Especialización en Educación y Gestión Ambiental
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Ítem Proyecto huertas urbanas del jardín botánico de Bogotá y sus aportes a la apropiación del territorio estudio de caso: localidad Rafael Uribe Uribe (2019-2021)Alvarez Robayo, Daniela Alexandra; Robayo Guerrero, Daniel; Castillo Ordoñez, Elsy Yaneth; Castillo Ordoñez, Elsy Yaneth [0000-0003-2204-3741]Urban agriculture emerges as an alternative for development around the different problems that large cities have around the accessibility and availability of food. In the same way, urban gardens are forged as an alternative solution to different social, environmental and cultural problems that exist in the communities and that allow the development of a new culture around sustainability and care for the environment, thus enhancing the appropriation of the territory in the areas of direct influence where they are developed. The present work allowed to analyze the way in which during the years 2019 and 2020 the orchards that are part of the Urban Gardens program of the Botanical Garden of Bogotá contributed to the generation of appropriation of the territory by the community that is part of these in the town of Rafael Uribe Uribe and the benefits that this brought during the health emergency in a locality that currently has a high number of community, emerging and institutional gardens and that one of their main problems is the lack of a food collection center and an inadequate disposal of solid waste, which can probably be the cause of an inadequate environmental culture on the part of the inhabitants.Ítem Análisis de los instrumentos de planificación de Bogotá D.C y su articulación con la visión regional planteada en el POMCA – río Bogotá (2019) para su descontaminación y recuperación de la cuenca media del río BogotáGarcía Forero, Daniel; Cely Méndez, Diana; Urrea Bojacá, María Teresa; Gómez Duque, Jorge; [0000-0002-3273-9622]The inclusion of the Bogotá River hydrographic basin in the instruments of city planning is an important value for an adequate articulation in actions for the decontamination and recovery of this water source, since the approach of conceptual and methodological guidelines from the perspective regionalization of this component enriches territorial planning. For this reason the main objective of this research work was to analyze the set of Capital District planning instruments such as the POT (2022-2035) and PDD (2020-2024) and its articulation with the regional vision of the POMCA - Bogotá River (2019). The joint and concatenated work for the cleaning of the middle basin was examined of the Bogotá River, which depends mostly on the way of working with the entities and their respective articulation. For this, the research was documentary - descriptive and analytical where it was necessary to understand the instruments of planning with which the Capital District is governed, since the knowledge of the regulations and their application at the regional level helps to understand the order territory and the proper inclusion of the Bogotá River hydrographic basin as a hub major. The proposed methodology was adopted from the master's thesis of (Pardo, 2019) in which, based on the systematization of information obtained, relationships of vertical and strategic coherence concluding the diagnosis in values quantitative analysis of percentages and a qualitative analysis of the variables evaluated. After evaluating and analyzing the interrelation between the planning instruments, concludes the low coherence of public policies against the decontamination of the Bogotá River, which indicates a limited approach to multidimensionality in the planning of the hydrographic basin and a meager regional articulation together with the lack of articulation with respect to the technical actions that are carried out and the awareness of the population for the appropriation of this important water source with the implementation of a culture and environmental education.Ítem Dimensiones de análisis de los trabajos de pregrado en agricultura urbana desarrollados durante los años 2016 a 2021 ubicados en el repositorio de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasCadena Valbuena, Marla Camila; Salamanca Gómez, Héctor Fabián; Galvis Rivera, Andrea Natalia; RUIZ PACHECO, NELLY JANNETHUrban agriculture is an activity that proposes challenges to the management of improving the quality of life, reducing poverty, raising awareness in the community about the care and preservation of the environment. Additionally, it provides the opportunity to generate income, strengthen community ties and teamwork, thus integrating education and environmental management (Portilla Insuasti & Sañudo Díaz, 2016). Through this research work, it was possible to establish the analysis dimensions of the Urban Agriculture Projects developed during the years 2016 to 2021; and that are located in the Repository of the Francisco José de Caldas District University; taking into account that from In 2015, the Council of Bogotá establishes agreement 605 by which the guidelines are formulated to institutionalize the Urban and Peri-Urban Agroecological Agriculture program in the city. The foregoing was carried out, initially by carrying out a bibliographic review of the undergraduate degree works prepared during the years 2016 - 2021 around Urban Agriculture that are found in the Repository of the Francisco José de Caldas District University and later, located in the analysis dimensions for Urban Agriculture projects proposed by (Gómez Rodríguez, 2014) (investigative, educational, technological and social), based on the results obtained from each investigation addressed.