Licenciatura en Humanidades y Lengua Castellana
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Ítem El Aula en CuarentenaBotina Cruz, Andrés Felipe; Guzman Munar, Margoth; Guzman Munar, Margoth [0000-0003-0483-1920]The present research aims to study, through documentary analysis, interviews with teachers and other tools, the phenomenon of school dropouts that occurred due to Sars-CoV2, which was a common problem that surprised the educational system worldwide. The method of data collection, in this case, is documentation, research, conferences and others that have arisen in various institutions at Latin America that highlight the common problem of dropouts in schools, which, although it occurred for reasons of various types, the vast majority of these reasons had to do with the health crisis or its consequences. The voices of the teachers will also be taken into account, who were main witnesses in this phenomenon; as well as the voice of the author himself, who was a direct witness in his practices of the desertion phenomenon, essentially in socially or economically vulnerable populations. These are some of the main factors taken into account for this research and to collect and listen to these voices, some semi-structured interviews are carried out to achieve some impressions, but mainly with the condition that occurred due to the pandemic and the dropout phenomenon that occurred because of it to finally achieve a triangular analysis between the teaching experiences, the statistical and investigative documents from other places on the matter and the experience and evaluation of the author, to find a somewhat broad overview of the dropout phenomenon in schools in Latin America, Colombia, and specifically Bogotá.Ítem Fragmentos adaptación a la obra en nuestro tiempo de Ernest HemingwayAyarza Jaramillo, Laura Camila; Matiz Lugo, Cristhian Yair; Castro Barbosa, Sol MercedesThe thesis titled "Fragments" is an adaptation of Ernest Hemingway's work In Our Time, presented as a creative project. This initiative aims to encourage critical and reflective reading among young people by developing an educational video game based on Hemingway's work. Leveraging students' interest in video games, the project seeks to bring them closer to classic literature, allowing them to explore themes such as war, violence, and masculinity in an interactive environment. Through the RPG format, players immerse themselves in the settings and characters of Hemingway's work, transforming recreational spaces into learning opportunities. The project includes the development of a booklet with pedagogical activities for before, during, and after the game, thereby strengthening critical reflection and analytical thinking in the classroom. Technology thus becomes a crucial tool for revitalizing interest in classic literature and fostering its appreciation among new generations.Ítem Discurrir de la memoria curricular ILUDBernal Rodríguez, Liseth Nayive; Garzón-Duarte, Eliana; Garzón-Duarte, Eliana [0000-0001-5920-1550]The Language Institute of the District University – ILUD has been one of the extension units of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, which has been consolidated since 2001 as an entity that contributes to the learning processes of foreign languages for students. of the district and the community in general, in its capacity as an institution for work and human development. The mission of the institute focuses on the training of integral multilingual human beings willing to actively participate as social agents and promoters of changes in their environment, based on critical reflection and pluricultural action, with the purpose of highlighting the value and diversity that together have national and foreign linguistic capital in a globalized context. As a vision, the ILUD will be recognized for the academic processes developed from a plurilingual and pluricultural perspective with a high level of social projection, which will seek to impact the population of the University and the City-Region of Bogotá and those reached by it. through information and communication technologies, generating a dialogue of knowledge at the national and international level. (ILLUD. 2023) The present research has managed to conceptualize the ILUD from the recognition of the main ruptures in its trajectory. These transformations have been fundamental for the adaptation and changing needs of both the sociocultural contexts and the needs of the students and the pedagogical demands in language teaching today. In correspondence with the above, this report proposes a visibility of these transformations for the institute's curricular innovationÍtem La escuela rural como escenario de práctica, desde el descubrimiento de la pedagogia emocional hacía los procesos de lectoescritura(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Lara Acosta, Linda Nayibe; Lesmes Castro, Sandra Luz; Lesmes Castro, Sandra Luz [0000-0003-4682-8121]The following work was carried out in order to show the results of the internship rural pedagogical Viva La Escuela created by the Ministry of Education of Colombia, in the Juan Crisóstomo Osorio institution which was characterized by having academic gaps, psychosocial and socio-emotional problems increased by the COVID-19 pandemic. This work demonstrates that the School was rebuilt as an epicenter of social and cultural transformation, implementing the knowledge of the Bachelor's Degree in Spanish Language and humanities creating spaces for enrichment from pedagogy emotional, reading comprehension, text production and critical analysis of the context of the students. The internship was carried out over a period of three months and was developed in three moments, The first consisted of carrying out a diagnosis on the students where the DBA and the standards established by the Ministry of Education in the area of language. In a second moment, reinforcements were made to overcome the gaps, with constant motivation, personalized support and an approach to literary texts which focused on recognizing reading, comprehension and oral expression through text narratives. Finally, the topics addressed in the classroom were linked with practical exercises. It was possible to demonstrate a result that accounts for the levels of reading, writing, and orality of each of the students; demonstrating that with didactic strategies the comprehensiveness of knowledge.