Identificación de CYP707A1 en la Síntesis de ABA involucrada en la respuesta por estrés hídrico en un cultivo de papa criolla (Solanum tuberosum grupo Phureja) irradiada con cobalto 60 ubicado en el municipio El Rosal, Finca El Pino Km 16 vía Subachoque, Cundinamarca
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Dormancy is a process of adaptation that plants use in a certain period of their growth and development in which they are temporarily suspended their physiological activity due to both biotic and abiotic factors allowed the reserve of energy for survival before the agents that prevent Or delay its vegetative cycle. One of the main phytohormones responsible for this son process: abscisic acid and ethylene. In this study we intend to identify the CYP707A1 gene that codes for the 8'-hydroxylase enzyme in the catabolism of abscisic acid and the EIN2 gene responsible for the translation of certain proteins in the presence of ethylene; From seed of the seed product (Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja) irradiated with cobalt 60, sampling, taking of phenotypic data, extraction of DNA by house protocol MO BIO PowerPlant® Pro DNA isolation kit, quantification Of DNA in the NanoDrop2000® Equipment, amplification of the samples by means of the Polymerase Chain Reaction technique (PCR) and evaluation of the products of amplification by electrophoresis.