Artropofauna asociada a dos secciones de Blechnum L. 1753 (Blechnaceae: Pteridophyta) pteridofito arborescente presente en el Parque Ecológico Matarredonda Cundinamarca.
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Arthropods interacting with the plants of several ways. However, studies of arthropods associated with plant species are scarce, especially in high Andean ecosystems. This research established the association between the arthropods and four Blechnum’s subsections, present in high Andean forest of the ecological park Matarredonda-Cundinamarca, using six methods of collection among months November-December 2015 and January-February2016. 3292 individuals, distributed in 182 taxa were collected. It is also proposed a new species for the family Ochyroceratidae. Subsequently, there were analyzed richness, relative abundance, population densities, Shannon’s diversity (H’), Pielou’s evenness (J’), Simpson’s dominance index, establishing that the most abundant classes of arthropods corresponded to Insecta (1768), Arachnida (749) and Collembola (658), where the dominant taxa were Phoridae, Entomobrydae_morfo1 and Hypogastruridae_morfo1. In addition, the estimators chao1 and chao2 indicate that the effectiveness of sampling was high (84.17% and 82.02%, respectively). In terms of dominance, this was low (0.033), high diversity (4.16) and high evenness (0.80), indicating that the fern contains multiple microhabitats available for arthropods. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed a variation of two thrown components 100%, indicating that there is an association between individuals and the plant. In addition, multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) showed the possible specificity of taxa to the specific structure of the plant, some cases of exclusive partnership correspond to Oniscodesmidae substrate, Arctiidae_morfo1 Rhizome, Sierolomorphidae_morfo1 to Stipe and Coniopterygidae to frond. On the other hand, the trophic organization showed the presence of several guilds such as predators, parasitoids, decomposers, among others, which are essential in the dynamic ecosystem. Finally, this research expanded the information of the arthropods associated with Blechnum, in the study area and nationwide, as well as generating strategies for the conservation of the high Andean forest.