Ítem Memoria Cognitiva: Estrategias para Estimular los Procesos de Oralidad, Lectura y Escritura en Población con Discapacidad Intelectual Beneficiada del CADIS(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Triana Barreto , Paula Andrea; Díaz Cerón , Valentina; Salgado Bocanegra , Camilo; Salgado Bocanegra, Camilo [0000-0002-7449-4854]The present internship report details the implementation of a literacy project at the District Center for Social Inclusion (CADIS), aimed at individuals with cognitive disabilities aged 15 to 33. Using the cognitive stimulation approach mediated by OLE processes, a course was designed to enhance oral, reading, and writing skills through dynamic activities such as movements and sound associations, integrated into tailored literacy curricula. Additionally, traditional and behavioral methods like repetitions and dictations were employed to reinforce cognitive memory. The results highlight significant progress in understanding consonants, word formation, and literacy skills, despite facing psychosocial, structural, and procedural challenges. Recommendations are provided to strengthen interdisciplinary support and enhance physical and technological conditions for future inclusive education programs at CADIS.Ítem He venido para encontrarmeSalazar Arrieta, Luisa Fernanda; Muñoz Fernández, RubenThe text is made up of two sections: a collection of poems and an essay. The first is titled I have come to find myself and addresses the transformation of family relationships as a component constitutive of life. The second is titled I come to offer my heart and establishes expansively a reflection on writing as an offering of the coordinates of life to allow others to create new possibilities of inhabiting the world.Ítem Mil orejas: adaptación multimodal apta para los sentidos.Sotaquirá Díaz, María Alejandra; Jutinico Fernández, María del SocorroThis work consists of two essential parts: firstly, the essay "Picture Book for Diversity: Importance and Provocation towards Reading", a text that addresses access to picture books for people with disabilities, particularly focusing on those with blindness. It explores the challenges and opportunities associated with this access, based on the adaptation with reasonable adjustments of the picture book "Mil Orejas" originally created by Colombian writer Pilar Gutiérrez Llano and illustrator Samuel Castaño. Secondly, as an annex, the digitization corresponding to the adaptation with reasonable adjustments, from which a physical pedagogical proposal emerges that engages from different perspectives.Ítem Alcolirykoz la resignificación del rap como apuesta estética generadora de identidades y tradiciones para la construcción de memoria colectiva.(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Heredia Sotaquira , Luis Carlos; Guzmán Munar, Margoth; Guzmán Munar, Margoth [0000-0003-0483-1920]This research contains an analysis of the narratives presented in the songs of the Colombian rap group AlcolirykoZ. A discursive analysis is conducted on the group's themes related to oral tradition, popular December culture, and the re-signification of these traditions through the adaptation of sampling and the use of their own contexts of enunciation, such as the neighborhood, the commune, and the December season. For this analysis, eight narrative corpora were selected from existing songs between 2013 and 2018 in December, a time when the group usually releases songs loaded with reflection, social denunciation, and evocation to re-signify the way to see the end of the year in Colombia.Ítem Tejiendo la identidad de Usme: Narrativas audiovisuales como herramienta pedagógica para la preservación del patrimonio y la identidad cultural en educación secundaria(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Salgado Martínez, Sonia Yasmin ; Ramírez, Edgar AlonsoThe investigation into the locality of Usme highlights its natural, cultural, and historical wealth, encompassing majestic mountains, parks, and a vibrant cultural diversity that shapes the community's identity. Throughout its history, the inhabitants have fought to preserve their heritage against the threats of forgetting, resulting in social collectives dedicated to this cause. In this context, fostering cultural awareness and ownership, especially among young people who represent the future of Usme, is crucial. This study proposes that audiovisual narratives serve as a bridge between tradition and modernity, enabling secondary school students to explore and connect with their history and culture. The main goal is to design a pedagogical strategy that not only preserves Usme's heritage but also strengthens students' cultural identity through the creation and exchange of visual stories, thereby promoting an interactive connection with their local environment.