Tecnología en Electricidad

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttp://hdl.handle.net/11349/1901


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    Evaluación del potencial de producción de hidrogeno verde en la región de la Orinoquía colombiana desde fuentes hídricas
    Rativa Peña , Jessica Patricia; Noguera Vega, Luis Antonio
    This article highlights the opportunities associated with green hydrogen in the Orinoquía region; due to its water sources, it is presented as an economic and sustainable solution. It is an opportunity that is proposed for the future in order to transform the energy landscape, for which it is essential to carry out studies at national and international level, research for the deployment of this technology.
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    Recopilación y análisis de fuentes de información sobre protocolos de comunicación con MATLAB
    Martínez Suarez, Luis Fernando; Daza Vargas, Luisa Natalia; Noguera Vega, Luis Antonio; Giral Ramírez, Diego Armando; Noguera Vega Luis Antonio [0000-0002-4659-4727]; Giral Ramírez Diego Armando [0000-0001-9983-4555]
    The document provides a detailed analysis of MATLAB integration in industrial automation, focusing on its communication with industrial protocols and equipment. Emphasis is placed on the importance of thorough literature searches using sources like SCOPUS and Mendeley. Recent articles were selected to evaluate MATLAB integration in industrial automation, identifying over 50 relevant studies. A database was created to analyze trends and backgrounds. Results highlight faster system setup, operational efficiency improvements, and the ability to adjust PID parameters with MATLAB to optimize speed control systems. The utility of Simulink for designing systems and conducting simulations is emphasized. In summary, the document offers a detailed insight into how MATLAB can enhance efficiency and communication in industrial automation, supported by thorough research and tangible results.
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    Propuesta de diseño de un sistema solar fotovoltaico y apoyo técnico en ejecución
    Bautista Huertas, Jhon Edison; Noguera Vega, Luis Antonio
    In view of the need raised by the owner of the “Villa Paz” property, for which a design proposal for photovoltaic solar energy was made as the main network that provides the electrical energy demanded by its inhabitants, which was presented to the company C&J. Soluciones Integrales S.A.S, responsible for the execution of the project. Together with the project director, a work plan was created for approximately two months of execution, during which the supervisor monitored the progress of the design proposal, verifying and approving the results so that the delivery deadline was met. Among the design parameters and criteria that were taken into account for the development of the design proposal are: verification of usable solar radiation, the area planned for installation of solar panels, obstacles that interfere with direct radiation, routes main, provisional and reserves for laying current and future connections, current energy consumption. The above allowed us to generate a grounded, adequate and optimal study for the execution of said design, providing the client with a product that meets their current need.
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    Estado del arte sobre las tecnologías existentes en la instrumentación de nivel
    Hurtado Beltrán, Alejandro
    In this paper presents a compilation of all the principles of level measurement of liquids and solids that can be found at industrial level is performed. As a first step, some key definitions in the instrumentation level are shown, as are: measurement system, indicating instrument, sensor and transmitter. Then it is disclosed that is the measurement point level and continuous level measurement, based on the fact that there are two ways of measuring distinct level governing the operation of the meter. As with any type of instrumentation, measurement units and pressure level are shown, the latter to the level meters that take advantage of the hydrostatic pressure from the liquid. the basic parts, the physical phenomena and, in some cases, the equations governing the behavior meter: Finally, the operation of each of the level measuring principles, revealing described.
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    Protocolos de comunicación para el sistema de potencia
    Rodríguez Ayala, Andrés Felipe; Giral Ramírez, Diego Armando; Giral Ramírez, Diego Armando [000-0001-9983-4555]
    The objective of this article is to present a review of the communication protocols implemented for the power system. Communication protocols arise with the need to be able to perform immediate communication between one or several sectors of the system, in order to minimize possible failures that may occur along this, in addition to sending orders and signals that decrease manual operability, giving way to automatic control that aims to manipulate the largest amount of information remotely. The protocols shown here are intended to make known how new technologies have come to stay, but these will take time to implement, this is mainly due to the poor infrastructure conditions of the power system. Finally, it delves into new communication protocols opening up new and future ways of controlling the electrical power system.
