Colecciones Especiales y Patrimoniales
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Ítem 0000La Opinión; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas, Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesLa imagen contiene una noticia acerca de una reunión en casa del presidente de la Unión, a la que asistieron varios propietarios y comerciantes invitados por el señor Murillo. El propósito era escuchar el informe del ingeniero civil Indalecio Liévano sobre la ruta óptima para construir un camino hacia el río Magdalena. Liévano propuso una ruta que partiría de la boca de la quebrada de "La Perera" en el río Magdalena, seguiría el curso del "Rionegro" hasta Sasaima. Esta ruta de trece leguas se considera ideal para un ferrocarril. Murillo, preocupada por el progreso, alienta a los capitalistas a considerar esta empresa como un negocio rentable, que beneficiaría a todos y abriría la puerta al progreso y la estabilidad. Noticia publicada en La Opinión N° 95, Noviembre, 30 - 1864Ítem El 20 de Julio sera la exhibición nacionalDiario de Cundinamarca; Facultad de ciencias y educación, Licenciatura en ciencias socialesThe image presents a news about: "July 20th is the day designated by the executive power to exhibit the spontaneous products of the forests and unpopulated territories, and the exportable agricultural products, which all the states of the union send to this capital. The aims of the national government have been highly beneficial and civilizing for the country, seeking by this means to awaken the industrious genius of the Colombians, and requesting the assistance of all those who truly love their country to cooperate with their help to the creation of new elements of wealth and prosperity that give life to our poor and incipient industry." Published in the Diario de Cundinamarca No. 466, June 20, 1871Ítem "El 20 de Julio"El Nacional; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about July 20, which celebrates the anniversary of independence in the city of Bogotá, marking the day when, in 1810, the capital took a crucial step towards its autonomous political life. This event was the result of patriotic sentiment that flourished after three hundred years of servitude under the colonial system. Bogotá, as the capital, played a central role in the development of independence, being the meeting point for men from all provinces who sought knowledge. News published in El Nacional No. 4, July 28, 1866.Ítem 20 Julio 1908EL PORVENIR; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas, Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about a tribute that was carried out in 1908 with the objective of commemorating the founding fathers of July 20, 1810, several monuments of Colombia are described such as the monolith, then they mention descriptions of the south and west sides of the main square in 1810, the west side composed of (VI) houses which belonged to important people of the time, as well as on the south side where building number 1 called the audience was located, which had the objective of serving as the office of the court and there abhorred evil, punished crimes, preserved rights and honored virtue, finally we describe the monument to the founding fathers which was directed by the General Santander. News published in the newspaper EL PORVENIR, No. 672, July 20-1908.Ítem 4# Exposición sobre diversas industrias, oficios y artesaniasConstitucional de Cundinamarca; Facultad de ciencias y educación, Licenciatura en ciencias socialesThe image presents a news item about: "As the time is approaching when the provincial festival is to be held; the main purpose of which is the "public exhibition of industrial products" we will make a quick review of what the provincial chamber arranged on this matter in its sessions of 1842, moved by the enthusiasm and ardor that the people displayed in the previous year and that were so happily directed, turning into general benefit that which gave rise to a feeling of selfishness and even inhumanity." Published in the Constitutional Journal of Cundinamarca No. 122, October 13, 1844Ítem 6 de Agosto de 1869. Aniversario de la Fundación de BogotáManuel A. Restrepo; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains a news item about: Anniversary of the Bogotá Foundation. Sir: It gives me great satisfaction to tell you that Messrs. Busto, Diestro and Herrera, directors of the Drama Company currently in this capital, have had the indulgence to stage on this evening a chosen function for the benefit of the city, whose funds deposited in the honorable businessman Mr. Mariano Tanco, will be invested in the ornament and toilet of the population. The businessmen of the theatre give it away for free tonight; the posters are also provided for free and some other savings will be made, for all are pleased to contribute for such a useful purpose. News published in August 4-1869Ítem A BolívarEl Constitucional de Cundinamarca; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains a news item praising Simón Bolívar, highlighting his role as the father of freedom and hero of the independence cause. The poet, despite being Spanish, praises Bolívar for his bravery, heroism and his contribution to the liberation of Latin America. He compares Bolívar to other heroes and highlights his actions in war, as well as his ability to create free republics. News published in El Constitucional de Cundinamarca, February 19, 1843.Ítem A cada cual lo que es debidoDiario de Cundinamarca; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about a deep admiration for the initiatives of President Eustorgio Salgar. Celebrate the successful National Exhibition of natural products, the progress in the construction of the Capitol and the support for the Cuervo and Manrique dictionary. The author highlights the importance of these projects for the nation's progress and culture, comparing the Capitol workers to the builders of Noah's ark. Likewise, he praises the linguistic work of Cuervo and Manrique, arguing that a complete dictionary is essential to understanding a language. News published in the Diario de Cundinamarca Bogotá (507) on August 9, 1871 p 969 col 1 2.Ítem A Cada Uno Se Debe Dar Lo Que Es SuyoEl Conductor; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about the seventh chapter of the Literary Medical Biography of Dr. José Félix Merizalde, written by Dr. Antonio Mendoza, it is incorrectly stated that the general notions of chemistry were presented for the first time in 1825. In reality, these notions had already been presented publicly in 1814 by Mr. José María Duque, under the direction of Professor Isidoro Carrizosa at the Colegio del Rosario. It is mentioned that the error should be corrected to properly recognize the previous work and not detract from Merizalde's contributions. Additionally, Dr. Romualdo Lichano also had a key role in the foundation of this study, before Mr. Carrizosa. News published in El Conductor No. 75 October 20-1827 Page 4.