Ítem Representaciones sociales de ambiente de los docentes del Gimnasio Colombiano del Sur de la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá en el año 2022Orjuela Rivera, Laura Daniela; Mancera Muñoz, Flor Inélia; Giraldo, Gustavo; Gustavo Giraldo [0000-0003-3573-4154]This research wanted to focus on the role of teachers, because with their work they guide students within a community permeated by cultural and social characteristics identified through social representations of the environment that configure both individual and group interaction in a context. Taking into account the above, this research focused on the analysis of the social representations of the environment of the teachers of the Gimnasio Colombiano del Sur institution developed in different phases as follows: at first, a diagnosis was made through a documentary review and an analysis of the territory; the second phase corresponds to the identification of the three fundamental elements of a social representation that Jodelet mentions: content or information, object and subject; as well as the dimensions of social representation, focusing on the information dimension; and finally phase 3 that corresponds to the qualitative analysis of content collected in the previous phases.Ítem Aportes para el diagnóstico participativo del potencial ecoturístico de las veredas Los Micos y Bocas del Zansa del municipio de San Juan de Arama (Meta)Cortés Ortiz, María Fernanda; Suárez Sierra, Diana Patricia; Toro Figueredo, Wendy Yurany; GÓMEZ, JORGETourism activity in the municipality of San Juan de Arama in the department of Meta has gained momentum since the signing of the Peace Agreement between the FARC guerrillas and the National Government in 2016. The massive visit of tourists has generated economic growth for the municipality, since, attracted by the natural attractions of the region near the Serranía de la Macarena, travelers demand transportation services, as well as gastronomic and hotel establishments for their stay, however, they exert in the same way enough pressure on the ecosystems involved in such activity. Specifically, in the villages of Los Micos and Bocas del Zansa, tourism activity is developed in an unsustainable manner without understanding the value of the natural elements that are part of the tourist attraction of the place. It is for this reason that this degree work presents contributions to diagnose in a participatory manner the ecotourism potential of this area, characterizing the environmental and sociocultural aspects present in the aforementioned villages and the points of interest identified by the actors involved. This was achieved through the application of instruments such as semi-structured interviews, focus groups and social mapping with inhabitants of the villages and tourism stakeholders, as well as a bibliographic review and field visits to complement the characterization. Among the environmental aspects found, it was determined that the Güejar River is the central axis of the municipality's tourism activity, including the La Macarena Special Management Area, and as for the sociocultural part, the Sierra de la Macarena tourist route highlights the different customs and gastronomic offer of San Juan de Arama. The knowledge and appropriation of the territory demonstrated by the inhabitants and actors of the tourism activity is highlighted, which facilitates the characterization of the area as a whole, as well as the of the area as a whole, as well as the advantage for a later implementation of an eco-tourist trail in the villages.Ítem Reconocimiento del territorio como herramienta para la educación ambiental con niños y niñas de la primera infancia de la localidad de ciudad bolívar (Bogotá, D.C)Vanegas Vega , Gina Rocio; Zuluaga Gonzalez , Karen Johana; Castillo Ordoñez, Elsy YanethThis document reports on an exploratory research exercise whose axis was the recognition of the territory as an environmental education tool aimed at boys and girls in the town of Ciudad Bolívar in the city of Bogotá, in order to promote in institutions that serve to the population belonging to Early Childhood, pedagogical actions that promote the recognition of the biocultural diversity of the territory they inhabit. The development of the project focused on the recognition of the basic physical-spatial conditions of the town of Ciudad Bolívar, which has relevant environmental and social aspects for the capital district. The main objective seeks to promote the recognition and understanding of the territory, the connection between ecosystems and the adaptations that society has generated in the town of Ciudad Bolívar. This, through field visits in which important scenarios can be identified to generate exploratory activities in environmental education, which can be used with the boys and girls of the locality under study. In this way it will be possible to expand the repertoire of relevant environmental education tools for the early childhood population in this town of Bogotá.