Licenciatura en Humanidades y Lengua Castellana
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Ítem AsfixiaPerilla Moreno, Juliana; Muñoz Fernández, RubenThe development of asphyxiation is made around the reflection of the concept of contemporary love, as well as its sensations and changes over time, giving rise to an artistic piece: a collection of poems. This process is developed by identifying some concepts about love that allow us to explain the feeling and its sensations from a current perspective, understanding that the traditional concept of idyllic love has been fading as aproduct of current social systems, thus the place of the subject . in the world has been modified, as well as the relationships it seeks, where desire and love are established as elements that can be presented individually in emotional bonds, love, as a chaotic sensitive experience, allows the individual to build his identity and reflect on the relationships it sustains, opening the possibility of analyzing the importance of developing creative proposals such as Asfixia, whose theme is love in the midst of a look at bond liquidity.Ítem Una aproximación a las condiciones de accesibilidad en los textos académicos en personas con discapacidad visual(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Benítez Barreto, María José; Calderón, Dora Inés; Benítez Barreto, María José [0000-0002-6586-2520]; Calderón, Dora Inés [0000-0003-1187-6668]Visual impairment represents a major challenge for equitable access to education. Several studies report the barriers faced by visually impaired people at all levels of education, mainly due to the lack of adaptation of educational materials to accessible formats for this population. Particularly in higher education, this phenomenon is accentuated given the high reading component required for activities such as research, academic writing or the appropriation of scientific literature. Although there are currently several technical aids that seek to facilitate access to information for people with visual impairment, such as screen readers, text-to-speech recognition software, Braille materials, etc., these alone do not guarantee full inclusion in educational contexts (González, M. 2007). It is also necessary to implement strategies and institutional guidelines that facilitate the accompaniment of students with visual impairment, so that they can participate on equal terms with their peers without sensory limitations. This support should be oriented to different aspects, such as research, writing of academic and scientific texts, socialization of progress and results, access to bibliographic sources, among others. The present work seeks precisely to contribute in this sense, the identification and characterization of some reading strategies for people with visual impairment focused on promoting their accessibility to academic and scientific texts, from the experience of accompanying internships for the accompaniment of people with visual impairment. It is expected that this research will allow identifying the main tools currently used by students with visual impairment to access study material and how to accompany students with low vision in accessing academic texts.Ítem Construir-se en las pantallas. Sobre las narrativas de sí en las redes sociales de Instagram y TikTok(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Martínez Martínez, Laura Nataly; Rubiano León, Daniel Steven; García Dussan, Éder Alexander; García Dussan, Éder Alexander [0000-0002-6635-2725]This research answered the question about the way in which the identity of two Young adults was constructed in a defined period of time, through the self-narratives expressed on the social networks Instagram and TikTok, taking as a foundation the model of Papalia, Sibilia, as well as discussions about the relationship between social networks and the construction of identity. Was used qualitative methodology, combining case study and virtual ethnography, to collect data through description-analysis matrices and interviews. The results indicate that participants present distinctive characteristics in both platforms, adapting their content to the format and trends of each social network. However, common elements are also observed in their digital narrative that contribute to the construction of a publishing identity.