Sistematización de la colección de líquenes del herbario forestal Emilio Mahecha (UDBC) – Sección criptógamas bajo el Sistema Nacional de Datos Unificado del Instituto Humboldt
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The herbariums are constituted as a priceless source of scientific knowledge in so many aspects, from the national and international recognizement of the species that has been stored there, as in the diversity index identification of the origin regions, and even as a taxonomic comparison point to confirm or discover the identity of determined species, among a lot of other uses. Due to this it’s necessary an efficient structuring and organization of the herbariums in order to give access to its information to the academic community from all over the world. Thereby it’s presented this paper with the purpose to make the Lichen collection systematization of the Emilio Mahecha forest herbarium (UDBC) - cryptogams section, under the Von Humboldt institute national system of unified data on its SIB platform (Colombian biodiversity information system), making a modification, organization and depuration of the existent database, added to the physical organization of the specimen in order to store them according to the international standards, the change from bond paper envelopes to free acid cane ones and the assignment of herbarium numbers to each of the stored samples. In total were organized 16500 samples. 17 algae, 297 liverworts, 259 fungi, 395 mosses and 15532 lichens, of which 173 are type, 149 holotype, 22 isotype and 2 paratype, showing the importance of the UDBC herbarium and its role in the expansion of the knowledge of Colombian lichen diversity, becoming in a point of reference for the region.