Maestría en Telecomunicaciones Móviles (Virtual)

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    Análisis de un modelo de volcado de tráfico de redes móviles convencionales hacia un sistema de Voz sobre WiFi-VoWiFi
    Muñoz Ortiz, Rafael Oswaldo; Puerto Leguizamón, Gustavo Adolfo; 0000-0002-6420-9693; Puerto Leguizamón, Gustavo Adolfo [0000-0002-6420-9693]
    The current investigation shows the result of the analysis of a traffic offload model from a conventional mobile network to a voice over WiFi network, VoWiFi, even though the massification of the instantaneous message systems as chat, email, etc, the voice continues being one of the most effective way to transmit information. In confinement situations as the happened during the last years, has been observed as the internet connections through fix networks, the most of these wireless networks, continues being fundamental to ensure the connectivity of the people in their homes, this is associated on one hand to the relative high cost of the data mobile connections compared with the fix networks and on the other hand to the poor cellular coverage on some regions. In this scenario the WiFi systems continues playing a fundamental rol on the current communications systems, even though this solutions have been already explored, the WiFi systems permit the convergence with different cellular systems and convert the WiFi in a solution to ensure services as the voice to a low cost compared with the conventional networks on services as the international roaming and the switched voice.
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    Estudio y análisis sobre la conveniencia para Colombia de la adopción del modelo de propagación UIT-R P.526-15 y su impacto en el plan técnico nacional de radiodifusión sonora frecuencia modulada (PTNRS FM)
    Cespedes Menjura, Jennifer Leidy; Salcedo Parra, Octavio
    This research is focused on identifying the convenience for Colombia of having adopted the ITU-R P.526-15 deterministic propagation model as an alternative to calculate the coverage of the service area of frequency modulated (FM) sound broadcasting stations. It is intended to establish what is the impact at the technical level generated on the National Technical Plan for Modulated Frequency Sound Broadcasting (NTPMFSB) in force to date and make a contrast with respect to the probabilistic propagation model supported on the E curves (50,50) of the (NTPMFSB), used until the November 2020 version adopted through Resolution 360 of 2020. For this purpose, simulations, calculations of coverage of the service area of FM Sound Broadcasting stations and their due graphic representations were considered, in representative areas of the Colombian relief, which, added to the incorporation of technical characteristics assigned by MinTIC, and field strength measurements, allowed validating the accuracy of the propagation models UIT-R P.526-15 and E curves (50,50). Considering the above, it was determined that the use of the ITU-R-P 526-15 propagation model is convenient, taking into account that the measurements made in the field were more consistent with those simulated with the HTZ Communications tool, which allows carry out timely planning and management of the radio spectrum and better surveillance and control of it.
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    Aplicando la ingeniería de sistemas basada en modelos (mbse) al diseño de un modelo de Software para la actualización de Conjuntos de Elementos de Dos Líneas (tles) de pequeños satélites
    Mendieta Daza, Lourdes Alexis; Ferro Escobar, Roberto
    This research work demonstrates the application of MBSE in the design of a software model for updating Two-Line Element Sets, derived from classical orbital elements, from small active satellites in orbit. It presents as a theoretical proposal the analysis of the eight-step approach to define behaviors of small Cubesat-type satellites, "A Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) Approach for Defining the Behaviors of CubeSats", developed by the INCOSE Space Systems Working Group. , and the analysis of the simplified version of the Systems Modeling Language, presented in the scientific book “A Practical Guide to SysML The Systems Modeling Language” written by Sanford Friedenthal, Alan Moore, and Rick Steiner. As a practical proposal, it presents the use of the MagicDraw tool with the Cameo Simulation Toolkit.
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    Diseño de una arquitectura para sistemas ciber físicos en infraestructuras smart building caso estudio: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Sede Bosa.