Ítem Sistematización de una experiencia educativo-ambiental: paca digestora silva en una comunidad vecinal del barrio Camilo Torres, Duitama – BoyacáAparicio Homez, Nadia Marcela; Correa Rozo, Jonathan Steven; González Manrique, Luigui Sebastián; Castillo Ordoñez, Elsy Yaneth; Castillo Ordóñez Elsy Yaneth [0000-0003-2204-3741]One of the environmental problems experienced in Colombia is related to the inadequate management of waste, especially those that correspond to the urban organic fraction. When these organic wastes are disposed of in landfills, they decompose, emitting greenhouse gases and toxic leachates as a result of their mixture with hazardous waste. There is a technique for the local treatment of organic waste called Paca Digestora Silva (PDS) that promotes community environmental education and sustainable waste management. The present investigation took place in a neighborhood community of the Camilo Torres de Duitama neighborhood, Boyacá in the period 2020-2021; which implemented the PDS as a response to the realities experienced in the sector accentuated by the COVID-19 health emergency. The objective of this degree project was to recognize the educational-environmental factors that made it possible for this community to change its practices associated with the management of organic waste through the systematization of the experience, the reconstruction of historicity, identification of actors and lessons learned. . For the systematization, the methodology proposed by Jara was followed and techniques such as community surveys, review of databases and photographic records, semi-structured interviews and analysis of results through the Nvivo software were used. At the end, 34 representative events and 11 key actors were identified that influenced the experience, among them the capacity for self-management, the consolidation of a community garden and the formation of the RADS Colombia organization stand out. Likewise, indicators are obtained from the experience such as the number of PDS produced, tons of waste managed, tons of fertilizer and food produced. This work reaffirms the importance of motivating the creation of informal, intergenerational and democratic spaces for reflection in the territory that contribute to the understanding of the environment and the promotion of an environmental culture as proposed by the National Environmental Education Policy.Ítem Percepción ambiental de los actores municipales de la gestión ambiental durante los años 2021 - 2022 de Guateque- BoyacáCastañeda Vargas, Iveth Alejandra; Otálora Moreno, Fabio AlbertoThis degree project seeks to gain insights into the environmental perspective of the municipality of Guateque, Boyacá, through a participatory diagnosis that analyzes the experiences of the actors within the National Environmental System (SINA) in their various modes of appropriating the territory. By comparing experiences gathered through a temporal social mapping process (past, present, and future), supported by information collection methods, we aim to reflect the current state of the municipality, identify actors potentially affected by local environmental issues, and understand their perceptions of the environment, including its social, economic, and temporal implications. This project will contribute to the development of the Municipal Environmental Agenda, which serves as a foundation for the Municipal Environmental Management System.Ítem Representaciones sociales de ambiente de los maestros que participaron en el desarrollo del programa “palabras mayores” en la provincia de Valderrama (Boyacá, Colombia) periodo 2019 – 2020Sepúlveda Salazar, Oscar Eduardo; Zamudio Rodríguez, Carmen; Zamudio Rodríguez, Carmen [0000-0003-4575-3359]In all educational training processes, it is of great importance to recognize people's cognitive systems, which allows for a greater understanding of social dynamics. One way to achieve this objective is through the study of social representations. Thus, the main objective of the present research is to identify the social representations of the environment from now on (RSA) that predominate in the teachers who participated in the execution of the "Palabras mayors" program belonging to the province of Valderrama (Boyacá) period 2019 - 2020. which establishes a starting point for