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    Implementación de interfaz para pruebas de EPP en el laboratorio de alta tensión
    Méndez Araque, Juan David; Chacón Gamba, Jhon Jairo; Rubiano Cruz, Jonathan Jair
    We want to create a graphical interface that performs tests on personal protection elements in the electrical environment. I am also in this one, we will find isolation elements in the network, how the tests will be carried out, through some electronic components that we can find in During the course of this report, such as the Arduino 1, which through it we will obtain analog data from the ZMPT101B sensor. And we will also be able to find some components such as the relays that we will also relate to the Arduino 1 and to send signals to our Bank. of stubborn testing the purpose of this project is to carry out the testing guidelines In one way you could say in an automatic way since you only have to select the element, the category and execute. To start the test, everything is already programmed with its voltage levels, the duration of the test and it automatically ends it carrying the program. and visualizing the leak current with external equipment and visualizing with said data whether the element is suitable to continue in use without putting the life of the operator at risk. This project is also carried out in order to leave it to future generations to acquire more knowledge and more focus on the electrical rigidity testing part of any personal protection element or network elements, it could even be transformer oil, everything is left in the imagination of future students.
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    Pasantía estudio de calidad de energía y potencia en Luminotest SAS: su impacto en el incremento del costo de la factura energética
    González Mahecha, Jhon Alexander; Villalobos Yaya, Sebastián; Ibañez Olaya, Henry Felipe
    Through a power and energy quality study, we seek to identify the cause of the increase in the company's energy bill, which is presumed to be related to the presence of harmonics and reactives generated in the electrical system. This analysis will include a detailed evaluation of the electrical power quality, which will include measuring various electrical parameters and using specialized power quality analysis tools. The results obtained from this study will provide the company with a clear and precise vision of the quality of its electrical supply, which will allow it to make more informed decisions regarding the energy efficiency of its processes. Likewise, this analysis is expected to contribute significantly to the reduction of costs associated with poor electricity supply. During the execution of the project, relevant data will be collected, which will later be used to carry out a detailed analysis. The graphic visualization of this data will allow determining conclusions to be obtained about the behavior of the loads present in the company, which will facilitate the identification of possible areas of improvement. It is important to highlight that this study will also include an analysis of the energy consumption generated, as well as an evaluation of the amounts paid monthly and the number of services provided. The objective of this additional analysis is to identify possible relationships between these variables and energy consumption, which will contribute to a more complete understanding of the factors that influence the company's energy costs.
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    Inclusión al proyecto Aixt de microcontrolador NODEMCU V3 LUA ESP8266EX 32Mb para la transcompilación de su código fuente desde un lenguaje basado en V a lenguaje C
    Gaitán Martínez, Brayan Leonardo; Gongora Quiroga, Sebastián Humberto; Martinez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernan; Martínez Santa, Fernando; Martinez Sarmiento ,Fredy Hernan [0000-0002-7258-3909]
    862 / 5.000 Resultados de traducción Resultado de traducción The project required changing the base language of the Node MCU ESP8266 microcontroller to another language since this microcontroller has good technical capabilities but because we want to expand the branch of applications for which it was designed. To carry out this extension or expansion of the applicability of the microcontroller, there was a problem and it was its RAM memory since it was an obstacle to carrying out this activity, because its memory does not have the required capacity and its modification is not viable. For this problem, we chose a solution such as changing its base language (C+) which is programmed at the factory and this is where the V language plays a very important role, where what this language does is optimize the memory of the microcontroller and thus achieve greater use of the same.