    González Cárdens, Jesús René; Tarazona Bermúdez, Giovanny Mauricio
    This project proposes the development of an environmental architecture that allows adjustments in real time, in the face of the impact of converging technologies, such as the industrial internet of devices or (IIoT) (Sengupta et al., 2020), cooperative intelligent industrial networks, cyber-physical systems (CPS) whose function and interoperation allow maximum efficiency and performance of the technological ecosystem embedded in intelligent building infrastructures, suitable for achieving energy saving and sustainability standards, which provide comfort to both occupants and the reliability of energy systems that they somehow provide improvements in the energy footprint in terms of the efficient use of resources. Showing in this way the viability in the convergence of networks for an optimal functioning of basic life support systems according to the links and communication coverage of integrated networks that maintain the distributed control and centralized monitoring of a new infrastructure in relation to the improvement of the cyber-physical ecosystem and human environments in accredited academic environments as also implied by the author Pérez (Pérez Daza, 2017) as in (JAVIER, 2020).
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    Diseño de un modelo de detección de intrusos en entornos IoT usando inteligencia artificial.
    Cortés Cabezas, Edinson; Perdomo Charry, César Andrey
    Internet of Things (IoT) allows large numbers and variety of devices to connect, interact and exchange data, as the era of IoT develops rapidly in recent years, attackers mainly target network environments of this type , with the tremendous growth of IoT botnet for DDoS attacks in recent years, IoT security has become one of the most worrying topics in the field of network security and the need for new methods that detect attacks launched from compromised IoT devices. Artificial intelligence (AI), on the other hand, has found many applications and is being widely explored to provide security specifically for IoT devices. In general terms, there are two outlier detection techniques that use machine learning methods which are a) Statistical-based methods and b) Classification-based methods. This work proposal proposes the design of a model for intrusion detection in IoT environments, using the public data set Bat-IoT and machine learning algorithms.
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    Análisis de cobertura de la señal DTV terrestre de los canales públicos en el departamento de Santander
    Bastos Lázaro, Diego Armando; Gómez Paredes, Juan Carlos
    This research aims to carry out a study and propagation analysis of a Digital Terrestrial Television network under the DVB-T2 standard in both fixed and mobile reception in the department of Santander, Colombia. A description of the evolution of DTV, the standard adopted in the country and the definition of relevant parameters of the standard will be taken into account; The performance of the propagation models of ITU-R 526 and Okumura-Hata will be compared, by means of correlation with measurements made. Several coverage simulations will be carried out under three different configuration scenarios of the transmission systems, in fixed reception, Portable Indoor and mobile in the department of Santander, Colombia
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    Implementación de una interface de radio definida por software SDR para seguimiento de pequeños satélites
    Cano Romero, Luz Marlenny; Ferro Escobar, Roberto
    The main objective of this research was based on the implementation of a RADIO interface DEFINED BY RDS SOFTWARE, for segments of small satellites, determining the realization of the preliminary design for a future implementation of a low-cost Earth Station for tracking satellites of low orbit -LEO-, which can help to implement the ground segment in peak projects and nanosatellites in universities with the purpose of having autonomy over the planning and execution of this segment, instead of buying the equipment and technologically relying on foreign companies.
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    Análisis para determinar el rendimiento de las formas de onda ortogonal y no ortogonal en redes inalámbricas 5G y posteriores
    Parca Acevedo, Felix; Gómez Paredes, Juan Carlos
    With the development of technology, new information transmission demands have posed an unprecedented challenge for the next generation cellular system. In addition to traditional voice and data services via mobile phones, the 5G network is also expected to support traffic that is fundamentally different from the traditional one, such as the transmission of small packets via massive machine-type communications (MTC) or Internet of things (IoT). That is why filter-based waveforms have been studied recently, in order to provide the requirements for waveform design in 5G networks. The key factor why filter-based waveforms can outperform OFDM in 5G networks is that they can support asynchronous transmission by reducing OOBs through different filter designs. Therefore, in the present investigation, it is intended to generate an analysis for the study of orthogonal and non-orthogonal waveforms in future 5G and later wireless networks, verifying their underlying characteristics, as well as a complete comparison in terms of different metrics of performance, which provides a general understanding of these waveforms.
