Libertad y escuela ¿imposible? análisis de la obra “desarrollo y libertad” de Amartya Sen.
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This document corresponds to a research work carried out within the framework of the Master's in Education program at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, the objective of which is to analyze how the reasoning about Freedom found in Amartya Sen's work “Development and Freedom ”permeates the educational field. The research is developed from a qualitative approach that gives rise to the methodology of discourse analysis. In the conclusions of the work it will be seen that the school, based on the reasoning of Amartya Sen, can and should contribute to the promotion of freedom, understood as the full development of human capacities and potentialities. However, the importance of being alert to the latent risk that the educational institution may end up serving the reproduction of the order that generates conditions of poverty that hinders the full realization of the human condition is also pointed out. One of the most important elements of the document is that it recognizes the importance of complementarity in the analysis of Sen's work, from the perspective of Martha Nussbaum's proposal, understanding that education is a necessary institution for the formation and cultivation of the condition human, based on capacity development.