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    Inclusión al proyecto Aixt de los microcontroladores de la familia Microchip PIC18F para la transcompilación de su código fuente desde un lenguaje basado en V a lenguaje C
    Fajardo Duarte, Andrés Felipe; Peñuela Jurado, Jan Carlo; Santa Martínez , Fernando
    The project addresses the need for efficient migration between languages, especially in microcontrollers. Focusing on microcontrollers from the Microchip PIC18F family, it seeks to integrate it into Aixt through a V API and TOML configuration file, allowing automated translation between the two languages. Aixt optimizes resource efficiency for microcontrollers of the Microchip PIC18F family, adapting to applications with resource limitations.
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    Inclusión al proyecto del microcontrolador EspressIf esp32-C3FH4 para la transcompilación de su código fuente desde su lenguaje basado en V a lenguaje C
    Ochoa León, Yusseft Farith; Cardozo Hernández, Juan Felipe; Santa Martínez, Fernando;
    The main objective of the internship is the implementation of the Aixt language framework on the ESP32-C3FH4 microcontrollers. This language is designed to fill the gap between the frameworks of Arduino, which is based on C, and Mycropython, based on Python. The project will enable the creation of source code in the Aixt language, which will be automatically compiled for the ESP32-C3FH4 series of microcontrollers, without the need to make additional modifications, which will support and facilitate the migration of applications between different programming languages. efficiently and effectively, this responds to the demand in the technology market for solutions that adequately address this need.
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    Respaldo a la transcompilación del microcontrolador mh-attiny88 desde el lenguaje basado en v hacia su lenguaje nativo de programación en arduino e inclusión al proyecto Aixt
    Quevedo Rocha, Luis Miguel; Porras Junco, Nelson Arley; Martínez Santa, Fernando; Martínez Santa Fernando [0000-0001-6309-2908]
    Aixt is a programming language based on the syntax of the V language. The Aixt to Arduino transcompiler translates Aixt source code to Arduino language, adapting it to the native Arduino compiler specific to each microcontroller. Additionally, the Aixt API provides standardized programming for all compatible microcontroller configurations, as well as data input and output functions
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    Rediseño y ampliación de subestación eléctrica en la Sabana de Bogotá
    Buitrago Romero, Xiomara Dayana; Rodríguez Pacheco, Albert Isacc; Ortiz Suárez, Helmuth Edgardo
    The purpose of this document is to show the redesign and expansion of the electrical substation initially designed by the company GUTIERREZ CASTRO INGENIERIA S.A.S, a company whose main activity is electrical installations located at Carrera 110 B Bis 71 C - 10 in the city of Bogotá DC The redesign of the substation will be done in the company of the company GUTIERREZ CASTRO INGENIERIA S.A.S for a carbonated beverage plant located in Tocancipá. Initially, the different factors that the company requires when requesting the redesign and expansion of the electrical substation will be taken into account; one of them is the expansion of the carbonated beverage plant and the installation of new equipment to increase their production. The redesign and expansion of the substation will be done based on the Colombian norms and regulations that govern these designs; The first of these is the Colombian electrical code NTC 2050, the Colombian technical standard NTC 3582, the technical regulation for electrical installations RETIE and the technical regulation for lighting and public lighting RETILAP, based on these standards, it is intended to achieve an efficient design that is appropriate to the needs of the client, in addition to take advantage of the energy resources that you have at the beginning. To begin with, a feasibility study will be carried out, with this we seek to take advantage of the resources that are already in the plant, in this case there is an installed capacity of 1 MVA, we are also going to record a chargeability study which is required to determine the dimensioning of the transformer and the main protections. On the other hand, to develop the redesign and expansion of the substation, the necessary information will be collected and recorded, among these documents will be the coordination curve of protections and short-circuit currents and short-circuit impedance that will be requested from the network operator, with this we will be able to determine a common connection point of the connection. Based on a power quality study and from the study of chargeability, the transformer will be redesigned and finally, the grounding will be implemented according to the requirements. Likewise, the redesign and sizing of distribution boards will be carried out, of the conductors and cable trays required due to system expansion of public lighting. This project will be carried out in the company of two colleagues, Andrés Felipe Espitia Avendaño and Andrea Yuliana Triana Camacho, who will be in charge of carrying out the internal installations part of the carbonated beverage plant. For the redesign and expansion of the substation, the chargeability analysis carried out by the four members of the internship is required. On the other hand, there was also the participation of the tutors and professors of the Technological Faculty Helmuth Ortiz, Carlos Avendaño and the tutor of the company Edison Mesías Gutiérrez. As a result, it is expected that the redesign complies with current regulations, in addition, that it is fully capable of covering the requirements and possibly that it can cover needs greater than those required at the time of carrying out the redesign.
