Libro álbum "1 2 3 Aleteos": Una construcción conjunta desde las artes plásticas y la literatura para la resolución de conflictos en escenarios familiares y escolares.
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The present research-creation project was developed within the framework of the diversity and aesthetic subjectivities line of the degree in child pedagogy of the Francisco José de Caldas University in the years 2019-III and 2021-I. This project has been conceived fulfilling the requirements leading to obtaining the Bachelor's degree in Child Pedagogy. This project was carried out mainly with 2 8-year-old girls and revolved around investigating how conflicts permeate the reality in which children find themselves, mainly in the two institutions that make up primary socialization such as They are school and family. Therefore, it was evidenced that there are a series of emotional and affective burdens that affect coexistence with another, generating in some cases physical, psychological and verbal violence as a consequence, affecting the good integral development of each subject. Taking this problem into account, we consider it pertinent to make evident the need to transform the negative notions that are rooted in some contexts, this is how we sought to broaden the view regarding the different ways of intervening in conflicts. These inquiries provided new learning that modified social, individual and communicative relationships, all of this, from the joint creation of the girls and the researchers of the Album Book “1 2 3 Aleteos”. In this way, a joint construction was sought from the plastic arts and literature for the resolution of conflicts in family and school settings, taking and reflecting on the particularities of the conflictive environments in their environment. The main mediations that were involved in the creation of the album book “1 2 3 Aleteos” were the plastic arts such as drawing, painting and modeling. These facilitated the expression of emotions, which I believe, in girls, a more conscious way of showing them inside and outside of a conflict; accompanied by literature for the knowledge of otherness.