Ingeniería Eléctrica
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Ítem Modelado de sistemas de almacenamiento híbridos con pilas de combustible de hidrógeno verde y baterías de ión litio para su implementación en instituciones educativas ruralesGil Mancipe, Jairo Alejandro; Martín Vergara, Sergio Alejandro; Duarte Chavez, Javier AlbertoThis monograph is the continuation of the research project "Methodology for the design of a hybrid energy system with didactic approach: Case study Luis López de Mesa Educational Center", developed by engineers Diego Alejandro Zambrano Joya and David Leonardo Rodríguez Salazar, in which they analyzed a methodological proposal to design a hybrid energy system with didactic approach for schools in non-interconnected rural areas or with intermittent electricity flow. In order to meet the energy needs of the institution, the methodology is designed to be applied in communities without advanced knowledge of renewable energies. The project developed the following phases: recognition of the context, evaluation of energy alternatives, sizing and design, design scope. It was evaluated in the Luis Lopez de Mesa educational center, located in the town of Canaguaro, Granada, Meta, Colombia. This paper aims to show the results of introducing green hydrogen storage systems in the previous model, analyzing its impact on distributed generation systems.Ítem Modelo de optimización para la gestión colectiva de la demanda de energía en hogares inteligentes(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bejarano Bejarano, Nelson Mauricio; Moya Chaves, Francisco David; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; Moya Chaves, Francisco David [0000-0003-0206-1213]; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo [0000-0001-6051-4925]Power systems are evolving towards smart grids to improve their efficiency and reliability through demand response and management strategies. This study presents the Multi-User Model of Controllable Electric Loads (MMCEL), an optimization model developed to collectively manage the residential demand of multiple users, through Controllable Electric Load Scheduling (CELS). The objective of the model was to minimize the cost of energy and achieve a more uniform distribution of the electric load, taking into account dynamic pricing rates and specific constraints. The methodology was based on classical optimization techniques in two stages. The first stage focused on the single user level using the exhaustive search method to select solutions that minimize the cost of each user's bill. The second stage employed the local search method for multi-user optimization to find a flatter demand curve. For this purpose, an algorithm was designed in MATLAB® that simulated a scenario with 60 users for 24 hours, scheduling the most appropriate on/off periods of controllable loads. Two scenarios were compared: one where users manage their loads at their convenience and the other where the proposed model was applied. The results indicated a decrease in peak demand, with an average savings of 4.94 % on the electricity bill for all users and up to 12.34 % individually. The simulation achieved this optimal solution in 25 minutes, despite the computational complexity involved in managing the demand of 60 users. Therefore, the model used simple methods to optimize multiple variables, providing better performance compared to processing that would require a more complex algorithm.Ítem Sistema de gestión de energía para bancos de baterías en redes distribución activas empleando el algoritmo de optimización aritmética(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Galeano Cabrera , Jaiver David; Ochoa Bermúdez , María Fernanda; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo [0000-0001-6051-4925]The issue of energy management in battery banks installed in active distribution networks, whether operating in isolation or connected to the grid, is the focus of this thesis. The goal is to improve financial, technical, and environmental indicators. To achieve this, a mathematical model was formulated with the objective functions of optimizing the network's operational costs, minimizing energy losses associated with energy transport, and reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions related to energy generation. The mathematical model also considers a set of constraints involved in the operation of an active distribution network in an environment with distributed energy resources (battery storage systems and photovoltaic generators). A master-slave strategy was proposed as the solution methodology, combining the arithmetic optimization algorithm (AOA) and an hourly successive approximation power flow method (HSAPF). To create test scenarios, two test systems with 27 and 33 nodes documented in specialized literature were adapted to an isolated network and a distribution network connected to the local grid, using generation and demand data from an average day of operation in Capurganá-Chocó (Rural) and Medellín-Antioquia (Urban). Regarding distributed energy devices, the integration of three different types of lithium-ion batteries and three photovoltaic generators distributed across the electrical networks was considered. Additionally, the energy production costs and CO2 emissions from diesel fuel in Colombia and the local grid were determined, as well as the maintenance costs associated with the photovoltaic distributed generators and the batteries. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of solution quality, repeatability, and processing times, three comparison methods (PPSO, PVSA and PALO) reported in the specialized literature were used to solve the problem addressed in this work. In the test networks studied, the proposed solution method achieved the best results in terms of solution quality, repeatability, and competitive processing times compared to the other methods.