Licenciatura en Humanidades y Lengua Castellana

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    La comprensión lectora en estudiantes del colegio técnico menorah. Un acercamiento desde la cultura carnavalesca
    Daza Arroyave, Sara Michelle; Romero Murcia, Laura Katherine; Rativa Velandia, Marlen; Rativa Velandia, Marlen [0000-0002-7790-6199]
    Understanding and analyzing texts has never been a simple task and, therefore, creating an improvement plan from primary education seemed to us to be an ideal research project to take into account due to its great influence at a general level in academia and ordinary life. Thus, in order to improve reading comprehension, in the students of the Menorah Technical College, we allow ourselves to introduce and use carnivalization as a theoretical element in literature that is synonymous with celebration, laughter, celebration, rituals and popular culture, in addition to using concrete and lived sensoriality between game and reality and opposition to hierarchy.
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    Desarrollo de medios artísticos: música y literatura para la creación en la escuela
    Parra Aguilar, Jhoan Sebastián; Rodríguez Rodríguez, c; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Rodríguez Rodríguez [0000-0002-2279-9883]
    In this text you can find an investigative experience that investigates the relationship between music and literature. First, a review of the background of the topic in mainly institutional repositories. Second, the proposal of research and application seeking thus feedback theory with experience, Then the theoretical framework with deeper formulations about music and literature, discoveries around creativity and childhood from studies in the area of education. Finally, a model of didactic unit for classroom-workshop in which music is addressed with works of Latin American literature and a creative component.
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    Juego, actúo y comunico: Diseño de ambiente de aprendizaje accesible y afectivo para la creación de experiencia estética en lenguaje en niños en aulas regulares que acogen población con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA)
    Morales Rodríguez, Angie Carolina; Borja Orozco, Mirian Glidis; Borja Orozco, Mirian Glidis [0000-0003-1302-2690]
    This research work arises from the need to apply the knowledge acquired on aesthetic experience in language and art in a learning context of welcoming diversity in childhood, without neglecting the importance of creating learning environments with accessibility and affectivity such as the interests of the inter-institutional project has been shown it and which this research and innovation work is attached. Hence, the purpose of propitiating a scenario of aesthetic experience for children with ASD in inclusion whose didactic hypothesis proposes that: Dramatic game in first cycle children strengthens body language awareness, favors communicative and emotional expression encourages creativity and recognition of the other. Therefore, an Accessible and Affective Learning Environment has been designed in order to promote the aesthetic experience through different dramatic games in which third grade children participate. The set of games and activities proposed result in the didactic unit entitled Doing like as if.
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    El fin de la luz y otros cuentos
    Solórzano Abaunza, Sergio Daniel; Rodríguez, Humberto Alexis; Rodríguez Humberto Alexis [0000-0002-2279-9883]
    This writing, corresponding to the modality of literary creation, is divided into two fundamental parts, namely; 1. What we talk about when we talk about tales, a narrative poetics where I delve into the meaning of writing and the characteristics of tales as a literary genre; and 2. The End of Light and Other tales, a book of stories of various kinds and treatments that ventures into the subgenres of the fantastic, terror, science fiction, among others. The End of Light, for its part, is the artist's aspiration to create a piece. An initiative that, although over the years transmutes into an academic project or an editorial ambition, in its most primitive instance is the childhood dream of evoking and creating realities, possible worlds, poetic images that account for our condition in the world. In that sense, this book is nothing more than the chimera of a child who grew up listening to mythological stories, who was shaken by the stories of Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne; a child who looked at the sky (has he stopped .doing it?), dreaming of the future, of the stars, dreaming, always dreaming, even with all his deaths
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    Procesos de lectura y escritura en niños de tercero a quinto de primaria del Municipio de Mesetas
    Baquero Granja, María Lucía; Sáenz, Luz Helena
    The objective of this work is to design a methodology to develop reading and writing in children in the municipality of Mesetas (Meta), through a mobile extension of the Franco Lodo Poluxi municipal library that has the function of carrying out interventions around children's literature texts such as: myth, fable or legend. Taking into account an ethnographic model that allows an identification of the population to relate these practices with the child and their social context, with their opinions or questions about the functioning of their cultural identity, while enhancing their capacities to imagine and create, which are essential in the construction of a new cultural paradigm with a view to peace. This proposal is registered in the Research Seedbed "Contemporary Look at Rural Schools (MICER), attached to the District University, the Faculty of Science and Education, Bachelor of Humanities and Spanish Language, within the Reading and Writing Processes in Rural Schools Line.
