La ciudad como espacio narratológico a partir del andar cotidiano de los habitantes
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The purpose of this research work is to promote the understanding of social and urban dynamics, based on a narrative and ethnographic methodological design, taking the construction of urban imaginaries and narratives of the city from everyday life. In this way, the research projects the construction of knowledge towards the understanding of the city from the textual point of view, which makes it susceptible to being read and written in a non-verbal way, being daily actions such as walking, forms of going through, imagining or representing the spaces, including the performativity with which these activities are carried out, which fulfill an enunciative function, which communicate both the essence of the city, and what the inhabitants are, think, fear, dream, remember, etc. Consequently, it has an impact on the ways of inhabiting and building the city. In this way, it contributes to the knowledge of the city in terms of understanding, narratively and ethnographically, how the ways in which the inhabitants travel through spaces on a daily basis, construct their city in a narratological and imaginary way, producing certain ways of inhabiting it; understanding their experience and behavior, in order to show what kind of city is being built.