Tasa de Repitencia Estudiantil en el Proyecto Curricular de Tecnología en Topografía de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, entre los Periodos 2009 - III y 2015 – I
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The university population in Latin America is involved in a problem that has been growing semester to semester, the loss of subjects is becoming in matter of concern and it is generating economic losses for people who assume the costs of student and in the case of public universities for the state. In this document will address the problem of student repetition in topography technology curriculum project of the Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas between 2009-III y 2015-I periods, in this development will address issues as causes and consequences of repetition in university education, as well as possible actions to mitigate the problem, and it will present graphs and quantitative data that allow demonstrate the magnitude of the phenomenon.