El fazine : estrategia educomunicativa para la apropiación de competencias comunicativas desde la educación artística en estudiantes de grado noveno del colegio IED Bellavista en Bogotá.
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The present investigation focuses on educommunication as a pedagogical strategy that allows establishing a classroom proposal from visual communication and artistic education to develop competences of the subject in ninth grade students at IED Bellavista. However; knowing that the techniques of said communication are translated graphically through visual images; the proposal of a didactic strategy that allows the students (through the elaboration of a thematic publication such as a FANZINE) arises; Recognize and implement some graphic techniques typical of Art Education. To explain the development of this project, the content of said research is described in the following order - and under an orderly detailed chapter scheme: In the problem statement chapter, the location of the problem in a context is detailed, as well as the conflict situation that occurs within the Unit. The causes and consequences of the same are also described, the questions are raised and finally the general and specific objectives that are considered to be fulfilled during the development of the investigation are determined. In chapter I background, the conceptual axes to be dealt with throughout this proposal (visual communication, educommunication and Fanzine) are established in order to support the research through the background of the study and the analysis of different related theories. For the second chapter, conceptual theoretical framework, the theoretical contextualization of the research is presented; where a general tour of relevant conceptual aspects is made in addition to the relevance of the investigation. After that, in the third chapter, the methodological design of the research; The applied research methodology is detailed, the research design is structured, as well as the types of research used, the population and sample, the research instruments used for data collection, analysis, and evaluation. interpretation of them. Finally, in chapter IV, the product design is presented. This chapter makes it possible to identify the configuration of each of the dimensions in which the research-creation project is structured. The proposal is explained, describing aspects such as the objectives, the importance, its feasibility, the scope and everything related to its development in a technical way.