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    Aquì flotante
    Mosquera Osorio, Valeria; Muñoz Fernandez, Ruben
    The document is composed of an essayistic text in which aesthetic reflections on poetic creation and its implications are presented, and, on the other hand, a poetry collection titled 'Aquí flotante' (Floating Here), the central axis of this project, and the final result of the writing. In both products, the interaction between poetry, place, and movement in space is highlighted.
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    Literactuando con Dahl
    Trujillo Guzman, Alixon Tatiana; Mejia Mendez, Ana María; Rodriguez Rodriguez, Humberto Alexis; Rodriguez Rodriguez, Humberto Alexis [0000-0002-2279-9883]
    The authors of Literactuando con Dahl propose a reading plan for third grade focused on literary enjoyment and motivation to read for students. The role of the teacher is involved as a mediator and reading manager. National plans and research that preceded reading plan approaches or reading processes such as "Reading is my story" and "Analysis of reading comprehension strategies: approach from the Spanish language school textbook" were consulted, as well as how to strengthen the motivation to read and literary enjoyment through the design of a reading plan based on the work of Roald Dahl becomes the investigative task of the corpus below, and the final result is the design of two booklets: the first for the teacher with didactic sequences and theoretical instruction to approach literary texts and, the second, for students with activities to be carried out with the instruction and support of the teacher.
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    Viviendo la lectura: Experiencias estéticas con el lenguaje a través de la lectura del libro álbum para niños de segundo grado acogiendo población diversa con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA)
    Sanabria Rodríguez, Daniela; Borja Orozco, Miriam Glidis
    This research work arises from the need to be able to focus the knowledge of aesthetic experience in language and art, in a learning context of welcoming diversity in early childhood, without neglecting the inquiries about the use of learning environments, with accessibility and affectivity as demonstrated by the interests of the inter-institutional project to which this research and innovation proposal developed at the Francisco José de Caldas District University is attached. The purpose of the personal project was to design a didactic unit called Living reading with an inclusive and affective perspective, exploring and contributing under various resources the initial process of reading, inferential thinking and generation of meaning in children in 1st and 2nd grade school levels. degree and population with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
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    Dispositivo bélico contra uno mismo
    Muñoz Reyes, Laura Stefany; Muñoz Fernández, Ruben
    The degree work is composed of The Pantheon and War Device Against Oneself. The first is a dramatic work text whose exercise was based on the aesthetic notion of war in the creative line of dramaturgy. The second is an essay established from the same war perspective in a philosophical and reflective perspective of the creative act of writing, also highlighting the importance of the dramatic text within the representation.
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    Sentidos: Producciones y alcances desde la sensibilidad a través de la escritura, la lectura y la oralidad en población con discapacidad en el Centro de Atención Distrital para la Inclusión Social (CADIS)
    Velasquez Parra, Daniela Alejandra; Castañeda Vaquiro, Rafael Adrian; Rojas Álvarez, Gloria; Rojas Álvarez, Gloria [0000-0002-1232-5115]
    The Centro Distrital para la Inclusión Social is an official space where people with cognitive disabilities from 14 years of age and older have the possibility of participating in educational construction spaces. It is in this context that the internship was carried out through prior research on learning from the senses and its implication in reading, writing and orality. In this way, the Alfabetización Integral course allowed the construction of contents and methodologies from the senses, outlined by logical reasoning and language from the reality of each autonomous individual. The report accounts for each process carried out and constitutes an approach from the didactic sequences and other records to the work carried out during the internship.
