Colecciones Especiales y Patrimoniales
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Ítem Regocijos PúblicosEl Constitucional Bogotá; Ospina, Pastor; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias Sociales.The image contains a news item about the Public Rejoicings in which it talks about the abuses committed by the police authorities granting permission in the parish districts to celebrate repeated public amusements and rejoicings of which only results in the increase of misery, crimes or misfortunes, due to the expenses or loss of time caused by the fights, produced by the abuse of liquor or by the natural results of the bullfighting game. Additionally it mentions the prohibition of article 43 of Law 2, paragraph 2, title 1 of the Grenadian Republic in which the public festivities may exceed three days, mentioning also the prohibition of other articles related to the subject along with the control of the days of public rejoicings in the province. Signed by Pastor Ospina. News published in El Constitucional Bogotá, No.215, July 21 - 1847.Ítem Fomento de la educación popular y libertad de enseñanzaDiario de Cundinamarca; Pérez, Santiago; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias Sociales.The image contains a news item about: "Promotion of popular education and freedom of teaching", it deals with the ineffectiveness of the mandates of the substantive legislation of primary education, the efforts thwarted due to political upheavals, the deficiency in methods and ignorance of the institutes. Furthermore, the purpose of using the promotion of law and peace resources is because it cannot be tolerated that no one lacks knowledge taking into account that they live together in the same country and in the institutions. News published in the Diario De Cundinamarca Bogotá (429) May 8, 1871 Pages 657-58.Ítem Relación de las operaciones de la caja de la Tesorería del Distrito, del 15 al 19 de Julio de 1878Registro Municipal; De León, Juan Félix; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias Sociales.The image contains news about the Municipal Treasury and the list of the operations of the District Treasury's cash, from July 15 to 19, 1878. The document highlights the income of the treasury's cash. It is mentioned the previous balance and the income that adds up to a total amount is presented. The expenses cover various departments such as legislative, government, police and various expenses, where a total of expenses is shown detailing the amount of money assigned to each person or direction for different purposes. A comparison is carried out between income and expenses, which allows the cash existence to be calculated. This process is repeated throughout the aforementioned days. News published in the Municipal Registry. July 1, 1878.Ítem Ortografía - Caro, Miguel A. Reacción OrtográficaLa Prensa; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about a context in which certain writers in the city decided to standardize spelling by focusing on academic canons to reach the point of spelling reaction and progress. You will also find certain parameters of how they did it and what they achieved from it. News published in La Prensa, No. 117-11, No. 121-25, 1867Ítem Decreto de la primera. Liquidación del presupuesto 1870. Diario de CundinamarcaDiario de Cundinamarca; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about the decree on the first liquidation of the budget of income and expenses for the year 1870 where from the Ministry of Finance the governor of the sovereign state of Cundinamarca, in compliance with his duty, decrees the income and contributions that are collected in the next year of 1870 and that additionally three separate departments were adopted in the state penitentiary, one for the detained, another for those on trial and another for the auctioned. Additionally, it is mentioned that in the 1869 expense budget, article 20 of which voted the sum of $6000 for the expenses caused by the reorganization of the penitentiary whose unused balance on the 31st of the present must be transferred as a permanent expense to the budget of 1870. News published in the newspaper of Cundinamarca Bogotá December 22, 1869 page 233 - 235. col 1- 3Ítem Decreto sobre la fijación de sueldos y fianzas de los empleados de salinas de Zipaquirá, Nemocón y TausaRegistro Oficial; Alcántara Herran, Pedro; Ordoñez, Juan Clímaco; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains a notice about the Decree on the fixation of salaries and bonds of the employees of the salt mines of Zipaquirá, Nemocón and Tausa, stipulated by the President of the Nueva Granada, Mr. Pedro Alcántara Herrán, who in use of his faculties and those conferred by the Executive Power, It is decreed that the administration of the Zipaquira salt mine will continue with the character of general administration of the salt mines of Zipaquira, Nemocon and Tausa and this will have as employees an administrator, an auditor and two storekeepers. Additionally, it is mentioned that each administration, particularly those of Nemocón and Tausa, will be served by an administrator and an auditor. Then it is mentioned that the employees appointed for each salt works must comply with the duties stipulated in each salt works contract and that they must be duly approved, as well as aspects related to sales, rent expenses and general administrators. News published in the Official Registry, June 22-1844Ítem Caja de ahorros de la provincia de Bogotá,despacho 22 de Octubre de 1848El Día; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educacion Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains a news item about the deposits made in the savings bank, showing emphasis on the classification of deposits and listing data on the types of depositors by positions or professions, and ends with a notice about the placement of funds. News published in the newspaper El Día, No. 558, October 28, 1848.