Maestría en Educación en Tecnología (Virtual)

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  • Ítem
    Modelo M-7: una nueva metodología de diseño de ecosistemas virtuales de aprendizaje a partir de la revisión sistemática de literatura
    Benavides Pérez, Nicolas; Garzón Cuevas, Juan Camilo; Molina Vásquez, Ruth; Molina Vásquez, Ruth [0000-0001-5416-7568]
    This research proposal focuses on the analysis of different methodologies for the design of Virtual Learning Environments, Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), Personalized Learning Environments (PLA) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), published nationally in databases such as Scopus, Google Scholar and repositories of different universities. systematic literature review as a research methodology. The analysis of these documents is the basis for the construction of a new Design Methodology capable of adapting to different contexts and educational needs.
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    Incidencia en el desarrollo de habilidades de Reading en idioma extranjero inglés usando un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje en el contexto rural de Sumapaz
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Briceño Montenegro, Tatiana; Daza Ardila, Diana del Socorro; Daza Ardila, Diana del Socorro [0000-0002-6043-2230]
    This work was carried out at the Juan de la Cruz Varela District Educational Institution, Erasmo Valencia campus, located in Sumapaz, number twenty, Bogotá. It was possible to detect that the main problems are associated with the rural context and the social and cultural characteristics that characterize the community that is part of the educational institution. The needs of the rural area in terms of learning English include access to educational resources, teacher training, cultural relevance and access to technology. It is possible to develop learning environments supported by digital tools, providing the opportunity to advance English teaching processes. This is done in order to develop Reading skills that allow them to learn new skills, implementing didactic strategies based on the rural context through topics related to agriculture, based on a constructivist model.
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    Desarrollo de habilidades del pensamiento crítico en estudiantes técnicos del SENA a través de una ATE
    Amaya Romero, Luz Mayerly; Bonilla Estévez, Martha Alba; Bonilla Estévez, Martha Alba [0000-0002-9694-0325]
    The project addresses the challenge proposed by the United Nations on the need to promote the development of critical thinking skills in students at all school levels, including technical education students within the framework of the global goals of the Goals. Sustainable Development (SDG) specifically in the seventh that promotes guaranteeing access to affordable and sustainable energy. To achieve this end, it has been observed that the construction of photovoltaic solar energy systems provides a source of clean and renewable energy. Furthermore, with solar panels, dependence on fossil fuels, an important source of greenhouse gas emissions, is reduced; Charging stations for electronic devices are built, as a practical response that National Learning Service students can turn to in search of a solution to sustainable energy accessibility. To bring this challenge to the students, a School Technology Activity is used, which is designed by the technical teacher, so that the students, through the design and construction of a photovoltaic solar energy system, develop critical thinking skills that , in the perspective of Paul, R. and Eder, L. (2003), involves the Universal Intellectual Standards and the elements of thinking while carrying out the experience of design and construction of the possible alternative solution of a solar charging station according to with the technical requirements. To analyze the critical thinking that students achieve, as a result of the implementation of the didactic work unit, it is proposed to describe the state of development of one of the critical thinking skills, evaluating the universal intellectual standard called by the authors, clarity. In the design of the didactic work unit, the sequence of the components proposed by Quintana, Páez, & Téllez, (2018) for a design and construction ATE is taken. The study uses a qualitative methodology, which focuses on observing how the ability to make informed decisions develops in them and thus describe the development of students' critical thinking. In addition, an interpretive approach is assumed that allows the researcher to access the wealth from the experiences of the participants; apprentices who attend the technical training program in maintenance of photovoltaic solar system installations offered by the National Learning Service at the South Complex headquarters in Bogotá during the night shift.