Ítem Modelo multiobjetivo para la gestión de energía en generadores fotovoltaicos conectados en redes de distribución considerando indicadores técnicos, económicos y ambientalesJimenez Perdomo, Jorge Ezequiel; Gonzalez Escobar, Rhonal Stiven; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo [0000-0001-6051-4925]This research addresses the problem of optimizing the operation of photovoltaic (PV) generation sources within single-phase alternating current distribution networks, considering various objective functions. The problem is posed as a multi-period optimal power flow applied to alternating current distribution networks, resulting in a non-linear programming (NLP) model with a non-convex structure. Three different objective functions are incorporated into the optimization model, each individually optimized. These objectives include: (i) operating costs, which cover the costs of purchasing energy at the substation bus or slack node along with the maintenance costs of the photovoltaic panels; (ii) costs for energy loss given the resistive and inductive characteristics of the conductors used in the distribution of electrical energy; and (iii) total CO2 emissions on the substation bus. The objective is to minimize these three functions within a 24-hour operational framework, that is, in an operational environment with one day in advance taking into account the hourly dispatch method used in Colombia. The specialized software Julia and its solvers JuMP and Ipopt are used to solve the NLP model that represents the problem. Numerical validations are carried out using two real and different test feeders: one designed to imitate the characteristics of urban operation in the Metropolitan Area of Medellín, which comprises 33 nodes, and the other adapted to isolated rural operation conditions in the department of Chocó, Colombia (specifically the municipality of Capurganá), with 27 nodes. Comparative numerical analyzes involving various combinatorial optimization methods from the literature are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Julia software in achieving optimal one-day advance distribution of PV sources in both distribution networks.Ítem Diseño de una instalación solar fotovoltaica residencial con conexión a red para actividad de autogeneración a pequeña escala (AGPE)Cuenca Duque , Daniel Fernando; Flórez Cediel, Oscar David; Flórez Cediel, Oscar David [0000-0002-0653-0577]This document presents the design and sizing of a small-scale grid-connected residential solar photovoltaic installation, with a nominal installed capacity of 11.5 kW. The design process includes the analysis of environmental and geographical conditions, study of shadows, selection of the connection point to the main grid and sizing of the photovoltaic solar generator, inverter, conductors, protections and other electrical components of the installation. The electrical design developed precisely complies with the various technical-legal regulations established for the execution and implementation of this type of electrical energy generation installation in Colombia. In addition, the economic viability analysis of the solar photovoltaic project is presented, along with the study of the various benefits that the user will obtain, based on the incentives stipulated in Law 1715 of 2014.Ítem Diseño de un sistema integral de protección contra Rayos - SIPRA para una estación de transporte de hidrocarburos según la IEC 62305:2010 y NTC 4552:2023Ramírez Páez, Javier Andrés; Florez Cedil, Oscar David; Florez Cedil, Oscar David [0000-0002-0653-0577]This application work proposes to address the challenge of protecting hydrocarbon stations against the risks of atmospheric electrical discharges. The combination of regulatory analysis, technical evaluation and field work will allow effective solutions to be identified and applied to guarantee the safety of people, the preservation of assets and operational continuity in these critical facilities.Ítem Implementación de indicadores energéticos al sistema de transporte público masivo de Bogotá – Transmilenio(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Fajardo Vergel Juan Sebastian; Espinel Ortega, Alvaro; Camacho Morales, Omar Andrés; Espinel Ortega, Alvaro [0000-0002-7747-7718]The project is aimed at implementing energy indicators applied to Bogotá's mass transportation system - Transmilenio in the trunk component. This was developed in 3 main components; the first one is the methodology developed for the calculation of indicators applied to passenger transportation, where variables such as distance traveled by buses, energy consumption and passengers transported were related. The second component is the application of the indicators proposed in the methodology, with real operating data provided by Transmilenio, and based on the results, an analysis and energy comparison of the different types of buses operating in the trunk component, made up of the following types of buses: Articulated, Bi-articulated, Articulated, Articulated and Bi-articulated; Articulated, Bi-articulated and standard buses, which use Diesel and Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) fuels, through the indicator “Energy Efficiency per kilometer traveled” (REK) and the indicator “Energy Consumption per Passenger and per Kilometer” (CEPK), taking into account that Electric Buses do not operate in the trunk component. The average energy consumption per passenger for the years 2019 to 2023 was also calculated and the Passengers Transported per Kilometer Traveled (PTK) indicator was applied, all this, in order to compare energy efficiency