Ítem La MunicipalidadLos Hechos; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains a news item about a notice that informs about the prohibition by the Municipality, the posting of advertisements or printed posters on corners, since it is considered that they give buildings a bad appearance, and imposes a small tax their publication. The fact is judged that the police must also prevent vagrants from tearing down the advertisements that the interested parties or advertisers post in the right places, and it is indicated that a advertisement is a property like any other, and no one has the right to tear off a leaf. of paper that has cost money. News published in Los Hechos No. 48 March 14-1894 Page 203.Ítem Decreto N.218 de 1895Revista de la instrucción Pública de Colombia; Caro, Libardo M.A. Zerna; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about the need to regulate the teaching of Literature and Philosophy that is given in schools. News published in the newspaper Revista de la Institución Publica de Colombia Bogota N. January 25, 1896 Pages 8-12Ítem Decreto 1103 sobre derechos de Importación.Diario Oficial; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias Sociales.The image contains news about Decree No. 1103 that modifies the import rights of various merchandise in Colombia. This decree, promulgated by President Rafael Núñez, establishes additional tariffs to those provided, specifying increases in cents per kilogram according to the type of imported merchandise. The categories cover a wide range of products, from everyday consumer goods to industrial materials, with differentiated rates ranging from one to sixty cents per kilogram. In addition, the decree contemplates exceptions and maintains exemptions for certain specified merchandise, in accordance with previous contracts with the government. News published in the Official Gazette. December 29, 1884.Ítem Extracto. Tesorería MunicipalSilva Germán, José; Reyes P., Antonio; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Facultad de Ciencias y EducaciónThe image contains news about the financial operations carried out in the municipal treasury of Bogotá between March 1 and 21, 1895. This report offers a vision about the monetary transactions carried out by the public administration in relation to services corresponding to both the current year and the previous year, that is, 1894. Being an image with important information for the development of a detailed analysis of financial activities to understand the municipal economic management of Bogotá, allowing to examine the continuity, evolution of the financial practices over time and investigate administrative efficiency and the management of public funds in Bogotá at that time period. News published in Municipal Registry, No. 676, and publication date of March 31, 1895.Ítem Grabaciones de practicas músicales en la ASAB. Música asab vol. IIIVillamil, Cesar; Pereira, Diego Raúl; Bocanegra, Guillermo; Diaz, Leonardo; Durán, Isabel; Noguera, Julio; Diaz, Luis; Guzmán, Carlos; Gómez, Juan Diego; Alba, Jenny; Rueda, SandraMusicasab, gathers the achievements of teachers whose valuable and outstanding work in the Faculty is complemented by a recognized capacity for high quality artistic production in musical interpretation and composition.Ítem Ordenanza 198 (Dic.14) Sobre Asignación de la Legislatura ProvincialEl Repertorio; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias Sociales.The image contains news about Ordinance 198, which establishes the allocation of salaries to employees of the Secretariat of the provincial Legislature. The ordinance details the salaries assigned to each employee of the Secretariat. According to this regulation, the Secretary will receive two pesos per day, while officers 1, 2 and 3 will receive forty-five, forty and forty pesos per month respectively. In addition, it is established that the doorman will have a salary of twenty pesos per month. It is also specified that the employees of the Secretariat will continue in their positions for fifteen days after the sessions of the Legislature have ended, with the aim of completing administrative tasks. News published in El Repertorio. December 17, 1853.Ítem Un país incomprendidoEl Tiempo; Nieto Caballero, Luis Eduardo; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas, Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains a news story about J. Steuart who continues recounting his experience in Bogotá and its surroundings. He mentions an incident where a keeper stopped an elephant on a ranch. He also recounts a dinner hosted by Mr. Gooding and the curiosity of the locals to search for treasures buried by the Spanish in old houses. Steuart travels with a group of people, including a French doctor and a brother of General Herrera, who speaks English very well. The river trip is complicated by a lack of boats and the refusal of a local merchant named Agudelo to provide boats. Finally, the group finds lodging at Mr. Triffrey's house for a week due to all the difficulties encountered along the way. In summary, the text continues to explore the adventures and challenges of J. Steuart on his trip through Colombia, including encounters with locals, transportation challenges, and interaction with other travelers. News published in the newspaper El Tiempo, No 11594, December 24, 1943.