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    Propuesta de modelo de apropiación de tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones para instituciones de educación superior en Bogotá- matic
    Ramos Díaz, Jhinna Paola; Suárez, Oscar Jardey; Suárez, Oscar Jardey [0000-0001-8780-595X]
    This report is a degree project aimed at establishing the categories, from the perspective of experts in the field, that should be included in an Information and Communications Technology (ICT) appropriation model for Higher Education Institutions in Bogotá. This process began with a literature review in the field of study, identifying both common aspects and specific needs that must be addressed for the effective appropriation of ICT in the educational sphere. Subsequently, an expert validation was conducted, which allowed for the theoretical findings to be contrasted and enriched with the concrete demands and challenges faced in the practice of ICT appropriation in higher education institutions. This validation phase not only ensured the relevance and significance of the proposed model but also provided valuable insights to adjust and improve the model according to the real needs of the field. The development process of the proposal concluded with the creation of a model called MATIC 3.0, where the function and scope of each of its categories were precisely defined. From the identification of needs to expert validation, the MATIC model aims to provide a solid and effective framework to guide the processes of ICT appropriation in higher education institutions in Bogotá, thus promoting a meaningful and strategic integration of digital technologies.
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    El desarrollo del pensamiento crítico a través de tiktok en los estudiantes de grado undécimo del colegio Instituto técnico Internacional
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cárdenas Carrillo, Sandra Jannethe; Suárez Reina, Adriana Yamile; Suárez Reina, Adriana Yamile [0000-0002-1728-3882]
    This project explores the development of critical thinking in eleventh grade students, grade 1101 of the Colegio Instituto Técnico Internacional in the town of Fontibón, using TikTok as an educational tool. The research focuses on the evaluation of social networks and digital culture, including Google Classroom as the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), for the development of the proposal. The study highlights the importance of critical thinking in social life and personal development, underlining digital literacy as a fundamental pillar in contemporary society and education.
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    De impostores a hablantes competentes: EVA gamificado para potenciar el speaking en inglés
    Aguilera Mulfo, Laura Fernanda; Suárez Reina, Adriana Yamile; Suárez Reina, Adriana Yamile [0000-0002-1728-3882]
    The present thesis was conducted under the deepening modality and aimed to determine the impact of a gamified virtual learning environment (VLE) on the development of English speaking skills in third-grade students at the Colegio Internacional Camino a la Cima. For this purpose, the educational platform "Discovering the Impostor!" was designed, validated, implemented, and evaluated based on the ADDIE instructional design model. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected according to the mixed-method research approach and the established analysis categories. The findings revealed that the pedagogical proposal positively impacted the participants' oral communication skills and it also increased their motivation and commitment to learning this foreign language.
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    Efecto de un Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje (EVA) que utiliza la estrategia de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) en el desarrollo de la competencia científica de explicación de fenómenos, con estudiantes de octavo de la Institución Educativa Antonio Baraya
    Aroca Perdomo, Angélica María; Quitián Bernal, Sandra Patricia; 0000-0002-4405-8672
    The objective of this research is to identify the effect of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) utilizing the didactic strategy of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) on the development of the scientific competency of explaining phenomena. Throughout the research, the relationship of PBL as a didactic pathway in the design of the VLE is demonstrated, where various types of activities are combined around the dimensions of evaluating scientific competency (conceptual, methodological, attitudinal, and integrative). Furthermore, the progression level of the development of the scientific competency of explaining phenomena within the three modules comprising the VLE is disclosed, as well as how this type of research modifies teaching practice and learning processes.
