Sabedoras de vida, una exaltación a las prácticas culturales vinculadas a la etnobotánica por parteras afrocolombianas del Kilombo "Los Griots" de Bogotá
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The objective of this work was to make a primer that seeks to acknowledge the preservation of Afro-Colombian ancestral knowledge linked to ethnobotany. This is a qualitative work where five semi-structured interviews were conducted with three Afro-Colombian women from the "Los Griots" kilombo; They care for Afro-descendant families, mainly mothers before, during and after giving birth, residents of Bogotá. The results and analysis were presented in three categories related to care: the first health care where the practice of the "ombligado" is presented, the second related to the care of the environment and natural resources mentioning the practice of the "azotea" and finally in In the third category, the care and preservation of ancestral knowledge, in which the practices of the uramba, the "toque de tambor" and the sowing of the placenta were linked. In conclusion, it was possible to elaborate the booklet entitled "Ethnobotany and Afro-Colombian midwifery" which is a visual tool, aimed at the general public that narrates the different cultural practices linked to ethnobotany; It was possible to link the traditional knowledge of the midwives of the kilombo los Griots with seven plants found in the José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden of Bogotá. Finally, it can be determined that ethnobotanical practices are influenced by the care of the territory and protection of natural resources.