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Ítem Secuencia didáctica digital con simuladores para la enseñanza de los números enteros y la superación de dificultades en su aprendizaje(21-09) Marin Santamaria, Robinson Arnoldo; Bonilla Estévez, Martha AlbaThe present deepening project arises as a possible solution to some difficulties presented by the seventh grade students of the Sumapaz January 17th technical and educational institution learning about integers, specifically in relation to the recognition of the limit of the numerical domain, the ignorance of the order of integers on the number line, ignoring the unary signs of integers when performing operations or making comparisons, giving only one type of interpretation to the number 0, as well as difficulties in solving arithmetic word problems (PAEV) between others, difficulties present in other investigations such as that of Mejía and Gallardo (2016); Bruno and Martinón 1997. Due to the aforementioned, a Digital Didactic Sequence based on simulators is proposed to offers students to address different problem situations in which they can construct different meanings for integers and to solve problems with additive structure of integers.Ítem Valledupar, tierra de danzas y acordeones(2021) Manjarres Acuña, Lilieth; León Bohórquez, Diana Lucía; Manjarres Acuña, LiliethEste documento incluye todo lo relacionado con la investigación y creación del material audiovisual Valledupar, Tierra de Danzas y acordeones, todo el recorrido y el trabajo que se hizo para recolectar la información incluida en la pieza audiovisual y su posterior realización. Además, resúmenes de entrevistas, charlas, anécdotas sobre la residencia en el municipio de Valledupar durante el semestre 2019 y relatos de personas que residen desde hace muchos años en el municipio de Valledupar. De igual manera, el guion del documental y el proceso de elaboración. Con esta investigación se buscó encontrar y reconocer las danzas valduparenses aparentemente invisibles en el territorio nacional, brindando así una herramienta creativa, corporal, visual y escrita para todo aquel que sea de su interés, cabe aclarar que la investigación se limita exclusivamente al estudio de las danzas del municipio de Valledupar también llamada Ciudad de los Santos Reyes del Valle de Upar, capital del departamento del Cesar.Ítem Encuentros : un viaje sonoro entre músicas tradicionales colombianas y el jazz moderno. Concierto para cuarteto y descripción de un proceso creativo.(2021-02-09) Avellaneda, Daniel Eduardo; Barrera Tacha, William Ricardo; Avellaneda Espinosa, Daniel E.This work talks about creation and interpretation of three original compositions based on the mixture of three Colombian traditional music and the musical elements characteristics of modern jazz. Each composition and other musical works that were his direct influence will be studied through descriptive analysis of sections under the next musical elements: form, harmony, melody and rhythm. The Colombian musical genders selected were: the pasillo fiestero, the currulao and the porro de banda.Ítem Análisis de la tecnología de bioextrusión para la disposición final de residuos de retamo espinoso (Ulex europaeus) en Colombia(2021-03-04) López González, Shawnny Alexandra; Estepa Sánchez, Andrés Camilo; Mejía de Alba, Martha Isabel; Estepa Sánchez, Andrés Camilo; López González, Shawnny AlexandraThe technology of Thermo-Mechanical Biological Treatment (TMB) by Bioextrusion is analyzed as a possible effective solution for the final disposal of prickly broom waste, the appropriate procedure for the application of Bioextrusion technology is explained, it is compared the technical, economic, environmental and social viability of this technology in comparison with other available technologies and the composting obtained by Bioextrusion is compared to traditional composting.Ítem Identificación del impacto de la observación y el monitoreo sobre sistemas reactivos en ambientes distribuidos(Proyecto curricular de Ingeniería de Sistemas, 2021-06-28) Benedetti Velásquez, Adolfo Enrique; Parra Peña, John Freddy; Daza Corredor, Alejandro Paolo; Benedetti Velasquez, Adolfo EnriqueThis document provides an alternative for observability and monitoring on distributed systems using free software tools, presenting an observability visualisation platform. In addition to identifying best practices when monitoring reactive applications in scalable distributed systems. Also, exploring the different reactive frameworks available within free software that make use of the Java virtual machine. Showing how some free frameworks that use asynchronous programming in the Java virtual machine are accessible and efficient tools to write scalable cloud-focused applications asynchronously. And finally, build a reactive observable prototype with its respective load client. T he fast grow of internet companies, and subsequent cloud by-products such as Amazon AWS or Google Cloud, combined with infrastructure-focused tools such as Containers and Kubernetes, have opened a new era of distributed systems operating in hundreds of nodes around multiple hubs. Architectures focused on microservices currently have increasing the complexity of these systems exponentially, although they allow systems to respond in an acceptable time, scale vertically and horizontally allowing data flows asynchronously is making more difficult to monitor the current status of such systems. Asynchronous programming is key to maximising the use of these new hardware resources, allowing to deal with more concurrent connections than with traditional I/O blocking paradigms. Services must cater for workloads that can change dramatically from hour to hour, therefore we must design code that naturally supports horizontal scalability. But this only increases the complexity of the applications, something for which reactive microservices monitoring was not designed initially. The monitoring of reactive microservices can be carried out by making combined use of the classic event logging and distributed tracing in the environments where these systems are deployed.