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    La ecoliteratura de la montaña en el cuento latinoamericano
    Emil Fernando Almanza García; Rodríguez, Humberto Alexis; Rodríguez, Humberto Alexis [0000-0002-2279-9883]
    This research focuses on analyzing the work Cuentos Andinos by Enrique López Albújar (1872-1966) from an ecocritical perspective. This approach is dedicated to interpreting ecological and cultural themes expressed in the narrative discourses of authors who depict life in mountain communities, which is the primary geographical setting of this work. The literary analysis begins with an overview of López Albújar's life and work, followed by a comparison of ecocritical sources with the narrative of Cuentos Andinos. As a result of the research findings, the study concludes with a literary proposal and reflection aimed at implementing a reading plan in schools.
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    Entre el deseo y la pérdida: investigación, desidia y escritura
    Feliciano Acero, Miguel Ángel; Becerra Rocha, Duván David; Baquero Masmela, Pedro; Baquero Masmela, Pedro [0000-0002-6142-3387]
    An essayistic creation crossed by stories that touch on the theme of desire and loss while reflecting on the process of creative writing and fiction; At the same time, a criticism is made of the modern way of research and especially its role in the creation of a work, proposing research from its essential nature, that is, that for the creation of a work the tracking footprints, vestiges, and signs.
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    Ciempiés Mágico: La lectura y escritura como un abordaje para la adquisición de competencias. Propuesta de diseño de un plan lector.
    Araque Pineda, Jessica Alexandra; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Humberto Alexis; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Humberto Alexis [0000-0002-2279-9883]
    This monographic paper analyses the contributions to the design and implementation of a reading plan based on the written and reading skills that can be performed in the classroom. This is given from the realization of Pedagogical Practice I and II that allowed me to justify the research, the subject is delimited according to the participation made in the Integrated College of Fontibón with students of the second and third grade. This research work focuses on the theoretical approach and in the research practice it is possible to relate training as a teacher where an approach is made to the professional work in terms of teaching, methodology and didactics that is implemented in the classroom.
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    Valoración crítica de dos modelos participativos de reforma curricular : propuesta de un modelo de reforma curricular humanista-participativo
    Giraldo Trujillo, Andrea Elizua; Ramírez, Édgar Alfonso
    This monograph problematizes the participation models present in some cases of curricular reform in Colombian educational history, emphasizing higher education. This problematization aims to show how the agents and practices that influence the construction of curricula guide the latter under particular codes, values ​​or interests that aim to socialize a particular model of society from higher education. Subsequently, an analysis of the curricular reform that occurred in the Lic. in Humanities and Spanish language project is carried out in contrast to the reform proposed in the General Statute of the University Assembly 2020.
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    Fortalecimiento de las habilidades comunicativas por medio del teatro en población con discapacidad visual e intelectual
    Martinez Martinez, Natalia; Castro Castro, Jenny Carolina; Rativa Velandia, Marlén; Rativa Velandia, Marlén [0000-0002-7790-6199]
    The strengthening of communication skills through theater in the population with visual and intellectual disabilities is a pedagogical proposal that sought to generate spaces that enriched the communication skills in students of the Support Classroom of the Republic of China Educational Institution during the year 2023 with needs. specialties and visual, intellectual and motor disabilities, based on theater. So it became an exercise that made it possible to use the skills of orality and listening with intervention activities that contributed to improving their communication and expression in various contexts of interaction and participation in society at the same time that promoted active participation of boys and girls, that is, it was proposed to methodologically transcend the use of speech, body expression and theater as axes for teaching. Taking into account the above, the role of the teacher in this proposal is to build, through the different relationships that arise from the school, inclusive environments, in such a way that it is open in each of the students' learning and growth, promoting interactions. positive, as well as dynamic methodologies designed to give prominence to the body.