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    Evolución de esquemas cognitivos presentes en unas trayectorias hipotéticas de aprendizaje dadas durante la solución de un juego matemático virtual
    Pulido Rivera, Dalila; Páez Rodríguez, John Jairo; Páez Rodríguez, John Jairo [0000-0003-2223-9883]
    The work is developed with the interest of articulating 3 components in a Virtual Learning Environment (EVA) in mathematics education, these components are the technological part with the design of the EVA through the programming of a game of sliding chips the EVA, the virtual game defined not only as a technological implementation but as a didactic device according to León and Alonso (2019). On the other hand, the cognitive component through the analysis of schemes, which is a proposal based on Marshall (1995), which seeks to explain forms of reasoning composed of four types of knowledge: identification, elaboration, planning and execution and the pedagogical part with the implementation of the game and the monitoring of some THA, these THA according to Simón (1995), are predictions that the teacher makes regarding the path by which learning can proceed. This research contributes to the development and implementation of a virtual mathematical game called "Turning the tables" taken from the book Crazy for Math by Stewart (2004), to analyze, on the one hand, the evolution of cognitive schemes proposed by Marshall (1995) and on the other, the THA According to Simon (1995) during the solution of the game. The proposal of the work is due to the fact that currently there are difficulties in the knowledge of the evolution of cognitive schemes because there are few technological proposals for the study of the evolution of cognitive schemes, additionally, there are opportunities for improvement in relation to the development of skills of mathematics teachers to design EVAs, they are also scarce, at least in the advances of the research group DIDACTEC and GyPLIM that are part of the Interinstitutional Doctorate in Education, the design and use of virtual games to study the evolution of schemes. For these reasons, the research question arises: What is the evolution of cognitive schemes present in the Hypothetical Learning Trajectories during the solution of the virtual mathematical game? The work is carried out to provide a better understanding of cognitive schemes using technology that leads to improved THA planning, since technology through EVA helps to explore cognitive schemes in a more effective way.
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    Impacto del modelo pedagógico sobre la formación en estudiantes de Maestría en Educación en Tecnología de la UDFJC
    Sandoval Muñoz, Yamile; Silva Sandoval , Sergio; Molina Vásquez, Ruth; Molina Vásquez, Ruth [0000-0001-5416-7568]
    The present work developed under the research modality seeks to determine which are the components of the pedagogical model used in the Master's Degree in Technology Education at the UDFJC that most impact the training of students based on the recognition of a pedagogical proposal of the virtual modality . Background information on the emergence of virtual education in Colombia, its foundation, evolution and consolidation in the higher education environment is compiled; At the same time, the relevant aspects in the roles of tutor and student are analyzed based on the teaching-learning processes. Using a mixed methodology and the implementation of the methods of a case study, the categories of analysis are proposed: 1) technology concept 2) teaching styles 3) teaching strategy 4) communicative interaction 5) evaluation and 6) CDC; that allow information to be collected through a group of students and graduates of the master's program who, through a survey validated by experts in the area of technology and related areas, answer a total of 28 questions related to the concept of technology, the styles of teaching, teaching strategies, evaluation, communicative interaction and didactic content knowledge (CDC). As a result, those seminars that focus on projects with a STEM focus, information technologies, digital tools, pedagogy and education with technology, allow the integration of innovative methodologies and technologies in educational practice. This highlights how the training seen during the training program strengthens and promotes the relevance of technology training and application in different educational practices.
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    Incidencia de un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje en la enseñanza de la geometría en estudiantes de grado 801 de la institución educativa departamental John F. Kennedy de Arbeláez
    Méndez Linares, Laura del Pilar; Ramírez Pardo, Piedad
    This document presents the development of the geometry teaching proposal through the design, implementation y evaluation of a virtual learning environment elaborated in Google Site, linking the GeoGebra software and it privileges conceptualization and learning of geometric bodies through of visualization and manipulation of tridimensional objects, with the support of technology for this area of knowledge, It implemented with a student’s group (801) of the departmental educational institution John F. Kennedy (Arbeláez)
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    Fortalecimiento de la comprensión lectora a nivel inferencial a través de la implementación de un objeto virtual de aprendizaje (OVA) gamificado
    González Bello, Senayda; Quitián Bernal , Sandra Patricia; Quitián Bernal Sandra Patricia [0000-0002-4405-8672]
    This thesis aims to strengthen inferential reading comprehension through the implementation of a gamified Virtual Learning Object (VLO). To address this issue, a gamified VLO was designed as a pedagogical strategy focused on creating tools that facilitate the development of inferential skills. The VLO was implemented during the knowledge-building phase, where students actively participated in gamified activities. Finally, the evaluation of the VLO's impact was conducted during the review and analysis phase, where the improvement in inferential processes was measured.