Ítem Entre la pupa y mi percepción: diseño de ambientes de aprendizaje para el desarrollo de lenguaje desde el reconocimiento emocional, en aulas que acogen población sordaAndrade Hernández, Juan Sebastian; Salamanca Guzmán, Leidy Maribel; Calderón, Dora Inés; Calderón, Dora Inés [0000-0003-1187-6668]This document compiles a theoretical-practical experience in the design of learning environments, gathering the awareness of aesthetics as a pedagogical tool, affectivity as a learning device and didactic processes related to teaching-learning in normotypical populations for the creation of scenarios for inclusion, in order to design a learning environment from these characteristics. Therefore, the aim is to create a learning strategy and some resources for teaching, recognizing the characteristics of the space and the population that allow the production of elements according to their contexts. This experience is based on critical reflections on aesthetics, particularly in language and arts, on how to embrace subjectivity and collective cultural figurations in the same scenario and body. In the same way, the experience is based on the contemplation of the emotions in the population and those that the analysis of the learning environment arouses. This product is dedicated to the narrative and writing experience as a contemplative factor of emotions, the participation in the school in an affective key and the creative/aesthetic exploration of subjectivity, welcoming the deaf population.Ítem Escuela Taller Editorial Revival(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rubio Sastoque, Iris Natalia; Muñoz Fernández, Rubén; Céspedes Gómez , ConsueloThis work was carried out with the purpose of developing the implementation of the Editorial Revival Workshop School, based on constructivist principles, to strengthen creative writing in children and young people of the Areté School as storytellers and cultural creators. This project had different phases, among which we highlight the investigative diagnosis of writing training in school environments of Colombian children and young people from the twentieth century to the twenty-first century, as well as the foundation and the approach of a pedagogical workshop whose objective was to respond to the gaps identified in the diagnosis. Finally, the launching of the Literary Anthology of the Areté School was carried out, whose works created by the students as a product of the workshop implemented were qualified under the aesthetic qualification proposed as a basis for the aesthetic, linguistic and literary quality of the published works.Ítem Tejiendo la identidad de Usme: Narrativas audiovisuales como herramienta pedagógica para la preservación del patrimonio y la identidad cultural en educación secundariaSalgado Martinez, Sonia Yasmin; Edgar Alfonso , RamirezThe investigation into the locality of Usme highlights its natural, cultural, and historical wealth, encompassing majestic mountains, parks, and a vibrant cultural diversity that shapes the community's identity. Throughout its history, the inhabitants have fought to preserve their heritage against the threats of forgetting, resulting in social collectives dedicated to this cause. In this context, fostering cultural awareness and ownership, especially among young people who represent the future of Usme, is crucial. This study proposes that audiovisual narratives serve as a bridge between tradition and modernity, enabling secondary school students to explore and connect with their history and culture. The main goal is to design a pedagogical strategy that not only preserves Usme's heritage but also strengthens students' cultural identity through the creation and exchange of visual stories, thereby promoting an interactive connection with their local environment.Ítem Historias cotidianas para romper con lo fantásticoLugo Oliveros, Claritza Valentina; Guzmán Munar, Margoth; Guzmán Munar, Margoth [0000-0003-0483-1920]Everyday Stories to Break with the Fantastic is a collection of stories that uses the fantasy genre to address current and everyday themes, aiming to connect students' reality with the literary world. Through characters and plots that defy the natural and explore mysteries, each story invites readers to enter extraordinary worlds that, nonetheless, reflect familiar situations and issues such as migration, mental health, and urban life. This work seeks not only to entertain but also to inspire readers to create their own narratives, encouraging reflection on their reality through the “fictional pact” and the discovery of possible worlds.Ítem Praxis docente en educación rural, voluntariado del programa Viva la Escuela en la I.E Carlos Arturo Torres Peña, sede Egipto.López Buitrago, Natalia; Castro Barbosa, Sol MercedesA look at the experience of rural practice, from the exercise of volunteering, which not only allowed to include advances in methodological terms, but generated a significant and real impact in the targeted municipality; the discovery of learning strategies to strengthen the communicative skills of students, and redefine the relationship of the teaching vocation with the practice and educational action in the classroom.