Memorias en disputa: narrativas de maestros y maestras de instituciones educativas distritales receptoras de estudiantes víctimas del conflicto armado.
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The degree work in the research-innovation modality, called Memories in dispute: pedagogical task present in narratives of teachers from district educational institutions receiving students who are victims of the armed conflict, which aims to recognize the memories in dispute present in the stories of educators immersed in pedagogies of the memory of the recent past.In this sense, starting from the approach of the research problem, the objectives are oriented: i) identify effects on the school in the context of the armed conflict present in narrated memories of teachers and IED teachers; ii) interpret pedagogical practices and knowledge in the narratives of IED teachers that reveal disputed memories.
Consequently, the theoretical framework accounts for the memories in dispute on the scene of the memories of the recent past, distinguishing these as present elaborations of a past memory (Ricoeur, 1999), as well as their transition through identity constructions between the individual being and collective (Jelin, 2002). Next, the dispute emerges as a constant field of discussion between hegemonic and plural memories; with a main exercise of the school, a dual public space for the promotion of one or other memory considerations (Carretero, 2008). Likewise, the nature of memory will be narrated, transmitted through language (Lara, 2009) or in an artistic exhibition, as an alternative to say the unspeakable (Todorov, 2006). To reach the question and research objectives, a qualitative research approach is adopted, with a narrative design. The foregoing is linked to the Narrative Hermeneutic Research Proposal (PINH).
Next, the results chapter addresses dimensions such as the precariousness of the educational infrastructure, the threat to teaching work and educational commitment are brought together in the narrated memory of the teacher Carlos. Regarding the struggles of memory, the teacher Liliana exposes us the importance of emotionality to generate resistance.
In consonance, emphasized in the subject, voices of multiple resistances arise, such as the project of Cartonero Books of the teacher Isabel, born from the expression of the testimonies of victims of the armed conflict, made an exercise of public dispute. Likewise, Ricardo lives in the indifference of the school community to historical memory, which is why the dispute is configured as a political exercise.
Finally, in the conclusions section, it is possible to glimpse the constant impact on the school space at the hands of the armed conflict, generating structural and symbolic violence, fostered by a historical debt to education. In addition, this context fosters the constant tension in the teaching exercise against the teaching of the memory of the recent past, delimited by indifference and silences, which leads to the political and social exercise of exerting resistance from the pedagogical and aesthetic opening of the other memories ; therefore, the school is understood as the main space of support for the fluctuating and necessary discussion such as the memories in dispute.