“Concepciones y factores de riesgo/protección del consumo de marihuana en estudiantes de grado 8vo de la institución educativa el bosque soacha san mateo y el diseño de una unidad didáctica que aporta a su prevención”
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This research is based on the concern as teacher before the problem of the consumption of Cannabis sativa (marihuana) in young adolescents since it is evidenced from experiences of which to make of a teacher as in the analysis of the reports of national studies on the consumption of drugs a significant increase, for it the objectives were raised to recognize the factors of risk/protection with respect to the consumption of Cannabis sativa in a course of 35 students of 8º grade where the ages ran The application and quantitative analysis of the Frida test was carried out in order to investigate the risk and protective factors against the consumption of psychoactive substances; design, validation and application of a Likert scale based on students' conceptions of marijuana use and effects from the health point of view, associated behaviours, influence on social relations and the normative-legal framework, design and application of a questionnaire of open questions for feedback, application of a social mapping exercise prepared by the students on the problems facing their school environment, semi-structured interviews with school directors and the school counsellor, from which different risk and protective factors are recognized at the individual, personal, family, peer (friends), school (peers, teachers) and social levels at the local (neighbourhood), community and external levels. get from 12 to 16 years old from the municipal school El Bosque located in the municipality of Soacha, Cundinamarca in the commune 5 San Mateo, in the same group the conceptions about the consumption and effects of Cannabis sativa are characterized. And finally, it is proposed a didactic proposal that starts from the analysis of these results and from psycho-pedagogical considerations based on evidence. The application and quantitative analysis of Frida's test was carried out with the purpose of investigating the risk and protection factors against the consumption of psychoactive substances; design, validation and application of a Likert scale based on students' conceptions of the consumption and effects of marihuana from the point of view of health, associated behaviours, influence on social relations and the normative-legal framework, design and application of a questionnaire of open questions for feedback, application of a social mapping exercise prepared by the students on the problems facing their school environment, semistructured interviews with school directors and the school counsellor, from which different risk and protective factors are recognized at the individual, personal, family, peer (friends), school (peers, teachers) and social levels at the local (neighbourhood), community and external levels. Finally, from the conclusions and findings of the analysis of these results, a didactic unit is proposed that contributes to the prevention of the consumption of marihuana from the school environment precisely (biology class) focused to the prevention of the consumption in students of 8th grade I E the Soacha Forest where the development of the critical thought is emphasized through the resolution of problems, the argumentation and that they give account through didactic strategies as much individual as group with interdisciplinary activity to give account of reflections on the consumption about de consumptions and effects of marihuana.