future research and allows us to propose actions aimed at improving the educational processes in said programs. This research is qualitative in nature that allows us to understand the concepts through the data obtained using inductive research. The analysis was structured through the use of techniques such as keywords and content analysis of the responses derived from the development of a questionnaire. virtual, these techniques allowed the characterization of 4 types of RSA. In accordance with what was proposed by Flores, 2008 regarding the different types of environmental SR, within the surveys, naturalistic RSA (62%), globalizing (19%), utilitarian anthropocentric (13%) and cultural anthropocentric ( 6%), it is worth highlighting a marked presence of naturalistic RSA despite the fact that the province is recognized for its extractive activities. These results are of great importance since they can be used for the design of strategies that strengthen educational work and for future teacher training processes. Finally, some important elements are defined that can be implemented to improve the results obtained here.Ítem Evaluación de la caracterización socio - ambiental de los beneficiarios del incentivo de pagos por servicios ambientales de regulación hídrica en la vereda Quebrada Honda del municipio de Villavicencio–MetaCardona Cristancho, Hoibyn Henry; Leguizamón Ruiz, Jorge Leonardo; Velandia Salamanca, Jeferson Jair; Gomez Duque, Jorge EvelioThe Quebrada Honda hamlet, located at the northernmost tip of the municipality of Villavicencio, spans 3319 hectares and borders the municipality of El Calvario, as well as natural parks such as Chingaza National Natural Park, Sumapaz National Natural Park, and Páramo del Tigre. Given the significance of Ecosystem Services and the challenges posed by the terrain, there is a need to implement a Payment for Environmental Services (PES) scheme focused on Water Regulation. The research aims to assess the socio-environmental characterization of potential beneficiaries of the Water Regulation PES in Quebrada Honda, using parameters established by conservation projects such as BanCO2. The characterization of 15 properties highlights the suitability of many for benefiting from a prospective Water Regulation PES project, emphasizing their ecosystemic importance and impact on local economic activities.Ítem Techotiva ambiental: hacia la construcción de un diseño propio para la gobernanza territorial desde abajoCastro Vargas, Diana Carolina; Zamudio Rodríguez, Carmen; Zamudio Rodríguez Carmen [0000-0003-4575-3359]The historical background of the town of Kennedy, its participation in protests and social struggles, its geographical position, its water wealth, its own dynamics and characteristics, its participation in this territory in a niche of social organization. Currently, there is a great diversity of groups, patches, networks, processes, and their number is increasing every day, each one of them framed in a common bet that is the construction of a decent territory for its inhabitants. These social processes are often tied to paradigms that delegitimize their ability to organize and influence institutionally, but currently, there are different governance exercises around the world that contradict this statement, this is how Elinor Ostrom raises in her research Government of goods common, eight principles that are necessary to carry out an exercise of territorial government over a common good. In the present investigation, the level of compliance with each principle of Elinor Ostrom was identified in the process of articulation of Techotiva Ambiental located in the town of Kennedy, this was achieved thanks to a documentary analysis of the systematized experience (2017-2019), carried out using the PC&I tool (Principle Criteria and Indicators), using indexing in light of the eight Ostrom design principles as a method. This methodology identifies and establishes a diagnosis of the state of the process, proposing a series of recommendations and obtaining as a final result the structuring of its own design for community organization as a commitment to Territorial Governance from below.Ítem Evaluación de impacto ambiental del sistema de acueducto (abastecimiento y saneamiento) de agua, vereda el Volcán la Calera CundinamarcaEspinosa Velasco, Didier CarlosThe purpose of this project is to deepen the importance of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the aqueduct system of the village of El Volcán, La Calera Cundinamarca; The aqueducts are a system that allows water to be transported in a continuous flow from a place where it is accessible in nature, to a point of distant consumption, the most important element of this system is the water source from which the water is captured for the consumption and sanitation of the inhabitants of the village El Volcán. The community of the village El Volcán is located in the rural area of the municipality of La Calera 8 kilometers from its municipal seat and 20 kilometers