Ítem Didáctica del texto: rutas hacia un enfoque comunicativo en la enseñanza de la lengua materna(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Alvarado Guerrero, Edwin Mauricio; Rátiva Velandia , Marlen; Rátiva Velandia, Marlen [0000-0002-7790-6199]This monograph is the result of the research cycle generated from the subject of Research and Teaching Practice I - II of the Bachelor's Degree in Humanities and Spanish Language of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, carried out at the Colegio Externado Nacional Camilo Torres I. E. D where a problem was found with respect to the writing processes that take place there. In this way, through the review of grade works that dealt with the writing processes in the classroom, the existing problem was substantiated, not only in the intervened classroom but also in the educational system itself. In this way, through the consultation of linguistic and pedagogical referents, the theoretical route was traced that founded the present research, as well as the design of a classroom pedagogical project that allowed carrying out teaching-learning processes that met the needs of the students, developing in them interpretation and textual production skills, which led to the publication of a wall newspaper. To that extent, this monograph is ascribed to qualitative research supported by action-research, which is a tool that allows locating existing problems in the classroom and/or school, generating a review of the pre-existing variables that give way to such problems, in order to propose a sequence of activities that allow generating processes of transformation of classroom dynamics.Ítem AsfixiaPerilla Moreno, Juliana; Muñoz Fernández, RubenThe development of asphyxiation is done around the reflection of the concept of contemporary love, as well as its sensations and changes over time giving rise to an artistic piece: poetry book. This process is developed by identifying some concepts about love that allows you to explain the feeling and its sensations from a current perspective, understanding that The traditional concept of idyllic love has been fading as a product of current social systems, it is thus that the place of the subject in the world has been modified, thus like the relationships it seeks, where desire and love are established as elements that can occur individually in emotional ties, love, as a chaotic sensory experience allows the individual to construct their identity and reflect around the relationships it maintains, opening the possibility of analyzing the importance that has to develop creative proposals such as Asfixia, whose theme is love in the middle of a look at link liquidity.Ítem Una caja de herramientas, en la exploración de la enseñanza de la Lengua Castellana, en las aulas hospitalarias HOMI y Juan N Corpas. Una propuesta desde la inclusión educativa(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Rodríguez Alonso, Sharon Nicolle; Neva Diaz, María Fernanda; Salgado Bocanegra, Camilo; Salgado Bocanegra, Camilo [0000-0002-7449-4854]This research work presents an approach in the construction of didactic, diverse, and inclusive resources, initially intended for the area of Spanish Language, but with its implementation, gave room for the development of interdisciplinary projects, from skills such as orality, writing and reading. This being implemented in the HOMI and Juan N. Corpas Hospital Classrooms in the city of Bogota, where the project was motivated by the blind and low vision population present in them. As a result of the research, socialization, contextualization, and adaptation work along with the students, the resources presented themselves as useful in context of diversity on the classroom, without any exclusivity to the population which it was intended for. Whereas these resources give the opportunity of visibility and awareness of the difference.Ítem El microrrelato, un puente para la escritura de intención literaria(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rojas Díaz, Angie Marcily; Vargas Manrique, Pedro José; Vargas Manrique, Pedro José [0000-0002-1596-8706]This work seeks to motivate writing with literary intention in the fifth grade of the Diego Colón School. To do this, we theoretically argue key moments before, during and after production, where reading and motivation are indicated as part fundamental of creation. Therefore, a description is made of the role of the teacher in the classroom to characterize him as a guide who helps break down hierarchies and customary dynamics in traditional education. Due to the above, the literary workshop is used as a means to create an environment formidable and fruitful that is supported by pedagogical strategies for literary production. In addition, an analysis is presented that contributes significantly to the training processes and as such in the teacher's actionÍtem La escucha institucional como herramienta de acompañamiento a estudiantes en situación de discapacidad de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José De CaldasCasallas Rojas, Daenna Camila; León Corredor, Olga Lucía; Olga Lucía León Corredor [0000-0003-4373-8630]The increase of disability in universities, especially in Colombia and at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas, poses significant challenges to professors, teaching methods, curricula and institutional policies. This report, conducted as part of an internal internship, seeks to identify and understand the diverse perspectives and needs of students with disabilities in the university setting.Ítem La Fábrica IVanegas Porras, María Catalina; Muñoz Fernández, RubénThis thesis in the creation modality is composed of the first installment of the comic entitled The Factory, which reflects on the moral and criminal limits established for the configuration of a civilized individual. In addition, it considers evil and pain as essential input for the creation of the concept of humanity. This proposal is accompanied by a second text, a theoretical aesthetic reflection entitled Manifesto (individual) of vivisected terror, which addresses the aesthetic and philosophical categories and discussions that underpin creation in the light of bodily transgression as a method to promote fear as an artistic effect.