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    Recursos audiovisuales como material de apoyo en el curso de alfabetización integral dentro de la población con discapacidad cognitiva del centro de atención distrital para la inclusión social
    Sánchez Hernández, Jefferson Andrés; Rojas Álvarez, Gloria; Rojas Álvarez Gloria [0000-0002-1232-5115]
    In this report we will see the planning and progress of the comprehensive literacy course for people with cognitive disabilities at the District Care Center for Social Inclusion in which I made use of audiovisual resources as mediation and support in the didactics used to teach reading. , writing and orality. The course was developed under thematic axes with a weighted time of fifteen days, the topics covered were: family, society, music and culture, this in order to distribute in an organized and enjoyable way for the students the information that would be seen during the course. of the subject.
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    Una partida de ajedrez contra la muerte
    Leyton Vaca, Camilo Esteban; Muñoz Fernández, Rubén
    A gamble of chess against death tells the story of Antonio Fornés, a man of 30 years old that gave up as lawyer to dedicate himself to working in a box factory. Through the novel narrated in the first person (using the diary resource), the character will tell the reasons that led him to reject his status as a man of law. In addition, the story as a whole will narrate other much more personal issues in his life, such as his past and his relationship with work, friendship, love and death. This novel in he author's own words: “ talks about vital expectations in the world contemporary, which becomes moral, ethical and social obligations, crossing existence itself that equally puts life at risk in the face of every great decision, when the same social, intellectual and personal pressures stifle and the possibility of deciding a future is not negotiable.”
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    Revista literaria Hipatia
    Morales Cubillos, Paula Andrea; Céspedes Gómez, Myriam Consuelo
    The present work was carried out with the purpose of providing a possibility of obtaining a space of free access to writing, art and culture, in the format of a literary magazine, which was called under the name “Hypatia”. This project had different phases, among which, the research of literary magazines previously carried out at the national and international level stands out, as well as the conceptual development of the innovative proposal of the magazine in development, since, its main feature was the publication and dissemination away from an aesthetic precept that determined the choice of the works to be published. Finally, it was realized, the stage of call, dissemination and layout, where different experiences were found to be able to make the consolidation of the first issue of the literary magazine Hypatia, from which, different comments were generated as a closing of the experience for the putting on practice the proposed project.
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    Las Representaciones De La Protesta Social Estudiantil En Colombia 2018-2019
    Alfonso Quevedo, Juan Pablo; Ovalle Alonso, Laura Alejandra; Guzmán Munar, Margoth; Guzmán Munar, Margoth [0000-0003-0483-1920]
    Student social protest as a problem of research in education raised an interest in analyzing the discursive constructions of the press with which the social actors who participated in it during the national strike of 2018-2019 in Colombia were represented. The analysis found theoretical basis in studies of mass communication, social representations and formation of public opinion; it was inscribed in a qualitative perspective, and CDA (Critical Analysis of Discourse) method was proposed to achieve an understanding of such representations in two ways: a textual one to identify meanings associated with the actors, and a hermeneutic one to infer meanings and intrinsic power relations in those discourses; for this purpose, the opinion section of two digital media was analyzed. The findings focus on the presentation of social actors typified through discursive or contextual strategies that associate them with ideological patterns, personality characteristics and conversational roles that determine a degree of legitimacy in audiences, a fact that manifests the importance of a discursive ethics in relation to a communication pedagogy and the reception of mass social representations.
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    Analogía insectoide: metamorfosis de una ensoñación
    Vargas Beltrán, Wendy Carolina; Muñoz Fernández, Rubén
    "The text is comprised of a series of stories titled 'Insectoid Analogy' and a complementary essay called 'Metamorphosis of a Reverie.' In both texts, there is a profound reflection on poetic language and words understood as insects carrying the vital revelation of language and life. On one hand, the stories unfold in two extrapolated worlds: the organic dystopia and the virtual utopia, in which characters oscillate and survive between pleasure and death. On the other hand, the essay condenses all the reflections that emerged during the poetic creation, seen as a great metamorphosis from which the present work is born. The main argument is to assume art as a psychic preparation for death."