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    Actualización del laboratorio a prueba de explosión Tecna S.A
    Cerinza Sativa, Ivan Dario; Javela Quiñonez, Fidel Ernestor; Martínez Camargo, Dora Marcela
    This project consists of making a proposal to update the laboratory of explosions of the company Tecna S.A, for which the current state in which the Find your facilities. The proposal will include the elaboration of an instructive of development of explosion tests, additionally the relocation of the laboratory for its correct operation, the change of electrical wiring for equipment and devices of command (control panel, gas flow control, drive.), the study for the installation of new pneumatic control and automation equipment for the laboratory and proposal of a software that stores and processes data of the measurements obtained in each one of the tests performed.
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    Diseño e implementación de recursos TIC’s en un espacio web institucionalizado, para la coordinación del área de circuitos eléctricos; que fortalezca los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes en el espacio académico introducción a la electricidad.
    Cucanchon, María José; Rairán Antolines, José Danilo; Rairán Antolines José Danilo [0000-0002-1213-7333]
    The present work consists of the final internship report to qualify for the degree of technology in medium and low voltage electricity, which contains the activities developed to implement a web space. This will have educational content for the subject introduction to electricity; additionally it seeks to have tools mediated by information and communication technologies, ICTs; that accompany and stimulate the autonomous work of students.
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    Diseño eléctrico de una planta de bebidas carbonatadas en la sabana de Bogotá por la empresa Gutiérrez Castro Ingeniería S.A.S.
    Triana Camacho, Andrea Yuliana; Espitia Avendaño, Andrés Felipe; Avendaño Avendaño, Carlos Alberto; Avendaño Avendaño Carlos Alberto [0000-0003-4237-2243]
    He internship will focus on designing the electrical distribution system for a carbonated beverage plant, considering electrical standards . This project will be integrated with the substation redesign proposal, titled "Redesign and expansion of the electrical substation in the Sabana de Bogotá", presented by colleagues. Engineers will oversee the development of plans, ensuring they meet specifications and consider long-term impacts. The project is divided into nine phases, addressing everything from the coordination of protections to the design of specific systems. The first phase focuses on information collection, while the second is dedicated to studying the necessary protections. Phases three to seven focus on the design and sizing of the main connection, and the last two integrate the proposals, presenting execution and budget projections. In summary, the internship seeks to achieve an efficient electrical design, complying with regulations and considering collaboration in the redesign of the substation to optimize energy distribution in the carbonated beverage plant.
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    Mejoramiento de máquina semiautomática de etiquetado AX-PR-22
    Moreno Rodríguez, Nicolás; Martínez Santa, Fernando
    In the project carried out throughout the internship, an electromechanical and pneumatic appropriation of the operation of the semi-automatic machine was carried out in order to make the changes requested by the company. After understanding the operation of the labeling machine, an online investigation began. of the elements with which the independence of the HMI screen and the PLC could be carried out, taking into account benefits and cons such as execution time and economic gain; After this, a quote was made for an HMI and PLC screen that met the requirements to be used in the labeling machine; once Selecting the elements to be used, changes are made to the electrical plans and the PLC and HMI communication programs are created for the machine; after this it is done the wiring of the machine and its operation is tested in addition to compiling the project process in a report that will be updated week after week in the time period established for the internship.