Ítem Las narrativas de la cultura alimentaria en la vereda Sochaquira Arriba como forma de resistencia e identidad: estrategia pedagógica sobre la preservación de los sabores y saberes campesinosSalamanca Contreras, David Steven; Margoth, Guzmán Munar; Margoth, Guzmán Munar [0000-0003-0483-1920]This research is based on the recovery and recognition of the existing food culture in the Sochaquira Arriba village, located in the municipality of Guayatá, Boyacá. Through three stages in the development of the research, the first stage involves a theoretical foundation on food creations and productions, under categories such as identity, orality, and food sovereignty. The second stage involves fieldwork, based on ethnographic methodology, using various data collection tools such as participant observation, unstructured interviews, and field notes. Finally, a third stage involves the design and production of a recipe booklet with the aim of disseminating and socializing the oral knowledge gathered in the research.Ítem Aproximaciones a las violencias entre pares desde la sistematización de las prácticas pedagógicasRobayo Millán, Crislly Daniela; Rivera Moreno, Yury Valentina; Cristancho Altuzarra, José Gabriel; Cristancho Altuzarra, José Gabriel [0000-0003-4288-4361]This research was born due to the interest in knowing the phenomenon of violence in the classrooms of the Externado Nacional Camilo Torres and Menorah schools, in the third, fourth and fifth grades during the pedagogical practices carried out in the second period of the year 2022 and the first period of the year 2023. This approach was mediated by the experience lived in the classrooms and the observation of them, in addition to the application of didactic units whose purpose was to unveil the coexistence and conflicts that occur daily in the classrooms. For the development of the research exercise, we began with the compilation of previous works that have problematized and analyzed school violence, and later defined three key concepts: childhood, school coexistence and school violence, which serve as support for the present research work. With the use of the research tools provided by educational action and the systematization of experiences as research, the main findings, reflections and possible solutions that can be implemented in the classroom are presented in order to overcome bullying, harassment and aggression from the field of teaching and also from the field of society.Ítem Propuesta de ruta metodológica para la aproximación al cuento desde el juego, la dramatización y la musicalización de material creado por estudiantes de jardínPenagos Collazos, Leidy Patricia; González Osorio, Clara IvonneThe following work presents, through the systematization of the experience, a proposal for a methodological route that can provide certain pedagogical tools to address the story and its subgenres in the preschool cycle, having as foundations the direct experience of this narrative genre from the dramatic play, musical expression and individual and group creation in order to encourage more enjoyable and effective learning, learning that reciprocally also allows for the human and professional growth of whoever carries out the execution of this project. This strategy was implemented at the Silveria Espinosa school in Rendón, campus C, together with the kindergarten 03 students. It is based on the curricular guidelines for preschool proposed by the Ministry of National Education, the Basic Learning Rights for transition also proposed by the MEN , the schedule established by the professor, the knowledge acquired throughout the university academic process and the theoretical research carried out for this specific purpose.Ítem Usos del fonema ch en palabras gastronómicas del altiplano cundiboyacense - territorio ancestral Muisca- memoria y narrativas-Talero López, Dilsa; Castro Lesmes, Sandra Luz; 0000-0003-4682-8121This document recovers the historical memory of the names of foods that contain the phoneme /ch/, documentary tracing and retrieval of narratives is carried out around the gastronomy of the Cundiboyacense highlands, where indigenous groups survive of the Muisca culture and that in its generality transversalizes the identity of the Region from these practices and their uses; It should be noted that a distinction will be made throughout the document when naming the indigenous group Muisca, and written by naming the indigenous group and its territory Muisca, and muysca of the muyscubum that It is the name given to this language and its linguistic and verbal components.Ítem Nombro, recuerdo y salto: Una apuesta desde las dimensiones comunicativas en beneficio de la inclusión educativa para todas las infancias del primer ciclo a partir del juego tradicionalMarín Bermúdez, Felipe; Calderón, Dora Inés; 0000-0003-1187-6668Following the guidelines of the project, the report contains the research that is comprised of three major moments: foundation, evolution and contrast. Each of the three great moments contains its particularities. The first is integrated into the formal, methodological and theoretical aspects, which give validity to the research project. The second confers the didactic proposal that is evolved in two schools in the city of Bogotá, one with a hearing population and the second with a deaf population, both populations belonging to the first cycle of formal education. While in the third major moment, the results will be found that will be contrasted with what was stated throughout the entire report.