Fortalecer la identificación de las necesidades de formación de los profesores de física de la ciudad de Bogotá-Fase I
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The following project will create a data collection instrument based on the training needs of physics teachers in the city of Bogotá, based on the identification of the general objective of some of the physics associations in the world, as well as of the results obtained in 2016 by Colombia in the PISA test as evidence of the educational problem at the national level. The conceptual support of this instrument is facet theory; from which, a qualification of the teaching is projected; questions will be handled with specific purposes based on the social objective of the Association of physics teachers in Colombia (ZEMAKAITA); the questions will be supported in the DBA, EBC and inclusion of new educational content provided by the general education law in Colombia of 1994 and in the information compiled from the master's thesis of the National Pedagogical University specifically in the Documentation Center in Education of the Science (CEDENCI), each thesis addresses a research about educator training trends.