Ítem La literatura y la creatividad como medio para fortalecer las competencias comunicativasLeón Fuentes, Stiven Leonardo; Rátiva Velandia , Marlén; Rátiva Velandia,Marlén [0000-0002-7790-6199]The following is the report of the internship held at the Escuela Normal Superior María Montessori entitled: "Literature and creativity as a means to strengthen communicative skills", is a pedagogical proposal that puts as central element of the classroom its students, the current proposal proposed alternatives that helped to improve the reading and writing processes of the students of the Normal School Superior District Maria Montessori. It is essential to consider that the teaching of reading and writing goes beyond simply instructing in the use of a written language code. It actually involves the training of individuals who are able to read with understanding and use writing effectively. In this context, the aim is to cultivate students who are continuously advancing in these learning processes.Ítem Diseño de Ambientes de Aprendizaje Accesibles y Afectivos (DAAAA) para el desarrollo de la experiencia narrativa en niños y niñas de 8 a 10 años con inclusión de población con diagnóstico.Peñaranda Peinado, Ángela Lucía; Calderón, Dora Inés; Calderón, Dora Inés [0000-0003-1187-6668]The following work represents the final report of the internship in the Cultiva Module of the Acacia Center of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas during 2023-1. In structural terms, this document is divided into two chapters, which detail the development and contributions made in the exercise of the internship actions. In this sense, the first chapter focused on the conception and design of a learning environment in which elements of affectivity and accessibility are integrated. In this context, a justification is presented that underlined the relevance and transcendence of this initiative. Subsequently, we proceeded to an empirical characterization of the learning environment, specifically in the Silveria Espinosa de Rendón school, site B, morning session. Likewise, the performance of the students was analyzed in relation to the aspects established in the Basic Learning Rights for the fourth grade of elementary school. Additionally, the identification and analysis of the phenomena associated with low academic performance and student dropout was addressed. As a result of this analysis, a learning environment design was proposed with the incorporation of accessibility and affectivity for the development of narrative in children from 8 to 10 years old, including the population with diagnosis; for this reason, a set of educational activities were proposed that respond to the identified particularities.Ítem Kynodontas: un acercamiento al estudio del poder, el cuerpo y la intersubjetividadMarroquin Rincón, Diana Alejandra; Cristancho Altuzarra, Jose Gabriel; Cristancho Altuzarra, José Gabriel [0000-0003-4288-4361]This paper addresses the categories of power, sexuality and intersubjectivity, first in a theoretical way, and then analyzes the film Kynodontas around these ten categories, without forgetting the cinematographic component, of which a transversal review is made. In social relations in different areas of society, such as the family, it is important to see how power influences the behavior of individuals and how this is disputed depending on the hegemony and counter-hegemony that is present in that society, being sexuality one of the micro powers that influence the way in which societies are built, being visible the repression, silence and/or abuse that has existed around it, leaving language and discourses as elements used for purposes of information, disinformation and/or absence of it, leaving us to intersubjectivity as an element of connection between social, cultural, hegemonic and existing power relations, where filmic productions are conceived as cultural products in which power relations are subjectivized and objectified.Ítem Taller «Narrativas al aire» en la Plazoleta del Rosario: una propuesta didáctico-pedagógica desde la Biblioteca Pública ante la transformación de las prácticas de lecturaGuzmán Londoño, Álvaro Camilo; Montoya Castillo, Mario; Montoya Castillo, Mario [0000-0001-6347-384X]In this monograph I present several reflections derived from the design, implementation and systematization of the workshop “Narratives on the air”; which is a didactic-pedagogical proposal oriented to training through narrative, seen as a mechanism to reflect on reading practices, their transformation and their meanings in the current advance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the digital environment. I executed this proposal in an Alternative Reading Space (EAL) located in the Plazoleta del Rosario together with the inhabitants and passers-by of the territory of La Candelaria, in the historical center of Bogota. I used Action Research as a methodology (Latorre, 2005) and developed the workshop in a didactic, formative and investigative key (Rodríguez, 2012) through four sessions where we explored the written, oral and corporal narrative. This proposal allowed the construction of narrative communities (Han, 2023) as scenarios for introspection, critical reading of the context and social integration and participation. It demonstrated that public space has its own narrative and that it has a determining potential as a training scenario and as a text. He reaffirmed that training is an adaptable and adaptive act that can be fostered in any space as long as there is a pedagogical will. And, finally, he emphasized that the public library is a scenario that allows the individual and collective elaboration of narratives as an exercise in the development of a narrative.