from Bogotá. Currently in the community there is a population of approximately 1,500 inhabitants distributed in 508 families, it has a elementary school and a Catholic chapel. To go to the health center, the community needs to go to the urban center. The path of the Volcano has an untreated water collection system of the Cimaya and Cerro Verde streams that present pollution. The project consists of the construction of the aqueduct that provides potable water service to the inhabitants of the village and the strengthening of the community organization with this water system is expected to improve the sanitation conditions, benefiting the inhabitants. In their lines of Cimaya and Cerro Verde they lack several fundamental structures for the optimization of the system. Its inhabitants consume raw water from said Quebradas, it has two driving networks which were built 25 years ago, one that takes the service from the upper part of the Cimaya stream and that through two pipes reach the distribution tanks and the other one that from the broken green hill but with a single conduction takes its waters to the tanks. By means of which it is established to design the PTAP (drinking water treatment plant) and the appropriate modifications of the supply network will be carried out through the identification, quantification and characterization of the same, in which the impacts will be visualized. To carry out the Environmental Impact Assessment, work must be coordinated with the engineering designs, participating in a timely manner in the analyzes that must be carried out jointly for the purposes of environmental management control over the protection, conservation and renewal of the natural resources affected. , the minimum environmental indicators should be established for these resources to be taken into account during the entire life of the work by the person providing the public water supply service. The work shows that there is a great potential for the promotion of good water management to help solve the problem of managing aqueducts in a viable, socially desirable and environmentally appropriate manner.Ítem Conservación y preservación actual del humedal el Salitre ubicado en Bogotá D.C.Colorado Mora, Diana Carolina; Otálora Moreno, Fabio Alberto; Otálora Moreno, Fabio Alberto [0000-0002-0504-0947]This study analyzes the management that the District Environment Secretariat has given to the El Salitre Wetland for its conservation and preservation, as the environmental authority in charge of wetlands located in the urban area of Bogotá, D.C.; the impact on the fauna, flora and ecosystem and its effect on the ecosystem, as a result of urban and road constructions. Taking into account that these described elements also have an affectation on the fauna and flora of this wetland, it is concluded that their survival is only possible if they continue working in the way they have been doing up to now, through environmental groups, the citizens, the administration of the El Salitre wetland and the support of entities of the Capital District. Measures are required to control the spaces surrounding the wetland from urban developments and, in a special way, the continuity in education to its neighbors about the importance of these natural areas for the conservation and survival of the human being, fauna and flora; Only those who know their habitat will be in a position to leave a favorable mark on Earth. Key Words: Wetland, Ecological prospective, Excessive construction.Ítem Conservación y Preservación Actual del Humedal El Salitre Ubicado en Bogotá, D. C.Colorado Mora, Diana Carolina; Otalora Moreno, Fabio AlbertoThis study analyzes the management that the District Environment Secretariat has given to the El Salitre Wetland for its conservation and preservation, as the environmental authority in charge of wetlands located in the urban area of Bogotá, D.C.; the impact on the fauna, flora and ecosystem and its effect on the ecosystem, as a result of urban and road constructions. Taking into account that these described elements also have an affectation on the fauna and flora of this wetland, it is concluded that their survival is only possible if they continue working in the way they have been doing up to now, through environmental groups, the citizens, the administration of the El Salitre wetland and the support of entities of the Capital District. Measures are required to control the spaces surrounding the wetland from urban developments and, in a special way, the continuity in education to its neighbors about the importance of these natural areas for the conservation and survival of the human being, fauna and flora; Only those who know their habitat will be in a position to leave a favorable mark on Earth. Key Words: Wetland, Ecological prospective, Excessive construction.