Acompañamiento de los procesos en lectoescritura de los estudiantes de primer semestre de arte Danzario
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In the present document is evident the accompaniment to the reading and writing processes of the students of the first semester of the Dance Art project, of the District University Francisco Jose de Caldas (ASAB faculty), more exactly the processes concerning the academic space of: Understanding and text production. Throughout this accompaniment a relationship is established between dance and the concepts of orality, reading and writing. The forgoing, through the implementation of strategies that allow the recognition of dance as a textual possibility capable of transmitting a message that can be read, understood and interpreted by different receptors, just like what happened with written texts. In addition, it promotes the strengthening of students' reading and writing skills, and promotes the interpretation and production of texts of different text types that demonstrate their characteristics. The final products collected during the process are a faithful demonstration of the advances and difficulties present in the students during the corresponding process.