Ítem La voz en disputa: género, raza, clase y resistencia en la tejedora de coronasRodríguez Castañeda , Ana María; Mastanjevic Olave, Valentina; Cristancho Altuzarra, José Gabriel; Cristancho Altuzarra, José Gabriel [0000-0003-4288-4361]This monograph, grounded in a feminist socio-critical perspective, focuses on the analysis of Germán Espinosa's novel La Tejedora de Coronas (2003), centering on the figure of Genoveva Alcocer, an XVIII-century woman in New Granada who defies patriarchal norms and faces an Inquisition trial accused of witchcraft. This study aims to identify the sociocultural factors that led to the persecution of witches in Colombia, analyze the representation of these processes in the work, and evaluate how Espinosa addresses issues of gender, race, class, and resistance. Through a theoretical framework that integrates the contributions of Silvia Federici and Gerda Lerner, the monograph examines how the novel reflects, resists, or reproduces gender stereotypes, utilizing conceptual tools such as the chronotope and feminist socio-critical theory. The work reveals the literary richness of the novel, where the narrative style demands a continuous and subjective reading, guiding the reader to explore philosophical and cultural reflections on the colonial past and the power dynamics that affect women. The study highlights how the novel transcends the context of the Inquisition in Cartagena de Indias, taking the reader on a journey through XVIII-century Europe and America, exposing the contradictions of a society that represses a woman embodying resistance to the power structures of the time. Espinosa's work is presented as a contribution to the debate on power relations and the representation of women in literature within specific historical and social contexts, offering an analysis that invites further research and pedagogical reflection on literature from a critical and gendered perspective.Ítem Crítica e Identidad en las redes sociales: Un estudio en el aulaCamelo Díaz, Andrés Felipe; Cristancho Altuzarra, José Gabriel; Cristancho Altuzarra, José Gabriel [0000-0003-4288-4361]This document is research made by a qualitative explanatory approach, it aims to explain how social networks have modified the subjectivity and identity of adolescents, the research method is participatory action, developed in the city of Neiva – Huila. Students range in age from 14 to 18 years old, where at this age they are predisposed to multiple forms of communication, bringing with them a new identity. The online subject is the birth of a new concept for the conceptualization of nascent identity by social networks, understanding social networks as a conglomerate of nascent subjectivities confronted by thousands of subjects that are also built day by day. Critical thinking goes hand in hand with identity, so it is expected that by creating critical thinking based on Critique as a central axis, it is the constitution of a new way of seeing the media, understanding that the cultural industries are behind the yoke that obscures the emancipation of subjects to a deconstructed identit.Ítem Librojuego: Alternativa para la promoción de nuevos lectoescritoresPineda Delgado, Edgar Duvan; Castro Laguna, Maribel; Castro Barbosa, Sol MercedesIn the current context, it is essential to reflect on the dynamics in the classroom and understand the reasons behind the discouragement of students, who show a lack of interest in participating actively in class. One of the relevant aspects to understand this phenomenon is the change in reading spaces and how young people relate to texts, compared to previous years and before the pandemic. This project emerges as a necessary alternative to address this problem. The project focuses on the new generation of readers, those who seek experiences beyond the linearity of a traditional narrative. It is intended to give them the opportunity to feel part of the story by allowing them to choose the path that the characters will take as they progress through their reading. In this way, an innovative way of reading will be promoted, especially aimed at digital natives, with the aim of promoting knowledge and motivation towards literature.