Ítem A la imparcialidadConstitucional de Cundinamarca; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas, Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias Sociales.The image contains a news story about an attempt to negotiate a contract to fulfill a previous agreement with Mr. Landinez and obtain a loan for the public treasury. Four draft contracts are being discussed, of which arguments are made against extending the lease of the salt flats due to concerns of unpopularity and lack of benefit to the government. The commissioners of the Executive Branch are trying to negotiate with Mr. Calvo one of the projects to reconcile public and private interests. However, they are unable to reach a satisfactory agreement due to the complexity of the situation, which is why a detailed proposal is presented on how to carry out the contract and options are discussed to ensure payments and compensation in the event of non-compliance. by the government. News published in El Constitucional de Cundinamarca N° 26, February 13 - 1842Ítem A la memoria del Dr. Rufino CuervoEl Catolicismo; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about the death of Dr. Rufino Cuervo, it is narrated in a commemorative way how that day of his funeral took place and how that ceremony passed, saying goodbye to a good man that many people and compatriots accompanied with strong pain, respect and admiration. . News published in El Catolicismo, No. 116, November 26 - 1853Ítem A los gobiernos y padres de familiaEl Catolicismo; Sanmiguel, José Peregrino; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about an advertisement in which it is announced that for Mr. José Peregrino Sanmiguel the vaccine served as a starting point to develop vaccines against different diseases and thus avoid epidemics. Public news in Catholicism, April 10, 1860.Ítem A los godos-bolivarianos de SantaféDesconocido; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about the issuance of a proclamation to Venezuelans upon their departure from Caracas. He emphasizes that his presence and services were called by the sufferings of the people to restore order and peace. Bolívar mentions his Caracas origin and his duty to destroy enemies to preserve the freedom and glory of Venezuela. He expresses his preference and service to Colombia and all of America, emphasizing that the fate of Venezuela is linked to the destiny of the continent. News published in 1850.Ítem A los ocho estudiantes del P. Larraga, que han sido reprobadosEl Dia; Fondo Vergara; Facultad de ciencias y educación, Licenciatura en ciencias socialesThe image presents a news story about: "This class that unfortunately and to the vilification of the clergy is embedded in the Seminary, has suffered unequivocal proof that the majority of its members are not for the career that they have chosen out of speculation. No We will stop at refuting the heavy article signed by eight theology students that appeared in the Zurdo Americano, a worthy organ of the ministerials." Published in the Diario El Dia No.671, November 24, 1849Ítem A los padres de familiaEl Día; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains a news item in which Simón José Cardenas opens an establishment for children over 7 years old, to whom he will offer writing, reading, spelling and other subjects of interest. Likewise, he will open a space for young people who want to learn drawing in pen and engravings in stones. In the news the place and the date in which the parents will be able to make the inscription for their children are given. News published in: (El Día, May 2, 1849).Ítem A los rematadores de DiezmosEl Constitucional de Cundinamarca, Bogotá; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about the executive branch that has ordered, by order communicated by the ministry of finance to this government, that those who have auctioned off tithes this year be invited, and who want to advance half the value of their corresponding auctions. to the first term of thirteen months, so that they can verify it under the following conditions: 1° That those who make the advance in the current month of July will be reduced by one fifth of half of the auction, corresponding to the first term; Those who make the payment within the following three months will be paid one and a half percent per month of the amount they advance for the months remaining to meet the aforementioned term; and those who pay in the last nine months will be paid one percent monthly under the same terms. News published in the newspaper El Constitucional de Cundinamarca, Bogotá (47), Page 187, July 17, 1842.Ítem A los señores diputados de la cámara provincialConstitucional de Cundinamarca; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image shows an informative note about the salary received by the Archbishop of Bogota, which doubles the salary of the President of the Republic.Ítem A los señores suscritores de El DíaEl Día; Fondo Vergara; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about a company that has acquired the El Día company and the printing press. The new direction promises to remain committed to subscribers, improve and maintain the original mission of promoting freedom, morality and justice. Additionally, they invite collaborators to contribute writings that support these values and ensure that the newspaper will continue to be a forum for debate on important topics, excluding only writings that attack morality and social principles. News published in El Día (631.) Bogotá .p 1 Fondo Vergara. B.N.Ítem A mis compatriotas de la provincia de PamplonaAyarza; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesCritical Commentary on the General Santander ProclamationÍtem A nuestros innumerables suscriptoresEl Cristiano Errante; Quijano, Fondo; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about the subscribers of El Cristiano Errante compared to those of Libertad y Orden and El Duende. In addition, it is indicated that the subscription can be renewed, since the newspaper will continue to innovate. It is also mentioned that the novel, story or story of El Cristiano Errante is sold at the Espinosa printing press, and that the price of each part is five reales. News published in El Cristiano Errante. N°12 of October 24, 1846 Pg 4 F. Quijano 356 B.N.