in the system year by year. This was accompanied by an hourly energy analysis for each of the 9 trunk lines that make up the entire trunk component, applying the “Average Energy Consumption per Passenger” (CEP) indicator, developed in this research. In the third component and based on the results of the calculated indicators, where it was determined that the buses with Diesel technology presented a better performance in terms of energy since they needed less energy to travel one kilometer and that the buses with a higher load factor (capacity to transport passengers) presented a lower consumption per passenger and per kilometer traveled, Taking into account these criteria, the energy demand of the trunk component was projected with the help of LEAP® software, with 2019 as the base year and 2024 to 2040 as the first year of projection, taking into account assumptions such as; growth of users in the system, fuel efficiency and the participation of buses with better performance. In the other assumption, a renewal of the fleet to electric buses as of 2031 was proposed, where a reduction of about 72% in energy expenditure is evidenced.Ítem Ejecución de un plan de pruebas de capacitancia y factor de disipación a los bushings de alta tensión de los transformadores de potencia de una de las unidades de ceneración en una central hidroeléctrica de la cadena del rio Bogotá.Hernandez Jimenez, Adrian Camilo; Floréz Cediel, Oscar David; Floréz Cediel Oscar David [0000-0002-0653-0577]This document presents the diagnosis performed on the high-voltage bushings of two 60 MW three-phase power transformers, which allow the transformation of the generation voltage level from 13.2 kV to 230 kV in a hydraulic generation unit of the Bogotá River generation chain. This was achieved through the execution of a capacitance and dissipation factor testing plan. Throughout the document, you will find a description of the technical and safety protocols with which the activity was carried out. Additionally, the operation of the primary injection equipment used for the tests is detailed. The results obtained were analyzed and compared with technical literature and IEEE-CIGRE 755 standards, as well as the historical analysis of the measured parameters' results, which enabled the diagnosis of each of the six high-voltage bushings of the outgoing phases to the substation bus.Ítem Diseño línea de transmisión a 115 kv multi circuito mediante uso de PLS CADDGranados Crespo, Mario Andres; Florez Cediel, Oscar David; Florez Cediel, Oscar David [0000-0002-0653-0577]In the dynamic and changing world of electrical engineering, the efficient design of transmission lines is essential to ensure a reliable and sustainable supply of electrical energy. The continuous technological advancement and exponential growth in energy demand has made it of vital importance. optimize the capacity and effectiveness of electrical transmission networks, just as roads allow the transport of vehicles, transmission lines act as pathways for the flow of electrical energy, adapting to load conditions. However, these infrastructures face important challenges, such as environmental and topographic impacts, among these, climate emerges as a crucial factor that can influence the operation and integrity of transmission lines, in response to this complexity, technological innovation has given way to the development of specialized software capable of simulating and predicting the behavior of lines under different environmental and topographic conditions. One of the most prominent programs in this area is PLSCADD recognized for its ability to accurately model the terrain and configure the design parameters efficiently in contrast to traditional methods, which lack computational assistance, the use of PLS CADD offers more detailed engineering and a better understanding of key aspects of transmission line design. Over time, these software have evolved, integrating a wide range of tools that optimize the design process and allow greater precision in the planning and construction of electrical transmission lines. In this context, the present work explores the design of a transmission line using the PLS CADD software, highlighting its advantages over conventional methods and its contribution to the development of more efficient and resilient electrical infrastructures.Ítem Desarrollo de una herramienta ofimática de mejoramiento en el análisis de calidad de la energía eléctrica para la empresa Proyelect Ingeniería sasRamos Vargas, Giovanny Andres; Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka; González Pedraza, Camilo Andrés; Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka [0000-0003-3286-5861]; Gonzalez, Camilo Andrés [0000-0002-6705-7920]The company proyelect engineering sas has identified a problem that affects the proper conduct of operations with electrical energy quality analysis equipment. The above is generally evidenced by the errors associated from the installation stage of equipment that parameterizes the customers' energy quality data, difficulty in interpreting the data provided by the quality equipment, these being required by the Colombian technical standard for power quality in common node (Ntc 5001). Due to the above and meeting the needs of current clients, mainly in the hospital field, the intention arises at proyelect engineering sas, to implement guidelines that allow us to cover matters related to the Quality of Electrical Energy, thus safeguarding the proactivity of the company. By looking for tools and improvement of processes that are currently not fully defined, with this, we also seek to create opportunities for improvement, which can be evidenced in the development of this internship.