Realidad aumentada para el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento espacial
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The following degree work presents the design, validation and application of a School Technology Activity (ATE), entitled "The trip. A technological journey through Colombian geography”, supported by: (1) Active learning, a didactic and pedagogical element, (2) the use of augmented reality, as a technological element and (3) the study of the isolines in the relief and the development of spatial thinking as a multidisciplinary element (mathematics, geometry and biology). The ATE was implemented in a focus group of 4 participants aged 11 to 13, high school students from the city of Bogotá. The design process of the ATE follows the structure found in the literature, and its subsequent validation is based on the contributions of peers and experts, with the complement of the Aiken V index. The methodology has a pre-experiment, pre-test/post-test design and a mixed approach, with quantitative elements such as the calculation of Hake's gain for learning, and the Student's t-test to establish a significant difference between the observations before and after the intervention, and elements of qualitative analysis, such as the semi-structured interview. The results present a learning gain in spatial thinking skills, and statistically favorable data. In summary, it can be stated that the ATE contributes favorably to the significant learning of students in accordance with the related topics.