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    Diseño de una red de acceso basada en GPON/SCM para el transporte de datos móviles en tecnología 5G
    Romero Melo, Daniel Eduardo; Puerto Leguizamón, Gustavo Adolfo
    The document contains the design of a GPON and SCM access network for data transport based on the particular characteristics of the fifth generation of mobile telecommunications, using concepts such as the allocation of the electromagnetic spectrum and the assigned numerologies for the OFDM modulation of the 5G network, the transport of these RF signals through multiple optical carriers modulated through an MZM and routed through an AWG for demodulation was validated by simulation, calculating the error from the EVM of a 16 QAM constellation .
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    Diseño de Red SCM/DWDM con detección coherente para aplicaciones 5g en banda milimétrica
    Rodríguez López, Jeisson Farid; Puerto Leguizamón, Gustavo Adolfo
    Currently, the development of technology in communications worldwide has allowed an exponential growth of users and machines connected to the Internet, thus facilitating interaction between them. This growth has been supported by the deployment of new technologies, both fixed and mobile, which day by day generate even more expectations of the new advantages they will bring. A clear example of this is the fifth generation mobile networks (5G) that aim to satisfy many needs that were difficult to meet by the previous generation and that also allow the deployment of new standards and new concepts that allow taking full advantage of these benefits. Among these new technologies you can find WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) which is focused on the high-speed connection of users within a reduced area, hand in hand with this technology you can find the complete deployment of the Internet of everything (IoE ), in addition to enhancing the concept of ultra wide band (UWB – Ultra Wide Band) in RF networks and many technologies capable of meeting the needs that today mark the direction of the market in telecommunications. Throughout this technological development, optical networks have played a fundamental role since they are responsible for supporting all these traffic growths and thanks to their "unlimited" bandwidth they have allowed them to continue to be an important player in of the deployment of any fixed or mobile technology. Within the deployment of 5G, these optical networks take on even more strength due to the disadvantages presented by the implementation of new base stations due to the use of such high transfer rates, the operating range is substantially reduced (to a few meters) and Therefore, a complete and low-cost solution must be sought that allows concentrating the greatest amount of traffic so that it is transported over great distances without affecting its nature and allowing it to maintain its integrity in the best possible way. A good solution to fulfill this purpose is to combine wireless technologies and optical systems in such a way that they prove to offer the best scenarios for the deployment of this new generation.
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    Generación de señales WDM utilizado fuentes anchas y multiplexación por división de polarización para sistemas de radio sobre fibra
    Cely Mancipe, Manuel Arturo; Puerto Leguizamón, Gustavo Adolfo
    Due to the constant demand for bandwidth in recent decades, new models are proposed in the academic field, leading to the convergence of optical and wireless systems being the most widely used. Known as RoF (Radio Over Fiber) systems, these allow the bandwidth advantages of fiber optics and the mobility of wireless systems to be used in a single environment. However, most of these systems work only with an optical carrier through a narrow band laser, which, although quite efficient, wastes the capacity of the fiber, so it is proposed to use several optical carriers generated by a single wide source and thus design a WDM architecture that allows increasing the current bandwidth without degrading the information.
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    Análisis comparativo entre un Drive Test RF realizado con el modelo tradicional y un Drive Test utilizando un Dron Phantom como vehículo
    Arroyo Pérez, Carlos Darys; Plazas Nossa, Leonardo
    In the present research work, a comparative analysis was carried out between two methods to perform drive tests, the first method is the traditional method, where a vehicle carries the hardware and software for information capture and the second method consists of replacing the vehicle with a remotely manned drone, carrying a mobile device with application to capture RF indicators.
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    Modelo del sistema de telecomunicaciones inalámbricas tipo mesh para la gestión de recursos energéticos en una microrred eléctrica.