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    Uso de la tecnología para facilitar la comprensión del teorema de liouville de la física estadística, en estudiantes de licenciatura en física de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Giraldo Acuña, Juan Carlos; Ramírez Pretel, Wilfredo; Suárez, Oscar Jardey; Suárez, Oscar Jardey [0000-0001-8780-595X]
    In the present work, the goal is to establish an understanding of Liouville's Theorem through a mixed-method approach (qualitative and quantitative) with two groups of ninth-semester students in the Physics Bachelor's program at the UD, in the Statistical Physics course. The issue of phase volume conservation, central to Liouville's Theorem, is addressed with two didactic sequences: one experimental, using fluid dynamics with ideal flow, and another through a software tool with a prototype in Processing. The experimental group constructs an artifact to generate an ideal water flow and studies the change in the area of floaters before and after a change in cross-sectional area. The software group adapts the provided code and conducts a similar study of the area change of points that flow before and after the change in cross-sectional area. Upon completion of the work, each group is interviewed separately, using a table of categories and subcategories for qualitative classification with the QDA Miner Lite software. Subsequently, a quantitative analysis is carried out to assign a statistical weight to the categories and subcategories. The results indicate that the dominant forms of approach are mathematical and ascending abstraction, with a combined weight of approximately 60%. This suggests that students recognize mathematics not only as a tool but also as a language that describes the ontological reality of the physical world. However, due to the complexity of Liouville's Theorem in a hyper-dimensional phase space, students use analogies from the experimental and computational didactic sequences to establish cognitive links that facilitate their understanding using ascending abstraction.
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    Actividad tecnológica escolar de análisis para potenciar el aprendizaje del uso seguro de herramientas manuales y neumáticas.
    Mancipe Cifuentes, Neidy Yesenia; Rodríguez Pulido, Julián Danilo; Pulido Varela, Jhon Alexander; [0000-0001-9311-4071]
    This degree work in the research modality presents the results of a research from the Master's Degree in Technology Education at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, in which an ATE School Technological Activity of analysis was designed to strengthen the work skills of the workers of a company in the industrial sector. , associated with the safe use of manual and pneumatic tools. Within the problem, the causes of the accidents, the empirical knowledge of the workers, and the limited training to which they have access were identified. For this reason, a didactic intervention was designed through the analysis of the origin, functioning and impact of these tools, accompanied by activities such as association challenges, crossword puzzles, case analysis, videos and puzzles.
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    Actividad tecnológica escolar de construcción para el desarrollo del pensamiento tecnológico con estudiantes de octavo del colegio IED la Arabia
    Melo Leguizamón, Héctor David; Ramirez Pardo, Piedad
    The objective of this research project was to establish the incidence of a Technological School Activity (ATE) based on the construction of a line-follower robot in the development of some attributes of technological thinking of a group of eighth grade students of the Colegio La Arabia I.E.D. of Ciudad Bolivar. The research is developed through a qualitative approach of descriptive-interpretative type, which is oriented towards the understanding of the meanings that human beings, in this case collects the perspectives of students in relation to their learning process, which are rather subjective, it is an inductive process (Fernandez and Baptista, 2014).