Ítem Exploración de las estrategias institucionales para la implementación del código de colores establecido en la resolución 2184 de 2019. El caso de la alcaldía local de kennedy - Bogotá D.C.Mendoza Montealegre, Laura Natali; Chaves Caro, María Camila; Rico Salazar, Paula Andrea; Castillo Ordóñez, Elsy Yaneth; Castillo Ordóñez Elsy Yaneth [0000-0003-2204-3741]This research work started from the problem of waste generation evident in the town of Kennedy in the city of Bogotá and the entry into force of Resolution 2184 of 2019, which established the new color code for the separation of waste. Due to the above, the need arose to explore the institutional strategies established by the Kennedy Local Mayor's Office. The Kennedy-PDL Local Development Plan was reviewed in order to recognize the actors associated with the implementation of the new color code and analyze the progress of said strategies implemented. A methodology focused on the exploration of secondary information was implemented based on the methodological approach of the case study, applied to the documentation of the Kennedy Local Mayor's Office. Thus, 4 stages of methodology development were proposed, which were: case selection, data collection, analysis and interpretation, and report preparation. As results, actors with competencies and responsibilities were identified, in addition to a strategy within the Kennedy PDL that promotes citizen culture for waste separation, through community training; However, it was not possible to demonstrate significant progress in meeting the goal and therefore an improvement in the separation of the local waste. Finally, the research work is constituted as an approach to the work proposed by the Kennedy Local Mayor's Office for the service of the community.Ítem Identificación de expresiones ideológicas que caracterizan la militarización de la conservación en Colombia, caso Campaña Artemisa en el triángulo de la deforestación colombiano (Parques Nacionales Naturales Tinigua, Cordillera de los Picachos y Serranía de la Macarena)Echeverri Sierra, Andrea; Jiménez Gaitán, Laura Patricia; Gómez Duque, Jorge EvelioThe present work focuses its area of analysis on the triangle of deforestation in Colombia, between the Tinigua, Cordillera de los Picachos and Macarena National Natural Parks, a geographical space located in the south of the country in which currently is presenting a process of elimination of surface plant material, due to various pressure factors that converge in this territory. Given its ecosystem relevance, the national government, in response, has promoted the creation of the National Council to Fight Deforestation in the 2018-2022 National Development Plan, in order to promote the Artemisa Campaign, which has as its objectives, according to the current president, Iván Duque Márquez, to stop the "deforestation haemorrhage", recover the humid tropical forest and ecosystems in contact with it, and prosecute those who deforest. As an analysis tool in the present work, in order to identify the ideological expressions that frame the campaign as a conservation measure, and therefore its purposes, objectives and actors identification, it is proposed to carry out a characterization around the environment security campaign in force, later accompanied by a sociolinguistic discourse analysis. This analysis, applied to official documents related to the Artemisa Campaign, makes it possible to identify that the justification for the Artemisa Campaign is based on premises that are usually associated with the right-wing, and has thus generated a set of ideas to identify the causes of deforestation in illegality, typifying actors in this category, and then having a simple and limited approach to the problem.Ítem Diseño e implementación de la primera fase del programa de producción mas limpia para el aprovechamiento y adecuado manejo del recurso hídrico en la empresa Indulatex S.A.Pinilla Vargas, Ruby Stefanny; Zamudio Rodríguez, CarmenThe implementation of the first phase of cleaner production to generate an environmental productive transformation and sustainability of water resources within the company INDULATEX SA, manufacturer of toiletries and latex gloves, located in the municipality of Mosquera in the industrial area and which represents a risk to the municipality due to the consumption of drinking water in the manufacturing processes of the products dela company. Additionally recognition of the environmental authorities and the economic strength of the company is sought. How it was made? a descriptive and evaluative research, in which a diagnosis is generated in the different manufacturing processes is performed. critical points is detected to intervene and cleaner production strategy to be of low investment and easy access to the company runs;. after performance measurements are made to quantify the savings obtenidos.Para the manufacturing plant gloves savings 19018.8 m³ year of drinking water that is vital to supply the surrounding villages (San Jorge, Seven Trojes, San Francisco and San Jose) was obtained. for the manufacturing of toiletries and obtained a r saving 624 cubic meters / year and potable water s vital to supply the surrounding villages (Serrezualita and Balsilla). integration where a holistic view of the production cycle was adopted as a preventive solution of environmental protection of water resources was achieved. Thanks to this implementation we chose to start a chain with suppliers of the company and corporate locations; The main objective of this strategy is to optimize the use of resources and inputs, dissemination of good practices, cleaner technologies and marketing of sustainable products, seeking, in this way, synergy and collaborations aimed at group changes that are meaningful to the municipality and the country.