Histología de hoja y comparación de epidermis foliar de gaultheria anastomosans presente en bosque de niebla y páramo del parque ecológico Matarredonda, Bogotá (Colombia)
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The present investigation was based on the elaboration of a description and statistical comparison of the epidermis at the histological level of the leaf of Gaultheria anastomosans, looking for, significant differences between the tissues of the epidermis of the leaves of the plant present in páramo and in forest of fog of the Matarredonda Ecological Park located in the Páramo de Cruz Verde (Bogotá DC), in order to evaluate the plasticity of the plant in these two ecosystems. At a methodological level, samples of G. anastomosans leaves were taken using the vegetal histology protocol proposed by Sandoval (2005), making the respective blocks and cuts that were later described. Finally, an analysis was performed to look for significant differences in the epidermis through the Mann-Whitney U-test.