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    Actividades tecnológicas escolares de construcción y análisis basado en ingeniería Inversa para estudiantes de tercer grado de básica primaria
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Pérez Jácome, Cristian Camilo; Suárez, Oscar Jardey; Suárez, Oscar Jardey [0000-0001-8780-595X]
    The document presents the development of the proposal for two School Technological Activities, one with a Construction didactic strategy and the other with an analysis didactic strategy, based on Reverse Engineering, for third grade students of the Camilo Torres Externado Nacional School and from its implementation, determine the impact on the Attributes of Technological Thought proposed by Cárdenas (2009). It is based on the problem detected in the Camilo Torres National Externado, in the implementation of Technical Education and the need to articulate and strengthen the processes in Technology Education from basic primary, for which a review of the approaches and components for Education in Technology, instruments and learning environments for teaching technology and strategies that strengthen technological skills. This converges in the exploration of School Technological Activities (ATE), as pedagogical instruments that strengthen cognitive and artifactual skills, based on defined didactic strategies, including analysis and construction strategies. Additionally, the fundamentals and methodology of Reverse Engineering are reviewed, to be involved in the ATE with an analysis strategy, so that an investigation and study of an artifact is made from its deconstruction. The analysis materializes in the design, validation and implementation of two ATE for the third grade of elementary school, the first with a didactic construction strategy named "Rápido y Curioso" (Fast and Curious) and the second, with a didactic strategy of analysis based on Reverse Engineering named "Desarmando para analizar" (disassembling to analyze) . From the implementation, the incidence in the Technological Thought of the students is reviewed, as a pre and post test, through the Assessment Instrument of the Attributes of Technological Thought, proposed by Cárdenas (2013).
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    Usos de la inteligencia artificial en el ciclo contable: de lo manual a lo automatizado
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ende Roa , Beisy Yurani; Osorio Marulanda , Carlos Augusto
    This thesis report aims to identify the elements of a School Technological Activity (ATE) (Otálora, 2008-2012) adapted to comprehensive professional training in higher education, known as Technological Activity for Comprehensive Professional Training (ATF). Based on the instructional design model of Merriënboer and Kirschner (2013), it proposes a progressive learning approach that begins with manual activities, advances to the use of office tools, and culminates in automation through Artificial Intelligence (AI). Additionally, it seeks to measure the progress in acquiring digital competencies as learners navigate through these different technologies. The approach also aims to avoid cognitive overload (Sweller, 1988) through the active construction of knowledge. The proposal is based on interaction with the environment, the assessment of prior knowledge, and social collaboration (Piaget, 1968; Perkins, 1992; Ausubel et al., 1978; Bransford et al., 2020; Vygotsky, 2001). It is addressed from a science, technology, and society perspective, employing didactic activities such as reasoned debate (Quintana, 2015) and an instructional design focused on the questions of why, for what purpose, and for whom the training is conducted (Bazzo, 2022). The problem-based learning approach (Savery & Duffy, 1996) and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) facilitate the construction of meanings, promoting active and contextualized student participation in the learning process (Jonassen, 2003). Additionally, the SAMR model is implemented alongside Bloom’s taxonomy (Puentedura, 2012, 2014), highlighting the role of social interaction and technology in cognitive development through educational content such as transmedia storytelling (Scolari, 2013). Finally, it reflects on the ethical challenges and limitations in the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education (Luckin, 2018; Crawford, 2023).
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    Estrategía didáctica de aprendizaje significativo implementada en un EVA para reconocer las características de la habilidad de pensamiento de clasificación
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Manrique Montenegro, Delia Esperanza; Urrea Díaz, Leydy Carolina; Molina Vásquez, Ruth; Molina Vásquez, Ruth [0000-0001-5416-7568]
    The development of logical-mathematical thinking from preschool age is essential for students to understand and interpret their context. Through basic cognitive processes such as classification, students can discover the world through reasoning, problem-solving, and the strengthening of critical and reflective thinking. It is evident that at these levels, the formative process on topics of this nature is scarce, and the progress of such important skills is left to chance. In classrooms, mechanical and repetitive learning is provided, where only superficial knowledge of numbers is emphasized, and a student is considered proficient simply because they can recite them. When it comes to technology in early childhood, we face the dilemma of integrating it into the classroom and, therefore, into pedagogical practices. Many teachers are unaware of how to incorporate technology-related topics into the curricula at these levels and lack the skills to use technological tools to design activities that involve active participation at these ages. This creates the need to integrate a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in early childhood to allow students to use technological tools to acquire digital competencies through motivating playful pedagogical strategies, and to build and strengthen their knowledge in a meaningful way.
