Análisis crítico del manual de compensación por pérdida de biodiversidad de Colombia
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Biodiversity offset is definite for impacts or negative effects result of construction, project or activity, after appropriate prevention and mitigation measure have been taken. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development in Colombia established the manual like a guide for define the value, way and place for do biodiversity offset. This project are aimed at evaluate the quantification of manual that assure to achieve no net loss. This work established the documental analysis of manual and the current environmental legislation, contrasted with the conceptual documentation and expert opinion on the estimation of biodiversity offset. Using appropriate instruments for the evaluation and proposing methodology with practical exercise, the manual is applied to two case studies. The result obtained is a proposal that allows the improvement of the offset Biodiversity manual established in Colombia. The diagnostic manual, with the documentary and conceptual analysis, supplemented by expert opinion and practical exercise, all this contrasted with international references, are the tools used to determine the improvement proposals and thus evaluate the effectiveness of the manual and guidelines for Colombia.