Ítem La estructura profunda: mecanismo generativo compartido por música y lenguaje. Aplicación de la gramática generativa de la música en “Fandangoneitor”(2021-10-11) Gavilanes Mayorga, Daniel Francisco; Arroyave, Myriamthis work uses some of the analytical tools propounded by Fred Lerdahl reknowned music professor and Ray Jackendoff famous linguistic from the MIT, extracted from the theory of the Generative Grammar set forth by famous thinker Noam Chomsky. Utilizing reduction and grouping techniques, this analysis is focused on the piece “Fandangoneitor”, written for Clarinet solo and Clarinet ensamble by the colombian composer and clarinetist Jorge Andres Velez Ospina and; this work aims to find the overlying Deep structure to the piece, by detaching it into three different syntactic levels. The analytic proposal introduced in this paper is based on an intuition about the existence of a complex relationship between music and language, namely the equivalence among the cognitive mechanisms that perform this processes in the brain. Starting off from this ground, this analysis puts forward concepts, categories and processes that when applied on music, attempt to disclose the basic structural components of the piece by elaborating a personal interpretation of the Generative Grammar expounded in the linguistic fields.Ítem Subjetividades políticas en devenir: narrativas de subjetivación política en el contexto del post acuerdo, de excombatientes de las Farc- Ep en Bogotá(2022) Pulido Carvajal, Mario Alexander; Gómez Esteban, Jairo Hernando; Pulido Carvajal, Mario AlexanderThis research was carried out thanks to the participation and support of seven ex-combatants of the former Farc-Ep, now the COMUNES party, currently residing in the city of Bogotá. The main objective was to describe and analyze the political subjectivities of ex-combatants of the Farc-Ep in the city of Bogotá, and their forms of political projection through analytical categories of prospective autobiography. This research is carried out through the analysis of narratives elaborated from in-depth interviews, which allowed the construction of autobiographical stories, from the proposal of the Prospective Autobiography (2021), by Professor Jairo Gómez of the Master of Interdisciplinary Social Research, of the FJDC District University. Finally, in the conclusions it is established that prospective autobiography is a tool with heuristic and political power that allows us to investigate aspects such as political subjectivities in populations such as ex-combatants of a guerrilla group. In this sense, research becomes a space for dialogue insofar as the researcher and the research subject can become aware of their political and ideological commitments, their struggles, their limitations and the opportunities they imply, because from the thought, desire and the word begins to prefigure from the subjunctive mode of language and prospective thinking, what will be, what will be done, what will be fought for and what will be the common future for society: Imagination it is the first space where social transformations take place.Ítem Memes en la enseñanza intercultural de la lengua italiana(2022-02-25) Niño Galeano, Karen Dayanna; Lozano Pratt, Diana; Niño Galeano, Karen DayannaThe current remote education has brought with it several pedagogical challenges, among which stands out the lack of flexibility in methodologies for teaching a foreign language, which is why, in order to overcome them, the research proposes the use of didactic units with memes due to their sociocultural impact, basing its theoretical positions on disciplines such as anthropology regarding the relationship between culture, language, identity, sociology from social practices, communicative studies from intercultural digital communication and education from meaningful learning and foreign language teaching, focusing on the intercultural implications evidenced in memes and highlighting their usefulness in the educational context, becoming a tool of easy implementation in the virtual and face-to-face classroom and expanding in a conscious and participatory way the strategies for learning, constituting themselves as elements of public participation while they are used to perform a critical reading of the context in which they are created and reproduced. The data collection was carried out during the month of October 2021, proposing a creative space where Italian language learners of a basic level located in Peru would elaborate a narrative based on memes in this language. Among the findings, it is found that memes allow students to highlight relevant aspects of their culture of origin, reinforcing their identity boundaries while building an intercultural dialogue from products of mass culture and allow them to recognize, analyze and question current issues of the Italian context in a dialogue with their contexts. The proposed space responds to students' daily practices as a resource to complement their linguistic training in a reflexive and critical way.