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    Explicación de fenómenos naturales, con la implementación de un ATE con estudiantes de decimo grado de la INETA.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Vega Gómez, Jenny Maritza; Daza Ardila, Diana del Socorro; Daza Ardila, Diana del Socorro [0000-0002-6043-2230]
    In this research, a didactic proposal is presented, focused on the development of scientific competence in explaining natural phenomena, particularly in physical concepts such as Uniform Rectilinear motion (URM) and Uniformly Accelerated Linear Motion (UALM). The proposal entails the design and implementation of a Technological Education Activity (TEA) of analysis through construction, as outlined by Quintana (2015), supported by the Project Based Learning methodology (PBL). One of the primary objectives of this proposal is for students to address a solution to an institutional need, recognizing the use and the contribution of technology. A Technological Education Activity (TEA) was designed and implemented to build a drip irrigation system as a cross-disciplinary project at INETA. The theoretical framework was established based on the definition of scientific competence, integrating the standards and guidelines of the MEN (2004), this is further supported by Vallardas, (2011) who delineates scientific competencies through the observation of patterns and modeling across presentations. The TAE was designed in two phases: The initial phase focused on constructing the irrigation system, while the subsequent phase involved a series of activities aimed at experimenting and learning kinematics. The research methodology employs a mixed-methodology, interactive, and action participation research design. The findings of this study indicate that the integration of constructive and experimental activities fosters the enhancement of competence in explaining phenomena within the field of kinematics among tenth-grade students at INETA.
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    Secuencia didáctica basada en arcgis para el mejoramiento de habilidades de pensamiento espacial en estudiantes de ingeniería forestal
    Triana Gómez, Max Alejandro; Suárez, Oscar Jardey
    Report of a graduate work that seeks to establish the incidence of a didactic sequence based on active thinking, for the improvement of spatial thinking skills in forestry engineering students. In the technological component, the ArcGis software package was used; the didactic/pedagogical component consisted of the design and implementation of a didactic sequence that incorporated Lee's (2005) inventory of spatial skills (Spatial Thinking), to demonstrate cognitive gains in spatial skills in forestry engineering students. The results show that the implemented didactic sequence significantly improved their abilities and skills applied to the proposed disciplinary approach; the hypothesis test of no differences is refuted, from which it is inferred that the group of students to whom the inventory was applied registers an advance in learning.
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    Fortalecimiento del pensamiento computacional a través del AVA el lenguaje de los problemas. Un acercamiento a la programación informática.
    Preciado Rubio, Duysber Rodolfo; Bonilla Estévez, Martha Alba; Martha Alba Bonilla Estévez [0000-0002-9694-0325]
    This research presents the design of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) built and developed on the Moodle 4.0 platform, and supported by different digital tools (ExeLearning, Powtoon, LucidChart, Online GDB and mBlock); to strengthen some computational thinking skills, such as abstraction, decomposition and algorithmic thinking in secondary education students, while addressing activities typical of basic computer programming. The AVA proposal seeks, through problem situations, typical of the computer science field, to promote some computational thinking skills in students that allow them not only to build well-structured computer programs, but also to apply these skills in problem situations typical of their immediate context. To this end, four work modules are constituted in the VLE; The first of them includes an introductory and diagnostic space for prior knowledge; The second orients the student towards the training purposes set out in the VLE and contains the fundamental concepts related to computer programming; The third proposes a series of problems that must be resolved as a series of activities are developed, distributed in five levels that are presented as a strategy in solving the problem and that must be fulfilled gradually and progressively; and finally, in the fourth module there is a space for participation and discussion. The VLE proposal is structured and supported under a referential framework that considers: Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), Computational Thinking, Block Programming (PB), Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and constructionism.