Ítem Construcción de tejido social en un contexto escolar post pandemiaMotta Maje, Osman Daniel; Castro Barbosa, Sol MercedesThe intention of this monograph is to present the results of three surveys conducted with fifth-grade students at Eduardo Santos School, validating their opinions in a pre-pandemic, pandemic (virtual), and post-pandemic context. These questions were aimed at understanding, what do you think about school coexistence in the classroom? How to understand coexistence and its importance in school? When have you felt unwell during the gatherings in your classroom? Why is coexistence important in school? And with that, to make known how much their perception could change depending on the moment when this survey is conducted.Ítem El Aula en CuarentenaBotina Cruz, Andrés Felipe; Guzman Munar, Margoth; Guzman Munar, Margoth [0000-0003-0483-1920]The present research aims to study, through documentary analysis, interviews with teachers and other tools, the phenomenon of school dropouts that occurred due to Sars-CoV2, which was a common problem that surprised the educational system worldwide. The method of data collection, in this case, is documentation, research, conferences and others that have arisen in various institutions at Latin America that highlight the common problem of dropouts in schools, which, although it occurred for reasons of various types, the vast majority of these reasons had to do with the health crisis or its consequences. The voices of the teachers will also be taken into account, who were main witnesses in this phenomenon; as well as the voice of the author himself, who was a direct witness in his practices of the desertion phenomenon, essentially in socially or economically vulnerable populations. These are some of the main factors taken into account for this research and to collect and listen to these voices, some semi-structured interviews are carried out to achieve some impressions, but mainly with the condition that occurred due to the pandemic and the dropout phenomenon that occurred because of it to finally achieve a triangular analysis between the teaching experiences, the statistical and investigative documents from other places on the matter and the experience and evaluation of the author, to find a somewhat broad overview of the dropout phenomenon in schools in Latin America, Colombia, and specifically Bogotá.Ítem Fragmentos adaptación a la obra en nuestro tiempo de Ernest HemingwayAyarza Jaramillo, Laura Camila; Matiz Lugo, Cristhian Yair; Castro Barbosa, Sol MercedesThe thesis titled "Fragments" is an adaptation of Ernest Hemingway's work In Our Time, presented as a creative project. This initiative aims to encourage critical and reflective reading among young people by developing an educational video game based on Hemingway's work. Leveraging students' interest in video games, the project seeks to bring them closer to classic literature, allowing them to explore themes such as war, violence, and masculinity in an interactive environment. Through the RPG format, players immerse themselves in the settings and characters of Hemingway's work, transforming recreational spaces into learning opportunities. The project includes the development of a booklet with pedagogical activities for before, during, and after the game, thereby strengthening critical reflection and analytical thinking in the classroom. Technology thus becomes a crucial tool for revitalizing interest in classic literature and fostering its appreciation among new generations.Ítem Discurrir de la memoria curricular ILUDBernal Rodríguez, Liseth Nayive; Garzón-Duarte, Eliana; Garzón-Duarte, Eliana [0000-0001-5920-1550]The Language Institute of the District University – ILUD has been one of the extension units of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, which has been consolidated since 2001 as an entity that contributes to the learning processes of foreign languages for students. of the district and the community in general, in its capacity as an institution for work and human development. The mission of the institute focuses on the training of integral multilingual human beings willing to actively participate as social agents and promoters of changes in their environment, based on critical reflection and pluricultural action, with the purpose of highlighting the value and diversity that together have national and foreign linguistic capital in a globalized context. As a vision, the ILUD will be recognized for the academic processes developed from a plurilingual and pluricultural perspective with a high level of social projection, which will seek to impact the population of the University and the City-Region of Bogotá and those reached by it. through information and communication technologies, generating a dialogue of knowledge at the national and international level. (ILLUD. 2023) The present research has managed to conceptualize the ILUD from the recognition of the main ruptures in its trajectory. These transformations have been fundamental for the adaptation and changing needs of both the sociocultural contexts and the needs of the students and the pedagogical demands in language teaching today. In correspondence with the above, this report proposes a visibility of these transformations for the institute's curricular innovation