Ítem Propuesta sostenible para la elaboración y comercialización de productos de especies no maderables del bosque en zonas con función amortiguadora del Parque Nacional Natural Sierra de la MacarenaSantana Martínez, Diana Marcela; Castillo Ordóñez, Elsy YanethColombia ranks second as the most biodiverse country among the 12 megadiverse countries in the world, (COLCIENCIAS, 2016), if we talk about biodiversity we can imagine that there is also a lot of different foods and products. However, we do not see that reflected in the markets, nor in the export products. However, we do not see that reflected in the markets, nor in the export products. This is associated with the expansion of the agricultural frontier without taking into account the protected areas that aim to preserve ecosystem services for current and future communities. For this reason, this degree work aims to carry out a methodology to develop processed products that avoid deforestation and make sustainable use of biodiversity, carrying out the business plan through the CANVAS methodology and a strategic plan design with indicators that account for the proposed model for the commercialization of sustainable projects in the Bocas del Sanza and Bajo Curia villages of the Municipality of San Juan de Arama, Department of Meta and in turn area with buffer function of the Sierra de la Macarena National Natural Park and that serves as an example or base for other similar situations in the country.Ítem Análisis de la gestión municipal de Villapinzón frente a la contaminación hídrica ocasionada por las curtiembres en la cuenca alta del río Bogotá durante el período 2010-2020.Moya López, Xatli Camila; Sánchez Hernández, Ricardo; Silva Ochoa, Jimena Paola; Corredor Lara, Elsy YanethA mixed qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out that led to a critical review of: public policies associated with the problem of water management; to the management by the municipality of Villapinzón against water contamination on the Bogotá River as ordered in the 2014 Bogotá River Sentence; Territorial Planning schemes; and the quantitative data that reflects the changes in water quality in the study area during the period 2010 to 2020, according to the water quality index bulletins published by the Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca CAR. This in order to analyze the management carried out by the municipality in terms of industrial discharges by tanneries on the Bogotá River. During the research process, the Goffin matrix was used as an analysis tool, the actors between society and population that promote and/or limit decontamination in the territory were identified; the variables that were worked on were: Society, Population, Resource, Space with in order to investigate the actions carried out by the actors and the control entities and in this way classify against what was ordered by the Rio Bogotá Judgment and their participation. Actors who intervene actively and efficiently in the decontamination process were found, identifying the producers and industries as established by order 4.62.Ítem Los actores vinculados a los procesos de educación ambiental : una caracterización de las redes sociales en el aula ambiental Parque Ecológico Distrital de Montaña Entrenubes.Huertas Urrego, Erick Jefrey; Moreno Niño, Anaya Carolina; Cepeda Velasco, Juan David; Castillo Ordóñez, Elsy YanethThe present degree work was carried out with the objective of inquiring about the type of actors that work in environmental education in the EntreNubes Mountain District Ecological Park Environmental Classroom and the activities that they develop and the relationships that exist between them in the period between 2016 - 2020. The EntreNubes Mountain District Ecological Park located southeast of the city of Bogotá in the towns of Usme, San Cristóbal and Rafael Uribe Uribe arises from a process of social organization in search of spaces for recreation and a process of defense of a relict of high Andean ecosystem by the entities of the district. Through interviews with different actors who develop environmental education processes in the EntreNubes Mountain District Ecological Park, we approach the dynamics of the relationships that occur between each of the actors and how these relationships contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives of the District Public Policy on Environmental Education.