Evaluación cuantitativa de la deserción en los programas de posgrado en el marco del proyecto institucionalizado análisis de las causas de deserción estudiantil en los programas de posgrado de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
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Dropout in higher education is a problem that is constantly evident in higher education institutions (I.E.S), regardless of its nature, public or private, in this regard, causes have been evaluated at the level of undergraduate programs and in that direction models and action strategies have been established; however, at the postgraduate level the information is scarce. The work carried out is framed in an institutionalized project and in particular, the proposed work plan focuses on quantitatively evaluating dropout and graduation indicators from the consolidation of the states, reported in the Academic Management System, of the students of the different postgraduate programs of the university, using the tools that Excel has. The analysis carried out made it possible to quantify the graduated students and those who are commonly called "dropouts", based on this, both the graduation and dropout rates were determined, graphically reporting the results so that each program can evaluate the temporary behavior of students. the same.