    Céspedes Murillo, Jhon Jairo; Gaona García, Elvis Eduardo
    he continuous increase in electricity demand has a direct impact on the degradation of the environment, as well as on climate change and the depletion of natural resources, which presents us with a new scenario where it is necessary to move towards a new network concept electrical. The incorporation of digital technology in the field of telecommunications for electrical systems allows the management of a two-way flow of information between generators and consumers, thus reducing the costs of power generation and transmission. Therefore, through this work, the description of a wireless communication system with a mesh topology with Mesh networks was made in a sensor system that supports a distributed control system selected for the management of electrical energy in a microgrid. In other words, it is intended to work the control systems in a decentralized manner, where each of the components or modules of the microgrid are responsible for maintaining their own power levels, using the corresponding reference data from other modules of the distributed system. . The methodology consists of establishing a digital modulation through the network simulator (NS-2), CupCarbon. where each generation module will be a node that will have the ability to connect with the electrical network and other microgrids through wireless communications that will receive data from nodes with the sensor / actuator characteristic to provide information to the management system [1]. The proposed model enabled the referencing of optimization conditions with a mathematical model that, through a third order polynomial, determined optimal values ​​so that the number of nodes greater than 130 provides a performance of approximately 80% to 97% for 150, which shows that this Mesh communication system in electrical microgrids is quite efficient.
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    Análisis y evaluación de las características de los sistemas VoLTE orientado a la implementación en Colombia
    Lopez Rubiano, Elkin Yesid; Castañeda Fandiño, José Ignacio
    Mobile networks worldwide have been impacted by a constant process of modernization of the technologies and services they provide to the user. Therefore, voice services are constantly growing and have been progressively conditioned to offer high quality communications. In relation to the above, VoLTE is developed as the solution to transfer voice packets with special treatment over the LTE network, providing benefits of low latency and quality of service with high definition calls. This research is aimed at carrying out the analysis and evaluation of the characteristics of VoLTE systems, with the aim of identifying the main factors for implementation in Colombia. Additional this document provides an evaluation of the establishment of voice calls over mobile networks commercials in the country, based on drive tests obtained through mobile terminals.
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    Diseño y simulación del despliegue inicial de la interfaz de radio (Etapa 1) de una red móvil 5G para la Ciudad de Bogotá
    Manzanares Bolívar, Darío Leonardo; Gómez Paredes, Juan Carlos
    In this work, an investigation about criteria, technologies and structure for fifth generation networks (5G) based on the standards and documents offered by organizations such as: ITU, 3GPP and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of Colombia was made, a review was also made of 4G technology coverage maps for different mobile phone operators in Colombia, where the operator TIGO was chosen as reference network for the analysis of results. Result of the research, a list of design parameters and conditions was generated that were applied to each of the 103 base station locations that forms the 5G network proposed as the initial deployment for the city of Bogotá. Subsequently, this network is simulated in the XIRIO tool, the results of RSRP levels and coverage overlap are obtained, which were analyzed to modify the network and obtain an optimized version which is compared with the 4G reference network. Finally, a brief exploration of MATLAB toolbox: "antennas and propagation" toolbox is made as an alternative for the simulation and analysis of 5G networks, taking one of the most representative cluster of the network proposed for this purpose.
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    Optimización de redes UMTS soportada en machine learning
    Ordoñez Ordoñez, Marco Aurelio; Gómez Paredes, Juan Carlos
    This investigation is carried out the analysis, the validation, and the implementation of one algorithm took from wide Machine Learning world, to generate one or several models that can support the optimization process of UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System - Sistema universal de telecomunicaciones móviles) networks. Some statistical counters and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators – Indicadores claves de desempeño) from UMTS cells are presented that normally are used by optimizing engineers to diagnostic the status of the cells and that they will be useful as input information to create a data set for training several Machine Learning techniques. For this is done the analysis of several Machine Learning techniques and depending on the data set characteristics, it is chosen two techniques, which will be trained and evaluated to finally select the technic with the best performance, the final model of this technic is implemented over some programming language that permits the diagnostic of future cases.
