Estandarización de las pruebas a realizar en el banco de medición de captadores solares térmicos planos de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.
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In this work it developed a procedure guide for decide the correct form of how to perform the thermal analysis and decide the characterization of the solar collectors through the standardization of operating procedures. Using the measurement bank that it is located in the Universidad Distriltal Francisco Jose de Caldas Technological faculty, a detailed study of the ASHRAE 93-77 y UNE-NE 12975-2 norms was made, since these rules speak to us about of the assembly requirements and of the test that must be done. After knowing the rules the tests that had to be done with the assembly were defined, during the development of the manual, the requirements of were stablished that had to be met for the type of assembly you have at the university, then a mathematical model was developed for the calculation of the each test, since each of these has a different equation, the next was evaluate a solar collector from the company FUTURO SOLAR following the procedure that already defined the data obtained were used in the equations of each test following the mathematical model defined to then graph the result and perform the thermal analysis of the collector.