Habilidades Emocionales como Factor Fundamental del Desarrollo Infantil Integral; Una Mirada Crítica Al Marco de La Política Pública Educativa Nacional.
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The set of public policies that are focused in early childhood in the country emphasizes promoting comprehensive child development as a method of reducing social gaps, and although some of this approach mention emotional development as part of the concept of comprenhensive child development, they dont grant a theoretical or practical key place within child and human development, even when this place itself is granted by organizations, authors and international initiatives that promote child development all around the world; so, this set of national policies are incomplete because if the acquisition of emotional skills as part of a proper emotional development in children is so important for the full and effective human development in the long term, a national strategy of Comprehensive Care of the Early childhood and a National education policy for children that promote children's overall development and integral education, which ones are based on this approach in practice do not promote this dimension of development, they are losing sight of one of the most strategic areas for the effective reduction of these social gaps.