Variación del costo de la construcción de infraestructura educativa colegio 10 en los departamentos de Bolívar y Cundinamarca con base en el listado ICCU del Año 2021.
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There is no known history of the variation in the cost of the construction of educational infrastructure between the departments of Bolívar and Cundinamarca, added to the importance of classifying projects of this type. This project seeks to estimate these variations according to guidelines and recommendations for the architectural design of the single-day school in typologies of schools with twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) classrooms, in the departments of Bolívar and Cundinamarca, based on Construction, Urbanism and Roads price list of the Institute of Infrastructure and Concessions of Cundinamarca (ICCU) for the year 2021. As a result, we were able to obtain the average percentage differences of construction between the aforementioned departments as well as the value of the square meter per student.