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    Propuesta de diseño eléctrico y de iluminación para unidad de cuidados intensivos Hospital Federico Lleras
    Guerrero, Harold Oswaldo; Jiménez, Juan Manuel; Martínez Camargo, Dora Marcela
    The proposed electrical and lighting design for the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Federico Lleras Hospital is based on the urgent need to ensure a continuous and safe power supply in hospital environments. This design adheres to the regulations outlined by RETIE, NTC 2050, and RETILAP, ensuring compliance with safety and efficiency standards. Specifically, for the sixth floor, it is crucial to prioritize electrical efficiency across all spaces, making rational and orderly use of energy while protecting critical equipment. The budget is a key consideration, serving not only as a technical aspect but also as a strategic tool for efficient resource allocation. This approach allows for a reasonable return on investment and ensures that electrical and lighting installations in the hospital setting are both functional and cost-effective.
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    Implementación del lenguaje de programación de digsilent (DPL) para el análisis de flujo de carga
    Mendivelso Niño, Carolina; Cossio Vargas, Javier Ricardo; Giral Ramirez , Diego Armando; Giral Ramirez, Diego Armando [0000-0001-9983-4555]
    The creation of this manual required extensive research and information gathering in order to clearly understand the PowerFactory programming language and its impact on the implementation of international, national and district investigations. Using the official software manual as a base, various topics were structured with examples ranging from the most basic to advanced levels of using the DPL tool. In the development of the work, sixteen videos were created, where the examples documented in the manual were captured in the most accessible way for students of the District University and for people with an interest in developing knowledge of the use of this software.
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    Análisis de viabilidad de infraestructura de recarga de vehículos eléctricos en Colombia
    Ramos Robayo, Joseph Gerardo; Herrera Romero, Jorge Alexander; Martínez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernán; Martínez Sarmiento, Fredy Hernán [0000-0002-7258-3909]
    The rapid expansion of electric vehicle (EV) adoption is driven by increasing global concerns over greenhouse gas emissions, air quality, and the need for sustainable transportation. In Colombia, the EV market has grown significantly, spurred by government incentives and the introduction of various EV models. This paper investigates the feasibility of implementing charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in the region, taking into account the current electrical conditions, charger specifications, and available space for installation. A linear regression analysis is conducted to estimate the growth of EV sales based on population growth and vehicle acquisition trends. The results indicate that as EV sales increase, charging infrastructure in strategic locations, such as shopping centers and public parking spaces, must expand to prevent congestion and accommodate the growing demand. Furthermore, the study examines different scenarios to assess the potential challenges and opportunities of expanding EV charging infrastructure. These include saturation of EV charging devices, gradual increase in the combustion vehicle margin, and the independent installation of charging stations according to studies and budgets. The paper also highlights the need for standardization and regulation in the Colombian EV market to ensure safety and efficiency in charging infrastructure. By providing a comprehensive analysis of the current state and future growth of EV charging infrastructure, this paper aims to stimulate interest and further research into sustainable transportation solutions in Colombia.
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    Estudio comparativo técnico-económico de la alimentación para las cargas eléctricas de las 24 pilonas y el alumbrado exterior aferente a las estaciones del sistema de cable aéreo para la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar por medio de redes de distribución o paneles fotovoltaicos
    Sánchez Orjuela, Luis Alberto; Piraján Rodríguez, Mauricio; Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka; Pérez Santos, Alexandra Sashenka [0000-0003-3286-5861]
    This work of degree present a comparative technical-economic study of the electrical connection for the electric charges of the 24 support structures and the external lighting around to the stations of the aerial cable system for the district of Ciudad Bolívar through distribution networks or photovoltaic panels. The study contains a design for each feeding option that includes electrical plans, calculation memories, tables of build quantities, budget tables, technical specifications, projection costs, losses and energy consumption analysis. Finally shows the technical and economic analysis of the designs and the conclusions of the study.