Ítem Informe de pasantía internacional La Fabrique - Blois(2022-04-02) Upegui Bogotá, Rosa Helena; Gómez González, Adrián EdgardoLe rapport suivant est composé d'une description des activités réalisées pendant le stage international de janvier 2022 à mars 2022. Le stage a eu lieu dans la ville de Blois - France dans un établissement public appelé "La Fabrique", un lieu qui fait partie du service jeunesse et de la vie étudiante destiné aux jeunes et aux étudiants de 15 à 25 ans. L'objectif de ce lieu est de proposer des activités dans les espaces périscolaires avec différentes propositions pendant les périodes de vacances, ainsi que d'assurer un accompagnement individuel ou collectif pour que les différents projets se concrétisent en tenant compte des objectifs proposés par les jeunes.Ítem Estudio de factibilidad técnica, ambiental y económica de techos verdes intensivos en la Universidad Distrital Sede Bosa Porvenir(2022-09-01) Bernal Santofimio, David Alejandro; Cucaita Suarez, David Mateo; Lozano Barrero, Carolina MaríaIn this monograph we took as a case study the three blocks of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Porvenir, where the space was described through a technical visit, we found trees, shrubs and ornamental plants that could withstand the meteorological characteristics of Bogota and the region, which could be used in a proposal for an intensive green roof, the technical aspects such as materials and specifications or requirements of the green roof system, environmental aspects such as the benefits that green roofs can have as a strategy to reduce the carbon footprint of the educational community and other benefits were analyzed in the work. Finally, a cost analysis was carried out to determine the price that a project of this magnitude could have and to know where the necessary resources could be obtained to carry it out. In the same way, a landscape design was made to show the use and greening of hard areas such as the terraces of the headquarters, thus giving an imaginative of how we could go a step further in the sustainable development of cities through a plan in AutoCAD and the role of universities in the search for new technologies or alternatives to support the environment and convey the importance of transforming our spaces in environments more connected with nature and its surroundings.Ítem Mejoramiento de las habilidades de escritura académica a través de un objeto virtual de aprendizaje basado en literatura(2022-09-20) Revelo, Ana María; Rodríguez, Leidy Paola; Posada, JuliaThis study presents the implications and benefits of a VLO (Virtual Learning Object) in strengthening the writing skills of undergraduate students in English teaching at the Distrital University of Bogotá. This project emerged in response to the common need of undergraduate students to improve their writing and production skills for academic texts. The Virtual Learning Object covered fundamental aspects of academic writing. It was developed under the principles of the IDOL method, which proposes incorporating literary works in English language teaching and learning. The material was implemented over three months with three students from the first to the fifth semester in two stages: a pilot and a case study. The results demonstrated benefits such as enhancing writing skills, motivation, and flexibility. They also suggested improvement opportunities for future research in the area.Ítem Pasantía Festival escolar de las artes(2023) Bautista Páez, Diego Alejandro; Ferrer Franco, Yury de JesúsDuring the development of the 2022 School Arts Festival, the help of undergraduate students from areas related to Arts and Education was required. They fulfilled functions of juries and assembly and the experiences and opinions lived are reflected in these reports as memories of this district strategy. Narratives are the core of the work of reflection and memory.Ítem Revisión bibliográfica de las pruebas de consistencia termodinámica para sistemas en equilibrio de fases con tres componentes(2023) Alfonso Valenzuela, Elkin Alfredo; Pérez Cubides, Javier AlonsoThe main objective of this work is to generate a bibliographic document that gathers the main tests of thermodynamic consistency for three-component systems, the principal mentioned methods are the Herington, Broughton-Brearley, Li & Lu, McDermott-Ellis, Ochi/Kato/Kojima, L-W and the Fernández test, exposing some of the advantages and disadvantages of each, the important criteria for the selection of the test to be used in an equilibrium study of phases (mainly vapor liquid and related equilibria); and some of the factors that affect the thermodynamic consistency, which makes it easier to make a correct analysis of the reliability of experimental data obtained in different chemistry and engineering contextsÍtem Actuaciones Educativas de Éxito como base para la transformación pedagógica, social y cultural de la Institución Educativa Santa Rosalía de Palermo, sede Simón Bolívar(2023-08-05)Este informe se desarrolla en el marco del programa Viva la Escuela del Ministerio de Educación, este proyecto se basa en las comunidades de aprendizaje, un modelo educativo bfundamentado en principios dialógicos que promueven una educación más inclusiva. Los antecedentes de estas comunidades muestran resultados efectivos en la transformación pedagógica y social de este proyecto institucional. Con base en lo anterior, se trabajó en Roldanillo - Valle del Cauca en la implementación de Acción Educativa de Éxito, motivando a los estudiantes a la lectura, mejorando su comprensión lectora, incluyendo a las comunidades en los procesos de formación de los estudiantes y promoviendo la diversidad y heterogeneidad en el proceso educativo. De igual manera se trabajan conceptos matemáticos que, incluidos en las Acciones Educativas, permitieron mejorar los procesos de los estudiantes en esta área. Así, el aprendizaje se logra a partir de la manipulación y construcción del conocimiento a través de grupos y trabajo colectivo, promoviendo el aprendizaje metodológico, didáctico y pedagógico.