Sistema domótico básico utilizando la tarjeta Raspberry pi (Junio 2016)
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This project consists of the implementation on a small scale of a home automated basic system using as principal controller the card Raspberry pi, in order to realize the control ON/OFF of lighting sectorizada and totally by means of an electronic relay. The closing and opening of water valves and gas and profiles programmed for energy efficiency. A precise investigation of the developments was realized worldwide, native and place of the home automation, and one presents diverse documents of analysis and implementations guiding to a future full of the home automated technology. On the other hand they present examples of companies dedicated to the development of this type of technology, such characteristics as graphical interfaces, energy efficiency, safety and comfort subject to the industrial approachor residential approach given by every company, they present the diversity and unlimited capacity of control of elements and devices. The proposed system is controlled by means of a graphical simple and flexible interface for the final user, who will be able from his cellular one or any other device with connection to Internet to control the systems previously renowned, also it will have the possibility of choosing between different profiles programmed with base to the diary to live of an average person. The whole programming and the intelligent control were developed in Codesys integrating the different devices and direccionándolos to following the direct order of the brain of the system, in this case the card Raspberry pi.