Apoyo en la consolidación y visualización de la información generada desde el componente de manejo de vida silvestre, haciendo énfasis en las especies exóticas-invasoras priorizadas por las áreas protegidas administradas por Parques Nacionales Naturales, permitiendo visualizar la información generada por los tres niveles de gestión para facilitar el acceso a las personas interesadas.
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Colombia has many biodiversity of flora and fauna, and the country's protected areas are the guardians of this wealth; however, it is currently being affected and threatened by the nearby presence of invasive exotic species. Sistema Nacional de Parques de Colombia is a group of protected areas, social actors, strategies and management instruments whose mission is to administer and manage protected areas in order to contribute to the country's conservation objectives, contributing to sustainable development and a healthy environment. In this sense, the identification of these species by means of GIS allows for a distribution analysis in order to evaluate the potential impact on protected areas. Wildlife conservation becomes one of the essential management components for the fulfillment of the entity's mission. This component includes four actions focused on: 1.The management and control of wildlife trafficking. 2. The release of wildlife species. 3. The control of exotic species. 4. The management of interaction events between wildlife and local communities living in or around the 62 protected areas managed by the entity. Taking into account that the information on the four actions that make up the wildlife component is consolidated differently at each level of the entity (protected area, territorial management and central level) depending on the level of the protected area, Depending on the needs of each level (protected area, territorial directorate and central level), the information on each of them is dispersed and therefore, it is not possible to carry out comparative analyses or at different scales to guide management actions for several protected areas with similar management situations. Consequently, it is important to support the consolidation, organization and visualization of information on the wildlife component of the Parques Nacionales Naturales in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each management action prioritized by the different levels of management of the entity. To this end, this internship aims to implement an organized and practical information system to guide and follow up on the prioritized management actions in the wildlife component, using the different tools and office resources available to Parques Nacionales, and thus consolidate a single viewer with the required information.