Ítem Grab your Guitar : un Mooc para profesores de inglés como lengua extranjera para promover el uso de la música en el aula(2024-04-08) Macías Basto, Andrés Felipe; Rozo Rodríguez, Paula Andrea; Posada-Ortiz, Julia Zoraida; 0000-0001-8919-5286Grab your Guitar is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) designed to raise awareness of Colombian musical richness and its methodological possibilities in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom. Throughout the course, there are different modules that cover topics such as Colombian music history and its characteristics, recommendations for using music in the classroom and different methodologies to combine music and EFL teaching. The course is addressed to English teachers with a proficiency level between B2 and C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The course was piloted with 6 teachers who developed the activities and contributed to its improvement by completing a satisfaction survey and writing a reflective journal on the Padlet platform. The comments expressed by the teachers showed the positive impact that the MOOC had in terms of promoting Colombian music cultural awareness and the use of different music-based methodologies and materials in the EFL classroom. For that reason, it is concluded that Grab your Guitar might represent a significant and useful tool for EFL teachers to innovate and be aware of the benefits of the music in their teaching practices.Ítem Implementación de Plataforma Marca Blanca Influtech para la Automatización de Influencer Marketing Digital EmpresarialDíaz Bernal, José Luis; Niño Valderrama, Jaime David; Daza Corredor, Alejandro PaoloFLUVIP is the leading company in Influencer Marketing in Latin America and the United States. Its mission is to connect brands with influencers, through its technological platform, so that companies can promote their products on social networks of people with large audiences. Currently, there is a large sector of the influencer Marketing that is developed manually through small and medium media agencies. The creation of web platforms that allow mass advertising to be disseminated, gives FLUVIP the opportunity to offer White Label models on this innovative influence marketing platform.Ítem Regocijos PúblicosEl Constitucional Bogotá; Ospina, Pastor; Universidad Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias Sociales.The image contains a news item about the Public Rejoicings in which it talks about the abuses committed by the police authorities granting permission in the parish districts to celebrate repeated public amusements and rejoicings of which only results in the increase of misery, crimes or misfortunes, due to the expenses or loss of time caused by the fights, produced by the abuse of liquor or by the natural results of the bullfighting game. Additionally it mentions the prohibition of article 43 of Law 2, paragraph 2, title 1 of the Grenadian Republic in which the public festivities may exceed three days, mentioning also the prohibition of other articles related to the subject along with the control of the days of public rejoicings in the province. Signed by Pastor Ospina. News published in El Constitucional Bogotá, No.215, July 21 - 1847.Ítem Eficiencia del extracto de Ricinus communis para el control del mosquito Culex-Efficiency of Ricinus communis by the mosquito Culex control(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Corradine-Mora, Diego Tomás; Beltrán-Sastoque, Ingrid Maritza; Corredor-Páramo, Yurani; Moreno-Aguilera, Diana CarolinaÍtem Diseño de un modelo de producción para huertas urbanasHinestroza Obregon, Edilberto; Forero Castro, Jose Luis; Bonilla Isaza, Ruben DarioThe production models could guarantee the efficient use of resources in urban orchards, using optimization tools that potentiate crops in terms of yield and cost benefit, however, in Colombia it has been detected that the percentage of implementation of these optimization models have been low. The objective of this article is to design a production model for urban orchards, using a linear programming model that optimizes the variables that interact in it; the methodology is based on the modeling, simulation and design of urban crops of soil type, hydroponic, and aeroponic, which leads to an optimal selection of production alternative according to the technical parameters of the crops, and ensures a maximum production volume at the lowest possible cost; finally it concludes designing the production model by selecting the alternative soil production, with their respective plants to be planted.Ítem Fomento de la educación popular y libertad de enseñanzaDiario de Cundinamarca; Pérez, Santiago; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias y Educación Centro de Documentación en Ciencias Sociales.The image contains a news item about: "Promotion of popular education and freedom of teaching", it deals with the ineffectiveness of the mandates of the substantive legislation of primary education, the efforts thwarted due to political upheavals, the deficiency in methods and ignorance of the institutes. Furthermore, the purpose of using the promotion of law and peace resources is because it cannot be tolerated that no one lacks knowledge taking into account that they live together in the same country and in the institutions. News published in the Diario De Cundinamarca Bogotá (429) May 8, 1871 Pages 657-58.