Ítem Propuesta de diseño de la infraestructura eléctrica, redes de media tensión y baja tensión para el proyecto parque industrial bodegas de la SabanaMora Muñoz, Juan DavidThis document corresponds to the final report of the internship developed at the company INECTEL S.A.S. The present work is based on what was developed in the Sabana warehouses industrial park project, in which the medium and low voltage electrical networks and infrastructure for the supply of energy were designed, according to the technical requirements established in the Series 1 and Series 3 regulations of the ENEL-CODENSA network operator. The design proposal guarantees that the client's load requirements are met, having as a guide the necessary specifications of the network operator. The purpose of the project was to design the medium and low voltage electrical networks for the supply of electrical energy in the industrial park, in accordance with the selection of the medium voltage feeder routes, the location and sizing of the five substations, the design of the layout and the low voltage electrical network of the industrial complex, compiling the necessary information concerning, such as: electrical plans, calculation reports, construction details, selection and coordination of protections, single-line diagrams and lists of materials, of the medium and low voltage distribution networks. A preliminary grounding structure according to the network operator's standard and the respective regulation, conductor and conduit calculations are also included.Ítem Clasificación de la literatura sobre BESS en niveles de adopción de Recursos Energéticos Distribuidos (DER) con enfoque en elementos de transformaciónGutierrez Castro, Tays Estefania; Rivas Trujillo, Edwin; [0000-0003-2372-8056]This work provides a literary review and classification of the applications and characteristics of the articles that involve battery energy storage systems (BESS) in their methodology from the different approaches developed during the period (2009-2022) and a synthesis of the information collected. This classification is developed considering two axes: transformation elements (smart grid, energy storage, distributed generation, electric vehicles and response to demand) and levels of adoption of distributed energy resources (DER) (massive integration, medium and low). The objective of this work is to identify the relevant aspects, analyze the promising perspectives of the (BESS) and its applications according to the literature examined. After analyzing the classification table, the number of articles is identified according to their level of adoption and their transformation element, considering different factors (social, economic, political, technical and environmental) that affect it. The results of the review provide relevant information on the approach used by the authors and the amount of research on BESS according to the RED and transformation elements. When carrying out an analysis of the classification table, it is inferred that there is an insignificant amount in the demand response transformation element, specifically in the low and medium levels, finding few investigations, it is desired to contribute to the scientific literature and create a new study using demand response at the middle level, with a focus on the topic of resource optimization. This contribution is made by means of a genetic algorithm which will be used in two case studies that are an IEEE-33 node network and an IEEE 69-node network with the objective of optimizing costs by finding the loads that would represent the greatest economic benefits to the user. system by being attached to the voluntary disconnectable demand (DDV).Ítem Actualización de manuales de operación y falla de algunas de las subestaciones del CTE centro de ISA INTERCOLOMBIADonado Carvajal, Marvin; Riaño Maldonado, William Alfonso; Riaño Maldonado, William Alfonso [0000-0003-3034-4296]The project to update the operation and fault manuals of some of the substations at ISA INTERCOLOMBIA's CTE center arises from the ongoing expansion and modernization projects of the substations, as well as the intrinsic need to update documentation that ensures safe procedures for the various operational conditions of switchyard equipment, auxiliary services, measurement, protection, and telecommunications. Tools such as operation and fault procedures are developed with the aim of guaranteeing the availability and reliability of assets connected to the National Interconnected System, whether in operation or maintenance tasks.Ítem Solución de transporte eléctrico y su infraestructura de carga asociada, como estrategia para aumentar la carga eléctrica en las zonas comunes de una edificación comercial en BogotáOsorio Perez, Diego Fernando; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; Vargas Arguello , Christian Camilo; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo [0000-0001-6051-4925]Un renowned commercial architectural complex located in Bogotá D.C., hereinafter referred to as "the tower," is certified with American LEED standards for energy and environmental sustainability. Currently, the common area facilities of the tower consist of two 1250 and 2000 kVA transformers, with the first one located in the basement and the second in the middle of the tower, whose current load is less than 12% of its capacity, a situation identified in a load capacity study conducted in January 2022. Additionally, the common area account consumes an average active energy value close to 55 MWh but remains under the regulated tariff regime. The formulated project proposes the development of an electric transportation solution and the conceptual and basic engineering of its Electric Vehicle Charging Center as a strategy to increase the load and energy demand in the tower's common