Ítem Universidad Distrital en Rankings Universitarios(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Romero Betancur, David; Parrado Rosselli, Ángela; Romero Betancur, David [0000-0003-1330-6116]; Parrado Rosselli, Ángela [0000-0002-2480-4009]University rankings are tools that assess the quality of higher education institutions using various criteria, addressing different interests depending on the entity or organization responsible for the assessment. Generally, these rankings focus on aspects such as reputation, employability, educational quality, internationalization, transparency, resource management, scientific production, research networks, research funding, innovation, and collaboration. The measurement of university performance is based on different national and international benchmarks, utilizing information from records and databases, as well as data provided by institutions or specific surveys. This document lists several international rankings, including QS, Times Higher Education, ARWU, Webometrics, SCImago-Institutions Rankings, and U-Sapience. The specific characteristics of each are discussed, along with the implications of their results. Finally, the importance of the university's visibility is highlighted, along with the standardization of records in databases and within the university, and the use of persistent identifiers as essential strategies for improvement. Standardization involves unifying the university's denomination and the names of researchers in academic indexing databases, increasing visibility, citations to research, and correcting sub-entries in national and international databases.Ítem ContratoEl repertorio; Ortiz, Venancio; Echeverría, Hermanos; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about the day on which the contract is awarded to Mr. Sandino, this through a meeting between members of the council and the governor, as well as the commitments made by Mr. Sandino and what will happen in the event of not comply with the conditions to receive said contract. News published in El Repertorio February 17, 1857.Ítem Tráfico directo con el ferrocarril del norte en Abril de 1901S.p.i; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains news about direct traffic with the northern railway in the month of April 1901, indicating the value of first and second class seats, depending on the station of departure and arrival. Additionally, it mentions the movement and product of the freight account in the same month, that is, the cost that had to be paid for the movement of equipment, bicycles and saddles, depending on whether they were first, second, third or fourth class seats. transported by rail. News published in the newspaper s.p.i in the month of April 1901.Ítem Operaciones de caja correspondientes a Mayo de 1892Registro Municipal; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias Sociales.The image contains news about the cash operations carried out in the municipal treasury, from May 1 to 20, 1892. The Extract begins by presenting the amount of the previous balance, and continues to present the income from direct tax, placed in the market square, Slaughterhouse, Cemetery and Fines, as well as what was received for the rights to the Almotacén and bullring, taxes on permitted games, and on foreign merchandise. On the other hand, it expresses the expenses conceived in that period of time, given by payments such as in the Department of the Treasury, the legislative, Judicial, cemeteries, charities and rewards, and miscellaneous expenses. After knowing all the income and expenses, a final balance or cash existence of $26,697 is known. News published in the Municipal Registry. August 16, 1892.Ítem Foro al Día Consejo Superior Universitario. Boletín informativo No. 21 junio-julio, 2022García Ubaque, Cesar Augusto; Consejo Superior Universitario. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas-- El presente boletín contiene: ¡Tenemos mucho que celebrar! -- Nuestro equipo UD. -- Consejo Superior Universitario. -- Las ceremonias que celebran los logros académicos de nuestros estudiantes. -- Especial La Guajira Maestría en Educación Extensión La Guajira. -- Alcaldesa (e) y presidenta del CSU visita obras en la Facultad Tecnológica. -- El rector responde al primer debate de control político de su administración. -- Estudiantes y egresados de Administración Deportiva unidos y en acción. -- Admisiones UD... el reto 2022. -- Jefferson y Cristian estudiantes y consejeros de la bici. -- Punto de vista, el programa del CSU. -- Imágenes que hicieron noticia.Ítem Estado de ingreso y egreso de caudales de la casa refugio(enero)El Repertorio; Ramos, Agustín; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación. Centro de Documentación en Ciencias SocialesThe image contains a news item about the status that shows the income and expenditure of the funds from the shelter home in the city of Bogotá, corresponding to the month of February that ends. News published in El Repertorio. Bogota. February 19, 1853.