obtaining direct current through photovoltaic cells through the physical phenomenon known as the photovoltaic effect. The amount of energy they generate is directly proportional to the solar irradiation that falls on the photovoltaic collector surface [3]. Service stations (EDS) play an important role in the Colombian territory, the implementation of them increases as commercial and territorial growth occurs. For this reason, efforts have been made to improve the electrical installations of these projects, incorporating renewable energy sources that reduce the use of conventional energy, take advantage of the limited area available, and meet the needs required by the EDS in order to provide a safe and efficient service. both for the client and its workers and all kinds of life in its environment. Considering the aspects mentioned above, in the present work the studies and designs of lighting, low voltage network and consideration of a photovoltaic system that takes advantage of solar radiation to supply the greatest amount of load that is possible considering the "wasted" area will be carried out. ” of the canopy of the texaco casablanca service station located in the municipality of Cajicá.Ítem Diseño eléctrico para el proyecto edificio multifamiliar “roble 124”Sánchez Alfonso, Eduar Arley; Cardenas Vera, Diego Alfonso; Florez Cediel, Oscar David; Florez Cediel, Oscar David [0000-0002-0653-0577]An electrical design project is proposed (lighting, emergency lighting, sockets in private and common areas) of a 7-story multi-family building, with 46 apartments, located in an exclusive area of the city of Bogotá, taking into account current regulations. in the electrical sector such as NTC 2050 and RETIE 2013, likewise a medium voltage network design is carried out including substation design and sizing of its equipment, finally photometric studies were carried out using the DIALUX software in each one of the floors of the building, in order to be able to carry out a RETIE and RETILAP certification of the project.Ítem Desarrollo de un software didáctico para el análisis del recurso energético solar en pequeña escalaPabón Muñoz, Jasson Andrés; Sanabria, Elkin Nicolás; Rodríguez Patarroyo, Diego Julián; Rodríguez Patarroyo, Diego Julián [0000-0002-4907-5674]In the last decades, a significant shift in energy production has emerged, driving the transition towards cleaner and sustainable sources known as alternative energies. Among these alternatives, photovoltaic solar energy has stood out as a viable and relevant option, especially on a small scale. With the aim of meeting the growing demand to understand and efficiently harness this resource, specialized educational software has been developed. This program allows users to access and analyze personalized data related to solar energy. The software in question is distinguished by its educational approach and accessibility, specifically designed for individuals to solidify their prior knowledge of photovoltaic solar energy. Its structure facilitates the expansion of knowledge in this field, making it a valuable tool for those looking to learn about this clean energy technology. The target audience for this educational software encompasses individuals interested in delving into the field of solar energy, regardless of their level of prior experience. Its intuitive interface and well-structured educational content make it an effective tool for self-directed learning. In terms of achievements, this project has successfully developed an educational solution that not only informs about the fundamentals of photovoltaic solar energy but also provides users with the ability to conduct personalized analyses according to their requirements and needs.Ítem Diseño eléctrico para el centro educativo Abel Rodríguez CéspedesSánchez Torres, Antony Steven; Gómez Fonseca, Cristian Alfonso; Florez Cediel, Oscar David; Florez Cediel, Oscar David [0000-0002-0653-0577]The District, headed by the mayor's office, in its government and urban development plan proposes the construction of schools and educational institutions with access facilities for the entire population without any type of exclusion. Since one of the relevant specialties for the optimal development of the project is the electrical specialty, the design of the electrical installations for the Abel Rodríguez Céspedes school located in the city of Bogotá DC in the Engativá district, which has five modules named from A to E and each with four floors, is proposed. The lighting design, equipment sizing, selection of equipment for an RCI, design of medium and low voltage networks and design of the associated substation are presented, making use of current regulations such as RETIE, RETILAP, NTC 2050, NTC 4552 among others, so that all the requirements, needs and specifications for the realization of a Series 3 plan of the Network Operator ENEL COLOMBIA SA ESP are considered. In addition, it consolidates the development of the degree project as a modality of internship to opt for the title of Electrical Engineer of the UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS where the impacts of the internship, scopes, analysis of results and conclusions among others, that were carried out in the realization of the electrical design are raised.Ítem Ubicación y dimensionamiento óptimo de FACTS en redes de distribución empleando el algoritmo de optimización de la viuda negraSantamaria Henao, Nicolas; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo [0000-0001-6051-4925]The problem regarding the optimal placement and sizing of different FACTS (flexible alternating current transmission systems) in electrical distribution networks is addressed in this research by applying a master–slave optimization approach. The FACTS analyzed correspond to the unified power flow controller (UPFC), the thyristor-controlled shunt compensator (TCSC, also known as the thyristor switched capacitor, or TSC), and the static var compensator (SVC). The master stage is entrusted with defining the location and size of each FACTS device using hybrid discrete-continuous codification through the application of the black widow optimization (BWO) approach. The slave stage corresponds to the successive approximations power flow method based on the admittance grid formulation, which allows determining the expected costs of the energy losses for a one-year operation period. The numerical results in the IEEE 33-, 69-, and 85-bus grids demonstrate that the best FACTS device for locating in distribution networks is the SVC, given that, when compared to the UPFC and the TCSC, it allows for the best possible reduction in the equivalent annual investment and operating cost. A comparative analysis with the General Algebraic Modeling System software, with the aim to solve the exact mixed-integer nonlinear programming model, demonstrated the proposed BWO approach’s effectiveness in determining the best location and size for the FACTS in radial distribution networks. Reductions of about 12.63% and 13.97%. concerning the benchmark cases confirmed that the SVC is the best option for reactive power compensation in distribution grids