areas and consequently meet the requirements to transition to an unregulated tariff regime. It also brings other benefits such as improving the charging conditions of the facility, strengthening the sustainability policy, providing a new sustainable mobility service for tenants and visitors, which in turn constitutes a new business unit for the administration. The study's development has identified the necessary requirements for the transition from a regulated to an unregulated user, establishing consumption thresholds and regulatory conditions. In addition, an optimal operational scheme for electric vehicle charging has been designed and characterized, maximizing efficient energy use and minimizing costs. The technical design of the charging center has been developed in accordance with regulations and standards, ensuring safety and efficiency in operation. Overall, the project demonstrates the viability of using electric vehicles in a sustainability approach by increasing the energy demand of a residential tower and transitioning to an unregulated tariff regime.Ítem Supervisión y gestión de obras de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de las redes eléctricas y equipos de la sede central de la Corporación Autónoma de Cundinamarca (CAR)Ramirez Barreto, Sebastian; Florez Cediel, Oscar David; Oscar David Florez Cediel [0000-0002-0653-0577]The supervision of preventive maintenance activities of the electrical networks and equipment of CAR's headquarters, correspond to the obligations subscribed by the company JABO & CIA SAS with the public entity CAR, for the fulfillment of these obligations an investigation of the methods and processes that are currently in place to perform preventive maintenance of electrical equipment, in addition, identification of electrical equipment that require maintenance is made, with this general processes are proposed to carry out such activities as well as control documents that allow maintaining a management on the processes. The modeling of lighting systems of the corporation's offices is also carried out, in order to offer alternatives to the current lighting of the headquarters, all this following the parameters required by the standard, better distributions and lighting equipment suggested to be installed are found. Load calculations of the circuits of the headquarters are made, in such a way that a concept of the use of the same is generated, finding that the systems are distributed in a correct way and without failures in the same. The maintenance activities were carried out following the procedures generated and the specifications of the Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca, which were successfully attended, the facilities of the headquarters of the corporation where the works are carried out are delivered in optimal operating conditions, with the pertinent recommendations and conclusions.Ítem Diseño y aplicación de protocolos de pruebas SAT del sistema de protección, control, medida y comunicaciones para la S/E BarzalosaMoreno Ortiz, Sergio Alexander; Florez Cediel, Oscar David; Florez Cediel, Oscar David [0000-0002-0653-0577]This document details the development and execution of the protection, control, measurement, and communication system for the new Barzalosa 115/34.5 kV digital substation, including the connected substations Flandes and La Guaca. To ensure an effective system supply, it is essential to follow a well-defined scope covering everything from engineering to commissioning, respecting all intermediate stages, such as FAT and SAT tests. This work focuses specifically on the SAT and commissioning phases, which closely depend on the preceding stages. Throughout the document, various engineering services will be explored, ranging from creating blueprints to formulating protocols, laying the foundation for SAT tests. Once completed, it concludes with the necessary documentation supporting the operation and service of the substation, meeting both customer needs and external regulations. In essence, the purpose is to provide an academic and detailed insight into the implementation and operability of a digital system in an electrical substation.Ítem Aplicación del algoritmo de enjambre de salpas al balance de fases en sistemas trifásicos asimétricosVargas Beltran, Antonny Santiago; Angarita Santofimio, Oscar Mauricio; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; Angarita Santofimio, Oscar Mauricio [0009-0005-6711-9756]; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo [0000-0001-6051-4925]This research addresses the optimal phase-balancing problem by applying a master-slave optimization methodology. The master stage defines the load connections per node using a discrete codification, while the slave stage evaluates each load configuration provided by the master stage via a three-phase power flow. For the master stage, the salp swarm algorithm (SSA) was selected, which is an efficient bio-inspired technique to deal with continuous and discrete nonlinear optimization problems. The slave stage employed the matricial backward/forward power flow method for three-phase asymmetric networks. Numerical simulations in IEEE test feeders composed of 8, 25, and 37 nodes confirm the effectiveness of the SSA approach in finding efficient solutions regarding the expected grid power losses after optimal load phase-swapping. Numerical comparisons with the vortex search algorithm, the Chu & Beasley genetic algorithm, and the crow search algorithm demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in dealing with the studied problem. All numerical validations were carried out in the MATLAB programming environment.