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    Adquisición, análisis y transmisión de información a través de una aplicación móvil médica a una base de datos utilizando el estándar HL7
    Forero Borda, Hernán Felipe; Gómez Paredes, Juan Carlos
    Medical information systems in the world use the HL7 standard to communicate, this is a set of standards that facilitates the exchange of information from any medical device, whether it is a computer or information system. This project proposes the development of a mobile application that acquires the patient's cardiac information from sensors and transmits it through a mobile device using the HL7 standard, to a database where from estimation-prediction, using Machine Learning, it is predicted whether there are risks to the patient's health and thus avoid medical fatalities that may occur in the long or short term depending on the prediction made. The information is acquired in the App, transmitted through the cellular mobile network and received in the server where it will be compared with a dataset that includes the patient's normal vital signs. The system will indicate if the data obtained are within the ideal ranges and the health professional can proceed with the corresponding treatment to avoid fatalities. In the healthcare field, research has been carried out with the intention of acquiring patient data and transmitting it using this standard, but there is no low-cost project in which the prediction of possible alterations in the patient is performed using Machine Learning and the HL7 standard together. In addition, the way in which the data is acquired is generally using sensors that are uncomfortable for the person who is going to use the system. For this project it is planned to use sensors that the patient can carry without inconvenience, the App can read data from any sensor that is connected to the interface, the main sensor that will be used is the ECG sensor for its great effectiveness when taking data from the patient since the movement does not alter the information acquired by the sensor as other devices do.
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    Definición de emplazamientos potenciales RAN mediante técnicas de inteligencia computacional
    Zutta Ortega, Diego Fernando; Perdomo Charry, César
    The project addresses the analyses required by Radio Frequency engineering to define the location of potential sites for the Radio Access Network, using computational intelligence techniques, with the aim of developing a software that allows analysing the most relevant performance indicators (KPI) , define its level of potentiality, generate clusters with such samples to finally obtain the possible locations where the operators will require new base stations. The development of the application was carried out by means of the rapid evaluation of prototypes until reaching an optimal performance, through successive stages: First a homogenization of the sample, second evaluation by means of fuzzy logic of the KPIs, third grouping of the samples using networks neuronal and fuzzy clustering. Once the project objectives had been achieved, a functionality was also implemented to obtain multi-operator sites. Using two real scenarios, the results obtained through the application were evaluated with those obtained by two professionals in RF engineering. At the end of the exercise, both coincidences and differences were observed, which led them to rethink the exercise and finally accept that the analysis of the tool is both deep, accurate and fast. At present, such analyses are very demanding in time and effort, as it is a totally manual analysis process that involves a large amount of information. With the developed tool, immediate results were obtained, the most important variables were analysed in their entirety and the possibility of obtaining sites with multi-operator potential was also obtained.
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    Predicción del consumo del ancho de banda de las aplicaciones web en la nube nativa basada en machine learning
    Osorio Diaz, Ramiro; Ferro Escobar, Roberto
    In this research, a comparative study of three neural network algorithms, which allow modeling a multilayer neural network, with a minimum of three layers ; selecting one, whose objective is to learn to predict the measurement of network traffic, which is connected to the cloud to validate the behavior of the network parameter of "bandwidth consumption", to optimize in time the network resources and ensure the improvement of the quality of service of web applications for small and medium enterprises. In recent years artificial neural networks have been used for predictive analysis, which outlines (Piedra et al., 2008), "Thus, some ANN models Artificial Neural Networks are used to determine projections from a data source; this feature can be exploited to make predictions, for example, to determine available bandwidth". Having an overview of the traffic flowing through the network allows to generate a network capacity planning when managing limited resources as in the case of small and medium enterprises, likewise (Piedra et al., 2008) justify the need to predict network traffic, "a traffic prediction system is required for planning and sizing purposes, this will allow to forecast traffic demands according to previous time periods".
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    Diseño de un Sistema de Transmisión WDM-SCM para Red Metropolitana Convergente Bajo el Paradigma de Particionado Espectral
    Cuesta Quintero, Fabian Ranulfo; Puerto Leguizamón, Gustavo Adolfo
    This research proposes the design of a wavelength division multiplexing transmission system in combination with subcarrier division multiplexing (WDM-SCM) for a convergent metropolitan network under the spectral partitioning paradigm to address the deployment of fifth generation mobile network (5G) systems. To support 5G, transport will have to address a wide range of service requirements, such as supporting emerging 5G radio systems in terms of increased capacity and increasing number of cells. In the network society, everything that can benefit from a connection will be connected. Consequently, there will be a wide range of user and machine centred communications, with different features and a wide range of requirements that the future network needs to support. This paper summarizes the key factors that define the convergent transmission system taking into account the concepts of WDM and SCM techniques in order to reduce infrastructure costs at the time of deployment.