Evaluación de los servicios ecosistémicos del arbolado urbano de la Localidad de Fontibón mediante i-Tree
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Fontibón is one of the towns with the highest pollution index in the city of Bogotá, This is why urban trees fulfill such an important function, in terms of ecosystem services that it offers to mitigate the effects caused on human beings humans. For this reason, it seeks to identify that the present tree cover complies with the provision of these services and that there is a direct relationship between the number of individuals and the proportion of services provided by them. By way of comparison, the Suba and Bosa localities for being one of the areas with the highest and lowest density of trees respectively, this in order to identify the potential of the trees in terms of services ecosystems. The i-Tree Canopy tool was used to estimate the area covered by trees, where in general it was obtained that this classification is in the last places within seven identified categories. Using the i-Tree Eco software, the amount of carbon capture and storage was estimated, the pollutants removed, the runoff avoided and the production of oxygen, by the registered trees of the José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden in Bogotá in the period covered between 2015 and 2019. As a result, it was obtained that the 2,139 trees in the town of Fontibón store 914 tons / year of carbon, sequester a total of 18.93 tons of carbon, remove 300 kg / year of air pollutants, compared to avoided runoff helps reduce 1000m3 / year and produces an estimated 50 tons / year of oxygen.