Ítem Software didáctico para el análisis del recurso energético a partir de biomasa en pequeña escalaMahecha Ramirez, Julian Santiago; Sánchez Lucuara, William Alberto; Rodriguez, Diego Julian; Rodriguez, Diego Julian [0000-0002-4907-5674]Over the course of the last ten years, there has been increased participation in the use of alternative energy, including energy production through gasifiers and biodigesters. However, the use of computer applications that follow certain procedures for the analysis of biomass resources is limited. This creates difficulties for the public that does not have advanced knowledge on the subject and causes problems for users who wish to carry out precise sizing of the biodigester according to the available biomass resources. Additionally, some of these applications do not have a free use license. With the aim of providing a possible solution to the problems that arise, software has been developed with a procedure designed for the sizing of small-scale biodigesters and gasifiers, with a training approach, and guaranteeing that it has a free use license. . For the development of this application, a methodology has been used that meets the minimum requirements in software design and testing to ensure its robustness. In addition, the advantage that, being free to use, allows the contribution of improvements in the future is highlighted.Ítem Integración simultánea de compensadores estáticos de potencia reactiva y generadores fotovoltaicos en sistemas de distribución para minimizar costos anuales de inversión y operación.Rincón Miranda, Adriana; Gantiva Mora, Giselle Viviana; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo; Gantiva Mora, Giselle Viviana [0009-0004-3591-7633]; Montoya Giraldo, Oscar Danilo [0000-0001-6051-4925]This research analyzes electrical distribution networks using renewable generation sources based on photovoltaic (PV) sources and distribution static compensators (D-STATCOMs) in order to minimize the expected annual grid operating costs for a planning period of 20 years. The separate and simultaneous placement of PVs and D-STATCOMs is evaluated through a mixed-integer nonlinear programming model (MINLP), whose binary part pertains to selecting the nodes where these devices must be located, and whose continuous part is associated with the power flow equations and device constraints. This optimization model is solved using the vortex search algorithm for the sake of comparison. Numerical results in the IEEE 33- and 69-bus grids demonstrate that combining PV sources and D-STATCOM devices entails the maximum reduction in the expected annual grid operating costs when compared to the solutions reached separately by each device, with expected reductions of about 35.50% and 35.53% in the final objective function value with respect to the benchmark case. All computational validations were carried out in the MATLAB programming environment (version 2021b) with our own scripts.Ítem Análisis de pérdidas eléctricas técnicas en la red eléctrica de la subárea de Caldas, Quindío y Risaralda, en los escenarios 2023, 2026 y 2029Ospina Caro, Johan Andres; Moya Chaves, Francisco DavidThe current document is the result of an entire internship project that presents an analysis of the technical electrical losses that occur in the electrical network of the Caldas, Quindío, and Risaralda (CQR) subarea. The project was based on the electrical model of the regional transmission system (STR), compared to the electrical model of the local distribution system (SDL), both of which were developed during the internship at the renowned company LICA RENEWABLE ENERGY. This company is mainly dedicated to the development of various types of electrical studies, primarily connection studies for the allocation of transport capacity in the National Interconnected System (SIN) of solar generation projects and the design of high and medium voltage lines. The development of the document first provides context for the technical terms that will be used throughout the document. Following this, the internship project is presented, which describes the justification, objectives, and methodology used during the internship. According to the methodology, the necessary information for the development of the electrical models is collected and synthesized, for which the Single Window of the Mining Energy Planning Unit (UPME), the SIN project report from the electrical system administrator XM, and the investment plans of the network operators (OR) in the study subarea, among others, were consulted. The obtained information allows for the elaboration of the electrical models together with the specialized power system simulation tool Power Factory DIgSILENT, in such a way that the technical requirements requested by the UPME for the allocation of transport capacity in the SIN are met. Once the electrical models have been developed, a calculation of technical electrical losses is carried out in both models for the years 2023, 2026, and 2029. These years are quite significant, as during this period, a large number of new generation projects with different types of generation technologies are integrated into the country's energy matrix. Similarly, a wide variety of network expansions, both in high and medium voltage, are undertaken during this period. Based on the above, critical elements present in each of the systems are identified. This allows contrasting the obtained results and determining the causes, effects, and possible solutions. Consequently, it is found that during the years of the analysis horizon, the regional transmission system is determined to have the highest amount of technical electrical losses overall. Additionally, the local distribution system shows lower efficiency, as it presents a greater amount of technical electrical losses in relation to the amount of power flowing through this system.