Evaluación de crecimiento y desarrollo de la especie Polylepis quadrijuga, en tres tratamientos con fitohormonas en vivero de alta montaña del Parque Nacional Pisba
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The study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of different phytohormones in the propagation of Polylepis quadrijuga both in seeds and cuttings in order to improve propagation techniques. For the conservation and restoration of this high-risk species, trials were carried out using 3 types of phytormones kinetin naptalenacetic acid and lentil water different aspects of growth and development were evaluated. Including germination, stem length and diameter, root development and the formation of root primordia In seeds and cuttings, the germination of Polylepis quadrijuga was 1.25 % and 3.75% The phytormones applied did not show a significant effect on germination or the growth of stems or roots. The chi-square test indicated that there were no significant differences between the treatments, suggesting a high proportion of non-viable seeds as a limiting factor. Hormonal treatments showed a low rooting rate with rooting percentages of 0.83 in trial one and 10% in trial 2. The LE 2 and LE 3 treatments showed a higher initial rate of leaf survival, although this effect was temporary with a generalized mar chiting at 90 days, the AE3 treatment was the most effective in the formation of root primordia, followed by LE 2 and L 3, the control group also showed a significant number of root primordia. The phytormonos applied did not show significant improvements in seed germination or in the root growth of cuttings, however some treatments such as AE 3 ILE 3 showed potential in the formation of root primortia and in the initial survival of the leaves.